The Gardens of Blackfell

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The Gardens of Blackfell Page 10

by Ally Forbes

  Quietly she made her way to the bathroom and showered, mind racing, thinking of Arlen, wondering how to get Xander out the house before Bert Johnstone arrived.

  She was furious with herself. She was acting so out of character. Never before had she jumped into bed with a man so soon after meeting him, let alone jump into bed with two men.

  Shit, she thought, knowing that day by day she was ruining her chances of completing the project. She was acting thoroughly unprofessionally. She was creating a deep

  She quickly applied her make- up, brushed her hair and teeth and sneaked back through to the bedroom.

  Xander was awake but still in bed.

  ‘Come here,’ he dazzled her with his smile and she walked to him, sitting on the bed beside him.

  He stretched to kiss her, massaging her neck under her long hair.

  ‘I want to take you away today Tara. Somewhere special.’

  ‘No Xander, I can’t go today. I’m sorry,’ her heart sped up, anxiety building in her, waiting for his reaction.

  He looked at her quizzically.

  ‘Can I ask why not?’

  ‘I’m meeting Bert Johnstone to ask him to help with the walled garden. I need you to leave. He should be here any minute.’

  Xander sat up.

  ‘There’s no need for me to leave Tara. He knows me.’

  ‘I don’t want him to see us together. Please Xander. Do this for me.’

  ‘Why don’t you want him to see us together?’ he was clearly irritated.

  ‘You being here....creates the wrong impression. It’s not a good know.... sleeping with the boss,’ she smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

  ‘I don’t care who knows Tara.’

  ‘Xander please.’

  ‘I want everyone to know you’re with me.’

  ‘We’re not.....together,’ she shook her head angrily and swiftly left the room, not turning back when he shouted her name.

  She hoped that Xander would leave before Bert arrived but if he hadn’t, she made up her mind to take Bert straight down to the Gardens and out of the way.

  As fast as she could, she had some cereal and coffee and gathered her things together.

  There was silence from upstairs and Tara waited on Bert’s arrival with increasing anxiety.

  She jumped when the knock at the door came and almost ran to the door.

  ‘Mr Johnstone. It’s great to see you.’

  ‘Please just call me Bert, Miss Applebee.’

  ‘Well please call me Tara. I thought we could just head down...’

  She had just stepped out of the door and was about to shut it behind her, sibehind when Xander caught hold of the door from behind.

  Bert surprise registered fleetingly on his face when he saw who it was.



  He pulled Tara to him and kissed her.

  ‘Leaving without saying goodbye?’

  Tara pulled back from him but he grabbed her wrist, pulling her back to him.

  ‘Dinner at my place tonight,’ he whispered, just loud enough for Bert to hear.

  He walked off to his car and sped off down the road.

  Tara sighed miserably.

  ‘I’m sorry Bert. Please come in. Have a cup of coffee. It’s still fresh.’

  The old man entered the house and sat at the dining table while Tara filled their cups.

  She sat across from him and shook her head and smiled.

  ‘Bert, I feel I owe you an explanation but...’

  ‘You don’t have to explain anything Miss. We’re both here for the Garden.’

  ‘This isn’t normally me. I don’t know what’s happened since I came here but it won’t affect our work on the Garden in the slightest.’

  ‘Hmmmph,’ Bert crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat, his expression openly disbelieving.


  ‘Miss, you’re a beautiful young woman and the two Masters are handsome young men. But if you think that you can carry on as normal and things will be just as you wish, then you’re mistaken. Have no doubt about that.’

  Tara held her head in her hands and sighed.

  ‘God, what a mess.’

  ‘Come Miss. Let’s head down to the Garden. I can tell you a few things on the way.’

  He pushed himself up slowly from his seat and took her arm. Tara took it gratefully and smiled her thanks and they made their way to Tara’s little Fiat.

  ‘Not taking the big car Miss?’


  They climbed into the little Fiat and made their way into the heart of the Estate, a comfortable silence between them.

  ‘Miss. I feel I should warn you that you’re playing with fire.’

  ‘I didn’t intend that any of this should happen, Bert. I genuinely came here to do a job that’s very important to me. What’s happened is so out t sd is soof character for me ......’

  ‘Sometimes this place works a strange magic Miss, but there are things that you don’t know and that I think you need to.’

  Tara remained silent, hardly daring to breathe.

  ‘You might have noticed that Master Ashbrook and Master Emberline don’t care much for each other,’ he paused and glanced at her but she kept her eyes on the road ahead.

  ‘Well yes, I must admit that after what I’ve seen, I’m surprised that Arlen hasn’t been fired.’

  ‘He’s not been dismissed because.................. the two men are brothers.’

  Tara felt the road blur in front of her and she felt short of breath.

  ‘Are you alright Miss?’ Bert touched her hand.

  ‘Oh God,’ she gasped involuntarily.

  ‘Now you see why I had to tell you Miss. There’s a lot of bad blood between the two brothers and I fear that because they both feel they have you. Well, I’m very concerned about where that might lead.’

  ‘Why is Arlen the Estate Manager? Why...?’

  They had reached the Garden and had pulled up to the Gate. He placed his gnarled, rough hand over hers.

  ‘Come Miss. I’ll tell you all about it in the Garden.’

  Slowly they made their way through the gate and the two meandered through the overgrown paths, the Garden bringing them both a sense of tranquillity and peace.

  Bert told Tara about the Garden as they worked their way through the overgrown paths, pointing out the various beds, pathways and arbours. His words painted a vivid picture of the productive, busy, beautiful garden that existed in the day when servants bustled around the house and Estate, looking after the Family; days when the house and Estate were the major employer in the area, the centre of village life and the hub that connected many strands of life. Tara hung on every word and dared not interrupt the old man in case she missed something.

  She encouraged him where necessary but she hardly needed to. Bert was so obviously delighted to be back in the garden of his childhood and working life and to have someone who was glad to listen and appreciate what he said, that he talked without hesitation.

  Tara took his arm and smiled.

  ‘I reckon I have a lot to help you out with. You know..... I’ve completely gone off track. I was telling you all about the two young Masters. What I need to tell you is more important than anything I can tell you about the garden....although you probably don’t realise that quite yet. Now, I think there used to be a bench over here.’ He pushed the undergrowth away from underneath an old walnut tree and there it was, a slightly rusted but well preserved ornate metal bench.

  ‘How wonderful Bert,’ Tara sat on the bench and beamed her pleasure.

  ‘Excuse me for speaking out but you’re a lovely girl Miss and I think the two Masters have set their cap at you.’

  Tara started to protest but Bert shushed her.

  ‘The old Master, Sir Alexander Ashbrook married Sibilla del Balzo. She was a very beautiful lady, one of the aristocracy in Italy I think. They only had the one son, Xander. From what
I heard Sir Alexander and Sibilla couldn’t stand one another and Sibilla spent long periods of time back in Italy and had Xander schooled there. Xander would only come back to Blackfell in the summer months and his relationship with his father was formal and...well... of duty. Sir Alexander had a mistress, Nessa Emberline.. She was a young girl from Ireland employed in the house and another beauty by all accounts. She caught Sir Alexander’s attention but refused to have anything to do with him to begin with. But of course, he eventually had his way with her and I think probably...yes...I think he genuinely loved her. She died soon after the child was born. The child was Arlen. Sir Alexander doted on Arlen. He was a lovely child and although he was illegitimate, he was Sir Alexander’s favourite son. This wasn’t lost on Xander, mind. When Sir Alexander died he left the Estate to his legitimate heir, Xander but, Arlen was granted a lifetime position of Head of the Estate and a handsome annual income. Both boys did very well. Xander is a self made man and has many international businesses, don’t ask me what exactly. Arlen became a doctor but I think his heart has always been on the Estate. The young Sirs just about manage to get along but there’s no love lost between them. Arlen has a great loyalty to his father’s Estate and his memory but Xander, well.... .’

  Tara felt sick inside, apprehension and dismay seeping deep into her.

  ‘Are you OK Miss?’

  ‘I’ve... made a mess of things. I’ve..’

  ‘It’s alright Miss, I told you. You don’t need to explain.’

  ‘But I do. I can’t speak to anyone else. I think it might be best if I leave here before I make things any worse.’

  ‘The two Masters are grown up now and can look after themselves. I’m more worried for you Miss. I’ve not seen the boys fight before like I saw them do earlier. They must reckon they got something worth fighting over, if you know what I mean Miss. I think Master Xander is a man that sets his eye on something and won’t give up.’

  ‘ I can’t believe I got myself into this. I came here to do a job I love..’

  ‘Look Miss. You can still what you came here to do and I’ll help you in whatever way you need me to. I’m just asking you to be careful.’

  ‘Yes. Of course.......I have a lot of thinking to do,’ thecolo do,n she added, ‘Xander Ashbrook has asked me to go to Italy to work on a project soon.’

  ‘He has eh? Well that doesn’t surprise me at all. What did you say?’

  ‘I said I couldn’t while the Garden was at such an early stage but he didn’t take no for an answer. I kind of thought that if I stalled him that he would change his mind or forget or something.’

  ‘If you know Master Xander as I do, you would know that that won’t happen.’ He chuckled.

  ‘I think you’ll have to make up your mind where your heart’s desire lays Miss.’

  ‘ My heart’s desire is the Garden, Bert. It has to be my only concern.’

  ‘A woman after my own heart but I don’t think it’ll be that simple Miss. These things never are.’ He sighed wistfully.

  ‘Can you help me get together a small team to start on the Garden? I want to get everything in place as soon as possible and I’d like you to be my right hand man. Paid of course. Can you spare the time? Please say yes.’

  Bert Johsntone’s face lit up and it took years off him.

  ‘There’s nothing I’d like better. If you ask me, retirement’s overrated.’

  Tara threw her arms round the old man and hugged him, kissing him on the cheek.

  ‘Bert. Come back to the village and you can show me the best place to advertise for help.’

  ‘I have three young men that I know of before I even start to put my mind to it. They’ll be good, reliable, honest workers and will appreciate the job. No need to advertise.’

  He held out his arm to her.

  ‘Come Miss. Let’s make a start.’

  As she took Bert’s arm and walked back through the Garden she felt a true sense of purpose and direction for the first time since starting the job. She felt light footed, a weight gone from her shoulders. Her heart’s desire was indeed the Garden but Arlen Emberline was starting to edge his way in there too. She imagined telling Arlen the news about the Garden and knew how excited and encouraging he would be. She imagined his arms around her, the passion in his eyes. More and more she felt that Xander Ashbrook was a mistake she should never have made. If Xander still wanted her, she would have to let him know that last night was a one-off mistake and cut it dead. She didn’t know however, that Xander Ashbrook was a force to be reckoned with, a man that would never give up on what he wanted.


  Bert and Tara got back to the little Fiat which had turned into an oven in the warm sunshine. They rolled down the windows and Tara reversed back from the Garden intending to head out of the Estate and back to the village, welcoming the slight breeze which cooled the car’s interior down to a more comfortable temperature. However, as Tara was about to pull away, Arlen’s 4x4 sped in front of them, tyres skidding slightly on the gravel as he applied the brake. He climbed out and hurried over to open Tara’s door.

  ‘Tara, could I speak to you for a moment?’ He bent his head to smile apologetically at Bert, ‘I won’t be long Bert, sorry.’

  ‘No problems Sir.’ Bert smiled, and winked secretly at Tara as she glanced questioningly at him.

  Arlen had a cream short sleeved shirt and a pair of light cords on. His sun-kissed skin and dark hair made him look like an Armani model and his excitement was obvious in his every movement. He held Tara firmly by the waist and pulled her to him.

  ‘Tara. I have a buying trip to do. It shouldn’t take more than a day or two but the place I have to go, well, it’s very close to a cottage I have by the sea. I want to take you away from here for a few days, just us. Please say you’ll come with me Tara.’

  Tara couldn’t help but smile at him. He was like a puppy, full of excitement and barely contained energy.

  ‘Arlen, you seem to have properties all over the place,’ she nudged him playfully, ‘Look Arlen, you know I’d love to but I can’t leave the Estate’s newest employee.’ She nodded to Bert in the car, who nodded back to her, ‘We’re just away to take on a few of the village boys to get started.’

  ‘You ‘ll have noticed Miss Applebee, that Bert Johnstone is a man who is just about as passionate about the Garden as you are. He’s a man who I know will give you nothing less than one hundred percent and is as honest and reliable as you’re ever likely to get. A couple of days away will not bother Bert,’ he took a deep breath and bent his head to kiss her cheek, ‘Say ‘yes’ Tara. Please just say ‘Yes.’’

  Tara dropped her eyes, ‘Arlen...... I..’

  ‘Don’t say another word,’ he let go of her and went back to the car and opened Bert’s door, asking him to come over to where Tara was standing. The old man got out the car slowly, holding on to the door to help pull him up and walked over with a lop-sided ambling gait.

  ‘Bert. I’ve just asked Tara to join me for a few days.... to buy some trees for the Estate but she’s concerned about leaving you. I’ve tried to assure her that there’s no-one more capable of taking control for a few days t1ema few dhan you’d be. Could you tell her that it’ll be just fine please?’

  ‘Arlen..,’ Tara elbowed him gently and chidingly, reproach in her voice.

  ‘Miss, I’ve worked these gardens for over forty years. I grew up in these Gardens. The place is in very capable hands, I promise you.....and a few days are neither here nor there....’

  ‘Now Tara. Please just say ‘yes’.’

  Both men watched her for her response. She shoved her hands into her pockets and kicked at the gravel at her feet, unsure what to do.

  In a low voice she said, ‘Arlen, I feel like I’ve done nothing substantial in the Garden since I arrived. I’d feel guilty about heading off for a few days..’

  Bert spoke up, uncharacteristically interceding in a matter that Tara was sure he must have found difficult to be caught i
n the middle of, ‘Excuse me for saying this Miss but there are some things in life, some choices that you make, that are just too ....significant to walk past. A few days away will make no difference to the Garden. It’s already suffered decades of neglect and Master Emberline here seems to think that it’s important that you go with him. Take it from an old-timer – a few days are neither here nor there.’

  Tara touched his hand and he nodded at her, turned and walked back to the car.

  ‘Well..... I guess I have to say yes after that Arlen,’

  He picked her up and twirled her round him and she yelled at him to put her down but secretly, she shared his excitement, adrenalin racing.

  ‘We leave this afternoon, about three.’

  ‘God Arlen. Why so soon ?’

  ‘I want to get there before dark. I’ll pick you up,’ He kissed her, stroking the escaped strands of hair off her face, ‘My beautiful Tara.’

  He turned, said something to Bert and jumped back in his car and was away almost before Tara had time to catch her breath.

  Tara shrugged her shoulders at Bert, headed back to the car and climbed in beside the old man.

  ‘I don’t know what to say. I don’t feel right about leaving you.’

  She started the car’s engine and drove off down the road.

  ‘You know Miss, that once, a long time ago, I fell head over heels with a girl called Elspeth who worked in the bar in the village for the summer. I was never a drinker but I became a regular just to see her. We became friends and in those days it was nothing more; but there was a spark between us and she made my heart beat that bit faster every time I saw her. Then she told me she was leaving to go home; Cornwall it was. I told her I was sorry she was leaving but it was all proper and formal and she left and I never saw her again. I married someone else and I loved my wife but she didn’t fire my soul like Elspeth and I’ve never forgotten her. I’ve always wondered what would’ve happened if I’d asked her to stay or even followed her down to Cornwall. It was a moment that was too important to walk past but I walked past. I’ve always regretted it.’ He paused, staring out the window, caught up in his memories.


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