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Arlo (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 4)

Page 23

by Arcadia Shield

  As Arlo wrapped his arms around her and kissed her until her knees went weak, Juniper knew she’d found true happiness. It hadn’t been easy, and she was sure there’d be difficult times to come, but she’d face them with Arlo. Head-on, without fear, knowing he was standing by her side. And she’d love every second.

  Chapter 24


  The blue glow from the computer screen Jude sat in front of gave his usually serious features a sharp edge. The light highlighted his cheekbones and painted hollows beneath his eyes.

  He shouldn’t be here. Tonight, they were celebrating the return of his baby sister, Izzie. Lincoln and some of the others had organized a party at the Down and Out, and he was already running late.

  But he wanted to check on State chatter one last time. They’d been too quiet. Every time that happened, Jude got nervous.

  Multiple communication channels fed information to him through the wetware comms network he’d helped rig up with Kade. It automatically scanned live channel feeds from the State. Well, all the feeds they could pick up on.

  The other three seats in the comms room were empty, but there was usually someone checking the information coming in. When it got late, Jude let the automatic system take control for a few hours. It fed alerts to his quarters, so he’d pick up on anything worrying.

  In the background, his favorite radio station, Flame, was broadcasting. It had been his constant companion for almost two years. Octavia, the honey-voiced presenter, loved her rock music and blasted songs throughout the day. She often commented on the music she played and alluded to things going on out in the big bad world. But she was more than a source of information and songs. A month after Jude had picked up Octavia’s radio signal, she’d started feeding information to the bunker about the movements of the State.

  At first, Jude had thought it was a coincidence. She was talking about things she’d heard about or seen. But as time had gone on, he’d realized she was speaking to him. Well, to the base. She was on their side and wanted to help.

  They’d never met, but Jude felt as if he knew Octavia. Her moods changed along with the music she played. Often she was upbeat and fiery, giving rousing commentary about bringing down the State. Other times, she was quiet and would pay slow rock ballads full of lost love, heartache, and loneliness.

  It was during those times he felt closest to Octavia. She seemed to feel the same things he did. Sometimes, everything seemed to be going well for them. The bunker would go weeks with no alerts going off and their missions would go without any problems. But then it would be thrown into the air. Someone would be injured or killed or a supply run failed, or the State picked up a signal and started tracking them.

  Life in the bunker was uncertain, which was why Jude had to listen in. They needed to get the upper hand against the State. Plus, he enjoyed listening to others. Jude had always been more of a listener than a talker, happy to hear about other people’s worries and concerns. He was the opposite to Lincoln, who was a social butterfly, enjoying the company of everyone.

  Jude had a few close friends, but too much noise and chaos exhausted him. He enjoyed calm and quiet. He enjoyed analyzing communications signals and decoding messages the State sent through their systems. Sometimes, they didn’t hide what they were talking about. As a former digital communications expert for the Royal Navy, Jude could work his way through a coded message easily enough.

  Jude stretched his arms over his head. He needed to leave for the Down and Out. He paused as the music on the radio stopped and Octavia began to talk. He closed his eyes and savored the sweet tone of her voice.

  “There was a meeting of royalty recently,” said Octavia, her warm, calm tone drifting through the communications room. “Apparently, the two sides couldn’t agree on a truce.”

  Jude smiled. How the hell did she know they’d recently come up against Emperor Endrir? Did she have any idea who the State really were? They’d only recently found out themselves. Jude was still surprised they were fighting against Dinnorms—primitive, vicious dragons, who killed without mercy. He’d always thought they were a myth, but now they were doing battle against them. Most of the time, it felt as if they were winning.

  “I wouldn’t have minded being at that meeting myself,” continued Octavia. “I can imagine the look on our dear Emperor’s face would have been something of a delight. Or should I say fright.”

  Jude snorted a laugh and opened his eyes. From the accounts he got from his brothers, Emperor Endrir had been a cold, vicious snake who’d tried to make Izzie shoot herself. Emperor Endrir had escaped. No one knew whether he’d been injured. Jude was certain he’d come slithering back to take them down. When he did, he would fail.

  “This next track is dedicated to my warriors out there. The ones fighting among the fires, determined to take down those in the wrong and restore justice. I hope you’re listening, my warrior friends.”

  “I always am, beautiful,” muttered Jude.

  A rousing rock tune blasted out. Jude knew Octavia didn’t really know him, or what he did, but it gave him comfort to think she was playing this song for him.

  He missed her when she wasn’t on the radio. Octavia went silent between three and nine in the morning. He assumed that was when she slept. When she wasn’t live on air, the channel would sometimes go silent. If he had an early shift, he’d often sit and listen to the static buzz. He couldn’t explain it, but he found it soothing.

  “I told you he’d be in here.” Arlo appeared in the doorway, Juniper close behind him.

  Juniper shook her head, her purple-streaked hair tied in a messy knot on top of her head. “I said you’d already be at the Down and Out.”

  Jude dragged his attention away from the radio. “I was on my way.”

  “Let me guess. You got distracted by Octavia.” Arlo grinned at him.

  Jude shrugged. He was always getting teased by his brothers because of his infatuation with the mysterious woman on the radio. Not that he cared. It gave him pleasure to listen to her. It was one of the few pleasures he still had.

  “We’re going there now,” said Juniper. “Join us.”

  He nodded and pushed back his chair. Arlo and Juniper were seriously into each other. He’d seen the spark between them when she’d first arrived at the bunker after helping them in the Badlands. But she hadn’t stayed. Arlo had been withdrawn after that, although he’d never talked about how he felt about Juniper.

  Now she was back. Jude had never seen Arlo so happy than when he was with his feisty, purple-haired dragon hybrid.

  “Come on, let’s go,” said Arlo. “If we leave it any later, Lincoln will have drunk all the beer.”

  “That’s hardly a tragedy.” Jude followed them along the corridor, heading left and taking a narrow underground passageway. It led from their main bunker to a smaller bunker half a mile away. It was the secret hideout of Lion McGinty’s illegal bar. And it was their favorite, and only, place to go drinking without being arrested by the State.

  “Lincoln said someone had made sloe gin,” said Juniper.

  “I’ll pass on that.” Jude shuddered. He didn’t mind beer but kept away from the hard stuff. It made his head pound. That was never a good thing when you had to stare at a screen all day.

  “More for me.” Arlo grinned, slung an arm over Juniper’s shoulders, and pulled her to him.

  They caught up with a few other people heading to the Down and Out. The atmosphere had a party feel to it. It was always the same when you went to this place. It could get wild.

  Jude ducked as they went through the main doorway. Two guards stood outside the bar, permanent employees of Lion’s. Although most people were well behaved at the Down and Out, sometimes the drinking and excitement got out of hand. Lion also had an early warning system in case the State got nosy and saw what he was doing. It gave him time to clear the bar and evacuate.

  Jude grinned as he spotted Izzie. She was in a chair surrounded by people. She looked happy but was
still pale. Izzie had been unconscious for five days after being rescued. It had taken several weeks of care and support before she’d left her bed. Finding her being held in the thrall of Emperor Endrir had shocked everyone. But having her back was fantastic, and she seemed to be recovering well.

  Heath and Annie were already there, along with Kade and Honor and Lincoln and Anastasia.

  All his brothers seem to be getting coupled up these days. Jude looked around the crowded bar. Maybe he could find someone to spend the night with, find himself a partner. There were plenty of attractive women in the bunker. With four thousand people joining them in the fight against the State, there was often a friendly smile and a warm body to pass the time with. He enjoyed himself now and again but hadn’t met anyone he wanted to get serious with.

  His gaze lingered on a couple of brunettes, who both smiled when they saw him looking. No one caught his eye, though. It was as if they were all missing something.

  “Over here.” Heath beckoned them all over. Arlo led the way with Juniper.

  Jude followed behind. He slowed as he heard the music. A smile drifted across his face. Lion was playing Flame.

  Octavia came over the airwaves. “I’m wishing everyone a safe and happy night. Enjoy this evening and give your loved ones an extra big hug. I think they deserve it.”

  He nodded as he stopped by Izzie and engulfed her in an enormous hug.

  Izzie laughed and pulled back. “What was that for?”

  “I’m happy to see my baby sister.”

  “Surrounded by drunk people in a bar, you mean?” Izzie pushed her dark curls off her face and smiled at him.

  “No, surrounded by people who love you and who will keep you safe.”

  Her gaze lowered for a second before she tilted her chin up. “I know. I’m glad to be here. Glad to have my brothers back. Even if you are all annoying the hell out of me by watching my every move.”

  “You need to get used to that, Sis,” said Lincoln. He kissed her forehead. “You’re not going anywhere without our say so.”

  “Says who?” Juniper stuck her hands on her hips. “Your sister is not a prisoner.”

  “Quite right.” Izzie smiled at Juniper. “What she says.”

  Jude shook his head, keeping hold of Izzie’s hand. He stroked a strand of her dark hair from her forehead. She’d cut her hair shorter since coming to the base, and he was still getting used to it. It made her look frighteningly grown-up. “We only do it because we care.”

  She gripped his hand tighter. “I get it. But I’m doing okay. Give me time. And give me some space.”

  His heart clenched as he saw a flash of panic in his sister’s eyes. Just like all of his brothers, he wanted to make sure she was never put at risk again. They still didn’t know the full details of what had happened to Izzie when she’d been taken by the State. It wouldn’t have been pretty. He knew she was struggling. Jude had to remember that she was no longer a child. That didn’t mean he didn’t want to protect her with every fiber of his being.

  “Do you want a drink?” he asked her.

  “Sophia’s insisting I stay on the soft stuff.” Izzie grimaced. “I don’t suppose you could slip a gin in this orange juice?”

  “Absolutely not.” Heath rested his hands on Izzie’s shoulders. “What the doc says goes. Orange juice, and that’s it.”

  Izzie snitched her nose. “Sometimes, I hate having older brothers.”

  Jude headed to the bar to grab himself a drink and refill Izzie’s glass with orange juice. He looked around at everyone enjoying themselves. All of his brothers were there, along with many of the dragon hybrids rescued from the testing facilities over the last few months. Brett and Ranger were in the corner, sweet talking a couple of cute-looking blondes. Even Sophia, Daisy, and Clarissa had come to the party, taking a rare break from the medical bay.

  As much as he tried, Jude still felt removed from all of this. He always worried about what he was missing over the comms channels when he wasn’t listening. If he missed something important, it could be devastating to this place. A place he considered home.

  A familiar feeling hit him. He was lonely. Despite friends and loved ones nearby, smiling and joking, he couldn’t feel a connection. How could that be when he was surrounded by so many people?

  Jude shook his head and grabbed the drinks. He was about to move from the bar when he heard Octavia’s song end. He paused to listen to her voice.

  “Enjoy your evenings. Have a safe and happy night. I hope to speak to you all in the morning. You never know what night will bring, so stay safe out there. I’ll be seeing you soon.”

  Jude raised his glass to her. He wished her the same and hoped she’d be safe as well. Octavia risked a hell of a lot. She put her life on the line every time she fed them information about the movements of the State. They must hate her, and they’d be hunting her. He was sure she was alone out there. He didn’t know where she was, or even who she was, but he worried about her.

  He took a sip of drink. “Stay safe, beautiful. I’m here for you. Whenever you’re ready. I’m here.”




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