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Unbound (The Braille Club #2)

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by J. A. Kerr

  IT would become his speciality, and he would often travel throughout the UK when assisting in specialised cases. He didn’t regret a minute of it and was completely adrift when at the young age of 48 he officially retired. He could have stayed on, but financially it didn’t make sense.

  Breaking from his usual short liaisons, he had become involved in a long-term affair with a married Q.C. It all started when she walked into the lift he was standing in. Their gaze met and he felt a spark of instant attraction—his heartbeat quickened, but she didn’t acknowledge him. She was the type of woman people noticed. A strong, striking face with a fantastic figure—he couldn’t help but stare at her. As the lift filled up, she stepped backwards.

  She moved closer and closer to him as the lift continued to fill. She didn’t turn around. He could smell her heady perfume; see the soft downy hair at the back of her neck. The lift was packed and she moved again until her rear connected with his groin. Embarrassed, he sprang back, his arousal immediate as their bodies connected. The crush of people continued to jostle them together. Then, to his amazement, she deliberately pushed into him, rubbing against him provocatively as she asked someone to press the eighth floor. He was barely breathing, his erection pulsing hotly against her as he fought to regain control of his emotions. He couldn’t believe it was happening, it seemed to last forever, but she gave one final push against him and departed, leaving the lift without a backward glance. Guy, a little dazed, had missed his intended floor. Adjusting himself quickly, he sheepishly punched in the fifth floor but couldn’t get the woman out of his mind. He couldn’t forget the encounter. He looked for her whenever he was in the building. Their paths did not cross again till three weeks later.

  He got a phone call asking if he could attend a preliminary meeting as consult on a new case that the CPS was working on. He checked his diary and made the appointment for later that week with Anna Dunbar. Arriving promptly, he froze when shown into the office. He recognised the woman immediately as she stood talking on the phone. She motioned to him to sit; indicating with her finger she would not be long with the call.

  She had her back to him while speaking into the handset as he looked her over. Her pencil skirt seemed to hug every curve. It accentuated the narrowness of her waist and roundness of her buttocks; the fabric moulded to her flesh, the slit sexy and enticing. He remembered the feel of those buttocks pushing into him and closed his eyes. Her high heels showcased her shapely calves. The cream blouse she wore was so fine the outline of her underwear was visible. Guy licked his lips; he liked what he saw.

  He didn’t know he would do it until his hand reached out and touched her spine. She shivered, but otherwise continued with her call. Emboldened, he stood up behind her. He put both hands on her hips and pulled her against him, his desire overriding his common sense. Again she pushed her rear against him and longing flooded his body. His fingers ran down the front of her thighs, and his breath quickened as he felt the garter belt beneath. As he pressed against her, his body tightened in response, seriously aroused—but still she ignored him.

  His arms snaked up, skimming over her breasts, and she rewarded him with a little pause as her breath caught. He inched up her skirt and as he did, she moved her legs apart. Blood roared in his ears as gradually, her long, slim stockinged legs were revealed. His hands caressed her thighs, his fingers travelling higher until he realised she was naked beneath her skirt. He yanked it up higher to reveal creamy skin in stark contrast to her black stockings and no panties.

  Shock and surprise rippled through him. His hands cupped her rear, the skin soft but firm. Heart hammering, he glanced at the door and swallowed. It could open anytime. With no explanation for their actions, the punishment would be swift and brutal. He looked around the room, which was sparse and completely exposed. There was no place for intimacy here. He jerked as her hand moved to his groin, rubbing him, teasing him, egging him on. Breathing hard, it took all of his control not to explode right there and then as she ended her call. She moved away from him suddenly and tugged her skirt down as she turned to face him.

  “Mr. Walker, we meet again.” She smiled. “Please take a seat.”

  Her voice was cool and crisp as she sat down and indicated the chair in front of her desk. He could barely breathe, let alone speak as he stumbled towards it. His eyes never left her unreadable face. She picked up a file and opened it.

  “Would you like tea or coffee?” she asked.

  Still stunned, he nodded out of habit.

  “Which would you prefer?”

  “Coffee,” he heard himself saying.

  She lifted the phone and requested two coffees to be brought in. He stared at her, her hardened nipples evident through her blouse. There came a knock on the door; a girl entered and placed a tray on the desk. Anna thanked her, lifted the coffee pot, and poured as the door closed. She pushed his cup towards him and when their fingers touched, he almost moaned.

  “I want your involvement in this case.” She indicated the file in front of her. “It’s going to be big and we’ll need your expertise to win it.”

  He remained silent as he added milk and sugar to his cup. Then he sipped his coffee as he tried to collect his thoughts and calm his racing heart.

  “May I look at it?” he asked.

  “Finish your coffee first.” Anna smiled. Guy placed his coffee cup on the tray. He got out of his chair and went to stand beside her. She rose, moving her chair back to allow him closer. She lifted the tray and placed it on a side table. Their bodies hummed as they stood side by side. He let his fingers brush her spine as he pulled the file in front of him. The touch of her excited him. His breathing quickened and his heart skipped. Anna looked completely unruffled. She lifted the phone, telling her secretary not to disturb her under any circumstances while her cool eyes taunted him.

  Unable to wait a second longer, he moved behind her, running his hands over her body as she leaned into him. His mouth found her neck, his hands her breasts as her body arched. He was shaking with desire, he wanted her very badly, but everything was happening so quickly. She ground against him, sending what little sense he had remaining out of his head. He turned her around, his eyes locked onto to hers as his fingers inched up her skirt. His brain, aware she was naked underneath, made him clumsy. The sight of her made him tremble. He parted her legs and slipped his fingers deep inside. She was so wet he gasped. Her hands stroked him and his body jerked at her touch. She found his belt buckle and loosened it. He groaned, almost losing control, squeezing her breast before pulling her tighter. Her fingers popped his button, pulling at him until he sprung free. Some primal instinct took over. He pushed her over the desk and plunged into her. He exploded, his release powerful and over in seconds. Dazed, he stumbled backwards.

  Anna straightened, reached inside her drawer, and took out several tissues; turning to him, their eyes locked as she handed him some. He cleaned himself. Her skirt was still bunched up as she sat on the desk. She reached inside the desk again and pulled out wet wipes.

  “Clean me,” she demanded.

  He stared at her as she opened her legs. His fingers shook as he looked at her sex, gloriously swollen and slick. Her eyes never left his as he approached her. Taking the wipes, he parted her legs further and started to rub them over her inner thighs. He was rock hard again as he gently wiped her nub. He wiped her all over, their breathing the only sound in the room before he dropped to his knees. Pulling her to the edge of the desk, he lifted her legs around his shoulders. He brought his mouth to kiss the top of her inner thigh, the creamy flesh wonderfully exposed. He moved deliberately slowly, his mouth hot as he delivered little kisses until at last, his lips touched her centre.

  She gasped and wound her hands in his hair, her breathing more erratic. His tongue licked and sucked as he felt her body convulse, but his arms held her tightly. When he thrust his tongue inside her, she tugged wildly at his hair. The pain was strangely erotic as his tongue relentlessly pushed her, harder and
harder, until he was rewarded when her orgasm ripped through her.

  Panting now, she stood up. He rose also, drawing his hand across his mouth. He let out a cry of surprise when Anna shoved him back on the chair. He stumbled a little, his clothes restricting his movements. She pulled her skirt back down, smoothing it over her thighs as she approached him. This time it was her turn to kneel as she took him in her mouth. She was fierce, sucking hard, making him come in minutes. She knelt back and smiled, reaching for the tissues to wipe her mouth.

  His body was bathed in sweat. Anna Dunbar looked unperturbed in comparison. He kept glancing at the door, on edge as he sat there exposed and spent but already wanting more. Her mobile rang, startling them both. He quickly pulled his clothes back on as she looked at the screen on her phone and frowned.

  “The meeting’s over, I need to take this,” she said tersely, and without a backward glance she strode out of the room, leaving him staring at her retreating back.

  Chapter 4

  The Braille Club, London, One Year On: When member bookings were processed an e-mail was generated. The Braille Club software sent the message in a visual Braille format all members must be able to read. They would be asked to respond and confirm their booking by entering their unique code, which would be sent to their mobiles within a certain time limit. Hearts raced and pulses soared as this process was undertaken but once the code was entered into the email their booking was secured.

  London 2014


  Siena jumped as the phone in front of her rang. Her mood and breathing erratic, she let the answering machine kick in as Benedict’s voice erupted into the room.

  “Siena, are you there? Siena, pick up now so I know you’re okay.”

  Not the only one to be frightened, Benedict was no better. He called her several times throughout the day to ensure she was okay; that she was safe. Nick’s legacy lived on in both of them. It controlled their lives on a daily basis and the panic in his voice made her lift the phone. She could hear the frantic quality that would soon border on desperation if she didn’t.

  “I’m here,” she gasped.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve fallen and hurt my shoulder,” she said slowly. She was probably going into shock, she thought vaguely. The pain was intense and her nausea was back worse than ever.

  “What? Are you okay? Where are the twins?” he asked.

  “No, it hurts a lot. The twins are down for a nap.”

  “I’m leaving, just sit tight. Siena, I’m going to lose reception, I’ll call you back once I’m on the road.”

  Siena’s face was grey and etched in pain. The panic attack had left her weak and unsteady but she knew if she could take pain medication, she would feel better. The phone rang again and she answered.

  “I’m putting you on speaker phone, I need to get medication for the pain,” she said quickly.

  “Okay, just take it slow. I’ve called Grace to come to the house to look after the twins; you may need to go to the hospital.”

  Siena hadn’t even thought that far ahead as she shuffled towards the kitchen cupboard and rummaged around with her good arm for the medication. Finding what she needed, she swallowed them dry, trying not to gag. She didn’t have the energy to get a glass of water.


  “Yes, I’m here,” she replied, her voice shaky; she really wasn’t feeling well now. Her brain was foggy as she slumped down on the chair.

  “Speak to me, Siena. What’s happening?” Benedict shouted.

  “Feel bad,” she whispered as she struggled to keep her eyes open. Her lids felt like concrete.

  “Siena!” Benedict barked. “Eat something. Anything you can get to, just eat it!”

  Siena’s eyes fluttered open; yes, she must eat. She swivelled her body around, aiming for the cookie jar, when she remembered she had candy in her pocket. She popped it in her mouth. The sweetness revived her, she felt relief. The monitor crackled to life. The sound of crying filled the kitchen and made her stiffen.

  “Siena, do not move, do you hear me? The twins will be fine. I’ll be home soon,” Benedict’s voice boomed.

  She sat rigid, listening to the increasingly distressed cries of her babies, her mind clearer now. She heard Benedict groan as he listened to their children’s cries get louder and louder.

  “They will be okay, Siena. They are safe in their cot. Please don’t lift them, wait until I get home.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait,” she mumbled, already beginning to move.

  “Siena? Please, they will be fine. They are safe, you can see them,” Benedict implored. But that was the problem. Siena was looking at the distressed and tear-streaked faces of her babies, and without thinking she was on her feet and moving.

  “Siena?” Benedict shouted but she was no longer listening.

  The pain medication had kicked in, and the candy gave her the energy she needed to climb the stairs. She panted as she got to the top and stopped, feeling a little dizzy, but it passed. She was calling to the twins now, her voice calming them.

  With her good arm, she opened the door and saw two little faces pressed against the cot rungs. She knew she couldn’t lift them up, but she could soothe them. This only worked for a short time—the twins were still tired. Their puzzled faces soon crumpled as they realised Siena would not pick them up. They whimpered at first before crying in earnest. Siena had no choice, she had to lift them. Reaching down with her right arm, she grabbed Leo first and gasped. She couldn’t believe how heavy he felt, and placed him at her feet, his cries turning into howls as she reached for Reeva. Sweat poured from her now. She plopped Reeva on the floor. The twins were now hysterical; they sensed something was wrong with their mother. Siena didn’t know what to do; she sank to the floor. The pain that shot through her shoulder made her yelp and the twins cried harder. They were crawling now, and she called to them using her one arm to guide them as they moved towards her.

  As she sat on the floor, her shoulder throbbing, the twins snuggled against her and eventually stopped crying. Siena relaxed and then she remembered the DNA results. Her immediate reaction was to jump up and run downstairs, but she couldn’t. She groaned in frustration and fear. She didn’t want Benedict to find them. She knew she would tell him eventually, but not today. Her stomach churned. She could see where she had left them; in the centre of the island where Benedict would surely find them.

  Tears slipped down her face; her heart was breaking. Gradually she became aware the twins had fallen asleep against her body. The crying had tired them, and hope surged through her that she could get downstairs and hide the results. She lifted her good arm and shuffled her body away from the twins. They moved, but didn’t wake.

  Ignoring the pain, she leveraged herself against the cot. She could do this; she needed to get those results. Her heart was beating with nervous tension as she agonised what to do. Unable to carry both twins, she had no choice but to put them back in their cot. The thought made her want to scream, but she gritted her teeth and stood. They would be fine; they would cry but they would be fine. She reached down for Leo awkwardly. He woke, raising his arms and hitting her shoulder. She screamed in agony.

  “Siena?” Benedict shouted as he came through the front door.

  She froze as she heard him—it was too late. He’d stopped outside the kitchen. “Upstairs,” she shouted miserably.

  She heard him turn, taking the steps two at a time before bursting into the nursery.

  Chapter 5

  The Braille Club, London, One Year On: The all-important Braille door code would be sent to member’s mobile phones on the night in question. It had to be used within thirty minutes. A second text was generated to members twenty minutes later. This warned they only had ten minutes remaining to access The Braille Reception. They must enter the code on the touch screen check-in. It also had a thirty minute countdown period. If you failed to check-in on time, you didn’t get to stay, which meant you didn’t get to play.

  Two Years Earlier


  Guy, shocked and enthralled by his encounter with Anna, craved her constantly. He often travelled to the eighth floor on some pretext or another, but after two weeks without a sighting; he was losing hope. He needn’t have worried; Anna breezed into his office and closed the door.

  He just sat there, staring at her in surprise. She looked amazing, her glorious black hair hanging in loose waves down her back. The blush on her cheekbones gave warmth to her creamy skin. Her lips were a deep raspberry, matching the pink tones of her fitted jacket, its lining a contrasting grey. Her tight figure-hugging skirt with the grey snakeskin belt oozed class; the cut of the suit was expensive and no doubt designer. Her long, slim legs were sheathed in sheer silk; the flash of red soles as she turned to close the door announced her grey leather heels were Louboutin. He noticed the way the sexy split at the back of her skirt revealed a little glimpse of her legs. She didn’t walk, she sashayed; her hips swinging seductively as she moved closer to him. Her cool green eyes had a feline quality as she looked at him.

  “Well, did you miss me?” she asked, unbuttoning her grey ruffled blouse.

  He stared at her stupidly as he realised she wasn’t wearing a bra. He could see her nipples through the thin chiffon fabric. Their gaze locked as her fingers continued to unbutton the blouse. Guy glanced nervously at the door, but became distracted as her breasts were revealed. They were full and firm on her frame, creamy white with hard pink buds.


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