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The Gardens of Blackfell

Page 2

by Ally Forbes

  ‘......and the Land Rovers are for garden staff. Just take one for your own use. Oh God, Tara. I almost forgot to tell you this. You get a house too. I’ll take you to your new home. It comes with the job.’

  ‘Arlen. I hardly know what to say...’

  He looked at her and smiled again.

  They had reached the beautiful, weathered brick walled garden, partially covered in various climbers, gate almost obscured by ivy.

  Arlen jumped out of the car and moved swiftly to help Tara out, taking her hand and pulling her towards the gates in his eagerness for her to see the garden.

  Tara laughed out loud, completely caught up in his exuberance.

  The gate to the garden was thick, intricate wrought iron and Arlen slid the huge bolt back out of the hole fashioned for it in the stone pillars that formed the door opening.

  ‘Look Tara, look at this place’

  They had entered an overgrown wilderness. Ancient espaliered pears, apples and plums stretched up the wall as far as she could see. Butterflies and bees flitted over the spring blossom and the sweet scent was heavy in the air. A partially covered path took them deeper into the garden and revealed a hint of the magic to come. A huge old magnolia, astonishing goblet shaped flowers covering it’s gnarled old branches, a mushroom shaped yew tree with an old circular metal bench curved round the trunk, a pond, lily pads floating on a matt of overgrown green weed. The gardens were huge and wondrous and Tara was astonished and filled with excitement. She also felt something of the scale and responsibility of the job she was about to take on.

  ‘Arlen, it’s magical, just ....magical. You know, I almost feel I want to keep it the way it is now. It feels like it shouldn’t be touched. How can you improve on this?’

  She spun on her heel with the sheer joy of the place.

  ‘There’s a tower at the corner of the garden close by. Come, Tara. You’ll be able to get a sense of the size of the place from the top.’

  He took her hand and guided her through an overgrown thicket of spirea, white flower tendrils slowing their progress. Ahead was one corner of the walled garden and a small tower with a half sized, weathered wooden door.

  There was no lock and Arlen, with a bump of his shoulder, pushed the door open. A small circular staircase curved enticingly. The staircase was narrow and dry leaves covered most steps, gardener’s confetti, crisp underfoot.

  It only took them twenty steps to get to the top and Arlen once again used his shoulder to open the stiff door to the small platform at the top of the tower.

  ‘Please be careful out here. No health and safety requirements back when this place was built.’

  They stood on a platform not much more than ten foot square with drops to the garden below.

  The view took Tara’s breath away.

  The walled garden in its unkempt beauty stretched out below them. Behind them, the back of the grand house, as impressive as it was from the front, stood imposingly close, austere and serene in contrast to the ramble of the garden.

  ‘Oh Arlen...’ was all she could manage.

  She could see how the landscape held the house in a protective embrace, the hills sheltering the estate from the harsh prevailing winds. There was still snow on the tops of the hills.

  ‘It’s truly beautiful.’

  ‘Yes,’ was all he answered and she became aware that it wasn’t the view he was looking at, but her.n>

  She turned to face him and the intensity of his gaze.

  He raised his hand and swept a lock of hair back from her face, tracing his finger down her neck and on to the upper slope of her breasts. Realisation of what he was doing broke the spell and he muttered, ‘God Tara, I’m sorry.’ He turned quickly from her.

  ‘Come. We’ve much to see.’

  He disappeared quickly down the stair leaving her alone, the warmth of his touch lingering gently on her skin. As she turned to follow him she glanced at the house and saw Xander Ashbrook sitting on the top step of the house. He was staring at her, at them, she was sure. She moved quickly down the stairs and the chill she felt was not just the cool, still air of the stairwell.


  Tara reached the bottom of the stair and found Arlen waiting for her. He shouldered the door closed behind her and took her hand. There was no mention of what had passed between them.

  Guiding her back through the garden, there was a sense of urgency in his movement and he walked slightly faster than Tara was comfortable with.

  ‘I’ll take you to your house Tara, let you have a look around....see what you think. Where are you staying at the moment?’

  ‘I’ve a cottage just outside Perth........great views over the hills, big garden but I’ll just pack a few things and bring them down for the time I’m here.’

  She added, slightly breathless, ‘It’s great to have a house with the job......makes a big difference to be so close to work. I thought that if I got the job I would rent something at the village down the road.’

  ‘There’re twenty six houses around the estate. Ashbrook keeps them for staff and guests. I think you’ll be pleased with your place.’ He turned to smile at her, still holding her hand.

  Tara’s small hand was tiny in comparison to his large, slightly calloused, working hands. She could feel his strength as he led her through the overgrown garden.

  They left the garden and climbed back into the air conditioned opulence of the Land Rover.

  ‘The cottage you’ll have is my favourite here .... it’s just up at the base of that hill. There’s a waterfall that runs off the hills and a small plunge pool virtually in the cottage garden. You will have privacy and peace there.’

  ‘Arlen, this almost seems to be too good to be true.’

  Doubts had started surfacing in her mind. If something seemed to be too good to be true, then generally it was. Reading the hesitancy flitting across her face, he attempted to put her at ease.

  ‘Tara, you’ve a very, very wealthy employer. There’s nothing sinister about any of this. Ashwood travels a lot and should pretty much leave us to our own devices in the garden. Us gardeners are of little interest to him. As long as the place looks good, he’s happy.’

  They travelled some distance on the excellent tarmaced estate roads towards the hills in the distance. The track gradually got rougher and narrower and then the Land Rover started up the gradual ascent to the base of the hill. Tara noted with slight relief that the cottage would be far enough away from the house to give her a sense of getting away from her job at the end of the day. The job was going to be wonderful but she still liked to get away from the immediacy of employment once she had done her days work. As lovely as Arlen’s house was, it was too close to the house and gardens for her liking.

  The road took a couple of sharp twists and turns and was surrounded by natural woodland, oaks, yews, rowan and ash.

  The next corner opened out to reveal the house and one of the most beautiful places Tara had ever seen.

  The land naturally plateauted, and in the midst of the greenery stood a wonderful New England-style wooden clapboard cottage. The cottage stood beside a small loch into which a waterfall plunged at the far side . The cottage had a porch which ran the full width of the house with a swing seat in one corner.

  Tara looked at Arlen and burst into laughter.

  ‘No!.’she said, smile beaming.’No!’

  ‘Yes.’ grinned back Arlen.

  Tara put her hands over her eyes, unable to believe the fairytale that she saw in front of her and then peeked out between her fingers, almost expecting the house to have disappeared, a figment of her imagination.

  Arlen pulled the car in front of the house and jumped out. Tara remained seated, scared to break the spell, afraid that if she moved it would all vanish.

  He pulled open the door and almost lifted her out.

  ‘It’s great isn’t it?’

  Taking her to the door, he pulled the key from his pocket. The door opened and Tara was once again overwhelm
ed by the sight that met her.

  No money had been spared on this little cottage. Fully furnished, the old wooden floorboards were mellow and warm. A variety of old rugs were scattered over the floor and a large open fire was built into the open stone wall. A couple of large cream sofas, strewn with cushions clustered round the fire. The whole of the ground floor was open plan, a small oak kitchen diner, cream AGA the hub and centre of the kitchen.

  ‘This is......this is .........please.... Can I go upstairs?’ she was overwhelmed, temporarily lost for words and feeling like a little girl that had received a long desired birthday present.

  ‘Make yourself at home.’

  Tara raced up the small staircase which turned halfway up onto a small landing. Three doors led off the hall and Tara chose the one nearest her.

  . The door led to a luxurious bathroom, walk in shower wiursin showth separate roll-top bath. She ran through to the next room , a cosy double room with sleigh bed under the eaves and small open fire.

  This room looked out on to the waterfall and she knew this was going to be her room.

  She let out a cry of delight.

  The next room was another double, just as welcoming, soft armchair in the corner and old cream ironwork bed covered in a bright quilt.

  Tara ran back down the stairs.


  He was nowhere to be seen.

  ‘Arlen?’ She opened the door to the outside porch.

  Arlen Emberline had his back to her, looking out on to the water, every muscle in his body tense.

  Sitting on the porch swing seat was Xander Ashbrook.

  ‘Miss Applebee. I had a good idea that Arlen would be employing you and this would be where he’d take you....... I just thought I’d come up to formally introduce myself. We didn’t get off to the best of starts.’

  He stood up and held out his hand.

  Arlen still had his back to them.

  ‘Nice to meet you Mr Ashbrook,’ she smiled, feeling backed into a corner, aware of some bad feeling between these two men but unable to take sides. She took his hand. It was as smooth as Arlen’s was rough but just as powerful.

  After what she had seen on the steps of the grand house she was wary of this man but her attraction to him was unquestioned. Her breathing quickened and she could feel a warm flush spread through her body.

  He held her hand and held her gaze.

  ‘I think Tara was just about to leave. We shouldn’t keep her. She’s a long journey ahead.’ Arlen’s voice was strained and hushed.

  ‘Yes...... Well, I’ll leave you Miss Applebee but I’m sure I’ll see you again..... soon.’

  He turned to leave.

  ‘Could I have a word?’

  This was no request from Arlen Emberline. The menace in his low voice was overt.

  Xander Ashbrook turned to look at him questioningly.

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘In private,’ he demanded softly.

  Arlen turned to Tara and took her gently by the shoulders.

  ‘Tara. Give us a moment please. I’ve a few things to sort out with Mr Ashbrook. Go and explore your new home. Enjoy it.’

  The atmosphere was thick with barely disguised hostility between the two men.

  ‘Sure,’ she answered and turned tn>

  She was overjoyed with her new home and job but she worried about these two men, her employers, two men so different yet somehow two sides of the same coin.

  There was some history between them that Tara wasn’t privy to but she had the feeling that her presence here had opened a festering wound. Perhaps Arlen was right, that her being here would only cause trouble.

  She made her way up the stairs again and watched the men from the upper hall window. She could not hear a word but their body language spoke volumes.

  Arlen Emberline banged his fist on to the bonnet of the car, his face filled with anger. Xander Ashbrook swept his hand through his hair swiftly, irritation obvious in his movement. He turned from Arlen, moving to go but Tara gasped when Arlen pulled him back sharply to face him. The two men squared up to each other, eye to eye.

  ‘Oh God,’ Tara felt helpless as she watched the men, heart racing, alarmed at the turn of events at the front of the house.

  Xander swung first and punched Arlen in the stomach.

  Tara could watch no longer and ran down the stairs. By the time she pushed the front door open , Arlen had Xander by the collar and was about to return the punch.

  ‘Stop,’ she shouted and ran towards the men.

  Both men pulled back from each other.

  Xander turned immediately, went back to his car, reversed with a screech of tyres and took off down the road, dust and stones flying from his wheels and leaving a cloud in the air long after his car had disappeared round the corner.

  Arlen doubled over and retched.

  ‘Oh God Arlen.’ She put her arm around him and helped him back into the house. He sat on the sofa, head in hands.

  ‘Could I have a look please?’

  He leaned back into the cushions and let her lift his shirt. His body was strong and muscled, as brown and sun-kissed as his face. She couldn’t help tracing her fingers across his flat stomach and to the red welt, already starting to colour on his lower right hand side ribs.

  He winced as she touched him.

  ‘I’ll get some ice.’

  She went to the kitchen, grabbed a towel and emptied some ice cubes from the fridge ice dispenser into it. She gathered the ends of the towel together and went to place the cold pack on Arlen’s bruised body.

  He had his face turned from her, unable to look at her.

  ‘Arlen, could I ask you if that was the trouble that you thought employing me might cause?’ she almost whispered.

  He didn’t answer. He didn’t have to. Silence hung in the air.

  ‘Thanks for the job offer but I’m sorrth=t I’my.... I can’t take it.’

  She rose from the sofa but was startled when Arlen grabbed her wrist and pulled her back beside him.

  He pulled her into him and kissed her urgently, hands cupping her back, pressing her tightly to him.

  He pulled back in pain, with a sharp intake of breath, clutching his side.

  ‘Tara, I ....’

  ‘Shhhh’ she put her finger to his lips. He leaned onto her, head resting on her breast. She stroked his hair gently and they sat comfortable in each other’s arms.

  Bending to kiss the top of his head, Tara made to move.

  ‘Arlen, I have to go now. The light’s starting to go. I need to get home....I’m not much of a driver in the dark.’

  ‘Tara. Please stay. You’ve got the job and you’re the right person for this place. Xander and I.... we’ve a lot of...of..history. You’re just a spark to some very dry tinder. I knew that he would want you as soon as I saw you and him at the front of the house........... Trouble is, I want you too.’

  ‘Arlen.....I don’t know what to say....’ Tara was flattered to the point of embarrassment but alarmed that they had chosen her to fight over.

  ‘I think this has been one of the most extraordinary days of I’ve ever had. The job is a dream and the house, the....the ...everything is beyond my wildest expectations..... but I can’t stay when..well, apart from anything Arlen, you’ll end up losing your job if the damage hasn’t already been done.’

  ‘My job is safe. Ashbrook won’t get rid of me. You could say we’re stuck with each other. Just please promise me you’ll think about it. Don’t write this off.....please.’

  He moved to get off the sofa and winced again, clutching at his side.

  ‘Come on Arlen. I’ll drive you back.’

  He didn’t argue and they closed up the house, Tara taking one last wistful look around, sure that she wouldn’t be back. She’d already made up her mind that this job, dream as it was, held too many complications and was, as Arlen had said to begin with, going to be trouble. She knew this was the right thing to do but her heart was heavy as
she started down the track again.

  Arlen stared out the window, solemn and uncommunicative as they made their way back into the heart of the estate. He had the unnerving ability to read her, to know what she was thinking. She was sure he knew she was planning to leave.

  She pulled the big 4x4 in beside her little Fiat and climbed out. Now that she had made up her mind, she was keen to get back into the familiar sanctuary of her little car and leave behind this wonderful, strange place and the two stunning men who had secrets to keep.

  Arlen had got out of the car and stood in front of her little car’s driver’s door.

  She held her hand out to him.

  ‘It’s been great to meet you Mr Arlen Emberline.’ She smiled, shrugging, as if to say win some, lose some.

  He took her hand and pulled her to him, pinning her arms gently behind her.

  He bent to kiss her neck and she let him, closing her eyes as his lips touched her and his hands held her.

  She could feel his need for her.

  His hand moved to cup the outside of her breast.

  ‘Arlen. Please. I have to go now. Please.’

  He pressed her against the car.

  ‘No Tara. Just bloody no.’

  He lifted his hand to her blouse and undid the top button. Tara held his hand to stop him moving any further but he had bent his head to kiss the upper slope of her exposed breast, hand trying to move to the next button.

  Her body ached for him, was desperate to give in to him but she knew it wouldn’t work, knew she had to leave.

  ‘Arlen, not here.’

  He ripped her blouse, kissing her nipple through her lace bra, inhaling her scent, pushing her breast into him.

  His hold on her relaxed and Tara managed to turn quickly, moving away from him, pulling her torn blouse to her, facing away from him.

  ‘I have to go,’ she said, not looking at him, speaking softly.

  He didn’t say a word.

  She heard his footfall on the gravel and didn’t turn back to the car until she heard him open and slam shut the door to his house.


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