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My Bossy Protector: A Best Friend’s Brother Romance

Page 24

by Charlize Starr

  I crashed her down on me, angling her pussy to slide down around my cock. I grunted and she moaned as her pussy enveloped me. She was tight, and my cock squeezed in, inch by inch. I trusted with force until she was sitting on me, my cock completely inside her.

  The giggle had gone from Lesley’s voice. Now she was staring at me wide-eyed, her mouth hanging open as she tried to accommodate my cock in her pussy. I didn’t give her time. I started thrusting immediately.

  Lesley bounced on me, her moans growing louder. I glared at her big, juicy breasts. I could feel my cock reaching deeper inside her, stroking her most sensitive spot. She fell forward, clasping me by my shoulders as she began riding me like she was riding a horse.

  We both started moving in the same rhythm, my cock thrusting in and out of her. Her body bounced over me as she pleasured herself.

  “You are so beautiful, Lesley,” I groaned as I shoved my cock deep inside her. Her body shuddered and she moaned in response. I reached for her left breast, squeezing her nipple tightly and she winced in pleasure and pain.

  “I’m going to come, Connor. I can’t hold back . . . ” she cried. I smiled at her. I didn’t stop thrusting. She moved her hips over me.

  When Lesley came, she bit down on her lip, moaning and grinding herself into me. I pushed and pushed, feeling her pussy ooze its juices on my cock. I slipped and slid inside her, deeper and deeper, until I knew I was going to come too.

  I squeezed her breasts hard, using them as support as I came. I felt myself shoot inside her, depositing my seed into her as my body shook. I growled and grunted, experiencing the final release. There was nothing that I had wanted these past three months more than to be inside her, to move inside her, to release myself inside her.

  I came hard. My breathing grew so harsh that I felt numb. When I finally let go of her, I realized that I had been gripping her breasts too strongly. Lesley’s mouth was hanging open, her lips glistening with her own saliva. Her green eyes were bright and dim at the same time, like she didn’t know where she was.

  I moved my exhausted cock inside her pussy, still tight, and then she broke into sudden earth-shattering laughter. Lesley threw her head back and laughed, sliding herself off my body. She settled down beside me on the grass. Her dress was up to her waist still. I could see her wet pussy, engorged and pink from my cock slamming into her. I reached for it, and I placed my hand on it . . . still warm and throbbing. Her body shuddered as she smiled and turned to me. Her pussy felt like home . . . like home had finally returned to me. Lesley’s cheeks were flushed, and in the dark moonlight of the night, I could see that she was happy.

  “Are you happy, Lesley?” I asked her. She looked surprised by my question, but only for a moment. She bit down on her lip, a habit of hers that I loved. It made her look even more beautiful and I hoped that she would only look at me that way. When she reached her hands over to my ruffled hair, I caught the ring sparkling in the moonlight.

  “Why do you think I’m here, Connor?” she asked in a serious voice, moving hair away from my eyes. We knocked our foreheads together, smiling at each other in happiness. So many years ago, when I babysat her one afternoon while her parents were away, I would have never thought that kid would grow up to become the woman of my dreams.

  “We should go back in so I can reheat the casserole. I bet Alfie’s wondering where we went,” she said with a smile on her face. Before she could get up, I pulled her into my arms again and we kissed.

  “You’re sleeping in my bedroom tonight. I believe it’s time we told Alfie,” I whispered in her ear.

  Chapter 19 - Lesley

  It had been four days since I had been back at the ranch, and we hadn’t told Alfie yet. Now, Connor, Alfie, and I were sitting around the dining table, digging into another one of my casseroles. Connor suddenly looked up from his plate, gave me a smile and then turned to Alfie.

  “Son, we have something to tell you,” Connor said and he had caught me by surprise. We hadn’t discussed how we were going to tell Alfie or when. My fork fell on my plate with a clank. There were things to consider here. Even though Alfie was fond of me, and he had clearly missed me when I was gone, he had never had a mother. He didn’t remember his own. If Connor told him that I was going to be more than just a nanny to him, he could have an unexpected reaction to the revelation.

  “Connor, I think we should discuss this,” I glared at him, trying to communicate all this with my eyes. Yet, Connor was unaffected by it. He continued smiling. Alfie looked at his father and then at me with wide curious eyes.

  “What, daddy? What? Is Lesley leaving again? Lesley, are you leaving again?” His voice had started trembling. He was expecting the worst. I looked at him and shook my head.

  “No, honey. I’m not going anywhere. Don’t worry.” I tried to soothe him.

  “That’s what we wanted to tell you, Alfie. Lesley is staying here with us for good,” Connor added. Alfie’s eyes grew larger. His worried expression had changed to excitement. He jumped off his chair and ran over to me and threw his arms around my neck.

  “You’re staying!” he cried as he hugged me, and I laughed. When I met Connor’s eyes, I saw that he was smiling too.

  “Alfie, look at me son,” he said and Alfie turned to his father while clinging to me still. “Lesley is staying with us, but she’s not going to be your nanny anymore,” he continued and I could feel my heart thudding in my chest. I hadn’t expected Connor to say it like that – in those exact words. Alfie seemed a little confused as well, but he was still holding me, which had to be a good sign!

  “If she’s not going to be my nanny, what is she going to be?” he asked, and Connor and I looked at each other. I was wearing the ring he had given me, but on my middle finger. He hadn’t said anything to me about the ring or what it symbolized. I still didn’t know what our relationship was . . . other than us sleeping together and living under the same roof.

  Connor stood up from his chair and walked over to us. Alfie tightened his grip around my neck, as though he was afraid of his father taking me away from him.

  I followed Connor with my eyes, watching his every movement. He came to a stop over me, and I had to crane my neck to look up at him.

  When I was least expecting it, he bent down on one knee, his face was now at level with mine and Alfie’s. I couldn’t feel my limbs. There were goose bumps on my skin. One blond lock of his hair had fallen over his forehead and his clear blue eyes and I couldn’t believe that this man of my dreams was kneeling in front of me.

  “Daddy? What is she going to be?” Alfie was still clinging to me, staring at his father in surprise.

  Connor had a smile on his face, and his eyes were fixed on me. “It depends on what her answer is going to be.” He was speaking to his son, but looking at me.

  When Connor stretched out his hand to me, I knew exactly what he was asking for. I just couldn’t get my limbs to move. The smile remained fixed on Connor’s face. He was patiently waiting, waiting for me to give him my hand.

  My fingers trembled when I gave him my right hand. Alfie was on my lap. He slowly slipped his arms away from my neck, watching the scene unfolding in front of him with awe.

  Connor’s large, warm fingers clasped mine and gently, he slipped the ring off my middle finger and held it up before me and Alfie.

  “I bought this ring so you could wear it on a particular finger, Lesley. I wish I could have asked you this before you left because I knew. I knew the moment you came here – the moment I saw you with Alfie . . . that I wanted you to be my wife,” Connor’s voice was clear and confident while I could feel my whole body quivering.

  I hadn’t thought about what the ring meant. It was a beautiful, expensive gift from him . . . that was all I had considered it to be.

  Alfie was staring up at me as well with a clear expectant gaze. “Lesley?” he spoke in a quiet voice. “Are you going to marry daddy?” he asked. I looked from him to Connor until I felt like I was going to burst into fl

  “Yes, I am,” I said, and a laugh escaped my lips. A laugh of shock and happiness and dizzying contentment. Connor slipped the ring off my middle finger and gently pushed it on to my ring finger. Then he clasped my hand in his and leaned forward to kiss me.

  Alfie jumped off my lap with excitement. “You’re going to be my mommy!” he exclaimed. Then, clapping his hands, he started circling us at a break-neck speed. Connor and I remained in each other’s arms, kissing and holding hands.

  “Alfie, you’re going to make yourself dizzy,” I scolded him, and he collapsed to the floor dramatically with a laugh.

  Connor looked into my eyes, and then brushed a lock of hair away from my face and smiled. “I’m sorry to spring this on you like this. I just couldn’t control myself anymore. I needed to ask you and I needed to tell Alfie,” he said, and I kissed his cheek. The roughness of his stubble against my lips sent a shiver down my spine.

  “Don’t apologize, Connor. You’ve made me the happiest woman alive,” I said. I looked over at Alfie to see that he was making a snow angel out of nothing on the floor. I laughed at him encouragingly. He was so happy!

  “I’m so glad Alfie’s taking it well,” I told Connor, who had leaned forward to knock his forehead against mine.

  “Alfie was the easy part,” he replied and I crossed my brows in confusion. Connor laughed and kissed me again.

  “Wait till we tell my mother and your parents,” he explained and I drew in a deep breath of realization.

  “My mother has great designs for me marrying one of those Hampton girls she has picked out for me. And your parents . . . Well, your father is not exactly going to be thrilled about the fact that you’re marrying the man who made him bankrupt,” Connor continued and I pressed my eyes closed at the thought of having to deal with our families.

  “Well, now that everything is over and you’ve given dad back the money and then some . . . maybe he will be easier to deal with,” I sighed. Connor laughed and kissed my cheek affectionately like I was a small child who had said something silly.

  “If I was your father, I wouldn’t have forgiven so easily. Especially given that his daughter’s life and happiness is now at stake,” he said and I looked at him with conviction.

  “Dad will come around. I’ll make sure he does. He used to like you. He trusted you enough and thought of you as a friend . . . I’m sure he’ll see that side of you again soon,” I argued and Connor nodded his head and sighed.

  “I’m willing to spend the rest of my life striving to prove my worth and honesty to him if I have to,” he said.

  “Your mother on the other hand . . . I don’t know how we are going to deal with her,” I said with a nervous laugh. I knew that Mrs. Marshall was a lady of great taste who was sharp as a whip, threw elaborately fashionable parties, knew almost everybody who was worth knowing, and had unimaginably high standards. She had never considered my parents to be worthy enough of her time or friendship, so we had never been invited to any of her parties.

  Connor squeezed my hand and looked into my eyes. He was holding my gaze as though to insist that I paid attention to what he was going to say.

  “Unlike your dad, I can’t promise that my mother will ever come around. There are some things that are completely unforgivable in her eyes. And marrying you – marrying someone who she has not handpicked – could be one of them,” he said and I gulped. He was making me nervous. The last thing I wanted was to create a rift between Connor and his family.

  “Lesley . . . ” he said and I looked up at him again. He moved his hands up, clasping them on both sides of my face. He was staring deep into my eyes as he spoke. “It doesn’t matter what she thinks. It doesn’t matter if she never wants to speak to me again because you and Alfie are all that matter to me now,” he said. I flung myself into him, sinking into his arms and the scent of him. He held me tightly and kissed the top of my head, and I was smiling again.

  Over his shoulder, I looked at Alfie, who was standing up from the floor now. His face was still flushed with excitement. I winked at him, and he winked back, and we fell into a fit of giggles that confused Connor. I couldn’t remember the last time I had laughed like this.

  Epilogue - Lesley

  My dad knocked on the door. I was sitting in front of the mirror in the bedroom that Connor and I had been sharing these past ten months. Tony’s new girlfriend, Shania, had done my hair and it looked beautiful: a gorgeous up-do in waves with tiny pearls pinned to the back of my bun.

  Dad entered the bedroom when I turned around on the stool. He had a bouquet of wildflowers in his hands and I thought I saw a tear in his eyes.

  “I thought I’d pick some flowers for you today, honey,” he said and I stood up with a smile. His eyes glowed when he saw me for the first time in my wedding dress. It was a simple white with a half veil over my face and a trail that was long and dreamy. Chris’s two nieces were responsible for carrying it for me. They’d been practicing all week.

  “Thank you, Dad,” I smiled at him and he came towards me to wrap me into his arms. I sensed him crying as he held me.

  “You look beautiful, honey. I know Connor knows how lucky he is,” he said when he was finally ready to pull away from me.

  “He tells me every day,” I said and kissed him lightly on his cheek.

  He gave me his arm and I clung to him and, in silence, we walked out of the bedroom and down the steps of the house towards the front door, where I knew everyone would be waiting for us.

  At the open front door, Dad stopped in his tracks and I stopped with him. “I know I was against this relationship in the beginning,” he said and I looked at him kindly.

  “I understand, dad. You couldn’t forgive him for what he had done to you and us,” I told him and my dad let out a deep sigh.

  “Yes, but I was wrong. What he did all those years ago has nothing to do with how much he loves you. I’ve forgiven him, Lesley . . . I couldn’t be happier with the man you’ve chosen to marry,” he said and I squeezed his hand.

  “Thank you, dad,” I said and we smiled at each other.

  “Now, let's go. Your groom is waiting for his bride,” he said. Together, we stepped out of the house.

  The ranch looked beautiful and when I saw it for the first that day: decorated and lit up with fairy lights, the row of white rib boned chairs facing the barn, the trees wrapped in lights and decorated with hanging lanterns . . . It all took my breath away.

  At the end of the aisle, in front of the bar, Connor was standing in a tuxedo. Clean shaven with his dirty blond hair slicked back, he had never looked more handsome. Not even in my teenage fantasies. The piano played the wedding song as dad carried me down the aisle. Everyone had stood up, and my eyes fell on the front row where my mom was standing proudly beside Mrs. Marshall. I was surprised to see her there. Connor had predicted that she would not show up. She had been vehemently against Connor marrying me when she had found out. In her opinion, her beloved son was marrying beneath him. Now, she was sporting a crooked smile and clapping with everyone else.

  I looked back at the man I was going to marry. The air smelled of wildflowers and fresh grass – just like the bouquet in my hands that my father had picked out for me. Connor was staring at me with a smile on his face that reached his eyes. He looked like he was seeing me for the first time.

  With each step I took, I was drawing closer to my destiny and I couldn’t wait for it to begin. I had never been happier since the day I came back here to the ranch. Since we had begun our life together.

  Alfie was standing beside his father in a matching tuxedo of his own. He had our rings in a small wicker basket dangling from his hand, and I could see it on his face: he couldn’t wait to give it to us. I smiled at him and he beamed at me with joy.

  My dad and I stopped a few feet away from Connor, and he leaned in to kiss me on my cheek.

  “Best wishes to you, my darling daughter,” he said. Then, still in a daze, I felt Connor’s hand clasp mi
ne. My father had given me away to him. I turned to the man of my dreams.

  “You are the most beautiful bride . . . The most beautiful woman in the world, my Lesley,” Connor said loud enough for everyone to hear. My cheeks flushed but Connor had eyes only for me.

  He pulled me to him and I gasped, my hand settled on his shoulder. “You shouldn’t be kissing me now, not before the ceremony,” I said and some of our guests giggled and clapped. Connor’s eyes sank into mine, as he held me close for the entire world to see.

  “Don’t worry, darling. I’m not going to kiss you now. I just wanted to look more closely at my bride,” he said and released me with a victorious smile on his face.

  Our guests sighed and clapped, and Connor clasped my hand in his as we turned to face the priest.

  I couldn’t stop smiling as I heard the priest reading out our promises and vows. I couldn’t stop my heart from beating out of my chest. Finally, everything I had ever wished for was coming true. I was marrying the man I loved.



  Hot Boss



  He wanted a one-night stand. But that’s not the kind of girl I am.

  Michael Sole, with his dark, fashionable hair and blue eyes can make any girl drop her panties.

  He came close to mine too.

  Here’s the thing: I’ve been burnt by men like him before.

  He thinks he can get his pick of women. He’s free to choose whom he wants, as long as it’s not me.

  I’m changing my life around. I’m getting a new job. I’m moving on from men like him.


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