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One Night With the Prince

Page 2

by T. M. Mendes

  “Whoa! Someone missed us or is seriously bored.” Danny chuckled. I hit his chest playfully.

  “I guess it’s a little bit of both.”

  I shrug innocently. I heard my mom scoff.

  “Please Nala, you were talking to your penguin!” She laughed. Missy and Danny clicked their tongues at me.

  “Well, that stage came earlier than it did last time.” Danny said thoughtfully. Rolling my eyes, I sat back down on the bar stool, spinning around a little, while my friends talked to my mom.

  “How are you Sarah?” Missy asked politely. My mom never let my friends call her Mrs. Williams. My mom nodded absentmindedly while throwing her various spices into her mix.

  “Good, the editing company is growing since we published that one book Another Night.” She shrugged. Danny gasped.

  “No way! I love that book!” He jumped up and down and did a girly shriek. I laughed at him and threw an apple at him to settle him down. He caught it and scowled at me playfully before taking a big bite out of it.

  “What’s the news at the school?” I asked. They both shrugged.

  “People are still laughing about the cow incident. Oh and by the way it took them 4 and half hours to get the big ’ol Bessie down.” Danny smiles. I laughed at that thought.

  “Mr. Anderson seemed pretty placid today, although he always is when you’re not at school.” Missy said thoughtfully.

  “Pfft! What are you talking about? He loves me!” I said jokingly. Danny shook his head.

  “No Red, he’d love to see you half way across the world. I honestly think I heard him the other day saying he’s throwing a party for when you graduate and leave for good.” He chuckled. I acted offended.

  “Well, I might just go to college and get a teaching degree so I can work with him. It’s the least I can do since he’ll miss me that much to throw a going away party!” I smiled evilly. My mom pats the patties into shape.

  “I don’t think I’d want my only child going to college to spite her principal although I’m sure you’d do it in a heartbeat if it weren’t for the fact you hate school.” My mom spoke from behind her shoulder. My face scrunched up.

  “It’s not my fault I get so bored! I can teach the classes better than any teachers there, and I certainly know more!” I defended myself. Seriously, that’s the downfall of having a memory like mine! You get bored so easily, hence the pranks all the time. Missy nods at me.

  “Yeah, they all know that which is why most of them look another way when you do those kinds of things.” She commented.

  While dinner was cooking we all decided to head to my room to watch a movie. My room was awesome! So completely me! It had blue green walls and cream-colored carpet-you know the very same carpet my face greeted earlier. I had a queen-sized bed that had a white background while there were palm trees everywhere on it. I loved tropical places!

  I also had a small fish tank where I had a coy fish named Stewart and I had taped characters from Finding Nemo on the outside. I swear I think Stewart talks to them sometimes. I shake my head at that thought.

  “You choose Danny boy.” I sighed and I pulled Missy with me as we fall back on the bed. She giggled, and I scoffed at Danny as the movie starts playing.

  “The House Bunny? Really?” I laughed. He shrugged.

  “What? It’s so stupid it’s funny.” Okay, can’t argue with that. I snuggled with Louis, and I saw my stuffed Simba looking envious of Louis.

  “Missy? Can you cuddle with Simba? He’s lonely.” I said seriously to her. She chuckled but otherwise grabbed him, making me nod in thanks and continue to watch the movie. I think I’ll plan a new prank tomorrow for when I get back to school. At least that will kill some time. That or practice my awesome dance moves.

  Chapter three


  “Die, die, die!” I screamed at the screen as I shot down another person on Call of Duty. Yes, I’ve resorted to video games as a source of entertainment. I looked over at Stewart and he was staring at me.

  “Don’t judge dude, I’m not the one crushing on Dory.” I gave him a pointed look and he swam away. Yeah, that’s what I thought! I mean who crushes on a sticker? I killed another guy and groaned, throwing the controller down.

  “I thought this game was hard! Killing people can only bring me so much entertainment!” I yelled at the ceiling and then turned the game off. I don’t understand how people can play that for hours. Now Sims is a different story! I could spend literally 3-4 hours just building my dream home!

  Hmmm, what oh what to do? Well, Danny was telling me how happy Mr. Anderson has been. I should fix that! I whistled as I put on a grey sweatshirt that had 87 on it and skipped down the hall in my black shorts. I picked an apple up, and walked out the door with my bag, and walked my way to school.

  It took around twenty minutes to get there, and I walked over to the faculty parking lot. Spotting Mr. A’s car, I skipped over to it, evilly smiling the whole time. I took out a huge roll of Seran Wrap that I had in my bag and got to work.

  30 minutes, and 300 ft. of clear wrap later, I had managed to wrap the stuff all around his car. Even underneath so he can’t open any of his doors. I took out a tube of red lipstick and wrote on his wind shield ‘Love, your favorite student!’

  I ran out of there fast before anyone could see me, and got home in record timing, laughing the whole way. Man I wish I could be there to see his face! Ooo! I know how I could! I whipped out my cell phone and texted Danny and Missy.

  Get out into the parking lot before Anderson does. Go to his car but be inconspicuous about it, and wait for him. Make a vid of it ;)- A

  I chuckled as I got into my house, a few seconds later Danny answers.

  lol okay, what did you do?-Danny Boy

  You’ll see ;)-A

  Oh no, what did you do? But yes of course I’ll get a video of it, you know I luv u-Missy

  Okay ttyl, can’t w8! - Danny boy

  Like I said to Danny, you’ll c, and thanx, much luv 2 u 2!-A

  I know I had a couple hours to kill before school is out so I decide to crank up the radio, and do some dancing! I tuned in and start doing the sprinkler to Dance with me by 3oh3.

  “Get your hands up!” I yelled with the radio, and do other classic moves like the bus stop, and cabbage patch. Ha! Got to love those! I grabbed a broom and started doing air guitar as I hopped on the counter of the island in the middle of the kitchen.

  “I’m killer than Thriller! Stiffer than a zombie!” I loved that part! I swing my head around doing the guitar solo, and having a killer time doing it! Soon though the song came to an end and the announcer radio dude comes on.

  “That was Dance with Me, by 3oh3, and this is 96.4 the Hot Noise. Well, ladies and gents, I have an opportunity of a lifetime! We’re having a contest to win a trip to Bantaniomos! All-expense paid trip for a week! 12th person to call in with the correct answer wins! Question is: How many countries are there total in the world? CALL IN NOW! Number is 1-888-555-6745 Good luck!”

  Hey! I knew that! I grabbed my phone thinking, what the heck might as well try! I dialed in and waited. Suddenly the announcer came back on.

  “Okay, we have our 12th caller! What’s your name and what’s your answer?” He asked. Awww! It wasn’t me but maybe this person gets it wrong?

  “Hi I’m Stacie from Kentucky and is it 200?” She asked. Wrong!

  “Ooo! No, sorry wrong answer! Let’s try the next caller…” Suddenly my line gets picked up! Holy crap!

  “Hey you’re on the air with Hot Noise! Do you have the correct answer?” He asked me.

  “Um…195?” I said. I heard bells and whistles from the radio.

  “Congratulations! You’ve won! Tell us what’s your name, and what state are you from?” He asks. I started jumping up and down and smiling like an idiot.

  “My name is Anna Williams, and I’m from Montana.” I said, feeling so excited I wanted to burst! A free trip?! Grant you I’ve never heard of this country but st

  “Well you missy, are going to Bantaniomos! Stay on the line and we’ll get the details to where to send your ticket and form.” I said okay, and we go off air. They patch me through another person in the station and soon I have written down my itinerary and they have my address to send the ticket to!

  I was now squealing and jumping around wildly! I can’t believe I won! Me! I won the contest! Hmm, I better do some research on this country called Bantaniomos. I flew upstairs; ignoring the looks I was getting from Louis and turned on my laptop, and went on Google.

  After a few minutes I found a promising site. Clicking on it I gasped. It looked gorgeous! It was so tropical! The beaches looked amazing and everyone looked friendly! Looks like there was a monarchy there.

  King Julius Christamos with Queen Lillian. They have two sons. One who was next in line was named Prince Zachias and the other was named Prince Caidius. They showed no pictures of them though. With a shrug, I kept reading.

  They had interesting clothing. Especially the girl’s clothes; they seemed so colorful! It truly looked like a wonderful place to live! And I get to go there! It’s like a really early 18th birthday present for me which was on August 12th.

  After a long time researching, I stored it all to memory. Then I heard laughter from down the hall. Looks like my friends are here! Danny bangs open my door with cell in hand.

  “Y-You c-couldn’t stay away c-could you?” He gasped. I took his cell and eagerly looked at the video.

  The camera zooms in on Mr. A’s car and I hear Danny.

  “My, my, my! What have you done Miss Anna?” He laughed. He gets a better angle, as the devil himself walked out. He pauses as he sees his car, then his face went to my favorite color of red, and the surrounding students started to laugh.

  He looked so angry I swear I saw steam! I was cracking up watching this as he fails to rip off the wrap.

  “Oh my gosh! I am too good!” I choke out. We were all laughing together when I remembered what I won.

  “Guys! Guess what!?” I screamed. They cringed and covered their ears. I laughed at their faces.

  “What?” Danny asked wearily.

  “I’m going on a vacation!” I yelled.

  Chapter four

  Prince Zachias

  “Arg!” My opponent yelled out as I hit him with my wooden sword. I was practicing my hand to hand battling technique. My opponent’s name was Lyle and he staggered back from my blow. He was one of our top knights here. I let out a chuckle as he smirked.

  “Can you ever slow down for a moment?” He asked, getting his footing back. I flicked my hair out of my eyes, getting annoyed with it. I took my stance again, when I heard my father.

  “That’s enough! Let’s see you take on your old man.” He did a booming laugh and I smiled at him. He had a graying beard with blue eyes, and a stocky build. But he was quick as a snake.

  Everyone in the training yard stopped what they were doing and gathered around, excited. It wasn’t every day that The King wanted to train, let alone against me. The training yard was simple yet effective.

  It was a large field with tools like wooden swords and real ones. We also had a shooting range, and other training things like a boxing and fighting ring. I just shook my head laughing at my father teasingly.

  “You ready to go down old man?” I smirked at him. He put on his chest plate that went over his suit, transforming him from a modern King to an old fashioned styled warrior. My father liked the old style because it showed our family pride. And frankly so did I. I used to love dressing up in all the armor, like chest plates that had our family crest.

  I also had on the old-fashioned leather vest underneath with comfortable brown leather pants. You may think it would be hard to move in, but it was actually comfortable. And was good for battle as weapons had a harder time penetrating our skin through the thick material. However if the weather were hot then we’d be sweating quite a bit.

  After my father was properly dressed he stood in front of me with a good 15 feet between us. Demetrius handed me an actual sword since my father and I were both professionals at this.

  “Are you ready son?” My father said seriously but you could see a playful glint in his eyes. I nodded, smirking to myself. Demetrius got up on the podium ready for this fight more than anyone.

  “Alright! First one to the ground loses. Fight!” He shouts. I instantly go in defense mode as we circle each other trying to read the next move. He lunged at me, sending his sword flying right next to my face as I move just barely out of the way and circle him again.

  “Good move old man, but I’m quicker!” I made my move towards him, and he hits my sword with his making that metal against metal sound. Our faces were close and he was smiling at me in a taunting way.

  “What’s the matter son? Can’t take down your own father?” He teased. I smirked at him, and broke away, catching my footing.

  “No, father, you will be going to the ground today, not I.” Without another notice we were clanging swords together as the battle grew more and more fierce. The sounds of our swords hitting each other were echoing all across the courtyard. The men around us were cheering, as the fight grew more intense with each blow we tried to inflict on one another.

  Both of our breathing was labored, and we circled each other again. I thought he was going one way when he faked another. So he swooped in his arm, catching me on the back of my knees sending me to the ground. I looked up to see a sword in my face. I smiled up at him.

  “Good job my boy! You lasted a lot longer than last time.” He chuckled helping me up. The crowd was cheering, and I dusted myself off, feeling sweat coat my face along with dirt from our scuffle. I smirked back at him.

  “Well, I should hope so father. I was only fifteen at the time. Five years later I think I would have improved.” I joked. He patted me on the back taking off his plate, as was I. We sat under our white and blue striped tent getting water, gaining our breaths back. After a moment he spoke.

  “So, son, the young ladies should be here soon.” He commented. I groaned.

  “How long?” I muttered against my hands. He patted my shoulder causing me to look over at him.

  “They should be here in 3 days. I know you don’t want to do this son, but it’s a family tradition to pick our wives this way. It’s how I met your mother.” He looked at me with a softer expression. I sighed and sat back.

  “But all these woman are the same father! All they want is a title and money. How do I know who’s genuine, and who is not?” I asked. He took a sip of his water that the maid had brought.

  “You could always do what I did?” He offered. I looked at him questioningly before he continued; “There are quite a few handsome young lads in this yard, many of which will be guarding an individual girl during their stay here. I suggest you have them make the moves to woo the one they’re watching over. The ones that fall for it clearly isn’t here for you, and the ones who don’t, you can give them your time.” I stared at him for a moment before smiling.

  “Thank you father! That should help, although I still don’t want to do this. I know it’s for the best, but what if I don’t find someone like you found mother?” I asked concerned. I didn’t want to have 15 women trying to bide my attention and seek my title!

  Yes I have been with women before, for fun of course, but this was serious, because by the end of this competition, not only would I have a new wife, but a new Queen for my future kingdom.

  My father sensed my distress.

  “Son. It will all work out for the best. You have a great heart, and I know you can tell who is genuine and who isn’t. Trust me, you’ll thank me for this. I was in your same position 22 years ago. I didn’t believe your grandfather, but look where I am now.” With that he got up and left me to my thoughts.

  I rubbed my face trying to calm down over my impending doom. I wasn’t as what I’ve heard some people call-what was the word? A player. I’ve just never wanted a committed relationship bef
ore. I’ve liked not having such a commitment since my whole life was a commitment to the throne.

  Of course there are those few who didn’t give up, and who fake pregnancies just to try and stay with me. My mother is pretty quick to sniff those ones out though. She would always frown upon my ‘habits’ with girls, but I do respect them. I just haven’t found one that I wanted a long-term relationship with.

  And now I’m being thrown into a large group of young girls, where one of them will be my wife. Even if I don’t connect with any of them, I’d still have to pick one. It’s tradition. I sometimes wish I wasn’t first born. I wish Caidius were the first-born and then he’d have to do this. He has no idea how good he has it. I have to rule one day very soon, since I’ll be married by the end of this year. Demetrius walked up to me, slapping me on the back. He was my best mate in the castle.


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