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Cecilia's Claim

Page 6

by Raven McAllan

  Although Cecy had her eyes closed and seemed totally involved in her feelings, Philippe approached the couple with care.

  Caleb had brought his hands around Cecy and was playing with her nipples, pinching and soothing in turn. Philippe walked to the other couple and knelt on one side of Cecy.

  As Caleb moved his hands, Philippe put hands where Caleb's had been. Cecy's nipples were hard tight nubs under his fingers, and he nipped to feel them tighten against his palm.

  "Ah, so different." Her words were so soft he had to strain to hear them. Caleb noted his glance. "Your word?" Caleb asked her. For one long, heart-stopping moment Philippe thought she might not answer.

  "I am at peace my lord."

  Caleb glanced at Philippe, anxiety in both his look and his demeanor. Philippe ignored the entreaty. He pinched each nipple hard. Cecy took a deep indrawn breath and opened her eyes to look at him. Their glazed, clouded covering changed to one of suspicion.

  "Why did I not guess…Battle. It has to be battle." Her words ended on a sigh.

  Both Philippe and Caleb stopped what they were doing. Cecy pushed back at Caleb. "I am at peace with your cock in me, although peace is a misnomer. But…" She stopped speaking. With a wry smile Caleb picked up his rhythm again.

  "Shall I watch?" Philippe asked. "I'm happy not to participate as long as you get release. This time. Next time who knows?"

  Cecy looked at him. Once again her eyes weren't focused, and Philippe wondered if she could see him at all.

  "You'd do that for me?" she asked in a soft voice that made the hairs on his nape stand on end.

  "Ah love, we'd do almost anything for you. I draw the line at killing for no reason, but other than that?" He shrugged. "We are yours to command."

  Her cheeks flushed a rosy red, the color he would love to see her arse. A mix of emotions crossed her face and not for the first time he wished he knew what was going on in her mind.

  "Then close your eyes." Cecy said in an undertone, but with steel in her tone.

  He glanced at Caleb, who seemed as puzzled as Philippe by her answer.

  "My eyes?"

  "That M. Le Compte is what I said. You said you were mine to command. Therefore…" She raised one perfectly shaped eyebrow, and moaned softly as Caleb increased the speed of his thrusts.

  Much against his inclination, Philippe closed his eyes. To be on the receiving end of an order was somewhat alien to him. Even his superiors gave him a great deal of leeway. For Cecy to act thus was a departure, and one he rather admired.

  "Thank you. Now, ah for the love of God more… more… now Monsieur…" she gasped out the words. "Now you may look… ahh…"

  The scream she was surely to utter was cut off abruptly. Philippe opened his eyes and stared at the glorious sight of his lover pounding into the one other person he hoped would become his lover again.

  The shirt between Cecy's teeth was mangled, and her hands fisted the edges. Philippe's prick was wet with his juices, his seed threatened to spill, and he was hard pressed to hold back. His palms ached to touch Cecy, his cock ached to fill Caleb, and his body was on fire with the need that consumed him.

  Caleb's eyes were closed and he held tight to Cecy's waist. She moved her hands to her own nipples and Philippe watched as she took hold of each nub and pinched, harder it seemed than he had dared.

  Damn I wish it were my fingers on her, or my cock in either of them. He vowed next time it would be so. He watched as her shuddering climax threatened to spill Caleb from her. How Caleb held himself back before he withdrew and spilled over her back Philippe though it was one of the hottest sights he had ever seen. It was enough to tip him over the edge. With one hard tug of his hand he came. His seed flew in an arc and fell to the grass to shine its presence in the gently moving blades. His heaving chest and irregular breath matched those of his companions. Caleb moved and lay prone on the grass, as Cecy collapsed onto her front. Philippe sat on his arse and leaned over his legs.

  Slowly, each one's breathing lessened from harsh to normal. Philippe took one last deep breath.

  "That," he said. "For one who was but a voyeur, was perchance one of the hottest things I have experienced. To see you both thus, was one stage less than my ultimate desire."

  Cecy rolled onto her back and lay spread-eagled, her body on view. If he weren't so empty, he would fuck her like that until she was demanding release. However, his mind might need but sadly his body did not.

  "Only the second?" Cecy asked. She winked. In her obviously sated state he thought that action amazing. "I had thought it way down your list."

  Caleb laughed. "She has you there, and to be honest I thought as she did. If watching us fuck is almost your pinnacle of desire you are easily pleased."

  "Oh I can be easily pleased 'tis true, but perhaps our challenge is to prove that statement wrong?" Philippe raised his arms above his head and stretched. His torso rippled as his muscles moved.

  Cecy looked at him as a thirsty woman in the desert would at water.

  "What?" he asked his emotions stirred by the naked desire he could see in her eyes. "Why do I feel as if I'm your next meal?"

  Chapter Eight

  "Pardon?" Cecy shook her head, and Caleb laughed. He'd seen the way she scrutinized Philippe, and hoped it was a sign that perhaps she wasn't as indifferent as she said. Maybe her reticence was a pretense, one to protect her feelings perhaps? He was well aware how they let her down in the past so it was natural she was wary now.

  "You look as if you are deciding where to bite," Caleb said. "Should I take his cock or his mouth to me? Should I lick in a delicate manner as befits a lady, or swallow as befits a lover? Like that."

  She blushed all over. Caleb heard Philippe's indrawn breath, and echoed it. The rosy flesh gleamed with the soft sheen of perspiration, and slick traces of her arousal still coated her thighs. It was a sight due to arouse any man sated or not, and it did so. Both his cock, and he saw with a swift glance Philippe's prick showed swift signs of recovery.

  "Ah," she said and giggled. The carefree sound was welcome. "That is for me to know and you to wonder, my lord. Maybe I was deciding if either of you would be worth my effort to move?"

  Caleb stood and held out his hand to help her to her feet. She took it and stood up in her usual elegant manner.

  "Minx, let us show you."

  Philippe joined them. "Sadly not at this moment." He picked up Cecy's clothes. "Perhaps as you had the delights of undressing our lady, I can have the privilege of re-clothing her?"

  That seemed fair enough. Caleb pulled on his shirt and britches and looked around for his boots. How they had landed in a gorse bush he had no idea. With the utmost care, he pulled them out one by one and donned them. Behind him he heard Cecy's half-hearted protests, and looked back.

  "I fail to see how my nipples need to be adjusted in that manner." There was no anger in her voice. If anything it held a tinge of husky desire. "They do not need to be placed over the linen, it is there to cover them." She slapped at Philippe's hands, which were busy arranging her clothing below the globe of her breasts. With every adjustment, he rolled her nipples between his fingers.

  "Such a pity, for they look perfect as they peek over the top to welcome us," Caleb remarked as he strolled back to the other two.

  "That's as may be, but I cannot walk through the village dressed as a trollop." There was a definite twinkle in Cecy's eyes as she pulled the material of her gown up to cover her breasts. "There's enough talk of me and my misdoings circulating as it is."

  "What?" Caleb was outraged. He had heard nothing and as the local magistrate most gossip got to his ears sooner rather than later.

  "Nothing too outré," she assured him. "I was only asked if it was true I had allowed a so-called gentleman to drink champagne out of my slipper."

  "How did you answer?" Philippe asked before Caleb had a chance. The interest in his voice was obvious.

  "I asked the good lady to define a gentleman to me. I said with
out her definition I had no way of answering."

  Caleb roared with laughter, and Philippe raised one eyebrow in a very Gallic gesture.

  "Did she?" Philippe asked.

  Cecy shook her head, and her hair swung and glittered in the sunshine. "She gobbled somewhat like the turkey on Perry's estate, went a peculiar mottled shade of puce, and muttered something about hussies and heathens before getting into a much too elegant carriage for the lanes around here."

  "Mrs. Crimp I wager," Caleb said. "Fifty-ish, stout and puffed up? Wearing clothes more suited to town than here?"

  "That's her. She did introduce herself, but her accent wasn't easy to understand. Who is she?"

  "It's not who she is, but who she'd like to be. Her husband is a minor landowner up river. She thinks they should be the elite of the area. Sad for her there are others more suited to hold that position."

  "Like you?"

  He laughed. "If you like. My family have been here for generations, I'm Lord of the Manor, magistrate and considered to be a good upright citizen. Do not snigger," Caleb said as the other two did just that. "Considered only. It can be seen I am not that well known, for which I must be grateful."

  "True, and I must leave before it is too late for me to be wandering along the foreshore. Where are my shoes? Ah under this…where did this come from?" She held up a piece of delicate lace about three yards long.

  Caleb glanced at Philippe whose face was a blank canvas.

  "Why do you ask?" Caleb said as he took it from her and passed it to Philippe, who didn't say a word. His eyes never left Cecy's face.

  "Do you recognize it, love?" Philippe spoke quietly, however Caleb heard the interest.

  "Hmm. May I?" She held her hand out for it to be returned to her.

  Philippe gave the material to Cecy, who ran it through her fingers. "Hmm, it's obvious this is new, so I daresay I don't recognize this specific yardage. But I have seen something similar not too long since." She wrinkled her nose and bit her lip. "No, 'tis gone. No matter it will come to me when I least expect it. Is it important?" She looked from Philippe to Caleb and back again. Her interest was palpable.

  "Not at all," Philippe spoke smoothly, I just wondered if it was yours."

  Her fist connected with his stomach, and Philippe let out an "Oufft."

  Caleb winced and held his hand up in supplication as she turned to him with her eyes flashing anger. "I said nothing." Her animated demeanor aroused and excited him. This was the Cecy he knew, all fire and vivacity. The poor shadow of herself she had seemed when they re-met was, it seemed vanquished.

  "Ha, but I have no illusions that you did not think whatever it was he was thinking." Cecy said with scorn. "If you persist on treating me like a child, perhaps I should behave like one, sulk and remove my presence. She gathered up her pelisse and without looking at either of them shrugged it on. "Where is my shawl?"

  Caleb pointed. "Not that you need it. Cecy please listen, you can not go back to Randall's house. It is not safe."

  She looked at him as if he spoke a foreign language.

  "Why? Randall will wonder where I am."

  "Randall will be told you are safe. If you go into the village, you may well not be. Remember there are people who would love to have a hold over the local protection officer. What better way than to use you to coerce him to turn a blind eye or more."

  He saw the moment Cecy realized he was serious. She paled and put her hands to her mouth until with a determined effort she straightened.

  "You truly think I'm in danger?"

  "We both do." Philippe answered her soberly. "Up until now we have reason to believe they have played a game of watch and wait. Now it seems pressure has been put upon them to disable Randall."

  Cecy gasped and swayed.

  "His ability to do his job, love not his body." Caleb held her tight. Her body shuddered, and he saw the spike of tears on her lashes. "It is well known how you champion each other. What better way to force him to bend to their will than use you as a lever?"

  "I suppose." She sounded none too sure. "Who are they?"

  "If we knew that, life would be so much simpler. Look, love, do you trust us?"

  "Certainly," Cecy said, surprise in her voice. "Else I would not be here."

  "You think not?" Philippe asked.

  "I know not, or not without putting up a fight, and remember 'twas Randall who taught me to hold my own, and not in a ladylike way. I could kick your balls so far inside you, they'd never see the light of day again, let along provide your cock with the juices of enjoyment. That I chose not to must prove something?"

  Caleb pinched her ear. "We overwhelmed you with our, er prowess?"

  "Something like that." She ran her hands down her skirt. "So, what happens? Am I to stay here? Not in this glade I hope. I don't admire nature to the extent I wish to commune with it all day and night."

  "Cecy listen." Philippe took her hands and drew her to him. His swift glance at Caleb made him move behind her wedging her between them.

  "A Cecy sandwich?" she asked, as she snaked her foot between his legs. He held it tight. She may say she was acquiescent, but who knew how far her docility went?

  "Naughty," Caleb chastised her and she sniggered. "Actually my lord as I still have no footwear on I thought to give your cock a love tap." She grinned at him over her shoulder.

  "Thank you, I prefer you do not. I'll give you a love tap instead." He administered two sharp spanks to her arse, one on each globe. She jumped and went to rub the spots.

  "No, no," Philippe took hold of both her hands and held them high above her head. "We give the taps and we give the rubs. You enjoy."

  Caleb caught the inference. "How does it feel, love, to be caught between us, to feel my hand sting your flesh, and soothe the sting? Does the pain change to pleasure, and fill you with the need for more?"

  "The truth, now, Cecilia." Philippe added as he bent his head and showered tiny nipping kisses along her shoulder. "Does it excite you and make your juices flow? Are you wet? If one of us dipped our hands inside your honey pot would we be covered in your nectar?"

  Cecy wriggled and pressed her rear into his groin. His prick decided it was time to notice and jerked its appreciation. Of course she detected the tiny movement and pressed ever harder.

  "Unless you want your dress flipped over your head, your arse spanked the color of your lips and both of us ministering to you now, I suggest you desist. As much as that scenario appeals we have no time. We must move." Cecy gave an exaggerated sigh. "I admit I was teasing, for I am not sure if I will ever be of a mind to be ministered in that way by one of you let alone both. Not because it doesn't excite for me you both know it does. But because I am a coward. Therefore, what happens next?"

  "Ah love, never a coward. Wary, apprehensive, maybe sensible. We understand. Therefore we now need to get you to Moor Sentinel House. Our home on Dartmoor,"

  "Our, as in...?" she asked.

  "Mine and Philippe's, yours if you so ever chose."

  Philippe put his hand over her mouth. "Hear him out, love," he said. He lifted his hand. She nodded.

  "I need to see both of you, I can't concentrate if you have me held so."

  Caleb moved to stand next to Philippe. Without a thought he kissed Philippe on the lips and felt Philippe's tongue slip inside his mouth for a brief, deep, and satisfying kiss.

  A very theatrical cough had them move apart.

  Chapter Nine

  Cecy did her best to ignore the rush of fire that filled her. To see her men enjoy themselves together earlier had her skin tingling and her quim tremble. To see them kiss so intimately once more made her wet. A flood of awareness and hope filled her. She couldn’t fight it any longer, nor did she wish to. With her mind made up it was like a weight had lifted from her.

  I accept it, they are both my men. What will happen, what I can accept I will have to see all of it. Nevertheless my men they are and will be.

  Her cough had moved them apart
, and she smiled.

  "Not fair, my lord, M. le Compte. You think seeing you so immersed in each other will help me concentrate? Not so. Now please tell me what is to happen. I am hungry, thirsty and in dire need of the facilities."

  Sweet lord, I have mentioned something so indelicate to them? But 'tis so, I have need to go.

  "The best we can offer is to turn our backs and close our ears," Caleb said.

  Her cheeks burned, and she put her hands to them to cool the skin.

  "You must not leave the glade. Well," he temporized. "No more than behind the bush over there." He pointed to the gorse bush where he had found his boots.

  Cecy daren't speak in case her voice wobbled. She dipped her head, and glared. Once she was certain they didn't smirk at her predicament she spoke. "Turn around and put your fingers in your ears. And," she added, "close your eyes." As soon as she was sure they had done so, Cecy almost ran across the short grass and behind the bush. It was a relief to use the facilities, crude as they were. She tidied her clothes and walked to the stream to wash her hands and face, then cupped her palms to gather some water to drink. To her amusement, Caleb and Philippe still faced away from her and both had their fingers in their ears.

  "You can turn round now," she said loudly. They both did. She scowled.

  "So you can hear then?" How embarrassing.

  "Cecy, you're but three feet away, and talking loud enough for them to hear you in the Ferryboat Inn. Until you decided to test our hearing we were but deaf."


  Philippe stroked her cheek. “Tis true, love. We keep our word. Every time." The inference was there for her to understand and accept.


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