Buckle Down (Memory Grove)

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Buckle Down (Memory Grove) Page 6

by Ecker, Melissa

  She pulled her shirt over her head and reached behind her to unfasten her bra. Both garments were tossed on the floor and she leaned back over him. She rubbed her breast against his dick, the sweet sensation made her nipples harder. She kissed his cock, licking the drop of fluid from the tip.

  “Dammit,” he hissed, lifting his hips to push his pants down. “I’m gonna lose this bet.”

  “You bet your ass you are.” She circled her lips around the head of his cock and sucked hard. Her hand stroked the shaft and she squeezed his thigh with her other hand. She swirled her tongue around the head, paying attention to that sensitive spot on the underside.

  Shane moved his hips and grabbed a hold of her hair. “That’s so good.”

  Tess fondled his balls and sucked him deeper, taking him all the way into her throat. She loved his taste, his scent. She moved her head faster and tightened her lips around him.

  He panted and pulled her hair. “Jesus. Don’t stop.”

  His balls tightened, pulling up to his body and she knew he was about to come.

  He shoved her head down on his cock and rocked his hips as he came in hot spurts at the back of her throat.

  Tess swallowed and dragged her tongue over his cock as she lifted her head.

  Shane let go of her hair and lay there with his eyes closed, breathing hard. “God damn.”

  She stood up and shimmied out of her skirt and panties. His cock twitched against his stomach but remained hard, and she wanted him inside her.

  Climbing on top of him, she rubbed her pussy over his cock, spreading her wetness.

  Shane opened his eyes and smiled at her. “I like it when you take control.” He pulled his shirt off, revealing that hard chest and muscled abs. He was beautiful.

  Wrapping her fingers around his shaft, Tess stroked him a couple of times before positioning herself above him. “I know what I want tonight.”

  “I want it, too.” He squeezed her hips and impaled her on his cock.

  She screamed and pitched forward, scratching her nails down his chest. No one had ever made her feel that way. He filled every inch of her, stretching her to capacity and she loved it. The tiny ripples of pain mixed with pleasure were so intense she was close to coming already.

  “Oh, my God.” Tess panted and rode his cock slowly at first before working up to a quicker pace. Every time she slid back down on him, his dick rubbed against her G-spot. “I’m gonna come, Shane.” She used his chest as leverage to bounce on him.

  “I want you to. I want to feel it.” He wet his fingers with his saliva and rubbed her clit.

  She stopped moving, her body would not cooperate with her while he was building that pressure. Her toes curled involuntarily when Shane gripped her waist and ground his hips against her. The sensation of his cock so deep and the feather soft strokes over her clit sent Tess into a tailspin. Her thighs clamped on his hips and her pussy squeezed his dick. Her vision blurred and her head spun as every bit of energy gathered in her lower body and exploded like dynamite. The only sound she made was a small whimper. That was all that was left in her.

  If Shane hadn’t held her hips, Tess may have toppled off the side of the bed. “Now that’s what I like you to feel, baby. Let me take the reins now.” He rolled her to her stomach and positioned himself behind her. He rubbed her pussy, slipping two fingers in and out. “Relax. You’re so tight.”

  She moaned in response, finding no words. She felt his cock pressed to her cunt and she spread her knees a little wider.

  Holding her hips, Shane pushed into her slowly. “This pussy is so good. Damn.” He worked in and out of her and graduated to a faster pace.

  Tess cried out each time he buried himself completely, his balls slapping against her clit.

  He reached around her and squeezed her breasts, tugging on her nipples. He slammed into her over and over. A deep groan sounded in her ear and Shane’s cock swelled, stretching her more as he filled her with his hot seed.

  She clutched at his arms, still wrapped around her trembling body.

  He breathed hard against her neck and kissed her shoulder. “You okay?”

  Tess nodded. “So much for the no sex restriction.”

  He laughed. “No shit. That was a stupid idea.”

  “I don’t think I’ll be walking any time soon. If ever again.” She smiled but did not move.

  Shane pulled out of her and lay beside her, pulling her back to him. “Should I go?”

  “No. Stay with me tonight.”

  They showered and cuddled up together in her bed. He fell asleep in the middle of Law and Order and Tess kissed his nose. “I think I love you, Shane Wyatt.”

  Chapter 6

  Shane had gone home early the next morning because he had to work and Tess hung around the house doing chores and laundry and catching up on some reading. They made plans to go out again on Tuesday evening. Those two days seemed to take forever to pass. They texted and chatted on the phone a few times.

  Tess picked out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She loved how she could just be herself around Shane. He didn’t expect all the glam and makeup and hair like the people back in California. She put on her Mucks and brought along a nicer pair of shoes to wear when they left the ranch. She smiled a lot on the drive out there and bobbed her head to the country tunes on the radio. She parked her truck next to Shane’s and walked over to his apartment. She rapped on the door and turned around to look out over the ranch. She loved the trees and all the nature. This is what she wanted some day, to live in a place like this where she could keep her horses and maybe have a couple of kids.

  The door creaked open behind her and she turned around. “Are you ready?” Tess kissed him on the cheek.

  Shane sighed and rubbed his forehead. His hair was disheveled and he looked tired. “I’m gonna have to take a rain check.”

  She stepped back. “Why? Is something wrong?”

  “Sierra is in labor. I tried to reach Phoebe, but keep getting her voicemail. She knew that horse could go into labor any second. Anyway, I can’t leave until after she’s foaled and I know the baby is okay. I hope you understand.”

  How could she be angry because he cared about this horse and her unborn baby? “Of course I understand. How about if I just make us some sandwiches and we can sit out there by the stable? Like a picnic.” She smiled at him. “That is if you have the fixings for sandwiches. If not, I can go pick something up in town and bring it back.”

  He cringed. “I haven’t been to the store. I don’t really have much here except Cup O’Soup and coffee.”

  “No worries. I’ll go out to Jake’s and get barbecue sandwiches.”

  “You’re too good to be true, Tess.” He kissed her and pulled her inside his apartment. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  His hand slid up to squeeze her breast. “Let’s have a snack first.”

  She laughed against his lips. “Stop that, you horny toad. We’re going to eat first.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “That’s exactly what I had in mind.”

  A tingle started between her thighs and her nipples hardened. She knew how good that would feel. Shaking off the thought, she said, “No. You go check on Sierra and I’ll go get food.” She kissed his cheek. “Be back.”

  He poked his bottom lip out. “Okay. Fine.”

  “No pouting. I’ll make it up to you later. I promise.” She jogged out to her truck and headed back to town.

  An hour later she parked in the spot beside his truck and carried the bags to his apartment. She went inside and laid the items out on the table. Jake made the best pulled pork sandwiches in Central Arkansas. Nobody could replicate his barbecue sauce or his slaw. It had been a long time since Tess’d had one and she licked her lips. She had also stopped at the store and bought a jug of sweet tea and salt and vinegar chips along with a few other snack items to keep them. She didn’t know how long Sierra would take to foal, but it might be
a long night.

  Leaving everything set up to eat, she strolled out to the stables and found Shane rubbing Sierra’s nose.

  “How’s she doing?” Tess stepped up on the gate and peered inside.

  Shane smiled. “She’s doing good. Everything seems to be progressing normally.”

  “Can you come in for a bit and eat?” She looked at her watch. It was half-past-six already.

  “Yeah. I think she’s still a few hours off from delivering.” He climbed over the gate and grabbed Tess, pulling her up on his back.

  She squealed and held onto his shoulders while he piggy backed her all the way to his apartment.

  “That smells so good.” Shane set her on her feet on the tiled kitchen floor. “I haven’t eaten there before.”

  “Jake is famous for his sandwiches. I hope you like pork.”

  “We’re from Arkansas. Of course I like pork. Soo-ie. Go hogs.”

  Tess laughed and opened the refrigerator to bring the tea to the small table. “Can you get a couple of glasses?”

  Shane set two plastic tumblers beside their food and pulled Tess’ chair out for her. “Thank you. This is really nice.” He poured tea into the cups and sat down across from her.

  She unwrapped her sandwich and bit in. Closing her eyes, she groaned. “So good.”

  Shane agreed and polished off his entire sandwich and more than half of the chips.

  Tess wrapped up what was left of hers and put it into the refrigerator.

  They sat outside Sierra’s stall and talked while the mare paced and panted.

  “Tell me about your family,” Tess said, playing with a piece of hay.

  “There’s not much to tell. My dad’s a truck driver. Mom works in a grocery store. My brother is a roughneck. He works in the oil fields.”

  “What do they think about you breaking into the rodeo arena?”

  He stretched his legs out in front of him and crossed his ankles. “My mom worries. She’s afraid I’ll get hurt. My dad is proud. Tells everyone I’m a big star. I don’t talk to my brother much. He’s married with a baby on the way and works his ass off.”

  “It is dangerous. Luke has been hurt pretty bad a couple of times. It’s hard to watch someone you love put themselves in that position.”

  He looked at her and took her hand in his. “I know it is. My folks have done a lot for me. I want to give them something back. I’d love to be able to buy them a house like your parents’ place. And help my dad retire.”

  “You will.”

  “What happens when summer ends? You have to go back to California?”

  “Yes. I have two more semesters to finish my degree.”

  Shane looked at his feet. “I wish you could stay here.”

  “I do, too. I mean, I could probably transfer to ASU in Beebe or Little Rock. I’d have to talk to my counselor and see what my options are. I’m just not sure if that’s what I want. I’ve made so many great friends and I’m looking forward to walking with my class. We’ve been in this program together for three years, you know?”

  He nodded. “I understand. I’d like to send my brother to college. He’s the smart one. He could be anything but he has to feed his family and my parents couldn’t afford to help him.”

  They fell quiet and she leaned her head against his shoulder.

  “Tess. Tess.” Shane shook her arm.

  She opened her eyes and blinked.

  “You’re sleeping out here, babe. Go inside and lay down. I’ll come check on you in a while.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m so tired all of a sudden.”

  “Comfort food.” He laughed and kissed her. “Go on.”

  She stood up and wiped the hay off the seat of her pants. “Okay. Text me if you need me to come back out. I’ll just take a short nap.”

  He squeezed her thigh. “Will do.”

  She went inside and slipped her jeans off and crawled into his bed in her t-shirt and underwear. She made sure her phone was on, set it on the nightstand, and knocked out.

  When Tess opened her eyes, it was after midnight and the other side of the bed was empty. Shane still hadn’t come back inside. The phone beside the bed had not registered any calls or messages. She rubbed her eyes and stretched. The wood floor was cold under her feet and she found her jeans and pulled them on. The mirror in the bathroom revealed puffy eyes and messy hair. She splashed water on her face and rinsed her mouth before redoing her ponytail.

  The night air was warm and heavy, typical for summer in Arkansas. A fine bead of sweat erupted on her forehead courtesy of the humidity. Lightning flashed across the sky and a few seconds later the crack of thunder made her jump. It definitely felt like a thunder storm was moving in.

  The wooden gate to the stall where she had left Shane was closed and she stepped up on it to look inside. The scene inside stole her breath and she gripped the top bar.

  Sierra stood in the corner drinking water.

  In a pile of hay, Shane lay beside the foal, a wool blanket covered the brown baby horse.

  Tess stood motionless and watched the baby to see if it was breathing. Emotion welled up inside her and she bit her lip. Then the baby sneezed, covering Shane’s face in horse spit.

  He jumped back and wiped at his face, his eyes fluttering open. He scampered to his feet and pulled his t-shirt off to clean his face.

  The baby struggled to its feet and nudged its nose against Shane’s leg.

  Shane looked up and smiled at Tess. “It’s a girl.”

  Tess laughed. “She’s beautiful. Congratulations, papa.”

  “I’m proud of her.” He patted the mother and climbed out of the stall. “I think my work here is done and I need a shower.”

  “Want me to wash your back?” Tess winked at him.

  “That’s not all I want you to wash.”

  He piggybacked Tess back to the apartment and set her down in front of the bathroom door. “Let me grab some towels.”

  Tess kicked her boots off and stripped down to her underwear before Shane returned.

  He stacked the towels on the toilet seat and dropped his pants and boxers. “Clean me up so I can get you dirty.”

  “You got it.” She slipped out of her panties and bra as he turned the shower on.

  Shane pulled the curtain back and held it open for her. “After you.”

  “Always the gentleman.” The water beat down on her neck and she tipped her head back to wet her hair.

  He moved in close, sharing the spray with her. “I’m not always a gentleman. And you like it.” He squeezed some soap onto a washcloth. “Turn around.”

  “I thought I was supposed to wash your back?” She glanced back at him over her shoulder.

  “We have plenty of time, babe.”

  The soft slide of the cloth over Tess shoulders immediately relaxed her. Shane rubbed her back and down to her ass before gliding down her left leg and back up her right. His lips grazed her hip as he made his way up her torso. He reached around and cupped her breasts, slippery fingers caressing her nipples.

  She took the washcloth from him and turned around to lather his body slowly. He smiled when she took extra care to soap up his cock. His balls were heavy in her hand, full. The stirring between her legs warranted speeding things up. She pulled him under the water with her to rinse off the soap. “Take me to bed.”

  They climbed out and tumbled onto his bed, still wet.

  He climbed over her, his teeth grazed her shoulder. His hard dick pressed against her lower back and she rested her cheek against the soft comforter. Her body was taut with sexual tension, like strings on a guitar waiting to be strummed, and Shane knew exactly how to play her. He reached between her legs and cupped her mound from behind. His breath was hot on her neck. “I want you to come.”

  “Make me come, Shane.”

  He slipped two fingers inside her and moved them in and out in a steady rhythm. “I know what you like.” His other hand slipped around the front and parted her
pussy lips to find her already hard clit.

  She moaned and bit down on her lip. His hands rubbed, pushed, and invaded her body. Little tremors started in her belly and spread downward to her thighs, igniting her climax like a flame to a firecracker. Spots of white clouded her vision and she moaned without inhibition, her fingers gathering the blanket and pulling it.

  “Mmm. I love how your pussy feels when you come hard.” Shane continued to finger her.

  “I want you inside me. Take me.” She rolled over to face him.

  He pulled her legs around his hips. “Hold on, baby.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and licked at his lips.

  His cock pressed insistently at her opening and she moved her hips to take him inside. The swell of his dick stretched her pussy.

  He kissed her, sucking her tongue into his mouth and muffling her moans. His hips rocked and he buried his cock inside her hard and fast before withdrawing slowly and repeating it again and again. Every stroke rendered their bodies flush with no space between them.

  Moving his hips in a circular motion, Shane’s cock touched every spot inside Tess and her body hummed, ready to come again. He went deep with short, hard strokes.

  Her pussy contracted, holding him. “I’m coming, Shane. Oh, my God.”

  “Come, baby. I’m almost there.” He held still while her cunt clamped on his dick. Once her muscles released him, he fucked her fast and hard until he shuddered and came.

  On the verge of hyperventilating, her head lolled to the side. “Jesus.”

  He stroked her hair and kissed the side of her face. “You’re fantastic.”

  “So are you. Can we sleep now? My legs are useless. Actually, my whole body is useless.”

  He laughed. “Let me pull the covers back at least.” Under the blanket, he pulled her close and kissed her neck. “Night, baby.”

  She barely uttered a reply before drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter 7

  Tess sat between Natalie and Olivia. Because of Luke, they had prime seats in one of his sponsors’ box. Tess wasn’t sure she wanted to be this close to the ring but she had no choice. Men dressed like clowns stood near the gates, holding back the massive bulls that both her brother and her boyfriend would be riding. The competition started with twenty men on Friday and four were left on Sunday. All four would ride this morning and face off for the championship.


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