The Gardens of Blackfell

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The Gardens of Blackfell Page 9

by Ally Forbes

  ‘Xander Ashbrook has already taken a lot from me Tara.’ He closed his eyes and his hands stroked absently over the lace of her bra.

  ‘I don’t want to talk about what’s already passed but I know the man very well. I know that he has no interest in the gardens, only that they look the part for his visitors and are suitably grand and expensive for his tastes. If you had been a young male gardener, I know he wouldn’t have spoken to you. He would’ve taken no interest in what you were doing. He would’ve been happy to let you get on with your job.’

  ‘Arlen.....,’ she started, but he put his finger gently over her lips to silence her.

  ‘He won’t take you from me. Do you understand Tara? I have to make him understand that.’

  His body spoke a thousand words, tense and hard underneath her.

  ‘Arlen, I had no intentions of going to Italy with Xander. I’ve too much work to do here........ a garden I love and want to see through ‘till he end. I was going to play along for a few weeks and I’m sure by that time that something would have cropped up to stall the journey.’

  ‘Tara. It’s not about the bloody gardens. It’s about you.’ His voice rose in volume in his frustration.

  Tara stood up, placing her hands on her hips, fire in her eyes.

  ‘I can handle myself Arlen.’ But even as the words were out of her mouth, she couldn’t help remembering the night she returned his dress, the desire that had been in his eyes. She knew that this wouldn’t have happened with the imaginary young male gardener that Arlen had spoke about. Tara knew what he said was true and turned from Arlen, afrae w Arlen,id he might read the doubt in her face.

  She walked to the kitchen and picked up a couple of bags.

  ‘Could you open the car up please?’

  Arlen pulled a key from his trouser pocket and pressed the button. The car outside beeped to signal the doors unlocking. Tara noticed that his face was tense still, brooding and sullen.

  She left the hut, glad to be out in the open, sun on her skin, away from Arlen’s scrutiny.

  Putting the bags on the ground beside the car, she took a deep breath and paused momentarily.

  ‘Tara,’ Arlen had followed her out, ‘Let me help you with these,’ He opened the boot of the car and lifted the bags in.

  Together they worked in silence, until the small kitchen was cleared and the food and dishes packed in the back of the car.

  Arlen locked the place up and climbed back into the car.

  The silence hung between them, Xander’s presence blocking the warmth that existed between them shortly before.

  They passed through the village again and out the other side, with not a word passed between them, Rachel wondering how she could have become so deeply embroiled in these men’s lives so quickly. Wondering how she could have been so stupid.They were nearly back at Blackfell.

  Arlen broke the silence abruptly, ‘There’s a lot of history between Xander and me. I don’t want to let it intrude on us.’ Perhaps he felt their time together was rapidly diminishing and wanted to explain his outburst.

  Tara reached out to him and put her hand over his.

  ‘It’s OK Arlen. I understand.’ She now just wanted to get home, to get showered and have some time to think.

  Gazing out the window, she leaned her head back into the rest and sighed, tiredness seeping into her.

  They passed through the huge gates at the entrance to the Estate and the car slowed on the gravelly roads.

  ‘Come back home with me.’

  ‘I need to get back to take a shower Arlen. Change out of these clothes,’ she held the ripped shirt up to him and smiled.

  ‘God I really am sorry Tara,’ his smile lighting up his face, like the sun appearing from behind a dark cloud.

  ‘You know, if you carry on like this, you’ll have to buy me a new wardrobe.’

  He looked almost shy as he smiled at her. As he turned to face the road ahead, Rachel screamed as he had to swerve sharply off the road and onto the grass verge to avoid an oncoming car. The sports car was travelling in the opposite direction at speed and was in the middle of the road. Arlen jammed on his brakes and skidded to a halt.

  Tara gripped the door handle hard and brasizhard anced herself with her legs pushing hard into the foot well.

  The car had pulled up beside them, an Audi R8, the Range Rover towering above the sport car.

  Arlen opened the car door and slammed it behind him.

  It was Xander Ashbrook in the sports car.

  For the first time here, Tara felt scared.

  ‘What the fuck do you think you’re doing?’

  It was the first time that Tara had heard Arlen swear.

  Tara heard the door of the sports car open and the two men stood next to each other.

  ‘You weren’t looking where you were going, you bloody idiot.’

  ‘Jesus Christ. You just drove me off the road.’

  ‘Get over it.’

  The mens’ voices grew louder.

  Tara yelped when Arlen swung Xander into the side of the car.

  ‘Oh God.’ She opened her door and ran round to try to stop the fight that was blossoming.

  ‘Stop,’ she yelled and grabbed Arlen’s arm as he raised his fist to hit Xander.

  Her appearance split the men apart.

  ‘What have you done to her?’ yelled Xander, immediately noticing her ripped blouse and her state of panic.

  He grabbed Arlen’s arm and twisted it behind his back, forcing him to the ground.

  He pushed his head into the ground and shouted, ‘If you’ve touched her, you bastard, you’ll never set foot in this Estate again.’

  ‘Please stop. Stop Xander. He’s done nothing to me. Nothing. I swear to you,’ she tried to pull him off Arlen, who was pushing hard against his restrainer.

  Xander relaxed his hold of Arlen, who jumped to his feet and punched for him. Xander moved deftly out the way and hit Arlen square in the jaw, flooring him.

  Arlen fell to the ground.

  ‘Get in the car Tara,’ he ordered.

  ‘No, you can’t leave him like this.’ She bent to Arlen lying on the floor, breathing but stunned.

  ‘Get in the car Tara.’ He yelled, watching Arlen as he started to come round. He pulled at her, trying to drag her to the passenger side of the car.

  ‘No.’ Tara strained against him but he was far too strong for her and she was pulled to her feet.


  ‘No Xander. Don’t leave him. He’s done nothing,’ she pleaded with him but his face was like granite and there was nothing she could do. She was sure that his behaviour and anger was less to do with any thought that Arlen had behaved less than honourably towards her but rather that he could see that she and Arlen were having some kind of sexual relationship.

  He had closed the gap between them which gave him more power and leverage over her and he had her wrist in a strong grasp.

  He spoke to her in a whisper, ‘Get in the car now Tara.’ His blue eyes flashed and his low voice was more threatening than the yell earlier.

  She twisted to try to free herself and he pinned her to the car, pushing himself close in to her, his eyes drawn to her breasts, flattened against him.

  ‘Sir. I hope I can be of some assistance,’ a low gravelly voice interrupted.

  It was Bert Johnstone and Tara had never been happier to see the old man.


  In the scuffle, no-one had noticed Bert’s car pull up behind the Range Rover and the old man get out to investigate.

  Xander let Tara go and stepped back from her. She quickly pulled her blouse together.

  ‘Bert Johnstone,’ he said, irritated, ‘It’s been a long time.’

  ‘Yes Sir.’

  The two men, the immaculate, handsome and powerful Xander Ashbrook and Bert Johnstone, the old, gnarled and grumpy gardener, eyed each other and it was Xander who broke first.

  ‘Well, I have things to do. Goodbye Bert,’ he ignored Tara and walk
ed back to his car, gunned the engine and shot off down the road.

  Tara turned to Arlen who had only just managed to sit up, holding his jaw.

  ‘Are you OK Tara?’

  ‘I’m fine but I think you should get to a hospital for a check-up. You were out for a few moments.’

  ‘No.......’ He got to his feet shakily and then noticed Bert standing beside them.

  ‘Bert. Good to see you.’ He shook the old man’s hand again.

  ‘I came Sir, to look over the old place,’ he looked at the ground, his discomfort at being in the middle of this altercation written all over his face.

  ‘Make yourself at home. Let yourself into the garden and have a look around. I’m taking Tara home.’

  Bert nodded and turned to head back to his car.

  Arlen pulled Tara close to him.

  ‘I love you Tm size="+0">Tara.’

  ‘Shhhh,’ she pressed her finger to his lips, ‘I really think we should get you checked out. Bad knock to the head,’ she smiled at him.

  ‘No Tara, I love you,’ He kissed her and then winced as the pain in his jaw flared.

  ‘Arlen,’ she kissed his jaw gently, ‘Come and take me home.’

  They got back into the car.

  For a short distance they drove in silence.

  ‘I think it’d be best for you to leave the Estate.’

  ‘Pardon?’ she exclaimed, shocked at his statement.

  ‘You would be safer if you left here. It’s Xander........I......’

  ‘I told you. I can handle myself,’ but she was not so sure. She remembered the helplessness she felt as Xander had pulled her towards his car.

  ‘I think he might’ve jumped to the wrong conclusion when he saw my blouse. You know... maybe thought you’d had your.... way with me.....’

  ‘Do you believe that Tara? Really?’

  ‘He saw my ripped shirt. You must admit it looked a bit...dodgy,’ she grinned at him, trying to reassure him.

  He winced again, pain in his jaw sharpening.

  ‘Arlen, I don’t know why you don’t leave here. To be honest, I can’t believe Xander hasn’t fired you. You really don’t like each other, do you?’

  He remained silent. Tara tried again, ‘It’s a beautiful place and you’ve been here a long time but there’re other wonderful places you can work without a boss that seems to like hitting you. You can do anything you want Arlen. Look at you.’

  Arlen hit the steering wheel in frustration, making Tara jump.

  ‘I can’t leave Blackfell and Xander can’t get rid of me Tara. That’s all there is to it. Just don’t ask me any more questions.’

  His hands gripped the steering wheel hard, his knuckles white.

  They were nearly at the house on the hill and the silence between them was uneasy.

  The huge Mercedes was now back in front of the house.

  She could see the anger in Arlen’s face.

  ‘This doesn’t feel like the right time to bring this up but I’d really like to speak to Bert alone tomorrow. I wondered if you could ask him to come here when he comes to yours.’

  ‘Any reason why?’

  ‘I just want to do this part alone. Bert Johnstone sees you a

  ‘Fine Tara. Play it your way.’ He sounded weary now.

  She reached to touch his cheek and he pulled away from her. She felt stung by his reaction.

  ‘Well, thanks for today Arlen. I had a great time.’

  She waited for a response, got none and then let herself out of the car. As she walked to her house she heard him turn the car and head back down the hill.

  Tara was surprised to feel hurt at his reaction. He was starting to get under her skin.

  She let herself into her house, turned on the lights and put a match to the fire. It was great to be in her beautiful home again and she slipped out of her clothes and headed up the stairs for a shower. As she lathered her long hair under the hot water more questions than answers buzzed through her head. What was going on at Blackfell? Why couldn’t or wouldn’t Arlen leave and why were Arlen and Xander stuck together here?

  Changing into her pyjamas, she headed downstairs, made an omelette and headed out to the swing seat on the porch to watch the water as she ate, happy to be alone with her thoughts, listening to the soothing sound of the waterfall.

  She ate her meal, took out her hairbrush and started combing through her long damp hair as she sat.

  The day’s worries slipped from her and the tension that had built in her shoulders eased completely. She stroked the brush through her hair, taking the tangles out gently, lost in thought.

  Her trance was interrupted as a car approached the cottage. She remained in her seat, brush half way through her long hair, wondering who had come to see her.

  A silver Aston Martin pulled up beside the Mercedes and Tara’s heart leapt when she saw Xander get out. She felt apprehensive and scared.

  She remained seated.

  Xander walked up to her and bent to kiss her. He did so softly, the same cedar cologne, although subtle, overwhelmed her senses.

  ‘I wanted to make sure you were alright.’

  She remained tense, scarcely moving, brush stuck in her hand.

  ‘It’s nice of you to check on me but as you can see, I’m just fine.’

  He bent to take the brush from her hand and moved behind the seat, pulling her long hair slowly and gently over her shoulder. With long, soft strokes he started to brush her hair.

  ‘I’m sorry if I scared you.’

  His touch on her hair felt sensual, sending tingles up her spine.

  ‘Did he hurt you?’

  Not daring to turn she replied, ‘Of course nfonOf couot. Arlen has been nothing but ...kindness to me since I arrived.’

  His strokes were rhythmic, hypnotic.

  ‘I want to take care of you Tara. You are one of my employees and I want to make sure that you are not being..’ he paused, searching for the right word. ‘used.’

  Tara stood up and faced him across the swing seat.

  ‘I’m fine. I can take care of myself. Now thank you for your concern but if you’re finished, I was just ready to go to bed. Please excuse me.’

  She felt shaky inside but she walked away from him with her shoulders held high. She reached the door of her cottage and as she placed her hand on the door, Xander grabbed her arm and pulled her round to face him.

  ‘Are you sleeping with him?’

  She pushed him from her.

  ‘Please leave. Now.’

  Her heart was thrumming in her chest and her mouth had gone dry. She turned fast to get back to the sanctuary of her home and close the door on him.

  He pulled her back to him and into his arms.

  ‘I’m sorry. Sorry.’ He bent his head into her neck and kissed her shoulder. His hand pushed up under her top, cupping her breast.

  She tried to retain her fright and indignation but her traitorous body responded to his touch, wanting more.

  His knowing fingers rolled her nipple slowly, almost painfully and she gasped.

  Lifting her top over her head, she stood topless before him and he stood back to savour her curves, her full coral tipped breasts and flat stomach.

  She stood still, silent, letting him watch her, his eyes devouring her beauty and sensuality.

  ‘You’re mine Tara,’ he whispered and then scooped her into his arms, kicking the door open and taking her into the house.

  He placed her in front of the fire on the sofa, sitting in front of her, and then pulled off her pyjama shorts. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her bare stomach and then pushed her legs slightly apart, touching her sex.

  Abruptly he leaned back into the sofa and unzipped his trousers, pulling his erection free from his clothes. Tara watched, unable to move and hardly able to breathe, desire coursing through her veins like electricity.

  He pulled her on to him, slipping inside her slowly, impaling her inch by inch. Tara moaned her desire, lost to he
r need. Pushing the base of her spine, pushing her closer to him, he sucked at her breasts, moving from one to the other and eased his finger between them to push gently at her clitoris. His movements in her were slow and deep and very controlled. His fingers were maddening, bringing her to a slow, rolling orgasm. She moaned, ‘Please now, please...’

  He pumped slowly at her, savouring her tightness and timing his orgasm to her own, wanting to share the moment.

  Tara whimpered as she came and Xander held her close to him as he surged into her, crying out her name.

  They remained joined together, his head nestled on her breasts, Tara holding him tightly, not wanting the moment to end.

  Tara climbed off him and picked her pyjama camisole and shorts off the floor, pulling them on swiftly.

  ‘God Xander, this shouldn’t have happened.’

  ‘Come here.’


  ‘I said “Come here”.’

  She moved towards him, compelled by the authorityin his voice, and he pulled her down beside him.

  ‘Listen to me Tara. You’re the woman I want and I know you feel something for me. You feel that ....need. What happened just now was meant to happen. You had no choice.’

  She could only think of Arlen and the hurt that the knowledge of her betrayal would bring.

  She turned her head from him but he pulled her round to face him and kissed her. She twisted her head away from him, ashamed of herself.

  Furious, he lifted her off the sofa and threw her over his shoulder.

  She screamed, her hair falling over her face blinding her. She was being carried upstairs.

  He threw her on to the bed and pinned her arms by her side.

  ‘I’ll stay with you tonight.’

  He was hard again and he pushed her legs apart and took her swiftly, her body wrapping round him, unable to resist, not wanting to.

  After their lovemaking, he held her close, arms around her, pulling the blanket around her protectively. Tara fell into a troubled sleep. She woke with a start, the sun filtering through the curtains in the morning. Xander’s arm was still around her and she briefly wondered where she was and who she was with.

  She turned to face him and caught herself marvelling at his beauty. He was even more handsome as he slept, his hair slightly tousled and the morning’s shadow of stubble softening his strong jaw. His skin was sun-kissed, flawless.


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