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The Gardens of Blackfell

Page 15

by Ally Forbes

  In frustration, she blurted out, ‘But that’s just it Maria, we’re not a couple, you don’t understand.’

  ‘No Miss Applebee. I think it is you who doesn’t understand.’ And Maria smiled at her, turning away from her, taking her hand to gently guide her.

  ‘Come with me Miss,’ and once again they were off, entering the huge dressing room.

  Maria took her straight to the section hung with evening dresses. There wasn’t just one dress, there was at least a dozen. As Maria ran her hand along the rack, Tara could see the designer labels clearly, Chanel, Prada...

  ‘I believe tonight you will be dining formally. Perhaps one of these dresses would be suitable,’ she turned back to look at her, ‘I think this red dress would suit you perfectly. It’s Emilio Pucci, perfect for you.’

  The dress was stunning, a long red off shoulder swathe of beauty.

  ‘Thank you. I need to freshen up first Maria.’ Tara’s head was spinning and she needed some time to think, just to be alone.

  ‘Very well Miss Applebee. I’ll run you a bath. You’ll feel much better.’

  ‘I think I’ll just have a shower thanks Maria. I’ll manage fine by myself thanks.’

  Maria looked at her sceptically and shrugged reluctantly, ‘Very well then. Please just call me if you need assistance.’

  She went to the door.


  She turned round, smiling.

  ‘Do you know if my clothes and...and passport...will be here soon?’

  Maria frowned.

  ‘I don’t think there will be anything arriving soon Miss Applebee. No.’

  She turned and left.

  Walking to the window of the room, Tara gazed out across the lovely gardens and the majestic hills surrounding them and felt she understood what it was to be a bird in a gilded cage. This place was idyllic, so beautiful it took her breath away, but she felt trapped with nowhere to go, scared of what might transpire.

  She decided that she would freshen up and was glad to strip off the stale clothes she wore. The shower was powerful and refreshing and after drying herself in one of the enormous fluffy towels, combing her long hair through and shrugging into a sumptuous bathrobe she curled up on the bed, exhausted but feeling better. A slight breeze stirred the air gently in her room and the sound of the cicadas was distant and hypnotic. She closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.

  ‘Miss Applebee. Please wake up.’

  She started, wondering where she was for an instant, before her memory came tumbling back, like a dam bursting.

  ‘What time is it Maria?’ she asked quietly, Sske dam bu rubbing her eyes. The light in the room was fading, signalling the lateness of the hour.

  ‘It’s nearly time for you to be at dinner Miss. Come and I’ll help you prepare.’

  Maria brought her a stunning cream basque, stockings, shoes and the red dress she had looked at in the dressing room.

  Maria bustled around her, fastening buttons and zips and holding fabric. Everything fitted perfectly. Tara wondered how Xander knew her size. How often had he been in her house in Scotland? How else could he know her shoe or clothes size?

  ‘You look like a queen Miss Applebee. No wonder Mr Ashbrook has chosen you. Now let me help you with your hair.’

  She disappeared into the bathroom and re-appeared with a large paddle brush. Patting a chair in front of the dressing table, she got Tara to sit down and brushed her long dark hair gently until it fell into natural waves, glossy and thick over her shoulders.

  As she sat at the table, Tara noted that a huge array of make-up was placed neatly in beautiful leather boxes on the table.

  She reached out to pick up a bottle.

  ‘I’ll do your make-up Miss.’

  Tara opened her mouth to object and then closed it again.

  Maria was in her element and Tara still felt sleepy and relaxed after her nap.

  Maria selected a bottle from the table and poured a small amount of the clear fluid onto her the tips of her fingers and asked her to tilt her head back. Maria’s fingers rubbed the fluid into her skin in long strokes, down her neck and to the top of her chest.

  ‘You are very beautiful Miss Applebee. I will enjoy making you a vision that Mr Ashbrook cannot resist.’

  Maria’s fingers were soothing and expert and Tara closed her eyes and gave herself to Maria’s expertise.

  ‘Miss Applebee. You are ready and just in time.’

  Tara opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. She couldn’t recognise herself. The woman in the mirror was film star beautiful, long dark hair draped over her creamy white revealed shoulders, full breasts over the top of her crimson dress, eyes smoky and dark, lips full and glossy.

  Tara managed to whisper a small ‘Thanks.’

  ‘It’s all my pleasure Miss Applebee. Now please, come with me. I understand you are to have dinner on the balcony and you’re already late for Mr Ashbrook. He’s not a man who l St aase,ikes to be kept waiting.’

  Tara’s nerves briefly threatened to overtake her but her anger pushed anxiety from her body. She remembered that she was effectively his captive here, with no passport and no means to leave. She had to get this sorted and needed to arrange to leave as soon as possible. She was about to meet the man who held the key to her freedom.

  Maria kept turning back and smiling at what she saw, uttering frequent ‘Come on now Miss’ and checking her watch.

  Tara was led through the huge home but had hardly a chance to take in her surroundings such was the pace that Maria insisted on.

  She led Tara to two enormous doors and swept a gentle finger through Tara’s hair.

  ‘I’ll leave you now Miss Applebee.’ She opened the doors and gently nudged Tara through. The room was darkened, lit only by a glowing ember fire in the huge baronial fireplace. Double glass doors opened out on to a balcony from which Tara could see the hills and vineyards beyond. Xander was sitting at the candle lit table and stood as soon as he heard the door open.

  He was as handsome a man as she had ever seen. Even in her heels, he was still about three inches taller than her, dressed in a dark suit, a white open shirt, simply but luxuriously dressed.

  ‘Tara.’ He strode to her and took her in his arms, holding her tight to him. She could feel his large hand pressing the bare skin on the exposed part of her back. His touch sent small shivers though her and his scent, the same, always the quiet cedar, overwhelming her senses.

  ‘You look .....exquisite.’

  He kissed her cheek gently and reluctantly let her go, taking her hand and guiding her to the table, set on the balcony.

  The scenery took her breath away and she stood at the balcony railings speechless with the beauty of the landscape.

  The moon was full and cast a silvery glow over the vineyards which stretched below them as far as the eye could see. At the base of the valley, a small village’s lights twinkled and a gentle, warm breeze rustled the foliage on the vines, making a soothing, papery harmonic.

  ‘I don’t think there could be anywhere more beautiful....’

  He had moved behind her and she felt his hands round her waist. He stooped to kiss her shoulder.

  She moved quickly from him and went to the table; Xander pulled her chair out to seat her.

  ‘This is just...just lovely Xander but I......I....need to get back home.’

  She couldn’t look at h, her anger and fire gone, anxiety asserting its dominance. He sat across from her and watched her closely. He picked up the wine bottle and filled her glass.

  ‘After my whisky experience, I don’t think I should drink.’

  ‘It’s wine from my vineyard. Please try it.’

  It wasn’t a request and Tara obeyed him, feeling annoyed at her lack of ability to stand up for herself. She did as she was asked and took a sip from the heady liquid.

  ‘Look, Xander, I need to ....’

  They were interrupted by waiters bringing in the starter, lobster, the s
mell of the food mouth-watering.

  ‘Please start Tara. The lobster is fresh from the Bay this morning.’

  Tara blushed and took a mouthful of the starter, delighting in the delicious, delicate flavours. It was only now that she had started to eat that she realised how hungry she was.

  ‘I’m sorry I had to leave you this afternoon. There are some things that have to be dealt with without delay. I would have preferred to have shown you round the place myself but I trust Maria was helpful.’

  ‘It was know,....having someone helping you to dress. I kind of felt like a five year old again. I must admit it was a weird but nice abdication of responsibility.’

  He smiled at her and with that smile the tense atmosphere shattered, the static in the air between them dissipating.

  She couldn’t help but smile back at him and she picked up her glass to take another sip of the wine.

  On an empty stomach, Tara could already feel the effects of the half glass of wine that she had already consumed.

  ‘As wonderful as this all is Xander, I’ve to get back home. I feel ashamed that I took too much of that whisky...I find myself wondering how on earth I ended up here.’

  ‘You need to rest for the night.’

  ‘Maria said my passport hasn’t arrived...’

  ‘I can arrange for you to leave whenever you wish. You don’t need a passport.’ His face was unreadable.

  Tara’s heart skipped.

  ‘Tomorrow morning then?’

  ‘It can be arranged.’

  ‘I think tomorrow would be best.... I’m just so sorry that I’ve... inconvenienced you.’

  He pushed his chair back from the table and laughed.

  ‘Tara, you are my most delightful and welcome inconvenience,’ His smile slipped and the stern, serious Xander was back in control, ‘ and I don’t want you to leave.’

  His statement was a challenge and an order and his tone shocked Tara.

  ‘You’re the only one who can get me out of here?’

  ‘Yes, yes.... I am..... and your predicament delights me.’

  ‘So you’re not going to fly me home tomorrow?,’ she asked astonished.

  ‘No. I would like you to stay for a little longer.’

  ‘Do you understand what you’re saying? You’re holding me here against my will.’

  ‘Yes.’ He smiled at her, enjoying watching her reaction.

  She stood up, anger coursing through her.

  ‘You can’t do this.’

  Picking up the length of her dress, she strode out from the balcony, retracing her steps through the darkened grand room and to the huge doors. She pulled the door open and gasped when she was roughly pulled back into the room. She yelped as she found herself held tightly in Xander’s arms.

  Two waiting staff that were standing outside the door stood transfixed at the drama that was playing out in front of them.

  ‘Leave us!’ Xander barked and they quickly pulled the doors closed. Tara could hear the noise of their feet hurry off down the hall.

  She tried to push him from her but his arms were like steel bands.

  ‘Let me go, Xander. Let me go.’

  She could hear the panic rise in her voice.

  ‘Shhhh. Don’t struggle Tara.’

  She tried again to push him from her but his strength was all encompassing.

  ‘Please Xander. Please just let me go back to my room.’

  ‘I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you Tara. On those front steps of Blackfell.’

  She stopped struggling in his arms and he relaxed his hold but only slightly.

  He continued, bending slightly to whisper in her ear, his hand tracing circles in the small of her back.

  ‘It’s destroyed me to know that you’ve been fucking that half-blood brother of mine. I can’t stand the thought of him with you, near you.’

  Tara froze.

  He kissed her neck and released his tight hold of her, his breathing deepening and quickening.

  If she could distract him long enough she could make it to the door and get help from one of the staff who surely couldn’t be far away.

  She pressed into him, a move that he took for acquiescence. Snaking her leg behind his, she pulled quickly in combination with a sharp push that took him off his feet and sent him stumbling backwards.

  Tara turned like a snake and raced to the door, finding speed and agility that she didn’t know she had. Flinging open the door she raced through the house, trying to remember the way Maria had taken her, eyes searching all the time for someone else in the castle.


  His voice was fury and made Tara’s heart leap in her chest. She pulled open doors, hearing his footfall gaining on her.

  The bottom of the huge stairs, a familiar sight at last, and Tara lunged for the huge post at the bottom swinging herself round and onto the first step. From the corner of her eye she glanced Xander speeding along the hall after her.

  Her breath caught in her throat and she pulled her dress as far up her legs as she could, taking the steps two at a time.

  She heard him curse and stumble behind her and hope that she would make it to the bedroom suite and lock the door seemed almost within reach.

  Maria was standing at the top of the stairs.

  ‘ Maria. Thank God,’ she flung herself into her arms and turned to face the incensed man racing up the stairs after her.

  Clinging to Maria, she faced Xander, whose fury was barely restrained as he approached.

  ‘Maria, please call the police, a taxi, please just help me leave here.’

  Maria smiled at her.

  ‘Now Miss Applebee. What a state to get yourself into. Mr Ashbrook was just taking you to dinner.’


  Tara looked at her in astonishment.

  ‘Maria, no. He was going to... to..’

  ‘We were having dinner Maria.’

  ‘Of course you were Mr Ashbrook. Now Miss Applebee, I’m sure you can compose yourself and resume your dinner with Mr Ashbrook.’

  The realisation that she would find no help from Maria filled her with horror.

  She made a lunge for the door behind Maria but the older woman was fast and grabbed her arm, pulling her back towards Xander and pushing her into his arms. Tara sobbed, looking at Maria with stunned eyes.

  ‘Thank you Maria. I’ll deal with Miss Applebee from here.’

  ‘Yes sir. I’ll leave you now.’

  She looked at Tara and smiled and in that moment, Tara knew that Maria understood exactly what was happening.

  Maria left them, brushing past them on the stairs and neither Tara nor Xander moved until they heard the doors close.

  ‘Now Tara. We can do this the easy way and you can resume dinner with me. Or we can head to your bedroom now. The choice is yours.’

  ‘You can’t do this to me Xander Ashbrook.’

  He smiled again and his eyes lingered on her cleavage.

  ‘You are mine whilst you are here.’ He held out his arm.

  Heart thumping like a trapped animal, Tara quickly assessed her situation. She had little choice but to accompany Xander back down to the balcony. It would give her some time to think, to try to talk to him, reason with him.

  She took his arm and he smiled at her.

  ‘You know Tara. I was hoping you would want to play this the hard way.’

  Tara walked stiffly down the stairs with him, tense and distracted.

  He kept glancing at her as they made their way back to the balcony room, smiling, placing his hand heavily over hers.

  ‘Please relax Tara.’

  ‘How can you say that to me after all that has happened tonight?’ she hissed at him

  ‘You have to understand Tara that your choices are limited at the moment and I think your best option would be to try to enjoy life here.’

  ‘You can have any woman you want. Why do you have to do th Shavbest optiois to me? Why?’ her voice was cold a
nd low.

  ‘You’re right. I can have any women I want. Money is the best aphrodisiac there is. But it is a false God. I’ve sickened myself of the statuesque blondes, the voluptuous brunettes, the fiery redheads. Just empty vessesls......’

  ‘And I’m just one that you have decided to take by ? What gives you the....’

  ‘I’ve not been able to stop thinking about you. I’ve had you followed, tapped your phone, searched your home, photographed you and...... died inside when you fucked my brother.’

  His confession stunned Tara into silence.

  Two waiting staff had reappeared at the doors to the grand hall.

  ‘We’ll have the main course now,’ he said to them on the way through the huge doors again.

  In their absence the fire had been stoked and was now blazing in the low light of the room and the dinner table had been cleared awaiting their next course.

  Tara found herself wondering if the staff that seemed to have disappeared on her race through the castle had simply been discretely unobvious. She shuddered.

  ‘For the second time tonight, please have a seat.’

  He seated her and filled her glass again.

  This time Tara drank deeply.

  ‘I’ve chosen the sea bass. It’s unrivalled here.’

  Tara held her glass tightly and watched him as he gazed out over his vineyards.

  His confidence was supreme, everything in his posture, the smallest gesture told Tara that he was used to getting what he wanted. He was a stunningly handsome man and even after all that had happened, she found it hard to bury that instinctual attraction she felt deep in her core.

  ‘You’re a man used to getting what he wants. Am I here because I’m the thing that you perceive you can’t have? I’m finding this hard to understand ...... you hardly know me.’

  He turned to her and held her gaze.

  ‘I’ve thought about that Tara. Analysed it. I’ve asked myself why I feel the need to.....have you.’ He paused and studied his glass.

  ‘Of course I was hoping that you would fall under my charm and decide to stay wi Ssiz wallingly. My money is an aphrodisiac that rarely fails.’ He smiled at her, a hint of shy colouring his expression.


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