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Page 12

by L. J. Higgins

  “Not for a second. But Officer Banks couldn't exactly announce he'd murdered him could he?”

  “What about Mrs Saxby?” I asked.

  “No-one has seen or heard about her since.”

  The thought of having to tell Fletcher his mother and father were gone tore at my chest. “Looks like your plan won't work.” I snarled at Seth who'd grown pale.

  “What plan?” asked Geoffrey.

  “Nothing. It's a shock all of this could be happening over something so small,” said Braven, squeezing my hand tighter. “You're saying we have to sneak into an impenetrable compound, into the office of a brutal Elite leader's lunatic guard and put the chip into a computer. Too easy.”

  Braven's attempt at lightening the situation helped me at least breathe a little easier. I couldn't process the sheer magnitude of what we were supposed to attempt, not until I'd told Fletcher and Maya about their family.

  I lifted my gaze to steal some strength from Braven. “We've got this. We've overcome so much since we escaped Utopia, I have to believe we can finish what we started.”

  Geoffrey beamed. “You are just like your father.”

  “Yeah, she is,” added Seth, giving me a reassuring grin.

  I couldn't muster a smile in return. Maybe Fletcher had been right not to trust Seth? My need to know where I came from was muddying my intuition.

  “I wish I could do more to help you, but with Officer Banks watching my every move this was risky enough. What I can do is give you stunners like I gave Baxter, and a map of the compound and where the computer is,” offered Geoffrey.

  “They would be a huge help,” I replied.

  Braven's eyes lit up at the mention of the stunners. “Baxter's stun gun dropped a guy four times my size. They must have a bit of juice behind them.”

  “They're three times more powerful than anything the guard possess,” revealed Geoffrey.

  “We've got the pendant, you give us a map and stunners. What happens next?” I asked.

  “I wish I could offer for you to stay the night, but I'm afraid Officer Banks might show up and he's already dubious about my story as to the whereabouts of my pendant. At least now when I tell him I don't have it I'll be telling the truth. I'll talk you through the map and then I'll give you more sedative.”

  “We have to get back in those boxes don't we?” asked Seth.

  “I'm afraid so. But it's the safest way to get you back to the military compound. Once you're down there it's up to you three.”

  “Seven. There's four more of us down there,” I corrected him.

  “Even better. Now let me find this map and I'll show you where you need to go.”

  * * *

  The pain from discovering the fate of the Saxby's had faded into the background of my mind as Geoffrey explained the map of Elysium. Although surrounded by farmland and small homes where those who tended them lived, the compound itself was surrounded by a high chain-link fence topped with barbed wire.

  “These look like the Eden and Arcadia military camps,” said Braven.

  “It looks similar because it was once the Elysium military camp,” replied Geoffrey. “When Elysium came down the military rushed to their aid, but little did they know they were rushing to their death. Mr Bolten and his guard were ready and either shot down or imprisoned them before invading the camp, killing the lieutenant and his men and taking the rest as slaves. Where there were tents they built buildings using what they could salvage from the fallen city. And they built a fortress.”

  “How did he know to attack? How didn't he die with everyone else?” I asked.

  “There's a rumour he had something to do with it coming down in the first place, or he at least had been given a heads up and managed to leave before it happened. It was the beginning of his rule over the floating cities.”

  “You're saying we need to get to this fence?” asked Braven.

  “First you need to get through the farmlands without being seen. They're heavily patrolled and his farmers know to report anything unusual or anyone new.” He pointed to a border where two large squares met. “These are a wheat farm and a cattle farm. I think following close to the edge of the wheat field will be your best bet for getting as close to the compound fence as you can without being seen. When you get to the fence don't touch it, it's electrified.”

  “Of course,” groaned Braven.

  “Use the stunner I give you and it should short out the panel in front of you. Touch it with a stick or something first before you go trying to cut it though. The only problem is this will alert someone to a problem. You'll have to cut through and get inside before you're seen.”

  “Don't get electrocuted, don't be seen,” I repeated.

  “Once you're through the fence you need to make your way past these camps to the building beneath the centre tower. It's where you'll find the computer. It's where you'll be able to finish all of this.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “It's been a pleasure to meet you, Aurora. I wish it'd been under better circumstances.” Geoffrey had given us the map as well as a stunner each before guiding us back into the main room of the lab.

  We each approached our crates as Baxter burst into the room, his hair dishevelled and his eyes wide. “He's coming.”

  “Who?” asked Braven.

  “Officer Banks. He's on his way.” Baxter's words set everyone into action. Geoffrey jabbed us each in the arm with his sedative before ushering us towards our boxes.

  “Be safe, Aurora. We're all counting on you.” He looked me in the eye before pulling me in for a tight hug.

  A ringing filled the air followed by a voice. “Geoffrey Grant, why isn't my code working? Let me in!” Officer Banks' voice sent chills racing over my skin and a hatred burning in my chest.

  Geoffrey strode over to a panel beside a set of double doors and pressed the button and spoke in a too happy voice. “How strange, Officer Banks. One moment, I'll let you in.”

  Geoffrey turned to us, “it's too late. You need to get into the safe room until the sedative wears off.”

  A thunderous boom vibrated through the metallic room. My ears throbbed as the reverberation hit them hard and I covered them with my hands.

  “He's trying to blow the door. Quick Baxter, hide them,” Geoffrey said.

  I stumbled as dropped my hands to my sides to walk, the sedative already beginning to take effect. I blinked, ushering Seth and Braven ahead of me to follow Baxter to the other side of the room. Braven drifted sideways, knocking into a tall bench, some of its contents clattering to the floor.

  “Nearly there, come on,” Baxter grabbed Braven's arm and guided him to a spot where he bent down and pressed against the floor until a panel slid away revealing a crawl space. “It's not big, but you'll be safe.”

  Boom! The room trembled again sending my vision blurry for a moment.

  Officer Banks' voice echoed through the room again. “This is your last chance, Geoffrey. Let me in.”

  “The doors holding, quick, climb in,” called Geoffrey from the doorway.

  Seth had already crawled inside and Braven was stepping in behind him. I stood staring at the door behind which Officer Banks stood. Last time I hadn't been able to stop him from hurting those who'd helped me, but this time…

  “Aurora, you need to get in,” stressed Baxter.

  “No,” I raised my chin, striding over towards Geoffrey.

  Geoffrey turned to face me, his face ashen. “Aurora what are you doing? You need to go. He'll kill you.”

  I swayed as I reached him and he gripped onto my forearm to keep me upright. “I'm not letting him hurt anyone else who helps me.”

  “You're about to pass out on me. You can't stop him Aurora, you need to hide,” his eyes begged me to listen.

  My eyes grew heavy and his words became distorted as he continued trying to convince me to hide. I sank to my knees as my limbs became limp. It didn't matter how much I wanted to stop Officer Banks, how much I fought for my bod
y to remain upright, despite every inch of me wanting to strangle the man who'd hurt so many people I couldn't fight it anymore. My head hit the ground with a thud, my eyes squeezing shut and I drifted into a world of darkness.

  * * *

  Blinking my eyes open I squinted to make out the figures around me in our dark confines.

  “Aurora, are you okay?” Braven whispered, wiggling towards me, his neck turned to the side so as not to hit his head on the ceiling.

  “I'm okay,” my voice croaked.

  “Sssh,” said Seth.

  Footsteps echoed above us. “I've had enough of your stupid games Geoffrey. If I hadn't seen the pendant around Benjamin's girl's neck I would start to think it was all a lie.”

  “I assure you, Frank, if I knew where the pendant was…” Geoffrey replied as though he was talking to a child.

  “Stop lying,” Officer Banks bellowed. There was a loud slap followed by a groan from Geoffrey. “You've seen her, haven't you? Aurora, Benjamin's girl. Has she been here? Does she already have it?”

  “Why are you doing this? There was a time when we stood for something Frank, a time where we wanted the world to be a better place,” said Geoffrey.

  “And look where trying to make the world a better place got us. Your stupid fantasies wiped out Earth and now you want to do something to make yourself feel better about what you've done. I get it, Geoffrey, I do. There was a time when the guilt of what we did ate me up inside. Mr Bolton showed me the truth. If it wasn't us, it was going to be someone or something else. But it presented an opportunity, the chance to be something more than what we were. You may have been happy in your lab, pretending to help the people of the cities. I wasn't. I wanted more. And Mr Bolton gave me more than I could've imagined.”

  “He turned you into a murderer, and a monster,” spat Geoffrey.

  “I might've had to do the dirty work, but it was all to keep the people of the floating cities safe.”

  “Safe? You mean under the control of Mr Bolton,” replied Geoffrey.

  “Mr Bolton's control is the one thing keeping those cities stable.”

  “What about Kylie?” asked Geoffrey. “You loved her once.”

  “I did love her. But so much has happened, we weren't the same people anymore. All of this changed us.”

  “But why kill her? She still would've done anything for you.”

  “She was willing to betray me to Benjamin.” He drew a deep breath. “And it wasn't me who killed her. That little rogue Aurora did. All she had to do is give me the pendant and everyone would've been fine. Now, tell me where she is,” growled Officer Banks.

  “She's gone,” there was a new strength in Geoffrey's voice. “I gave her the pendant two days ago and she's on her way to expose you and Mr Bolton for everything you are.”

  There was an almighty roar before a gunshot rang through the air. I squashed my hand over my mouth to muffle a scream as tears ran over my cheeks.

  “She's on her way to Elysium. Get to the airship, we need to advise Mr Bolton immediately,” instructed Officer Banks. “If Slitter and Cronk were right, Aurora isn't alone and we need to be prepared.”

  Another male voice snickered. “She's a sixteen-year-old girl Officer Banks. There's no way she's getting into Elysium.”

  “Don't underestimate your enemy, Milton. We've thought she couldn't get away from us before and look how far she's come. She has nothing to lose which makes her dangerous.”

  “Yes sir,” replied the voice.

  “Let's get out of here,” called Officer Banks and the space around us filled with the echo of receding footsteps.

  We waited for what seemed an eternity before Braven spoke. “Looks like Officer Banks is scared of you.”

  I wiped at my damp cheeks. “He thinks I have nothing to lose but he's wrong. I have more to lose now than I have my entire life.”

  “Everything you have to lose gives you more to fight for than him,” said Braven.

  “What the hell did you do to piss him off?” asked Seth.

  “I hold the power to show the entire population of the floating cities everything he's done.”

  “Aurora?” a whispered voice said from above us.

  “Geoffrey?” I sighed in relief.

  “Hang on, I'll get you out.” A few moments later the roof above us slid back allowing us all to climb out.

  Braven climbed out first, gripping my forearm to help me up onto the lab's floor. Beside us Geoffrey lay holding his side, his button-up shirt seeped with blood.

  “Geoffrey…” I exclaimed crawling towards him.

  “It's not serious. Straight through,” he replied.

  “What do you need us to do?” I asked him.

  “It's okay. I've got it.” Seth crouched down beside us lifting Geoffrey's hand and rolling him to the side. “You're right, nothing too bad. Where can we find some bandages and gauze?”

  “In the top of the tall metal cabinet over there,” he beckoned towards the wall behind him with a wince.

  “On it,” Braven leapt to his feet and made his way over to the cupboard.

  “Where's Baxter?” I questioned.

  “He escaped through a vent under the city. When you've gone I'll let him know the coast is clear. You've got Officer Banks scared Aurora. I don't know if it'll serve you well or make it harder, but it's good to see him scared for a change,” said Geoffrey.

  Braven returned with a couple of bandages handing one to Seth.

  “I'll need your help to sit him up a little bit,” said Seth.

  Braven sat at Geoffrey's head, lifting him up so Seth could slide the bandage around his waist.

  “I got this one for your leg.” He held a bandage out to me. “The one you have on there is getting grubby.”

  Crouching down I unwrapped my leg revealing a small red dot surrounded by slight bruising.

  “I think it's okay now,” I replied, placing the fresh bandage back into his hand.

  “I should've had a look at your wound while you were here,” said Geoffrey, wincing as Seth fastened the bandage.

  “You've done enough already,” I replied. “Thank you for saving us. You could've just as easily given us over and no one would've been hurt.”

  “I'm afraid I may have made your mission harder. But it bought you time while he rushes back to Elysium to prepare for your arrival.”

  “What he said about Slitter and Cronk, do you think they work for him?” asked Braven.

  “Slitter and Cronk work for themselves,” replied Seth. “But it wouldn't surprise me if they were planning on selling us to Mr Bolton as slaves.”

  “I've heard rumours about Mr Bolton using earthlings as slaves. But I didn't imagine they were true,” said Geoffrey.

  “I've seen and done lots of things I hadn't imagined were true,” I said.

  “All done,” said Seth. “You'll have to take it easy for a while.”

  “Thank you,” replied Geoffrey as Braven helped him up to his feet and guided him over to an office chair. “I wish there was more I could do to help.”

  “Like I said, you've done plenty,” I assured him. “Now how do we get back down to our friends?”

  “I'll call Baxter. He'll load you onto the airship in the boxes and have you back in the military compound in no time.”

  “We have to be sedated again don't we?” asked Braven.

  “I don't have to sedate you. But it'll make for a much comfier ride,” said Geoffrey.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Blinking my eyes open the dull glow of light above me made it easy for my eyes to adjust as I peered up to find the lid of my box wide open, the dark green canvas of the ceiling above me. With a groan, I moved my heavy limbs. Braven appeared, leaning over the top of the box, his eyes groggy.

  “Good afternoon,” he croaked before holding out a hand for me to grab.

  “We're back in the compound?” I asked, rising to my feet with Braven's help and stepping back out into the real world.

“Yeah, Baxter got us all back here in one piece. But they've removed our belts and weapons again.”

  I patted at my waist to discover he was right. “What about the stuff Geoffrey gave us?”

  “They took the stun guns but I've still got the map,” he replied.

  “Where's Seth?” I asked.

  “I'm here.” Seth rubbed at the back of his neck. “Looks like they dumped us, took off the lids and ran.”

  “I don't blame them. Everywhere I show up Officer Banks is close behind me. I hope Geoffrey is okay,” I said.

  “His wound was clean and didn't hit anything important, he'll be fine,” replied Seth.

  The image of him tending to Geoffrey fought with the Seth who'd thought offering up my best friend as bait was a good idea. There was good in him, but I worried Brent had blurred the line too much. I hoped I wasn't risking too much in trying to get to know about my birth family.

  “As long as we got what we went up there for. Then it's all worth it right?” asked Braven.

  I patted my pocket and found the outline of the pendant. “I hope so. I've still got the pendant. Let's hope we can get into Elysium and do what needs to be done.”

  “I don't know what will happen when we get there, but at least the map is a start,” Braven pulled out the folder sheet from his own pocket. “I guess we best get back to the others and let them know what happened.”

  I swallowed hard. “Fletcher's going to be devastated about his parents.”

  “It won't be easy, but we need to remind him no matter what he has us.” Braven's gaze held mine.

  I tuned to face Seth. “If you say one word about using him again…”

  Seth held up his hands in defence. “I won't. If his dad's dead it's useless now anyway.”

  Narrowing my eyes I pointed at his face. “Keep your stupid comments to yourself, got it?”

  Annoyance flickered through his emerald eyes but he kept his mouth firmly shut.

  * * *

  The din evaporated as the three of us stepped through the tents open doorway, and all eyes were on Braven, Seth and me.

  “Aurora,” Fletcher sighed in relief, making it across the room in a few strides.


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