She had watched her brother do this for years, but the tension today had her stomach flip-flopping.
Natalie squeezed her hand and smiled. “I think we’re cheering for two teams today.”
“I don’t know. I feel so torn. I can’t choose one or the other. I want them both to win. God, I don’t even want to watch.”
Luke walked into the ring and waved. People in the crowd jumped to their feet and hooted and hollered and whistled. No doubt, he was the favorite, the hometown hero. Everybody loved him. He drove women nuts with his tight shirt and Levi’s and men respected him because he was good, really good, at his sport. And unstoppable.
Luke smiled and nodded at the commotion before blowing a kiss to Natalie. She smiled and blew one back. The other contestants filed into the ring and all the men shook hands. Luke was by far the most popular with the crowd.
The line-up this morning had Shane riding first and Luke going last. Tess white knuckled the edge of her seat as she watched Shane climb on the bull that already bucked and jumped inside the pen. She had seen her brother injured before and the thought of Shane being thrown created a lump in her throat.
She fought the urge to close her eyes and instead said a silent prayer. Not for him to win but for him to just be okay. Men died in this sport. She grew up hearing the saying, “It’s not if you get hurt, it’s when.”
Natalie peeled Tess’ fingers off the chair and squeezed her hand. “Relax, sweetheart. He’ll be fine. He knows what he’s doing.”
Tess smiled and took a deep breath as the buzzer sounded and the gate flew open.
One arm up, Shane entered the ring, his legs holding strong around the animal’s shoulders. His black Stetson stayed on his head as he held fast to the bull rope. The rodeo clowns and barrel men circled him as the clock ticked off the seconds. The animal kicked his rear legs high and Shane lost his grip, landing hard in the dirt, but he made the eight seconds. He immediately jumped to his feet while the clown wearing the pink rain boots distracted the bull.
Shane waved to the crowd and jogged out of the ring.
Tess exhaled and smiled at Natalie. “He did good.”
Natalie nodded. “He did real good.”
She waited to see his score on the screen at the back of the arena. The crowd cheered when Shane Wyatt’s name popped up with a score of 94. Damn good score.
Tess jumped up and whistled and clapped.
They sat through the next two contenders who both scored below Shane. Next up was Luke. He needed a 95 to win.
Tess and Natalie held hands again and watched Luke mount the bull. The gate was unlatched and he went through the same motions as the last three bull riders. The main focus was to stay atop the bull for the whole eight seconds and hope to hell the bull performs as well as the rider.
Luke consistently scored in the 90’s and had won the championship for the last six years. Whether her brother won or not it would be bittersweet. He made the eight seconds and jumped off the bull and the crowd cheered.
“It’s gonna be close,” Natalie yelled over the noise in the stands.
“I know. I’m so nervous for both of them.”
The last four contenders found their way into the arena. The announcer’s voice sounded over the speakers, giving third and fourth place, leaving just Luke and Shane. The two men regarded one another and Luke stuck his hand out. Shane shook it and nodded.
“And the 2012 championship goes to newcomer Shane Wyatt. Second place goes to Luke Reilly. We have a new champion, folks. Let’s give it up for Shane.”
Tess squealed and jumped down the stairs to stand by the gate while Shane was presented with a belt buckle and a fake-looking check.
Luke patted him on the back and smiled before walking toward where Tess waited. “Your boy kicked ass. He gave a good ride.” He leaned over the fence and kissed Tess’s forehead. “You can keep him.”
Tess smirked. “You’re not the boss of me, big brother.”
He winked. “Sure. I’m gonna go find Nat and get out of here. You’re gonna wait for Shane, right?”
“Yes.” Tess could barely contain the emotions zipping through her body. Luke didn’t seem disappointed that he had not won, and Shane appeared overwhelmed.
He made eye contact with her and waved to her, motioning for her to come out into the ring.
She ducked between the metal slats and walked toward him.
He grabbed her and pulled her against his chest. “I did it, Tess.”
She held on to him and rubbed his back. The dust in the arena stung her eyes, which was a perfect cover for the tears building up. This win would change his life. And she wasn’t sure she’d be included.
On the drive back to Memory Grove, Shane had a permanent smile affixed to his face. “I still can’t believe it. It was so close. And I got two sponsorship offers right on the spot. I can finally start making plans.”
She squeezed his thigh. “You worked hard and you performed well. You deserved this win.”
“What’s wrong?” He switched off the stereo and looked at her.
“Nothing. Why?”
“I’ve seen that look on your face before. Tell me what’s on your mind.”
“I’m really happy for you. I guess…I just wonder where this leaves us.” The landscape passed in a blur through the window and she kept her eyes in that direction.
“Tess, you’re part of my plans. Unless you don’t want to be.”
“I do. But long-distance relationships are hard. I have to go back to California in a few weeks and I’ll be gone until Christmas.”
“I’ll wait for you. Or I can come visit. We’ll work it out, baby.”
The ranch was deserted when he parked his truck in the lot. They walked hand-in-hand back to his apartment. He opened two beers and handed her one.
The cold bottle felt good in Tess’ hand and she took a long pull just as a knock sounded at the door.
Shane looked at her and shrugged before setting his bottle down on the counter. He opened the door to find Phoebe standing there.
“Wanted to say congratulations, Shane.” She stepped inside and embraced him.
He patted her on the back and stepped away. “Thank you.”
“I also wanted to tell you that I spoke with my partner, and Sarafina Ranch is prepared to offer you a sponsorship for next year’s ride.” She squeezed his arm and smiled. “You can stay here as long as you like.”
“That’s real nice of you but I’m gonna have to decline your offer.”
Phoebe’s face fell. “What? You can’t turn down a sponsor.”
“Yes, I can. And, I’m a little busy just now with my girlfriend.” He turned around and looked at Tess.
Tess waved at Phoebe. “Howdy, ma’am.”
Phoebe balled her fists at her sides. “You’re an idiot, Shane Wyatt.”
He nodded. “Perhaps. I’ll be dropping off my two weeks’ notice later this evening. I’ll be out of here by the end of the month. I appreciate all your hospitality. I mean that.”
“Fuck you.” Phoebe flipped her red hair and stormed off his porch.
Closing the door, Shane turned around. “She’s just precious.”
Tess laughed and downed the last of her beer. “No arguments here.”
He crossed the room and wrapped an arm around her middle. “Right now, I need a shower. Wanna help me?”
Leaning her head back against him, she said, “Sure, why not.”
He pulled her towards the bathroom and turned on the shower. Steam filled the room and fogged the mirror above the sink. Shane stripped out of his shirt and jeans.
“We’re dirty,” she said, laughing while pulling her shirt over her head and unbuttoning her jeans.
“Not as dirty as we’ll be in there.” He winked at her and stepped into the shower.
The hot water felt good and she let it run over her hair before lathering it up. She washed his back, tracing her fingers over his shoulder blades and pulling him back under the
spray with her.
Shane moved closer, pressing his naked body against her. Leaning down, he kissed her as water dripped between their lips. He pulled her from under the stream and turned her around, nudging her forward. He nibbled her shoulder and up to her neck, biting her harder.
The prickling sensation of his teeth on her skin hardened her nipples and she moaned.
His hands slid down her arms, gripping her wrists and pulling them up over her head. The tile was cold on her cheek when he pressed her against the wall, pinning her arms in place. His erection jutted at the small of her back. “You’re a challenge to fuck standing up.”
“How bad do you want it?” Tess asked, looking at Shane over her shoulder.
“Really bad. Spread your feet apart.” He breathed heavily against her ear and reached down between her legs to play with her pussy. One finger slipped inside her while his thumb caressed her ass. The pressure against the tight ring made her cunt contract.
He let go of her wrists and his body slid down her back. He positioned his cock between her thighs and rubbed it over her clit. “I can’t wait to be inside you.”
She moaned and put her hands against the wall to brace herself. “Fuck me. Hard.”
“Your wish is my command, sweetheart.” He gripped her hips and thrust up into her, stretching her pussy and hitting her end all at once.
Tess screamed and tried to hold onto the slippery wall as he slammed into her again and again.
He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her away from the wall. Breathing hard against her ear, he licked her neck. “Bend over.”
Leaning forward, she grasped the edge of the tub just as Shane slid his cock into her again.
He squeezed her ass cheek and pushed his finger into her tight hole, moving it in and out in opposition to his dick sliding in and out of her pussy.
The sensation of both holes being filled at once sent her into overdrive. She panted and moved her ass, pushing against him, wanting him deeper. Her clit begged for attention. She rubbed it fast and hard. A slow tremble started in her legs and spread through her body.
He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back. “Come for me.”
Tess whined and gritted her teeth. Little sparks of light flashed before her eyes as she came in wave after wave of pleasure. “Oh, God. Feels so…”
“I want to come in your ass, baby.”
Her heartbeat accelerated from fear and curiosity. She was so hot and she wanted it too. She had touched herself that way before, exploring with her fingers but had never allowed a man to do it. “Okay. Just be gentle.”
“Mmm. I will. I’d never hurt you.” He pulled his dick out of her pussy and rubbed it over her ass. “I need to get some lube.” He reached out of the shower and into the medicine cabinet and retrieved a small tube. He squirted some into his hand and rubbed it over her hole.
She nodded and tried to relax her body as he applied pressure with his finger, caressing the tight pucker. She inhaled sharply as he slowly slid a finger inside her, moving it in and out.
“Damn. Your ass feels so good, baby.” Shane added a second finger and scissored them inside her.
The uncomfortable tightness began to wane as he took his time stretching and massaging her. She moaned and clutched at the porcelain edge of the tub. “I’m ready.”
His hand trailed over her lower back and he planted a kiss there. “So, am I.” He gently pulled his fingers out of her and leaned over her. Warm breath covered the back of her neck and his dick pressed against her hole.
Tess spread her feet further apart to open more for him.
He angled his hips forward, pushing his cock into her ass. The initial pain made her gasp and she tensed up.
He rubbed her hip and kissed her back. “You okay?” He pushed a little more, sliding in deeper.
“I’m okay. Keep going.”
“God, this feels so good. I’m not gonna last long.” He shoved his cock all the way inside her.
She cried out. Never before had she experienced such a rush of pain and pleasure and she loved it.
He kept his strokes slow and deep and dug his fingers into her waist. “So tight and hot. I’m coming.” He thrust into her hard. His body twitched and his cock pulsed in her ass. He leaned over her and groaned, resting his head on her shoulder. He slowly pulled out of her and lifted her upright. “You’re so perfect.” He kissed her lips and wrapped his arms around her. “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you?”
She smiled. “I might not be walking straight for a while but I’m good. You were great.”
They lay in bed, entwined with each other. The television was on but the volume was low.
She played with the light dusting of hair on his chest. “Are you really quitting and moving out?”
“Yep. My prize money is enough to hold me until I can figure out all this sponsor stuff and find another job. I thought maybe I could sit down with Luke and talk over my options. He’s done really well. You know, with investing and stuff.”
“He’s really smart. I’m sure he would help you.”
“And I have his blessing with you.”
“Excuse me? You don’t need his blessing.”
“No. But it’s important to me. That he knows I’m not using you and that I love you.”
Her mouth dropped open. “You what?”
He rolled over on top of her and grinned. “I love you. I haven’t been so happy in a long time.”
“You just had sex and won a championship. That’s why you’re happy.” She giggled.
He shook his head. “Nope. I was happy before that. I’d be happy even if I hadn’t won today. Sex is great, but that’s not it either. It’s you. You’re what’s been missing. Today was just a little icing on the cake. Don’t go back to California. Stay here. With me.”
“Don’t say no. You said yourself you could transfer and finish school here. What do you say? Do you love me?”
“I do. I do love you.”
“Then don’t break my heart.”
“You’re being dramatic. But I could never break your heart. It would hurt me more than it would hurt you. I’ll stay.”
Tess straightened her cap and smoothed her gown. Her hands shook as she waited for her turn to walk across the stage and pick up her diploma. She had spent her last semester at ASU to be close to Shane and this was it, the end of school and the beginning of being a real grown-up. With a degree in business management, she had a lot of options but now had no idea where she wanted to work. Luke offered to supplement her income for another year so she could take her time looking. She would probably take him up on that offer.
After a busy dinner with her family and opening presents and eating cake, she went back to Shane’s house where she just wanted to sleep. He’d bought himself a nice house in the small subdivision where Cade and Olivia lived.
She hadn’t officially moved in with him but spent most of her time there and most of her clothes were in his closet.
Once inside, Shane put his keys on the counter and kissed the back of her neck. “I’m so proud of you, Tess Reilly. When I make it big, I’ll hire you to manage my business and me.”
She smiled lazily. “Thank you, and I’ll keep you in line.”
He opened a bottle of wine and poured each of them a glass. He held his up. “Here’s to you.”
She clinked her glass to his. “And here’s to you.” She sipped her wine and rolled her neck. “What a day.”
“I have something for you.” Shane smiled and reached in his pocket and pulled out a small black box.
Her eyes widened. She wasn’t ready to get married.
He opened it to reveal a small platinum band with a row of diamonds. “This is a promise ring for you. Five diamonds for my five promises.” He slipped the ring on her left ring finger and touched the stones. “I promise to make you happy. I promise to protect you. I promise to be faithful. I promise to be honest. An
d I promise to love you.”
She fought back the tears and wrapped her arms around his neck. “How did I get so lucky?”
“I could ask the same. You’re so much more than I deserve.”
“Thank you. I love you, Shane Wyatt. I promise that with all my heart.”
The End
About the Author
Melissa Ecker is the bestselling author of horror, paranormal and erotic romance. She is a member of Romance Writers of America and Diamond State Romance Authors. She lives in Central Arkansas with her husband, two children and a myriad of pets.
To learn more about Melissa, please visit her website: and her blog: You can also follow her on Twitter @MelissaEcker
Buckle Down (Memory Grove) Page 7