Book Read Free


Page 19

by Peaches The Writer

  I looked at Allen.

  “Kenny, Nya’s not ready to go. You’re not being fair.”

  “Nigga, who the fuck asked you? You’re trying to tell me about fair? You come up in here and just have to have everything - including my wife!”

  “If you had treated her well, she would still be with you. You should consider yourself lucky, some other guy could have a taken her, as reckless as you’ve been. At least this way, you still get to see her.”

  Kenny reached out and tried to choke Allen. I jumped in between.

  “Nigga, I’ll kill your bitch ass!” Kenny warned him.

  “Ny, I don’t want you to ride back with him, he’s violent. I’ll fly you back to Birmingham.”

  I turned and walked into the house. Under the circumstances, Allen was right. There is no telling what Kenny would do. I mean, he has never been violent or tried to hurt me, but then again, I’ve never done anything like this to him before.

  I let Kenny continue to pack his things and prepare to leave. I can understand what he must be dealing with, but he has to know the pain and hurt he has caused me. I just put up with it because I thought somehow, he would change. I guess it was stupid for me to think that he would when he had no reason to. Now that he has a reason to change, it’s too late. It’s too late with me, but if he wants his next relationship to work, he has to change for good.

  His mother went outside with him as he put his last items in the car. I hated to see him leave like this but there was nothing I could do. I had to be cold. I was Allen’s woman now and I could not be outside with Kenny begging him not to leave. He wasn’t hurting anyone but himself. I wanted only good things for him, even when all he ever brought me was pain.

  I saw her kiss him and close his driver’s side door. He pulled off as if he didn’t know what to do without me next to him. He kept looking over at the passenger’s side as if he were waiting for me to appear next to him. I said a little prayer for him, and put it out of my mind. His mother walked back inside. I wondered if Kenny knew what role she played in this whole thing. She was one of the key players in bringing Allen and me together.

  We sat around looking sad. Even though Kenny was hardly ever here, just the fact that we knew he was gone made it seem that much more empty. He was a lot of fun. He made us all laugh. Now he was gone home. He took the spirit of the house with him. I wondered how long it would be before Kenny would laugh again. The only good part about us breaking up for him is that now the healing can begin. I pray that he finds someone to love him as much as I did, even with all his flaws.

  There was a constant flow of people in and out of the house throughout the day, as most were off work for the holiday. Denise kept us as entertained as she could in the absence of Kenny. She amused us with stories of her elementary school students. It was funny, but not as funny as Kenny. He could talk about anything and make us laugh.

  In the middle of one of Denise’s stories, my cell phone began to ring.

  “Ny, that girl has the police down here,” Dee Dee told me.

  “What happened?” I asked as I walked to my room.

  “She says I stole some of her files.”

  “Dee, just chill. I’ll straighten this out when I get back. I’m counting on you to handle this in a dignified way until I get back.”

  “When is that going to be?”


  “Ny, I really need you back sooner than that.”

  “I can’t promise anything. I’ll call you back.”

  I sat on the bed thinking. I really did want to go home. Even though Kenny and I weren’t together, it still seemed strange without him here. I mean, after all, he’s the reason I ever came here in the first place. I walked back into the living room. Allen could tell something was wrong.

  “Was that your office again?”

  “Yeh,” I replied sadly.

  “Do you need to leave?”

  “Yeh, I really do,” I explained.

  “And it doesn’t have anything to do with Kenny?” He asked.

  “Allen, listen. This is going to take some getting used to. Think about how you felt when Lisa left you for the first time.”

  “I know, Ny. I’m not asking you to be Superwoman. I’m just telling you to be a woman. Stand your ground. Don’t let Kenny get to you. He’s very manipulative. I can only imagine how he reacted the first time you told him you had feelings for me. He probably tried to seduce you or something.”

  Tried to? Hell, he did.

  “I know. I’m not falling for any of Kenny’s little games. I just feel empty without him around. I know it will take some time before I get over that feeling. Still, I need to take care of this little situation with my employees.”

  “Do what you need to do. I’ll take you to the airport.”

  I went into my room and packed my things. I knew in my heart I was really leaving because Kenny was gone. If Kenny had still been here, I would have told Dee Dee to handle matters until I get back. This was just an excuse to get to go home. I mean, I didn’t want Kenny back or anything like that, it’s just that I needed to be alone with him to explain all of this. My relationship with Allen was just kind of dropped on him. We never really gave it time to set in, we just kind of said, “Deal with it”. Granted, that was more than he deserved, but I still like to treat people better than that. I called the airline and scheduled a flight to Birmingham.

  I came back out with my bags and Allen took them to the Tahoe for me. For as much as I still cared for Kenny, Allen takes most of that emptiness away. I hugged and kissed everyone and Allen opened my door for me. I got in the Tahoe and we pulled out of the driveway.

  There was silence for most of the trip to the airport. I don’t think either of us knew what to say to the other. It felt strange to me. I did not want to leave this man but I felt compelled to go home and see about the other one. Soon, Allen found words.

  “Nya, promise me you won’t sleep with Kenny. I mean, if you have to leave the house, just let him have it. I’ll buy you another house.”

  “Allen, I am not going to sleep with Kenny. That ship has sailed. You are going to have to trust me now. We are going to be hundreds of mile apart. This is where the trust begins. Besides, if he wants the house, he can have it. All I want is a divorce. I will be down at the courthouse bright and early on Monday. As for you, you need to be two places on Monday.”

  “Where is that?”

  “At the courthouse, filing divorce papers and at the Dr.’s office, taking DNA swabs.”

  “Oh, you’re still on that?”

  “You offered to voluntarily test. Do it and be done with it,” I told him.

  “You’re right.”

  We got to the airport and parked. Allen took my bags and brought them to check-in. I got my ticket and we went to the concourse. He sat patiently with me until my flight boarded.

  “Ny, I love you,” he told me for no reason.

  “I love you too, Allen.”

  “Ny, when am I going to see you again?”

  “Christmas, I hope.”

  “Ny, start planning your wedding,” he instructed me.

  I perked up at the suggestion of a wedding. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a ring box. I thought I was going to pass out. He opened it and I thought I was going to become visually impaired for life. It looked like 4 of the most beautiful carats in the entire world. It was a perfect marquis cut with a stunning wide band. All of the 4 c’s were top rated and it was obvious just by looking at it. I was speechless. I thought I was going to hyperventilate.

  “When, when…” I stammered.

  “I bought it when we were in New Orleans yesterday, when I went out for that hour. I hope you like it.”

  “I, I… How did…so fast?”

  “I just walked in and asked the salesman if the prince of Saudi Arabia was going to propose marriage, which ring would he do it with? This is the one he sold me.”

  I started breathing heavily and perspiring. I f
inally got my word together.

  “I thought you had gone to buy condoms.”

  “Nya, I’m surprised at you! I would never use condoms with you,” he told me.

  He got down on one knee and in front of flight 1128, he proposed marriage.

  “Nya, you encompass all that I desire in a mate. It would fulfill my life’s dream if you would marry me. Nya, you make me want something. You make me want something in this life and I want to give you everything your heart desires. Will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?”

  “Yes,” I agreed.

  There was applause from my co-passengers as well as passengers on other flights.

  Soon my flight was boarding.

  “Call me when you get home,” Allen instructed me.

  “I will.”

  I walked down the corridor and boarded my flight. I looked back at Allen. He stood there with the concern a father has when he sends his daughter off to college for the first time. I was glad I had chosen him.

  Chapter Four

  I could feel the change in temperature as my flight descended into Birmingham. I couldn’t wait to get on the ground so I could call Allen. My finger felt heavy under the weight of such a large stone. I had removed Kenny’s ring so fast, almost ripping my finger off when I saw Allen pull out that box. I had Kenny’s ring in my purse and, though not to devastate him, I was going to happily return it to him.

  As soon as I reached the concourse, I pulled out my cell phone and called Allen.

  “I just landed,” I told him.

  “I’m glad you made it safely.”

  “Well, I’m going to pick up my bags from baggage claim. I will call you when I get home, after I get settled. But first, I need to run by my office.”

  “Ny, I just want to tell you that I had a great time,” Allen informed me.

  “So did I. I am especially enjoying blinding my fellow passengers with my new ring. I hope it didn’t set you back financially.”

  “What’s two month’s salary?”

  “If this is two months’ salary, I can’t wait until we get married. You’re doing better than I ever thought!”

  “Ny, I already told you. You can have anything you want. I will give you the world. I love you, girl.”

  I thought I was going to melt right there at the C concourse.

  “I love you more,” I told him.

  “Well, call me when you get settled.”

  “I will.”

  I rushed down to baggage claim and got my bags. Since Kenny had my car, I knew I was going to have to rent one. I didn’t want to catch a cab to my house, since it’s in the suburbs. That would cost a fortune. It was cheaper to rent a car and return it the next day to a location near my house. After I got my bags, I went to the car rental counter. Since I didn’t have a reservation, the only thing they could offer me was a mini van or a convertible Mustang. I’m much too conservative for a convertible, but I thought, “What the hell?”

  Before long, I was whizzing down I-459 in my loud yellow convertible. It was way too cold to put the top down, but it was fun just seeing stuck-up me in a car like that. I stopped by the office to see what was going on. I should have worn my ass-kicking boots just in case I had to get up in Haily.

  When I got there, only Dee Dee was there. She handed me a copy of the police report that Haily had filed. Haily was such a little bitch but she didn’t know who she was fucking with.

  “Dee Dee, I need to talk to you about something more important than this.”

  “What’s up, Nya?”

  “Dee Dee, I may be leaving Birmingham. I need to know where you see yourself in 5 years.”

  “I never thought about it.”

  “I’m asking you to think about it now.”

  “Nya, I’m just trying to make it right now.”

  “Dee, I don’t want you to just make it now. I want you to make it always. You have so many talents and gifts. I don’t give a damn about you being the lightest person in your family. I don’t care about anything like that. There is so much more to you than that. I need you to be my rock here in The Ham. I want you to manage the office. Hell, you practically do it anyway. But what I’m talking about is managing people too. I want you to run this thing while I’m away.”

  “Are you offering me a promotion?”

  “I’m offering you a promotion, more money, more responsibilities - everything. And, I want you to get licensed so you can do a broader scope of transactions. I don’t want you to place any limitations on yourself. You are just what I need to handle the Hailys of the world. Can you do that, Dee?”

  “I can do it if you believe I can.”

  “I know you can. Listen, just think about it over the weekend. We’ll talk about it on Monday. Why don’t you go on home, now? Nobody’s working today.”

  “You seem in a good mood. And what’s up with the new car and the new rock?”

  “The car is rented, but the rock is not. Soon, I’m going to tell you about the ring and how it ties into my moving.”

  “You got you a new man? What about Mr. Reilly?”

  This one is Mr. Reilly, too.

  “Don’t worry Dee, I won’t be changing my last name.”

  I walked out and got into my rental. I drove home.

  I had never been gladder to see my house. I went upstairs and took a shower. I looked around and tried to figure out what was going to happen next. Was I going to move to Colorado? Was I going to let Kenny have my house? I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted a life with Allen. He was so incredible. It is so refreshing to have someone who believes in your ability. He thinks I can do anything. When you have someone like that, it’s hard to fail.

  I decided to climb into bed and call him before I went to sleep.

  “Hello,” he answered his cell phone.

  “It’s Nya. I had to hear your voice before I went to sleep.”

  “I’m glad you called. Has my brother made it back yet?”


  “I hope he’s alright. I want to call him on his cell, but I’m afraid he’ll hang up on me.”

  “Well, what do you think he will do if I call him?” I asked Allen.

  “I’ll get ma to call him,” he told me.

  “If he finds out that she helped us get together, he will hang up on her too,” I assured him.

  “I just want to make sure my big brother is fine.”

  “I know, Allen. I really hate to be the one driving a wedge between the two of you.”

  “Ny, it’s not you. Don’t even think it. It’s Kenny.”

  “I know, but if it weren’t for me...”

  “Ny, don’t even talk like that. On another note, I’ve given this thing with Akina some thought. I’m going to stay here Monday and go take the paternity test. I just want to be done with this. I want this thing behind me when I go back home, so I can start planning my life with you.”

  “That’s fine. Call me Monday and let me know how things turn out. I will be down at the courthouse filing my divorce papers. I think I’m going to prepare them online and just take them down first thing on Monday.”

  “Sounds good to me. How long does it take to become final?”

  “No support, no children, uncontested - 30 days.”

  “What if he contests?”

  “Then I’ll site emotional and psychological abuse, hardship divorce. What about you? How is it in Colorado?”

  “Unfortunately for me, in Colorado, even if she doesn’t ask for support, I may be required to pay. Especially since she is having trouble with her legs and can hardly get around. As far as finalization, the same. 30 days, if uncontested. There will be provisions set by the court as far as Andy goes.”

  “And what about the unborn baby?”

  “Ny, you know there is no way that child is mine. Lisa was gone for months. Even when she came back, it was a while before we did anything.”

  “I have to ask. There are a lot of folk running around claimin
g you fathered their children,” I joked.”

  “So we can be married before the end of the year, if there are no snags,” he told me.

  “I’ll pray for no snags.”

  “Well, get you some rest. And if Kenny makes it there, tell him to call his mother so she won’t worry.”

  “I will. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Sleep well.”

  I laid across the bed and imagined I was back at the hotel. I would give anything to have Allen next to me right now. As I imagined, the phone began to ring.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “What’s up girl?” Kita asked me.

  Kita is my resourceful friend. Her story is one of a once-project-girl to bank teller, to bank manager, and now owns her own magazine, Rapunzel. It spotlights women with long hair. Mind you, Kita has shoulder length hair. When I confronted her with this, she simply stated, “Short hair is nothing to talk about. So why would I start a magazine about it? I focus on what sells. I will sell a magazine about sweet potatoes if I thought niggas would buy it - and I hate sweet potatoes!”

  “Nothing much,” I told her.

  “You back from vacation?”


  “Where is your fine, Black ass husband?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “Did you all have a fight?”

  “Not really. More like a realization.”

  “Ny, you better treat that pretty ass nigga right before somebody comes and takes him.”

  “They can come and take him and all of his shit, too.”

  “Damn, what happened at Thanksgiving?”

  “I’ll tell you in time, but I can’t right now.”

  “Well, anyway that’s not why I called. I need your help. I need a cover for my January issue of Rapunzel.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Come on Ny. I don’t have anyone with long hair for my cover.”

  “Call Crystal Gail, shit. What do you want me to do?”

  “I did Crystal Gail two years ago when I started this magazine. I need someone new, someone fresh. Someone not so famous - someone like you.”


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