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Nobody’s Child (New Life Tabernacle Series Book 1)

Page 7

by LaShonda Bowman

  "This here's my favorite. Called Chick-O-Sticks. But we always used to call ‘em chicken legs."

  He tore the clear plastic wrapper, broke off a piece and gave it to Makayla. "Try it. It's going to be the best thing you ever had."

  He watched her with great anticipation and was pleased to see her expression prove him right.

  "How on the world have I never had these?" Makayla studied the wrapper and licked her lip to make sure she got every last crumb.

  Mr. Jones was tickled to have finally found a partner in crime. After they finished the one they’d split, they immediately began on “chicken leg” number two. They were each down to their last bites when they heard it:


  Mr. Jones’ eyes bulged. Makayla slammed the dresser drawer shut.


  "Chew!" Makayla whispered to Mr. Jones, frantically looking for somewhere to dispose of the empty candy wrappers.

  "I'm trying," Mr. Jones mumbled. "My dentures are messing me up!”

  He reopened the dresser drawer and motioned for her to shove the wrappers inside.

  Just as Robin came to the door, her father spun around so his back was all she could see.

  "What in the world are y'all in here whispering about?"

  With Mr. Jones facing Robin's old bookshelf, only Makayla could see how big his eyes still were. Afraid to continue chewing with Robin only feet away, his cheeks were full like a chipmunk. The sight of it and the effort it took not to laugh made Makayla's eyes water.

  "We were…” Makayla cleared her throat and looked thoughtfully at the shelf. "These books."

  Robin looked from Makayla to the bookshelf and back to Makayla again.

  “I, uh, like them. Books, I mean. Mr. Jones told me you had books.”

  Robin blinked a few times, then looked at the back of her father's head. Makayla immediately came around him and attempted to direct Robin's attention to the surface of the white dresser.

  "And look at all these cassette tapes!" Makayla stole a glance at Mr. Jones, hoping her ridiculous distraction would give him some time to chew and swallow. "Wow. So many tapes… It’s like a…tape store.”

  Robin narrowed her eyes at Makayla and looked to her father again.

  "Daddy?" Her tone held a ring of warning that made them fear the jig was up.

  Mr. Jones turned around, his hands in his pockets, his eyebrows raised. "Yes?"

  Robin continued to stare at him, her eyebrows furrowed.

  "Daddy, what's that on your face?"

  When she started toward him for a closer look, he swiped his hand over his lips so forcefully, he look like he was trying to pop himself in the mouth. Robin stopped mid-stride and stared at him like he was crazy.

  Makayla was near tears.

  Robin folded her arms. "You two are up to something. Daddy, what did you do?"

  Before he could answer, Makayla grabbed Robin's arm and looked at her watch.

  "Oh my gosh, I need to get home. I didn’t realize how late it was. I got an early day tomorrow."

  Robin raised an eyebrow and searched Makayla's face for evidence of a cover-up. She looked back at her dad and then Makayla again.

  “Uh, huh. Fine, then. Let's get you home."

  Makayla followed Robin, but looked back before walking through the door.

  Mr. Jones wore a gleeful grin and held two thumbs up. He looked like the mouse that had fooled the cat and lived to tell about it.

  Makayla made a mental note.

  This was her best Sunday yet.

  Chapter 12

  “Why don't you and Mr. Jones go to the same church?"

  The Jaguar navigated near empty streets and Robin and Makayla rode without music. The quiet calm of the moment gave her the courage to ask what she’d been wondering all afternoon.

  "We did. A long time ago.”

  Makayla waited for details, but Robin offered none. She'd only known Robin briefly, but she’d quickly learned her short, vague answers usually meant there was backstory. Makayla just had to maneuver her way into it.

  "He should come back. I'd love to see him every Sunday."

  Robin smiled. "Yeah, me too. But I don’t see that happening.”

  "Why not? We should ask him."

  Robin didn't say anything. Makayla decided she'd have to get the answer some other way. Maybe even from Mr. Jones himself.

  "No,” Robin finally said, thoughtfully. “I’ve considered it before, but…” She sighed. “Well, he used to be the pastor at New Life. The founding pastor, actually. I think it would be uncomfortable for him."

  Makayla's jaw dropped.


  At New Life Tabernacle?

  Robin wasn't just some church girl who got knocked up. She was a pastor’s kid.

  Makayla did not see that coming.

  Of course, she was eager to know more, but thought it best to tread lightly.

  "Whoa. Why did he leave?"

  Robin's face took on the hardness that usually came when questioned about the past. Makayla had seen it the previous week at the restaurant. First with the nosy sorority sister, then again when Trey asked about transferring schools.

  "You know, just…life." Another moment passed and she added, “Some things went down that affected him deeply and—“

  The shrill sound of Robin’s ringtone blared through the car speakers. She pushed the button on her steering wheel to answer.


  “Ms. Jones? Hi! It's Bree, from the Wallace Davis show."

  The girl sounded straight-out-of-graduate-school peppy. A little too peppy.

  "Yes. How are you?"

  Robin's tone was polite, but Makayla got the sense this was a call she wished she'd ignored.

  "I'm wonderful! Sorry to bother you so late on a Sunday, but I just can't seem to reach you during the week."

  One look at Robin’s facial expression explained everything and Makayla quietly snickered.

  She’s been screening your calls, lady…

  “The thing is, I really need to nail down a date for your interview. I see your new book is slated for release just after the holidays and we'd like to have you on before then. You know, to generate some buzz.”

  Robin took a deep breath. "As I mentioned before, Bree, I'm not entirely comfortable with the idea of doing the show—“

  "Ms. Jones, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Wallace admires you. Truly. He’s said it numerous times. You're one of the few, quote unquote, Christians, in the public eye he doesn't think is completely full of—“

  This time, Robin interrupted.

  “Okay, Bree. I get the point. Thank you."

  Bree giggled. "Oops! I’m so sorry!"

  The way she said it gave the impression she really wasn’t.

  "See? Now you must come. Maybe you can save my soul!" She giggled again and Makayla gave Robin a look that asked, “Who is this lady?"

  "Bree, as I’ve said previously, this is something I need to think about. However, I do understand you have a schedule you need to fill, so how about I contact you by end of business Monday?"

  Bree squealed with delight. "That would be fantastic! I look forward to setting up a solid date! Talk to you tomorrow!”

  After she disconnected, Robin exhaled.

  “She don’t give up easy, do she?“

  Robin shook her head. "You have no idea. She's like a bulldog. Don’t get me wrong, I understand. She's a new producer on a nationally syndicated show and she wants to prove she has what it takes. But my goodness, she can be a bit much."

  "Shouldn't she be calling one of your people for stuff like this?”

  "One of my people?” Robin seemed amused. “What people are we talking about?"

  "You know, like a publicist or manager or something like that?"

  “I am my people,” Robin said, laughing.

  "So you don't have, like, an assistant or anything?”

  “Other than Trey’s mother? Nope. I did back when I
first got a book deal, a whole team of folks. But I quickly learned how duplicitous some of them could be. Plus, what motivates me is not what motivates them."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, if I feel like God is leading me to go speak at a small, no-name conference in the middle of the prairie, I want to be able to go without having to argue with a manager who would prefer a higher paying event or a publicist who wants me to do a high profile conference for the recognition."

  “You’re saying you don’t care about any of that stuff? Money or recognition?”

  “I love shopping at Neiman Marcus as much as the next girl, and being recognized has its perks, but none of that drives me. People do.” She glanced at Makayla. “Always remember that, Makayla. We use things. We love people. Never the other way around.”

  Makayla looked out her window. Robin never ceased to amaze her. This wasn't the selfish, greedy hypocrite she’d expected to find when she came to Texas. So who was she?

  Why would someone like her leave a newborn with a woman she hardly knew? There had to be a reason. Was it something awful? Did Makayla even want to know?

  “Okay, but doesn’t more recognition mean being able to help more people?”

  Robin nodded slowly. “I suppose it could.”

  “And if it's up to you to do your own publicity, shouldn't you be on as many shows as possible? Seems like you’d jump at this Wallace Davis thing."

  Robin slowed the Jag to stop at a red light. “If that were all there was to it, I wouldn’t hesitate.”


  “Look, I can appreciate the platform he’s built, the career he’s made for himself. I just don’t like what he stands for.” The light turned green and Robin accelerated.

  "What does he stand for?"

  "Well, first of all, he seems to have a particular bone to pick with church folks. Pastors. Televangelists. Denominational leaders. While I'm not any of those things, I've never made a secret of what I believe. Plus, he's a shock jock. He likes to expose people. Get reactions out of them. He'll do just about anything for ratings."

  "But isn't that his job?"

  "I guess.”

  They rode in silence for a while longer before Robin spoke again.

  "I knew a man. I would even call him a friend. The interview he did with Wallace ruined his life. Well, he was on the road to doing that himself, but…”

  "What happened?"

  Robin shook her head. “Basically? He was doing dirt and he got found out."

  "Sounds like it was his own fault then."

  Robin pulled up to the curb in front of Makayla’s building, but didn’t unlock the doors.

  "He was struggling with some things. I can't help but wonder if it could’ve turned out another way, had he been able to come clean on different terms."

  "Well, like my grandma used to say, what's done in the dark…”

  ”Mmmm. Ain't that the truth…” Robin stared out the windshield, lost in her thoughts. Makayla put her hand on the door. She was about to ask Robin to unlock it when Robin spoke again.

  “Sometimes people struggle and think they can't be free. Instead of seeking help, they hide, try to handle it on their own. Afraid of what others will think. And in some cases, I guess they have reason to be afraid. So many would rather humiliate than help. But that never works. Hiding, doesn’t either. The only answer is Jesus and the work He did on the cross. Yes, sometimes we make mistakes or get ourselves into trouble. Maybe we’re young and don't know any better. Or maybe we’re just stupid. But I don't think believers, real believers, want to make mistakes. They don’t look forward to messing up. But when they do, we need to reach out in love and pick them up, not step on them while they're down."

  The distant look in Robin’s eyes made Makayla wonder whether she’d forgotten she was there. She seemed far away. Sad, even.

  Was she talking from experience? Had she been young and stupid? Was leaving Makayla behind a mistake she now regretted? If so, it would change everything.

  Makayla touched Robin’s wrist.

  “I’m not a publicist or manager, but I think you should do the show.”

  Robin leaned her head against the headrest and smiled. “You do?”

  “I do. It would be good exposure. Especially with your new book coming out. Besides, what could he possibly dig up on you?"

  But just as Makayla expected, Robin gave no reply.

  Chapter 13

  Makayla was walking home from work, wondering how to persuade Amir to cut down her hours, when she realized she was being followed. While other cars passed at the speed limit, one had slowed enough to stay just behind her.

  Any other day she would have made a run for it, but since she was already so worn out, that wasn’t really an option. Still, she wasn’t about to let the creeper follow her to her building, so she decided to turn, face him and scream like she was on fire. If nothing else, he’d decide she was more trouble than she was worth and zoom off.

  Only, when she turned, it wasn’t a creeper in the slow-moving vehicle. It was Trey.

  She swung her messenger bag at his windshield. “Boy! What’s wrong with you? I thought I had a stalker!”

  Trey leaned out the window, laughing. “I’m sorry! I’ve been following you for a block now. I thought you were ignoring me, as usual. I promise, I didn’t know.”

  Makayla continued down the sidewalk. “Stop laughing then. And stop following me.”

  “I would, if you’d stand still!”

  Makayla stopped and turned around. “What are you even doing here? Don’t you have class?”

  Trey parked at the curb and got out the car. “I did. Earlier. That’s why I’m here. I thought Robin told you. I’m supposed to take you home from now on.”

  “Home? For what?”


  “Oh, yeah. School.”

  “Robin wants me to take you home on Tuesdays and Thursdays since our classes end around the same time. I waited outside your Statistics class, but I must have missed you. I went in the direction I figured you take home and, sure enough, there you were.”

  Makayla hooked the strap of her messenger bag around her neck and body. “You know what? You don’t have to do that. It’s not that long a walk and—”

  “Nope. Robin gave me my orders. I’ll just make sure I’m at your last class earlier next time.”


  Now on top of her crazy hours at work, Makayla would have to walk all the way to the campus twice a week just so she could catch a ride back to where she started.

  Thanks, Robin.

  “No, don’t do that. Let’s just meet at—you know the fountain at the Cooper street overpass?” Besides the computer lab, it was the only place she knew of on campus.

  “Uh, yeah… But I really don’t mind—“

  “Great! See ya’ there.”

  She turned to walk away, but he followed her. “Cool. But hey… Let me take you to lunch. As an apology for the stalking.”

  Any other day, Makayla would’ve jumped at the chance for a Ramen-free meal someone else was paying for, but she hadn't had an appetite all day.

  “Maybe next time.”

  “After the mixer, you promised I could take you out some time to make up for dodging me the entire night.” He folded his arms and came in close, as if studying her. “Ahh, I see. That wasn’t for me. That was for Shauna's benefit, huh?”

  “No, it’s not that—”

  He put his hands up. “It’s okay. You can use me as a weapon against your nemesis. Just let me know beforehand, so I don’t get my feelings hurt. I’m a very sensitive guy.”

  Though she tried not to, she chuckled.

  “Really, it’s not that. I’ve had this insane headache all morning and I just wanna lie down.”

  “Gotcha. Do you have something you can take for it? If not, I can run to the gas station real quick.”

  “Where do you come from?”

  He gave her a puzzled look. “W
hat do you mean?”

  “I say my head hurts, so you offer to get medicine. You hardly know me. Why would you do that?”

  He shrugged. “You don’t feel good. I wanna make you feel better.”

  Makayla didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t used to anyone caring about how she felt, much less, wanting to do anything about it.

  She turned around and headed to the Escalade.

  “Where are you going?”

  “If you’re going to the gas station for me, I might as well ride along.”

  He grinned and ran ahead of her to open the passenger side door.

  “You know you shouldn’t take painkillers on an empty stomach, right? Maybe we should do lunch, after all. For your sake, I mean.”

  Makayla shook her head and got in the car.

  She’d walked right in to that one.

  The sweet relief of the sublime elixir known as Excedrin was something Makayla couldn't put into words. While she still felt run down, the absence of the pounding headache made all the difference in the world. So much so, Trey persuaded her to accompany him to a little shop not far from campus.

  Makayla stopped just inside the door.


  She wasn’t sure where to look. Every inch of the small space was packed. Cars in display cases, trains on tables, planes hanging from the ceiling. Not to mention the stacks and stacks of product boxes jammed in metal shelves.

  “What are we doing here?”

  “Picking up my new car."

  "The one Robin already bought you isn't enough?"

  He grinned. “I’m in the market for something a bit smaller…” he said, leading her to the counter of the tiny storefront.

  “My man!” An older gentlemen from behind the counter clasped hands with Trey. “It’s in the back, but it may take a few minutes. We just got a shipment and everything that came before is buried.”

  “No problem. We’ll look around.”

  Makayla followed Trey through the store until he stopped in an aisle featuring airplanes. As he tried to decide between two fighter plane kits, Makayla picked up a cellophane wrapped box with a picture of a grey and blue military plane on the front. She stared at the numbers on the small, white tag in confusion.


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