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The Billionaire's Forever

Page 6

by Ava Claire

  I stood still as she pinned the flowers strategically, giving me a pop of color that brought the whole look together. When she finished, she stood back.

  “What do you think?”

  I turned back to the mirror, finding new things to love. “It looks amazing.” My fingers hovered above the flowers. “Everything is so perfect.”

  She studied me for a minute, crossing her arms. “There’s one thing left to do. A call to make--but I only want you to make it if you want to, not out of a feeling of obligation or duty.”

  My brow furrowed as I peered at her in the mirror. “What?”

  She came back forward, her blue silver eyes on my hair as she fussed over a curl.

  “Most people that come here are trying to escape.” Her painted features cracked slightly, her lips trembling, eyes fluttering rapidly like she was holding back tears. “This place can make you feel like there is no world outside the trees, the beaches, the water.” She was looking into the mirror, but I could tell it wasn’t her reflection that she saw. She was a million miles away, replaying her own story. I tilted my head to the side, studying the pretty girl who should have been pledging some sorority, breaking hearts, writing papers on Marx and cramming for tests. Instead, she was the personal assistant and stylist to the rich vacationers and brides that cycled through on the island.

  She must have realized I was watching her because she gave her head a shake and pulled on a bright smile that managed to bypass her eyes. “I overheard you and your friend and I got the impression that your mother and mother-in-law were stressing you out about the wedding.”

  Now that I was sitting there, millions of miles away, all of that drama seemed overblown. I blushed, dropping my gaze to my lap. “I guess all mother’s are overbearing, kinda comes with the territory.”

  “Not all mothers.”

  My eyes flickered up and the smile Naomi wore dimmed.

  “Anyway, your friend told me to apologize for her, but your mother found out she’d been in contact with you and told her to give you a message. Your mother wants to speak to you before the ceremony.” She bit her lip guiltily. “I probably should have had this conversation with you before I did the makeup. She gave me a worried look. “You could always call her later. Or not at all. It’s up to you.”

  I peered at he house phone, feeling the tension knot in my chest. Was she going to yell at me for leaving the country without a word? Despite her gung-ho attitude for me finally doing what made me happy, there was no denying she had a tendency to want me to assert myself on her terms. I had a sinking suspicion she wouldn’t have pushed me to speak up for myself if she knew it would result in the bride and groom running away to the Caribbean.

  Naomi swiped the phone. “We can totally do it after then--”


  I wrung my hands and remembered the moment in the car when Mom was vulnerable and told me that she felt left out. That she just wanted to be a part of my day. She could be a bit much and sometimes she made me want to pull my hair out, but she was still my mother and I loved her.

  I took the phone and Naomi left the room without another word, pulling the door closed with a muted click.

  I dialed the island code and plunked out my mother’s number, bringing the phone to my ear. It rang countless times and I held my breath, sure I’d hear the voicemail. Be let off the hook.

  I gripped the armrest as the rings stopped and I heard her voice. “Hello?”


  The line went quiet, and I almost took it away from my ear to see if it was still connected.

  “Hi sweetheart,” she said finally, her voice unsure. “How are you?”

  Tears built in my eyes and I was overcome with emotion. “I’m getting married.”

  “That’s what I hear.” she chuckled. Neither one of us said anything for a moment and I just listened to her breathe, picturing her standing next to the wall in the kitchen, twirling the phone cord around her finger.

  “I never meant to push you about the wedding, Leila.”

  My heart clenched into a fist. “You didn’t?”

  “I just couldn’t stand that woman railroading you with the ceremony,” she continued. She let out another sigh, one full of sadness of regret. “I tried to help and I ended up railroading you too.”

  “It’s okay, Mom,” I said weakly. “Really.”

  “No it’s not. I’m kinda overbearing.” She snorted. “Hell, I’m being overbearing now and won’t even let you finish a sentence.” She was quiet, giving me the stage to finally speak, but I wasn’t sure what to say.

  “When you were little, you used to come to me and tell me all about how the girls in your class picked on you.”

  I sat back in my chair, a frown pulling the sides of my mouth downward. A childhood of bullying and my mother’s ‘turn the other cheek’ response was the last thing I wanted to think about.

  “It broke my heart to see how hurt you were. To see you doubting yourself and wondering if what those little monsters said was true. And I debated how to tell you to handle them.”

  Her response had always been pacifist, sticks and stones and whatever. The kind of ‘Just ignore them’ approach of someone that never had to deal with bullies attacking them, day in and day out.

  I was about to cry all over again, and not tears of happiness.

  This call was a huge mistake. “Mom, I should probably--”

  “I should have told you to fight.”

  My mouth fell open. “W-What?”

  “Not beat them down, because that would have opened up a whole new world of problems. I’d be lying if I said I’d get no satisfaction at ringing their skinny little necks though.” She cleared her throat, getting worked up.

  It made my face burn warm, a smile creeping in to replace the frown. She hadn’t just shrugged it off. She cared, all of this time.

  “I should have told you to stand up for yourself,” she continued. ‘To look them right in the face and tell them that you were beautiful and kind and someday, you were going to do amazing things. Like finish top in your high school and college graduating classes with a full schedule of clubs and honor societies under your belt. That you’d get your dream job and work with actresses like Rachel Laraby and save the lives of young stars who were as lost as you once were. That someday you’d fall in love with a billionaire and his love for you would be so great that it shone in every picture.”

  The tears came one after the other as I gripped the phone.

  “Don’t ever apologize for standing up for yourself, Leila,” she sniffed. “Because I couldn’t be prouder of you.” She let out a thick laugh, each note coated with tears. “I hope I’m not messing up your makeup.”

  I avoided the mirror, smiling. “That doesn’t matter right now. I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you too, hon. Now go marry that man and give me lots of grand babies.”


  The sky was a swirl of ebony and charcoal as Naomi pulled the mule to a stop in front of the wooden bridge that would take me to the sand where Jacob was waiting.

  I turned to her, feeling a rush of excitement that made my heart race and my mouth to dry.

  "How do I look?"

  She fixed a curl and gave me a big grin. "Fantastic, of course."

  I flashed her an unsteady smile. "Thanks again. For everything."

  I stepped out of the tiny vehicle and took a few steps before I stopped and turned back, panic gripping me by the throat. She flashed me a thumbs up and I relaxed a little, swallowing the golf sized knot lodged in my throat.

  This was really happening.

  I’m really getting married.

  I took it one step at a time, remembering everything that brought me to this beautiful place. Bumping into Jacob Whitmore on the way to my interview. Mouthing off then realizing with horror that I'd just given the boss lip. Following him to the corridor and realizing that he had no intention of giving me an interview.

  I bit my lip, the wa
rmth of all those feelings rushing back to the surface. I had no idea that tryst would lead to the contract. And that signing on the contract Jacob used to keep people at a distance would have the opposite effect and I'd fall in love with him. And he'd fall in love with me.

  I'd almost run out of bridge and I could see the warm glow of tiki torches near the water. A sheer white tent rose out of the sand, the fabric billowing in the breeze. I made out the outline of Jacob and another figure, assuming it was the officiant.

  The person who would make me his wife. That would make Jacob my husband.

  We’d come so far and braved so many obstacles. Tearing down the wall Jacob built to prevent being hurt. My self consciousness and doubt that a man like him could ever live happily ever after with me. Even She Who Will Not Be Named--fate didn't make it easy for us and there were moments when I wondered if we'd make it. But we did. He was waiting for me.

  I stepped on the sand, the coarse grounds squeezing between my toes. I clutched the hem, hiking it up as I tried to maneuver to him and moved slower, sinking and fighting the wind and thick sand. The picture of me gliding to him like some beautiful mirage was quickly being replaced by the reality of a sweaty, flustered, red faced bride. When I got closer and saw him watching me like he didn't see the frustration or splotchiness, everything faded to black except for him. His dark, windblown hair, the white linen shirt and tan slacks. The look of pure adoration on his face and when I got closer and took his hand, the glassy sheen of tears in his eyes.

  "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he said softly, holding tight to my hand as his lips curved into a smile.

  I moved closer, breathing in his warmth. His love. I looked up at him, giving him a playful smirk. "You're not too shabby yourself, Mr. Whitmore."

  His deep blue eyes went serious, searching mine. "Are you ready?"

  I brought a hand to his cheek, staring into the eyes that knew me. That loved me. "I'm ready."

  The man that was to marry us stepped up, flashing a toothy grin that shone like the top of his head as he shook both our hands. "I'm Scott Douglas." His British accent was thick and welcoming. "Thank you for making me a part of your day. Shall we begin?”

  We moved past the warmth of the torches, the flames whipping back and forth, creating shadows on the cool, white sand. The tent was sheer enough to see the stars twinkling in the dark night sky. Fragrant tropical flowers lined the floor around us. It was like we were standing in our own slice of Eden.

  Jacob and I stood side by side, Scott moving to the forefront.

  “I’ve been a minister for fifteen years, traveling to the different Caribbean islands and performing marriage ceremonies, I can tell you that Mr. Whitmore did provide me with an interesting first. He came to me before the ceremony and told me that this had to be perfect--or he’d have my head.”

  I shook my head, smirking at Jacob. He’d threatened the poor man?

  Scott let out a belly chuckle that made Jacob’s cheeks darken. “Don’t judge him too harshly. After I told him that I had a wife and grandchildren I wanted to see grow up, he relaxed and clarified. He told me that he never thought he’d find love. That he didn’t deserve it. But then he found you, Leila. And he wants to spend the rest of his life showing you how precious your love is...starting today.”

  I gazed at Jacob, blushing furiously. “How romantic.”

  When he met my eyes a smile split his lips. “I can be romantic if I have the proper inspiration.”

  I had no doubt of that. The beach, the candles, the tent, the flowers--he’d handled all of it.

  Scott beamed. “I was told you would like to exchange your own custom vows.”

  We both nodded and turned to face each other, hand in hand.

  Jacob winked, holding my hand steady. “Ladies first.”

  The nerves I’d forgotten about came spinning back and my hands started shaking. You should have written it down. I’d never forgive myself if my vows were eighty percent uh’s and um’s. But the more I looked into his eyes, the more confident I felt. I didn’t need a script. I knew the words to say.

  “You’re the best surprise ever,” His face brightened. “That first day we met, I was definitely shocked when the guy that nearly knocked me on my behind was you. And you kept surprising me, being nothing like the person that you show to the world.

  I fell in love with your passion, the beautiful moments of vulnerability when I get to see the Jacob that no one else knows. But it’s more than seeing the real you. You see the real me. And when you asked me to marry you--” My voice cracked and I let the tears that rushed to my eyes streak down my cheeks. “You’re the love of my life, Jacob. I can’t wait to be your wife and experience our amazing life together, one beautiful moment at a time.”

  He pulled me in, lips pressed against mine, sparks flying as he surprised me again, not even waiting for the minister to prompt him.

  Our lips separated, but his mouth still hung close to mine, forehead pressed against my own. The earth stopped spinning for us for one delicious moment, everything pausing but my racing pulse and the undeniable knowledge that I loved Jacob Whitmore more than anything in this world.

  Scott rumbled his throat, reminding us that the ceremony wasn’t quite over. If he was waiting for an apology from Jacob or a peevish look where he acknowledged he’d broken some sort of etiquette rule, he came up wanting.

  Jacob stood up tall, offering the man a shrug. “I just couldn’t wait.”

  Scott smiled and gave him a nod.

  “I don’t think I realized I’ve been writing my vows since I met you until I sat down to actually write my vows,” Jacob began, his deep voice as soothing as the water crashing into the sand. “It’s funny that you called me ‘the best surprise’ because you’ve amazed and surprised me from that day in the lobby. It’s not an easy feat, making me do a double-take, making me question my future and how I want to spend it.” His thumb caressed my hand as he continued. “You have such fire. You wouldn’t let me live a life without you in it. From that first kiss it wasn’t even an option. You are my future, Leila. You’re my everything.

  We’ve been through a lot of things together. Weathered a lot, you and I.” He skimmed the curves of my arm with his fingertips, making gooseflesh run up and down the length. “Just know that you are the single most important thing to me. You’re my best friend and my partner. And you’ve given me the greatest gift--the most beautiful love anyone could ask for.”

  I wasn’t just dealing with a conservative tear or two. My internal faucet was turned on full blast, tears of happiness spilling down my face as I gripped him, feeling lightheaded, feeling like I was on top of the world.

  “Beautiful vows,” Scott murmured. “People search their whole lives looking for what you two have in spades. Cherish each other. Cherish every moment.”

  I licked my lips, staring into Jacob’s eyes, swearing I saw every perfect thing in this world shining in the blue.

  “By the power vested in me, I know pronounce you husband and wife.”

  I let out a squeal as Jacob dipped me, the second kiss pulling all the air from my lungs. He gave me all with his lips, promising me a life of beautiful surprises. Love--and never being bored in the bedroom.


  Thank you for coming on this journey with me and allowing me to share Leila and Jacob’s story.

  **Just as a head’s up, I’m working on a two-part project called Venice Nights that’s kind of a prequel featuring Leila and Jacob’s time in Venice after Jacob announces to the world that they’re a couple (the series will cover the span of time between The Billionaire’s Heart and The Billionaire’s Girlfriend).

  Part One will be out in early October and Part Two will be out in November.

  Stay tuned to my blog for more information!

  About the Author

  Ava Claire is a sucker for Alpha males and happily ever afters. When not putting pen to paper or glued to her e-reader, Ava likes road tripping, kara
oke, vintage fashion, and searching for her own brooding billionaire.

  Connect with Ava at:



  Newsletter (I only send out emails when I have a new release and to share deals and giveaways exclusive to my subscribers!):

  Twitter: @avaclairewrites

  Some new projects in the works (release dates are subject to change):

  Venice Nights (Part 1)--October

  Venice Nights (Part 2)--November

  Prequel to His Dark Lessons--November

  Megan and Cade’s Story--December

  Mia’s Story--January

  Stay tuned to my blog for up to date information on my works in progress and release schedules!




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