Buckle Down (Memory Grove)
Page 2
“I’m here every summer.”
“This is my first summer here.”
“Where are you from?”
“And you’re living in Memory Grove now?”
“Yep. I’m renting the apartment behind the shop.”
“Oh, you mean you live here? On the ranch?”
He looked at her and smiled. “Yeah. Live and work here. I train horses in the off season. I’ve spent some time with this girl, in fact.” Shane reached out a hand and patted Tippi on the head.
Tess tried to gauge how tall he was. Maybe six-three and built sturdy but not fat. His biceps bulged, stretching the sleeve of his white t-shirt. She licked her lips. Damn.
They stopped under the same tree Tess favored and he leaned against the trunk, crossing his arms over his chest. He opened his mouth as if to say something, then looked down. “Shit.”
“What?” Tess looked over her shoulder to see Phoebe approaching with a tight smile affixed across her face. Why that woman couldn’t just accept that she wasn’t twenty anymore baffled Tess. She wasn’t ugly, but all the work she’d had done, and the thick layer of makeup, gave her a fake, almost plastic appearance. Tess wondered how the woman didn’t melt in this heat.
Shane pushed away from the tree just as Phoebe stopped beside Tess. She smiled a perfect, white grin and put her arm around Tess. “How are you, darlin’?”
“I’m good. Thank you, ma’am.”
Shane smiled and looked at the sky.
Phoebe pulled Tess closer. “What did we agree you’d call me, honey?”
“I’m sorry. We agreed on Phoebe.”
“Yes. We did. Ma’am makes me feel like I’m your mom.” Phoebe popped her gum and looked at Shane. “I need you to go take Walter out and check his shoes.”
“I’m not a farrier.” Shane shifted his weight to his other foot and a decidedly defiant attitude emerged.
“No. I’m not suggesting you are. But clean the frog and see if I need to call Jack out here to reshoe him.”
Shane smiled. “Whatever you say, ma’am.” He looked to Tess. “Catch you later, doll.” He winked and walked away.
“See ya.” Tess waved, hoping no one could tell butterflies were bouncing around inside her like the first time she had kissed a boy.
Phoebe exhaled and watched him leave. “He’s such a bastard.”
Tess raised her eyebrows. “Nice term of endearment for your boyfriend.”
“Oh, honey. He’s not my boyfriend. More like my toy. I play with him.”
Looking away, Tess did not respond.
Phoebe leaned closer, the smell of her bubble gum permeated the space between them. “I like toys. Pretty, shiny things.”
Tess tried not to frown. She didn’t like hearing Phoebe talk about Shane that way, like he was some possession. “I have to go, Phoebe.”
“But you just got here.” Phoebe smiled.
Up close, Tess saw the faint line between Phoebe’s brows and the wrinkles next to her eyes that the creamy makeup couldn’t completely conceal. “I need to walk Tippi.”
“Okay, sweetie. I’ll see you later.” Although Phoebe pasted a smile on her face, Tess was left with an unsettling feeling.
The horse followed Tess easily when she tugged on the lead. Exhaling, she picked up the pace and headed into the woods.
Despite the heat and the bugs, she loved the trail behind the ranch. The trees were varying shades of green and everything felt alive. Crickets made music and hopped around her feet along with the green and brown grasshoppers. The twisted trail led about a mile into the woods and a mile back out. By the time she emerged, sweat dripped from her forehead and she needed a drink desperately. She made a beeline to the cooler and grabbed a bottle of water, downing half of it before she got back to Tippi’s stable. The cool bottle felt good as she rolled it over her face.
“Wanna go get coffee or something?”
Tess jumped at the sound of Shane’s voice.
Tess brought her hand up to her chest. “You scared me.” She laughed.
He smiled and closed the space between them, effectively backing her up to the wall of the stable. “Sorry.”
She looked to the side, expecting Phoebe to poke her head in any second. “It’s okay.”
“What do you say?” He stretched his arm over her shoulder and planted his palm against the wood.
“I don’t know. It’s kind of hot for coffee and I don’t need any trouble.”
Shane looked over his shoulder then back at her. “What do you mean by trouble?”
Tess tilted her head. “You know what I mean. Phoebe.”
“She’s no trouble.”
Already, the idea felt wrong, but she wanted to go. She wanted to get to know Shane. And Phoebe said he wasn’t her boyfriend. She talked herself into it within fifteen seconds. “Okay.”
He nodded. “Perfect. I get off in an hour.”
“Where do you want to go?”
“How about I meet you at the diner on Main?”
“See you in an hour, then.” Tess smiled, ducked under his arm, and tried to conceal the goofy grin she felt on her lips. She told herself it was just coffee, nothing to be excited about, but she was.
Teddy’s Diner had been a staple in Memory Grove as long as Tess could remember. Her parents used to take her and her brothers out to eat there every Thursday night. She pulled into a spot in the parking lot and looked up at the big, blue sign bearing a caricature of “Teddy.” He no longer owned the joint, but not much had changed. They still had the best greasy spoon food around.
Looking at her watch, she decided to check her email on her phone while she waited for Shane. She listened to an entire Reba McEntire CD before she pulled out of the parking lot and headed for home. The son of a bitch never showed.
Chapter 2
Tess did not see Shane at all the next time she visited Tippi. She couldn’t stop thinking about him. She wanted to give him a piece of her mind for not showing up. She wanted to tell him he was an asshole. She wanted to tell him to never talk to her again. But she knew she would not say those things. For some reason, she still wanted him, maybe because she hadn’t had a man in months. Instead of giving him a piece of her mind, she’d really like to give him a piece of her ass.
Her last boyfriend had lasted three months and they had split amicably last December. So no sex in six months. She had gone longer than that before. And if she just wanted to get laid, she could go to the rodeo and pick up an out-of-town cowboy. Who was she trying to kid? She’d never do that, have sex with a stranger. She was the biggest chicken ever.
Her niece, Miranda, was new at walking and Tess followed her around like a puppy, afraid she would fall. The blond little girl was the spitting image of Tess’ brother, Luke. Natalie and Luke had an appointment, the specifics of which they didn’t divulge to Tess, but just asked her to watch her niece for a couple of hours.
Miranda toddled around the hardwood floors, talking nonstop gibberish that Tess had no idea how to decipher. She just nodded and replied, “Yes,” to everything Miranda said, to which Miranda laughed like her aunt was the funniest person ever to live. Babysitting was a good distraction after the week she’d had. The more time she spent around her family, the less she missed Shane.
Miranda crawled up onto Tess’ lap and rested her head against Tess’ chest. Tess flipped through the channels on the television and found an old Tom and Jerry cartoon. Miranda giggled and sucked her thumb, watching the silly cat and mouse. She finally fell asleep just before the front door creaked open and Tess heard both Natalie and Luke laughing.
Tess shushed them as they walked into the den.
Luke had a big, shit-eating grin on his face. “Guess what?”
Tess cocked her head to the side and rubbed her hand over Miranda’s back. “What?”
Natalie smiled and rubbed her stomach.
Tess looked back and forth between them. “Are you gu
ys having another baby?”
Her sister-in-law pulled her long, dark hair into a ponytail and secured it with an elastic band.
“You bet your ass!” Luke scooped Natalie up and kissed her cheek. “It’s a boy!”
“What? I mean, congratulations. Wait, how far along are you, Nat? You don’t look pregnant at all.”
“We didn’t want to tell anyone until we were out of the danger zone. I’m seventeen weeks. We had an ultrasound today.”
“And it’s a boy,” Luke repeated. “Built like his daddy.”
Natalie laughed and slapped him on the arm. “Put me down, you big lug. I have to pee.”
Luke set her down on her feet and squeezed her butt. “Go, then.”
Natalie disappeared down the hall and Luke leaned over Tess to kiss Miranda on top of her head.
“I’m happy for you and Nat,” Tess said, giving her brother’s hand a pat. “You guys are great parents. Miranda will be excited.”
“I’m not so sure about that. She’s a demanding little princess.” He laughed. “But she’ll adjust to being a big sister.”
Tess fingered the little girl’s curls. “Of course she will. I’d like to take her out to meet Tippi sometime.”
“Nat is nervous to have her around horses. She thinks she’s still too little.”
“I understand. When she gets a little older, then.”
Luke lifted his daughter up to his chest. “I’m going to put her to bed. Be right back.”
“Okay.” Tess stood up and stretched.
“Are you hungry?” Natalie wiped her hands on a dishtowel. “I’m going to make some sandwiches.”
“I’m starving, actually.” Tess smiled. Natalie made sandwiches that made Subway look like snack food.
“Come keep me company.”
Tess followed her to the kitchen where Luke was dipping cookies into a tall glass of milk.
“Luke! You couldn’t wait?” Natalie shook her head and gathered lunchmeat and cheese out of the refrigerator.
Luke winked. “It’s just an appetizer. You know I can’t resist your cookies.”
The front door opened and closed. “Honey, I’m home,” a man’s voice called out. Justin Cain had been Luke’s best friend as long as Tess could remember. He was tall with dark hair and a charming smile and she had wanted to marry him when she was eight years old.
Justin peeked his head into the kitchen. “I hear I’m gonna be an uncle again.” He rushed in and hugged Natalie. “Congrats, mama!”
Justin’s wife, Rebecca, followed him inside and pulled Tess into a hug. “Tess! I haven’t seen you in ages.” She pulled back to look at her. “You’re much prettier than your big lug of a brother over there. How’s school?”
“It’s going great. One more year. How are you guys?”
Justin kissed Tess on the cheek. “Hey, kiddo.”
“We’re good. If you wanna move back after school, I can get you a job at the library,” Rebecca said.
“Thanks, Bec. I haven’t made up my mind what I’m going to do after school yet. California is so pretty.”
Luke and Justin sat at the table, drinking beer and telling off-color jokes while Tess and Rebecca helped Natalie assemble sandwiches and pour chips into bowls.
“You two will never grow up, will you?” Natalie said, placing a platter between the two men.
Luke smiled and tossed a chip into his mouth. “Never.” He held out his fist to Justin, who bumped his fist against it.
“Dear God. And you’re having another baby to add to these two.” Rebecca laughed. “I’ll babysit the new one but you’re on your own with Luke, here.”
Natalie laughed. “I must be insane.”
After eating a sandwich the size of Texas and half a dozen cookies, there was still some time before the sun would go down and Tess ventured out to the ranch. Shane’s truck was parked in the lot but she didn’t see Phoebe’s car anywhere. It was almost six and it was cooler since the sun had started to set. Wearing a skirt, tank top, and flip flops, she was not dressed to do much, not even go inside the stall, but she wanted to see Tippi. And Shane.
She followed the same path she always did to Tippi’s stall and stopped in front of the gate. “Hey, pretty girl.” She honestly was happiest when she could just be around Tippi.
“Hey, pretty girl.”
Tess spun around to find a smiling Shane. “You shouldn’t sneak up on people. It’s rude.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Sorry. I wasn’t sneaking up on you. I was just watering your friend here.”
Tess had rehearsed all the things she would say to him about standing her up, but before she could lambast him, he sighed and ran his hand through his hair. Heat spread through her like lava, slow and burning.“Listen. I’m sorry about the coffee shop…”
“You don’t have to explain anything to me.” She turned back to Tippi and rubbed her nose.
“I had a flat tire and I didn’t have your number.”
Likely story. “No big deal.”
“I recognize that tone. I’m really sorry, okay?”
She turned back around and crossed her arms over her chest. “Okay.”
“Let me make it up to you.”
She caught a whiff of his cologne, or maybe it was just soap, but he smelled good and his hair was still slightly wet. She watched a drop of water fall and land on his shoulder. Suddenly, she pictured him in the shower, soapy and slippery… and hard.
He smiled. “Are you okay?”
Blinking her eyes to clear her thoughts, she said, “Yeah. I’m good.”
“I make great coffee. What do you say?”
Tippi snorted and Tess laughed. “I think Tippi says it’s okay.”
He reached a hand out to her and motioned with his head toward the main office. “Perfect. I always trust the instincts of a horse.”
Completely disarmed, she took his hand. He interlocked his fingers with hers and squeezed gently. She liked his soft touch and imagined how quickly that could change under the right circumstances. He looked like he rode hard. She swallowed and took a deep breath, trying to keep her mind out of the proverbial gutter.
His apartment was tidy with minimal furnishings. A navy blue couch and dark wood coffee table separated the living room from the kitchen. A flat screen television and floor lamp rounded out the space.
Shane dropped his keys on the kitchen counter. “Have a seat. I’ll start the coffee.”
Tess sat on the edge of the couch and turned to watch him. With his back to her, she checked out his ass. Damn. There just were not guys like this in California. She imagined Shane had women all over him and she knew of one in particular who already got on her nerves.
“How do you like your coffee?” He looked over his shoulder at her.
“Cream and sugar, if you have it.”
“I have powder creamer. That work?”
Carrying two steaming mugs from the kitchen, Shane set them on the coffee table. “There you go.”
Shadows spread in the room as the sun set outside the window. He switched on the lamp that bathed the space in a pale glow. It almost felt romantic. If there’d been a lit candle and some soft music it would have been perfect.
Tess picked up the mug and blew on the coffee before sipping it. “Thank you.”
He sat opposite her and watched her drink her coffee. “You’re welcome.”
“This is a neat little apartment. I didn’t know it was here.”
“It’s not bad. It’s included in my compensation for my work here.”
Tess laughed and set her mug back on the table. She pulled at the hem of her skirt.
Shane raised an eyebrow. “What’s funny?”
“Nothing.” Tess shook her head.
“Something tickled your funny bone, sweetheart.”
“I just… Is this part of your arrangement with Phoebe?” She didn’t really want to hear the answer to her question and she immediately wanted to withdraw it. “
Never mind. Forget I asked that. It’s none of my business.”
“It’s obviously on your mind.” He took a drink of his coffee. “I don’t have any secrets. Phoebe’s not my girlfriend.”
“I know that. She told me.”
“What else did she tell you? This should be interesting.” He smirked over his cup.
“Well, she said you were her toy.”
“Nice. She’s so classy.” He shook his head.
“I don’t want to cause any trouble, with either of you.” Tess started to get up.
Shane stood and caught her wrist gently. “Don’t leave.”
“I probably shouldn’t have come here.” Tess exhaled heavily.
His hand slid up her arm and cupped the back of her neck. The air stood still as he moved closer until he was only inches away.
She put her hand on his chest and looked up at his face. She knew she should push him back and not part her lips in response to his breath on her forehead. His gray eyes bore into her and she inhaled his uncompromisingly male scent. In that moment, all she could think about was his lips touching hers. Her heart accelerated and her hand trembled.
Shane reached up with his other hand and pressed Tess’ palm tight to his chest. His heart thudded against her hand and she gathered his shirt in her fist, pulling him down to her.
Her eyes closed as his mouth covered hers. The first touch of his tongue sent an electric current coursing through her body and every bit of her tingled. Goose bumps rose on her skin despite the heat. Her nipples responded, forming tight peaks inside her bra.
He moved a hand to her hip and squeezed, pulling her closer. “Damn.” His tongue delved into her mouth as he sucked at her lips.
Tess’ knees grew weak and she pulled back, breathing hard. “I should go.” She licked the tender spot on her lip where Shane had just sucked.
He still held her hip and whispered in her ear. “Are you sure?”
Her mouth would not cooperate with his hot breath on her neck. She nodded.
“Okay. I’ll walk you to your truck.”
His lips brushed her neck and Tess second-guessed herself. She looked up at his face. Her brain was telling her to get her butt in the truck, but her body wanted to stay and find out what Shane was capable of.