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The Devil You Know (Ceasefire Series Book 1)

Page 12

by Claire Marta

  I find Leo standing in the doorway his hair all messed up. Clothes rumpled from where he passed out drunk on my sofa.

  Opening a cupboard, I take out four more mugs. “Coffee?”

  “God, yes. Black please, one sugar. By the way I wish you’d buy something other than the instant crap.”

  “How did last night go?”

  Scraping back a chair loudly, he plonks his arse down on the seat. “The takeaway pizza was decent. Caesar spent most of the time going through your armoury like a kid in a sweetshop. The rest of us watched a Buffy marathon. It’s not like I have enough demonic forces in my life already I have to watch it on TV too.”

  Spooning powdered coffee into his mug, I try not to sigh. With what I know now I know everyone is going to freak. The Devil’s soldiers are one thing, but if Lucifer wants Cassandra as bad as I think he will, we are royally screwed.

  “Are you going to tell me how the date went?”

  Stirring, I place the mug in front of him. “How do you know I went on a date last night?”

  “Puddin’, trust me, if he’s more than happy to play hide the sausage more than three times, you’re in a relationship. I know that’s probably scary as you’ve never been in one before, but it’s also not a bad thing.”

  “How do you know I haven’t been in a relationship before?” I counter.

  Leo cracks a tired smile. “It’s obvious. You’d have to be blind not to see it. I just hope you can handle it without killing the poor guy when he does something to annoy you.”

  “Morning.” Caesar calls, as he troops into the kitchen, a small plant and pot in his hand. “Cactuses. A present for you.” He’s dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt which matches his

  tartan cap. Through the shaggy mess of his beard and hair his green eyes brighten as they find mine.

  Accepting the gift, careful so not to touch him, I examine the spiny green offering. “Just so you know I kill plants. I have the reverse of green finger.”

  “These, you just have to water every so often. Trust me they’re hardy suckers.”

  Leo chuckles. “Sounds like you, Mavi.”

  Rolling my eyes, I find a place for it on my window sill.

  Footsteps sound up the corridor. Turning back, I find Snatch and Cassandra have joined us.

  “The bargain was struck. There is no going back,” She sing songs, stroking the fluffy material of her pink pyjamas.

  “What’s she babbling on about?” I ask, moving to refill the kettle.

  Scratching his chin lazily, Snatch yawns. “I think she’s reciting stuff from Buffy episodes.”

  I hope he’s right. With her being an oracle, even one who seems to have completely lost touch with reality, any predictions she has should be heeded.

  “Cass, what did you say?”

  Blue eyes blink back at me dully. “Cereal please.”

  “Yeah, she does that.” Giving her a one-armed hug, he pulls her affectionately into his side. “It’s like she’s not completely lucid, which I can relate to from having a bad trip or two.”

  Making more coffee, I quickly add bread to the toaster.

  Behind me everyone chatters quietly. Absorbed in my task, I try not to dwell on the bad news I’m about to drop on them. Searching out a bowl, I’m relieved to find someone has stocked up on breakfast cereal. Knowing the guys someone went food shopping. They always carry snacks on a job.

  Carrying the mugs, I set them on the table. “Gabriel got in contact with me.”

  “With good news?” Caesar asks, hopeful.

  “Sort of.” Moving back, I collect the plate of buttered toast before setting it in front of them. Next, I slide Cassandra cereal and a spoon.

  “Why doesn’t that sound good? Anyone else who thinks that doesn’t sound good?” Snatch plucks fretfully at the sleeve of his jumper. It has so many holes in it now it’s starting to unravel more and more.

  Here goes nothing. Bracing myself, I get the words out in a rush.

  “Lucifer is after Cassandra and the demons who were transporting her were probably his.”

  The silence is deafening.

  “No noooo no! We are not messing with the Devil. Fuck that.”


  Lunging up onto his feet, a finger jabs in the air in my direction. “Don’t you Leo me! It’s one thing fighting his minions, but something completely different going against the red skinned ugly fucker himself. I like my limbs attached to my body, thank you very much.”

  Snatch rocks back and forth in his chair, eyes dilated with shock. “Please, tell me you’re joking. I’m not sure I’m mentally equipped for this much stress.”

  “Gabriel has someone coming to take her off our hands tonight.” I assure them quickly. “We only have to watch her for a few more hours.”

  “With big old targets on our foreheads.” Caesar groans, looking less than thrilled.

  “No one knows where she is.”

  Raking his hands through his short blonde hair, Leo paces the kitchen. “Fine, but we stay on lock down until then.”

  He must have seen something flicker in my eyes as his face darkens further. “What?”

  “I can’t.”

  “What do you mean you can’t?”

  Pushing away from the counter, I stand tall. “I have to go out.”


  “Leo, I need to see my brother.”

  “And since when did you get a brother?” He snaps back.

  He’s pissed. They all are. I am too, but if my blood is in danger nothing on Earth will stop me from protecting him, not even my own team. I know they can handle themselves. Nathan can’t. Locked in his own head, he’s no match for the demons or monsters who stalk our world.

  Snatch peaks out from his splayed hands he has covering his face. “You never share things like this, so we don’t know that, do we?”

  I can’t just walk out. I know that. They need an explanation.

  “Something’s happened and I think it’s linked to all of this. He might be in danger. You can’t stop me from going, but I need you to understand.”

  Caesar nods. “Go. We’ll hold the fort until you get back. We’ll be fine.”

  Leo refuses to look in my direction. He’s angry. I can see that. He has a right to be and probably feels like I’m abandoning them. But I’m not. Once Nate is secured, I’ll be right back here at their sides. Come hell or high water I will not let them down.

  “Snatch, you’re coming with me.”

  “You’re taking him too?” Leo throws me a disgusted look.

  Ignoring him, I turn to Caesar. “We’ll be gone a couple of hours tops. Text me if you need us.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Are you seeing anything?” I ask, the moment we step through the threshold of the home. Nerves jangling, I’m on edge. My sense of foreboding has been getting stronger.

  Hunching his shoulders, Snatch buries his hands deep in his jean pockets. “No, why, should I be? Mavi, what’s all this about?”

  Smiling at Kate the receptionist, I give her a wave as we pass her by. “One of the nurses here is in the hospital.”

  “What has that got to do with anything?”

  “I think she was the victim of a sex dream demon. It sounds way too much like their MO.” Easy smile sliding from my face, I scan along the corridor in our direction. The weight of

  the hidden gun in its shoulder holster feels like a guilty sin. I’ve never worn a weapon here before. Never felt the need. Until today.

  Snatch gives me a sideways look. “And it’s got you worried?”

  “It’s too close to home, especially with the mess we’re in right now.” Paranoia has been an aid to keep me alive in the past. Maybe I’m wrong. Over reacting, but nothing threatens family. Not on my watch.

  Reaching my brother’s door, I hesitate. It feels surreal having Snatch with me. This was never supposed to happen. Yet, fate has fucked me in the arse, tumbling down my well-constructed walls that keep work and personal
life separate.

  Twisting the handle, I push the door open.

  Sitting propped up in bed against pillows, Nate is waiting. Blue eyes staring out into the garden beyond his window, he doesn’t react.

  From experience, I know he’s just come back from a session of physiotherapy. That and the massages he receives keep his muscles strong and stop them from going into atrophy. Touch is also important. A way to try and encourage him to wake up from his comatose state.

  “Is this your brother?” Snatch asks, shuffling into the room behind me.

  Moving to the bed, I make an effort to fluff the pillows. “Yes. Nate...Nathan.”

  “How long has he been this way?”

  “Since he was twelve.”

  Arms hugging his waist, he gives me a sympathetic look. “Shit, I’m so sorry. What happened?”

  I don’t want his pity. This is not a chore. What I do for my brother I do out of love. He’s all I have left. The thing that keeps me going.

  “I’d rather not talk about it.” I reply stiffly back.

  Snatch nods in understanding. “Sure, I understand. I know sharing things is hard for you.”


  Fussing over the stack of magazines someone has left on his bedsit table, I busy myself putting them away. I can’t stay still. A live wire of anxiety is pulsing through my veins.

  “What are you going to do about your suspicions?”

  “Have someone stay with him.”

  I could have this all wrong, but I don’t want to risk it. Reaching into my jacket pocket, I finger my phone. My uncle is hours away. If I call him he still has to take time to travel down. Chancing that length of time and hoping Cassandra and the others stay safe is a gamble.

  “I’ll do it.”

  Blinking out of my thoughts, I frown at Snatch. “Seriously? You would?”

  Lips tilting up, he gives me a crooked grin. “Of course, you’re my friend. Mavi, I know you never let anyone close, but we’d all do anything for you.”

  They’re closer to me than they should be. Not that they know that. I would kill for anyone of them without remorse. Four years of working together was inevitably going to bond us. I never realised how much. It’s the reason I’m so hard on them. A world without them is something I can’t imagine.

  For a moment I don’t know how to respond. I’m not good with emotions. Not the softer ones.

  Awkwardly, I tug him in for a hug. “Thank you, Snatch. I’ll arrange it with the staff.”

  Arms closing around my waist, he gives me a friendly squeeze.

  “You think they’ll allow it?”

  Stepping back out of his hold, I quickly straighten the duvet on my brother’s bed. “I’m a benefactor of this place. I can make it happen.”

  “Mavi, I know you don’t have OCD, so chill out. I’ll ring you if I see anything hinky.” His hand closes over mine, halting my actions.

  He’s right. My nerves are getting the better of me. I hate being in this position. At any other time, I can feel invincible and not give a fuck. This hits me on a whole different level. I don’t like feeling vulnerable.

  “Just don’t start popping pills.” I mutter, swinging back around to face him.

  “I’ll be good. I promise.”

  “I’ll arrange for them to bring a temporary bed in here.” My phone going off distracts me. Fishing it out, I check the message.

  Caesar: The Boss has ordered me and Snatch to Cease Fire. Need you to watch Cassandra.

  “What’s wrong?” Snatch asks apprehensively.

  “Gabriel’s calling Leo and Caesar in without talking to me first.” Hitting speed dial, I hold the phone to my ear. It rings for what feels like an eternity. The fucker isn’t picking up. I don’t like this. Not one bit.

  “Snatch, if he calls you in…”

  A hand touches my fingers. “Mavi, I’ve already promised to stay here. If he gets all shitty I’ll tell him I’m having a bad reaction to some pills and can’t at the moment.”

  My shoulders sag in relief. This is so much easier when I’m killing things.

  Heading back to the bed, I ruffle my brother’s white blonde hair. “Hey Nate. This is my friend Snatch. He’s going to be staying with you for a while. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Snatch sidles up beside me. Expression sombre, he examines Nathan with his gaze. “Hey, I see you have a pretty impressive Superman collection on your shelf. Maybe we can have an epic read through.”

  Nathan doesn’t move. Blinking, his blue eyes and dreamy expression never changes.

  Squeezing his limp hand, a lump of emotion thickens my throat. “He likes to know about our adventures too.”

  “You told him about us?” Snatch replies in surprise.

  I don’t look away from the pale blank face I care about so much. “Every mission. Even the once a month drinking sessions.”

  I have to go. But I’m stalling.

  “Go. We’ll be fine.”

  Nodding, I back away towards the door. I still have things to arrange until I can leave. I need to speak with the director.

  Snatch retrieves one of the comic books and settles in the chair beside the bed. Voice soft, he begins to read.

  Tearing myself away, I storm back down the corridor. Gabriel has a lot to answer for right now. I don’t understand why he’s screwing us over. Unless they believe the demons, who accused me of killing Colin. That would mean there’s a price on my head.

  “I couldn’t get a hold of your uncle.” Kate the receptionist calls as I pass her table.

  “You have his phone number?”

  As far as I know I’m the only one whose contact details they have. Dane gets all news of Nathan from me. Our mother doesn’t care either way.

  “Yes. He visits every few weeks like you do. Made sure we had it just in case.”

  Bane has never mentioned this. He lives up North and rarely comes down to London. Confusion churns inside me.

  Biting her lip, her cheeks flush with colour. “I have a thing for the silent brooding type with blonde hair, blue eyes, and tattoos.”

  Bane doesn’t have tattoos. He also has dark locks. Yet, the description is familiar. Gabriel? Why is the archangel visiting my brother? What the fuck is going on?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Ammo clips lined up on the table, I play with the weight of the 9mm Smith and Wesson pistol in my hands. Caesar and Leo have been gone hours. Day has slipped into night. The place is quiet. Noise from the TV in the sitting room is filtering into the kitchen making me aware Cassandra is still watching a string of movies.

  In my gut I know something is brewing. It’s in the air. Something out of place. Just waiting to happen and crash down around me.

  Eyes darting to the phone to my left, I see no messages.

  Cassandra’s soft voice breaks my thoughts. More than a dozen times I’ve found her talking to herself. Eyes glassy, whatever she’s seeing spills from her lips in a jumble of words. She can’t control her visions. That is something I’ve come to realise. A slave to the power that inhabits her.

  Padding down the hall, I tuck my weapon in the waist band at the back of my jeans.

  “You’ll get what you desire, but you will wade through a river of blood to achieve it.”

  Frowning, I step into the room to check on her.

  A lamp has been switched on bathing the darkened room in a soft comforting glow.

  Sitting cross legged on the floor, with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, Cassandra isn’t alone. Crouching beside her, dark head tilted in concentration, is a familiar form.

  “Max, what the fuck are you doing?” I mutter, still unable to believe my eyes. How did he even get in here? My place is locked up tight.

  Head raising, he slowly stands. “Mavi, didn’t anyone teach you it is impolite to eavesdrop.” Red floods into the green of his irises stealing away the beautiful emerald.

  I stare for two beats. Shock has me paralysed. It can’t be true. I don’t want t
o believe it. I’ve never known them to be able to hide their eye colour like that before.

  “You’re a demon.”

  He smirks, attention riveted to my face. “Surprise.”

  “You played me.” It hurts so fucking much that I can’t keep the pain out of my voice. I had started to trust him. Began to feel things I’ve never felt before. Betrayal cuts deep.

  “Of course I did, darling. I knew about Gabriel’s idea to hijack the convey before you did. Getting close to you was no effort. You and your bumbling friends did all the work for me.”

  Lightning fast, I draw my gun.

  Max is faster.

  Before I can take aim, he has me pinned against the wall. One large hand imprisons my wrists above my head as he cages me with his body.

  “Careful, you might hurt someone with that.” He murmurs, warm breath tickling my cheek. Snatching the weapon, he places it on the counter to our right.

  Conflicting instincts assault me. I want to kill him yet fuck him at the same time. It’s all wrapped up in one. A dark need for pleasure and pain.

  “I’m going to make you bleed.” I seethe, struggling.

  “My little hell cat. I can taste your passion and your rage. It’s exquisitely mixed. I was going to kill you that first night we met. Snap your lovely neck while I fucked your brains out, but I changed my mind. Your tight cunt fits my cock so well I decided to let you keep breathing.”

  Figures take shape in the shadows of the rooms, red eyes gleaming.

  “Why fight me? I can make your sweetest dreams come true.” It’s a whisper. A promise.

  Turning away, my mouth twists in disgust. “I like my soul where it is.”

  Pressing himself harder into me, Max makes me aware of his blatant arousal. “It’s such a little thing in return. All your desires would be met. Everything you have ever wanted.”

  He’s enjoying this. I hate him. Impulses clamour inside me to tear him apart with any weapon at hand.

  “Fuck you.”

  “I think you’ll change your mind soon enough.”

  I’m freed so suddenly I stumble. Backing up, Max moves to stand where Cassandra is cowering, still wrapped in her blanket.

  I curb the urge to dive for my gun. He’s left it within reach deliberately. I know it’s a trap.


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