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Unbound (The Braille Club #2)

Page 19

by J. A. Kerr

  “Anna?” Guy’s voice was anxious. “Anna, are you okay?”

  “Yes, fine,” she called, because it was true. For the first time in what felt like forever, she did feel fine. Well, not physically. Her nose still hurt like hell, but with some painkillers she’d manage. She rummaged in the cabinet, found them, and swallowed them down with a glass of water.

  “I’m just freshening up, Guy,” she called as she stripped off her bloody clothes and stepped into the shower. It felt wonderful as she gently washed her hair. She dried herself, pulled on her robe, and wrapped her hair in a towel. She padded downstairs and found Guy with a bemused look on his face in the kitchen.

  “I tried to make coffee but…” He shrugged; the kitchen looked like an explosion had gone off. He lifted the bottle of red wine and two glasses he found instead, and they returned to the sofa. He set about opening the bottle and pouring the deep red liquid into the glasses. They both lifted them and took a sip, it was delicious and she looked at the label. Chocolate Box. The wine slipped down her throat like a caress and she wasn’t surprised to find how quickly her glass emptied. Guy topped up her glass.

  “Well, what have you decided?” he asked Anna gently.

  “I’m not pressing charges against Robert, that hasn’t changed, but I think with this face and these bruises, he’ll give me anything I want,” she said ruefully. She made a mental note to photograph her face and body. Guy could attest to her injuries should she ever need collaboration.

  “But Anna…” said Guy angrily.

  “No, Guy, my decision is final. He called me a freak, brought up our affair, and I lashed out. He grabbed my arms, we fought, and I hurt my face when we fell over. It could have easily been the other way around. The only thing I can’t forgive Robert for was the way he spoke to me. He made me feel cheap. He was cruel, as we know sticks and stones are the least of it, names really do hurt. So silly really, I thought for just a second, only a second he was going to hurt me but his disgust won over. That’s a hard image for me to live with,” she sighed.

  “Are you sure, Anna?” His voice was tight with emotion. If Robert had been anywhere near him, he would not have been responsible for his actions.

  Anna’s eyes were sad and filled with tears as she looked at him. They slipped silently down her face. “Oh yes, I’m sure. I never want to feel like that again, ever. Once was enough and if Robert doesn’t play nice then I’ll destroy him.”

  Guy looked convinced Anna was telling the truth. The shock was gone, only sadness and steel remained, which when combined was often deadly. His phone rang, and glancing at the screen, he mouthed at Anna he needed to take the call. She sat listening to him talk. Something was different about Guy now. She bristled as he mentioned Siena this, and Siena that, to the person on the phone. There was an intimacy in his voice she hadn’t heard before. When he ended the call, she sensed he was leaving and felt another rush of sadness. He topped up their glasses once again.

  “Your job, how did that happen?” she asked.

  “Retirement didn’t suit me.” He shrugged.

  “Did you know of the club beforehand?” Anna asked curiously.

  “No, but that aspect didn’t bother me,” Guy replied noncommittally.

  “Yes, I can see that,” said Anna dryly.

  “I’m snowed under at the moment with all the refurbishments.” He sighed, rubbing his hands tiredly over his eyes. “A driver from the club is en-route to pick me up,” he said apologetically. “I left in a rush today, I’ve got a few things I need to do.”

  “Of course, Guy,” said Anna, hiding her disappointment.

  They passed the remaining time sipping the wine and all too quickly his phone buzzed with a text and he slowly stood.

  “Are you sure you’ll be okay?” he asked.

  Anna bristled. “Yes, Guy, I’m fine.”

  She could see he was already distracted, his attention elsewhere as he looked at his phone. Anna realised then she had competition, and she didn’t like it one bit. Guy embraced her, his arms strong as she clung to him. He bent his head, his lips kissed her forehead, and then he left.

  Chapter 38

  The Braille Club, London, One Year On: Stoicum Zone. Guy felt the tug in his hair and the vibration in the chair simultaneously. Each grew in intensity, the combination of pleasure and pain unbearably exquisite until he knew he was lost forever.

  London 2014


  Niven experienced a familiar relief as she stepped inside Harrison’s. She wished it was as easy to shrug off her fears, like she had her coat as she handed it to the girl at reception. She was nervous and jumpy. Just because she was prepared didn’t mean she wasn’t afraid—she was, and the strain showed on her face. This meeting tonight was the perfect distraction although she doubted she could concentrate. Handing over her membership card, she feared Toby was getting bolder, and that really was worrying.

  “Mr. Walker will be with you shortly,” said the beautiful girl behind the desk.

  Niven, miles away, looked at her blankly.

  “Guy,” she confirmed.

  Niven nodded but jumped in alarm as someone brushed against her arm. She hadn’t heard anyone approaching, and it took all her willpower not to scream.

  “Niven, are you all right?” said Guy worriedly.

  “Yes, sorry, just nervous.” She turned and looked at Guy, giving him a weak smile.

  “Come this way,” he said, leading her to his office.

  “Niven, there is no pressure for you to continue tonight,” he said carefully. “You seem to be worried about something?”

  The question hung in the air and Niven stared at the perceptive man across from her, suddenly wanting to tell him everything…but she caught herself. Exposing anyone other than herself to Toby would put them in grave danger. She thought of Maria, who died trying to protect her…no, she couldn’t have another’s blood on her hands.

  “I’m just nervous, Guy, but I do want to continue, believe me,” she replied, her voice steady.

  “Okay, the others will arrive shortly, but their identities will be preserved. You and I will be together, there are six in the zone. Which role would you prefer tonight?”

  “Assignee,” said Niven without hesitation.

  Guy’s eyebrows shot up like he hadn’t expected that.

  “This is something we are trialling,” he said, pushing the key across his desk.

  Niven picked up the small black fob. It was similar to a car key and had buttons on it.

  “What does it do?” she asked.

  “We hope it will do many things but for tonight it will buzz to tell you that you have thirty minutes before your zone session starts. You must make your way to the bank of doors. When the vibrations increase you have fifteen minutes remaining. When the vibrations increase again you have five minutes. Inside the changing room you will see located on the wall a slot for the key. When you are ready, put the key in the slot and the door will open. On entering the zone, please make yourself comfortable on the seat and I will join you. Don’t look so worried, it’s all trial and error tonight.” He smiled reassuringly.

  Niven tensed when she heard the bells ringing and knew instinctively she was no longer alone. The strain of the last few weeks intensified as fear ballooned inside her chest. She took a deep breath, then flinched violently as someone lifted her hand. Something snapped around one wrist then the other, the touch gentle. The tinkling bell was the only sound in the room. She calmed a little at the light tap on her shoulder; a reminder it was only a game. Grace’s words echoed in her mind…she could stop at any time.



  Esme was pacing in her office reception when she received the text saying Ford was outside. She moved quickly to the car, slid inside, and turned anxiously to Ford.

  “Did they arrive?”

  “Hello to you too.” He smiled.

  “Well?” Esme demanded.

  “Yes, they arrived, I’ve put the
m with the rest of the prototypes but you need to meet with Guy Walker first, no exceptions, Esme.”

  She scowled and looked out the window as her heartbeat quickened, still unsure of her feelings for Ford. However, the way she was reacting now suggested she was attracted to him, or was it the upcoming zone session that had her pulse racing? She was so confused and was sick of it.

  “Well, he’d better be quick, I’ve got work to do,” she snapped.

  Ford said nothing and Esme turned to look at him. He was paler than usual and he’d lost weight. “You don’t look great, Ford, are you okay?” she asked, suddenly gripped with a terrible fear he was unwell.

  “I’ve split up with my girlfriend, Monique,” he said quietly. “She took it hard.”

  Esme was momentarily lost for words as she saw a look of sorrow and pain pass over Ford’s normally smiling face.

  “I’m sorry…”she said.

  “I feel like such a shit, she was completely devastated. We’ve been coasting for a while and I knew she wanted more but she’s not the one.”

  An uncomfortable silence filled the car, only broken by their arrival at Harrison’s. “We’re here,” said Ford, sounding relieved.

  He parked the car and led Esme up to the main reception. When she shook Guy Walker’s hand, she sensed they would work well together. After their meeting finished, she was sure of it. The sensory session she had been booked into with Grace had been wonderful. Esme’s body was still tingling with excitement when she left but it was a different experience entirely from before. When finished, she was to text Ford and he would take her to his workshop. Sending the text, she sat sipping the wonderful coffee. When she saw him approaching, again her pulse quickened. She saw he was immaculately dressed, his hair slick and the glasses he now wore, edgy. Esme noticed women were looking admiringly at him and a prickle of heat went through her.

  Their eyes met, Ford’s subdued and uncertain, Esme’s ablaze. As they walked towards the workshop, there was a tension between them. She walked around, looking at everything in great detail, asking pertinent questions and offering her opinions. He looked at her, nodding; she was already making improvement suggestions that made sense. She stopped at the table.

  “It’s smaller than what I thought it would be,” she mused. Lifting the belt from the table she examined it.

  She could hear Ford as he crossed the room, see him as he turned towards her, smell him as he leaned in, and feel him as he brushed against her; all that was left—was to taste him. She licked her lips and switched on the sensory belt. Taking Ford by surprise, she slid the belt around his waist, securing it quickly. She had the remote control in her hand and pressed it several times.

  “How does that feel?” she asked. This time when their gaze met, there was intent.

  “Good,” Ford replied. She pressed the remote again.

  “How’s that now?”

  “Better…” he replied tightly.

  She moved closer and his arms shot out and grabbed her. Pulling her against him, the vibrations of the belt connected them. She gasped. Ford kissed her, revealing a passion so fierce it took Esme’s breath away. Longing surged through her, making her dizzy with desire as she clung to him. Their kiss deepened. The belt pulsed hotly between them, the sensation erotic as Ford’s tongue twisted and probed inside her mouth.

  Esme’s body was on fire, scorched by the power of the sensations she was experiencing. She thrust hard against Ford when the key in his pocket buzzed. It was several minutes before they realised what it was.



  He broke away from Esme breathing hard, eyes wild, as he pulled it out. He’d felt nervous earlier about showing Esme his work but never in his wildest dreams had he thought this would happen. He still couldn’t believe it.

  “We need to go to the zone,” he panted, cursing the timing, his body and mind screaming in protest.

  Esme’s fingers pushed against the belt, making him groan as she gently released it. His body was still vibrating. When she slipped her tongue inside his ear, his blood roared. When her fingers tugged at his belt, he caught her hand.

  “No, Esme, we need to go to the zone.”

  “I’m already in the zone, it’s now or never,” she challenged.

  He picked her up like she was a doll. “We’ve waited this long, we can wait a bit longer.” His voice was strained as he opened the door.

  Esme was furiously protesting until he kissed her. Her resistance melted away. The corridor was mercifully empty. He stopped outside a door, pulled it open, and moved inside. When he stood Esme up she didn’t say a word. He tugged her jumper up and over her head and removed her bra. He caressed her breasts while kissing her passionately, placing his lips first on one hardened nipple, then the other. Esme moaned. He slipped the prototype sensory top over her head and saw her eyes widen in surprise. He unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor, all the time aware of the increasing vibrations of the key in his pocket. He tugged Esme’s knickers down, his fingers slipping between her legs. She gasped. He lifted first one foot, then the other and pulled on the sensory leggings. Sweat formed on his face as he located the silent key in his pocket. Jamming it into the wall, the door opened, and he pushed Esme through.



  She stumbled, her legs like jelly. There was a chair directly ahead of her with curtains on either side, making the area private. She collapsed gratefully onto it. She took a moment to collect herself. Slowing her breathing, she concentrated on her surroundings. Panic and confusion assailed her. She struggled to remember what to do next. Instinctively, she felt for the hood, her mind somehow functioning while the rest of her remained in a daze. With the sensory lesson still fresh in her mind, she knew what she must do next. Heart beating wildly, she slipped the hood over her head. As darkness descended, Ford moved behind her.



  Siena liked the way the prototype fabric clung to her body. She imagined Benedict’s face. The curtains were his compromise, but she was acutely aware there were others either side of her. On edge, excited, she couldn’t wait to begin, but nothing happened. Was something wrong? Had he gone back on his word? The air changed, replaced by an expectant charge. The touch of his hand on her wrist electrified her. A rush of emotions flooded through her. God, she had missed this. She had never felt more alive, more present. Exhilarated, it was all she could do to keep still. When his hand touched her shoulder, she flinched. Biting her lip, she steadied herself—the game had begun.

  Chapter 39

  The Braille Club, London, One Year On: Caligo and the E-Suites vibrate with an eclectic mix of members. Tonight there is an underlying frisson of tension. A mixture of apprehension and hunger that only pleasure and pain can evoke. The Stoicum Zone is open for business.

  London 2014


  Toby was still acclimatising to his freedom. His father and stepmother were due a visit. They both treated him badly, not to mention his own mother, whom seemed to have vanished into thin air. He’d make time for all of them, but his priority was Niven. Just the thought of her had him vibrating with emotion. She was why his life had gone wrong. The cost—his freedom. That must never happen again. He’d rather die than go back inside.

  His anger swelled. How had he ended up in this position? He’d dreamt repeatedly, once outside prison, he would be free, but not anymore. Nick Waters was in control of his life—there was nothing he could do to stop it. He hated him but you didn’t bite the hand that fed you. Well, not yet. He had certain plans for the future and he needed Nick’s money to achieve them. When he was ready, Nick Waters would pay like all the rest of them.

  Toby’s life after the attack was no longer his own. He despised Nick but was too afraid to show it. It took his body weeks to recover from the beating Nick’s muscle men gave him. Seething with resentment, he was never alone with him again. There was always a menacing inmate lurking in the background. Nick appeare
d excited at the prospect of Toby working for him. He was less thrilled but the money Nick paid was substantial, and the only way of getting back on his feet.

  He needed accommodation and a driver. He had yet to learn, having spent his later years incarcerated at Her Majesty’s pleasure. Once he’d had a few lessons he could get rid of the driver. It would be risky but a traffic offence was the least of his problems right now. This took longer than planned. He ended up outside a dilapidated building—the only place he could get without references. The sleazy landlord’s eyes lit up when he mentioned paying in cash. He didn’t ask any questions, for which Toby was grateful, but he baulked when he saw the room. His prison cell had been cleaner.

  “This is a dump,” he fumed.

  The landlord shrugged. “Take it or leave it.”

  Toby knew he was out of options. Frustrated, he nodded his head. He paid the repulsive landlord and took his key. He went to the nearest shop, purchased cleaning materials, and got to work. Several hours later his room was still a dump but at least it was clean. He couldn’t even lie on the mattress it was so filthy. Obsessively clean, he knew he must replace it and buy new linens before he could consider staying. Exhausted, he booked into a hotel for the night. After a good night’s sleep and a long hot shower he was ready. He got what he needed and his room was now habitable. He moved onto finding a driver, persuading a lad at the bedsit to come with him to buy a car he’d seen advertised. The car was perfect for what he wanted it for; he paid in cash and got Paul to drive it to the nearest industrial estate so he could learn to drive. He was a quick learner and had mastered the main elements within weeks but still, it was frustrating.


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