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Page 16

by Glenn Bullion

  "Hey, John."

  The man named John quickly gulped another swig of beer.

  "Hi…Brady, right?"

  "That's me. How's the family doing?"

  John hesitated, and Lily could sense the tension. Where it was coming from, she didn't know. Between Brady and John? John and something else?

  "Good, good," he finally said. "Everybody's real good."

  He cast Lily a look, immediately sending her on edge. Men looked at her all the time. It was almost a part of her job description, and she was used to it. Her pale skin, unique tattoo, ever-changing hair color, her curves, they all did their part to draw attention. She'd even caught Brady looking a time or two. But there was a sharp difference between the way Brady looked at her and the leering John did. Whether it was the beer or not, it was difficult not to cringe.

  "Well," John said. "Who's your friend, Brady?"

  "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you," Brady said. "Have you seen anything weird around here? I could have sworn the other night I saw some shadows moving around outside."

  John's demeanor changed. The leer and lust vanished. Panic took over, and for a moment, Lily thought he might have went straight sober.

  "What?" he said. "What did you say?"

  "Alright, I have to go. Tell Sharon and Chad I said hey."

  Lily followed Brady's lead and left John alone. She stole a glance behind them to see him looking about nervously. His face turned white, as if he'd seen a ghost.

  "What the hell was that about?" she asked.

  "Oh, nothing. Just a little trick we all use here to keep the alcohol monster away."

  "He looked at me like he'd never seen a woman before."

  "He's an asshole. Every apartment building has one. It's in the contract, I think."

  She laughed. "Yeah. Our building has two."

  Brady held the door open for her, and she made herself at home. In no time at all Brady was in the kitchen scooping vanilla ice cream into two bowls while Lily waited on the couch. She grabbed the remote for the Roku player and started browsing. It didn't take long to get the hang of the tech, and she giggled as she browsed through his YouTube subscriptions.

  "Damn. Do you have enough UFO videos on here?" She shook her head as she read various titles. "Alien bases discovered on the moon. NASA shuts down ISS feed as mothership approaches."

  Brady poked his head from the kitchen to watch.

  "Yeah," he said, smiling. "Crazy shit."

  Despite the grin, Lily could see he was uncomfortable. He looked down at the floor, avoiding her gaze while he disappeared back into the kitchen. She felt like she was getting to know him better, picking up on his mannerisms.

  "Hey, are you okay?" she asked.

  "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just a little embarrassed. I have weird hobbies."

  She laughed. "UFOs and porn. Nothing weird about that."

  He returned the laugh.

  "As long as you don't believe any of that shit, it's all good. Just like watching Bigfoot videos," she said, shaking her head while continuing to browse. "Family gets abducted by aliens outside Denny's. Yeah, right."

  Brady handed her a bowl of ice cream as he sat on the opposite end of the couch. Lily took a second to reflect on where she was. It was nice to sit and relax, not have Emma constantly trying to manage her love life. She loved her friends, loved spending time with them, loved running the town. But there was something to be said about eating ice cream with the local mall security guard with the amazing smile.

  "We can rent a movie," Brady said, reaching for the remote on the table. "Before the aliens come get us."

  "No way." Lily playfully snatched the remote from him and started a video. It was an old documentary about Area 51. "We have to watch this now."

  Lily and Brady laughed and talked between videos, enjoying each other's company. She felt comfortable enough to remove her shoes and curl up on the couch, leaning her head back to rest. Fatigue was needling her, but she didn't want to leave yet. Brady seemed to be having just as much fun, as he didn't usher her out the door.

  Like last time, she wasn't quite sure when she fell asleep. The last thing she remembered was the murmuring of a surprised family as they filmed a UFO from their boat. Brady gently covered her with a light blanket, which she pulled up to her chin.

  She dreamed of Alyson, which wasn't unusual. But for the first time in years, it wasn't a nightmare.


  Lily had finished half her ham and cheese sandwich when Brady finally arrived. He flashed his trademark smile as he entered the store and greeted her with a wave. She cast him a mock look of disdain and pointed at the imaginary watch on her wrist.

  "You're ten minutes late," she said.

  "I know, I know. Someone had their car broken into. Just had to talk to the cops for a minute." He grabbed the spare stool from behind the counter and sat across from her. "What's for dinner?"

  She reached behind her and grabbed the bag she'd retrieved from the fridge not long ago. After setting it in front of him she went back to her own sandwich.

  "Ham and cheese. Mustard. A couple of snack cakes and a soda."

  "I love mustard."

  Lily smiled. "I know."

  The two had become close friends, spending most of their time with each other over the past three weeks. They ate dinner together nearly every night, with the two of them trading who bought and brought, and she always drove him home. Often they would watch TV at Brady's apartment, and occasionally she fell asleep on his couch. He was becoming a regular part of her day, her life. Only the weekends they spent apart, when they didn't have the ease of working so close together.

  That was a problem she was working to solve.

  "You know," Lily said. "They have these new things out. They're like phones, but they don't have any wires. If you had one of those, you could actually call me. Tell me you're going to be late."

  "People still call?" Brady said, enjoying his sandwich. "I thought everyone just sent texts back and forth."

  "There's more than that. There's sexting, and nude photos. How am I supposed to send you nudes if you don't have a phone?"

  "You send out nude shots?"

  "No. But you were thinking about it, weren't you?"

  He laughed and glanced at the store as they ate. It was Friday night, so it was the first of two stops for him. When they started eating dinner together Lily told him he should simply buy his weekly movie during his break, but he would have none of it. It had to be after work. He was definitely a mysterious creature of habit.

  She still didn't understand why his bathroom was so bare, even after spending so much time together. He'd only recently bought shaving cream and a razor, and she had the feeling that was only to make her stop asking questions. He didn't know it, but she also discovered that he hid his clothes. She poked through his bedroom one morning to see his drawers were full of towels. There wasn't a shirt or a pair of jeans in sight.

  Brady was odd. But to be fair, she had her own mysteries. Maybe that was why they got along so well.

  That, and their senses of humor. They made each other laugh.

  "It's empty in here," he observed. "Another exciting night."

  "Actually, it's not empty. Two people are having sex in the changing room."

  His eyes lit up. "Really?"

  "Yeah. They've been in there twenty minutes now."

  "Do you…want me to get rid of them?"

  "Nah. They might buy something. Frank would kill me if I kicked out paying customers."

  "Well, since you put it like that. Makes perfect sense."

  She finished her sandwich and threw her trash away. Brady stole a peek at her, admiring her snug jeans, as she walked away. Lily caught him. She didn't mind. He was the only one of her friends that could get away with it. She would have been lying if she said she didn't enjoy the attention.

  "What's the plan for tonight?" she asked.

  "You know me," he said. "I'll be back for my movie, then hom
e. You going out tonight?"

  "Yeah. Emma, Steve, Johnny, the usual crew. And I'm sure some people I've never met before."

  "Sounds like fun."

  It was time to put her plan in action.

  "Well, I'm glad you said that. Because guess what? You're coming with us."

  He was quiet for a moment, then laughed at what he assumed was a joke.

  "I'm serious," she said, gently grabbing his hand. "No lounging inside tonight. Come out with us. Drinking, dancing, all the hot ladies that will fight to get to you. What's not to like?"

  "I don't drink."

  Lily's brow furrowed. That was new information. Every day she learned something new about him.

  "You don't? Why not?"

  He almost smiled as he chose his words carefully.

  "I'm afraid of what I'd change into if I ever got drunk."

  "Ah. Always have to be in control?"

  "Something like that."

  "Okay, then, don't drink. You can still have a good time."

  "I don't know, Lily. Look at me. Do I look like I'd fit in at a club?"

  "You fit in with me, so, yeah, you'll be fine."

  Brady fought for something to say. Lily could see the struggle, and she couldn't help feeling amused. She barely held in a giggle. She knew him well enough to know he didn't want to go, but was running out of excuses. It was for his own good. He needed to get out, escape from the safe bubble of his apartment.

  "Please," she said, batting her eyes playfully and clasping her hands together. "We're always at your place. Come out with me, for a change."

  "You really want me to go out with you?"

  She nearly responded with sarcastic humor, but the question was a serious one. His calm confidence vanished for a moment, and Lily saw a glimpse of someone not sure of himself. Gone was her knight in shining armor, the man who was unafraid of six thugs that wouldn't leave her alone. Apparently, he wasn't afraid of anything, except being social.

  Lily touched his shoulder. "Yes. I love hanging out with you, watching crazy videos. And I love hanging out with you so much that I want you to come out and meet my friends, too. You haven't even seen my place yet."

  She waited for her wisdom to sink in. He was softening a little.

  "We'll have fun. I promise."

  He nodded slowly. "Okay."

  "Good," she said. She already had it all planned out. "Come back after you get off and get your movie. Then I'll drive you home. You get ready, and we'll head back to my place to meet everyone."

  "No," he countered. "I'll just skip the movie tonight, go right home. Then I'll meet you at your place."

  "Skip your porn?" Lily smiled. "Are you sure you can handle that?"

  "I'll somehow find a way."

  "Brady," she said, frowning. "I'm not going to let you ride a bus to my apartment. I'll give you a ride."

  "I'll be fine. Just email me your address." It was his turn to smile as he pointed over her shoulder. "Speaking of rides."

  The couple having sex in the changing room rejoined the normal world. The man eyed the store, a huge smirk on his face. His girlfriend straightened her shorts and whispered something in his ear. They carried a large pile of clothing and several toys to the front.

  "You've got customers," Brady said, backing up a step. "And I have to get back to work."

  "No," Lily said, shaking her head. Brady was quite clever, using the adventurous couple to escape. "You stay right there. We're not done yet."

  "I'll see you at your place."

  "Damnit, Brady. You'd better get your ass back here after work."

  He waved as he tried not to laugh.

  "Bye, dear."

  She silently cursed at him as he disappeared out of sight. Cautiously, she rang up the couple's items, almost afraid to touch them. Her mind drifted to the upcoming night. At least he agreed to come out with her. She looked forward to introducing him to her friends.

  They were going to have so much fun.


  Brady tried to enjoy the night. He tried to enjoy flying, being a hawk. It had been a few weeks since he flew home from work, with Lily always insisting on giving him a ride. The cool wind and moon overhead usually soothed him, but tonight it provided no such comfort. He couldn't focus on the town below, the sights only he could experience. What plagued him were Lily's amazing mental powers. She'd somehow convinced him to give up his Friday night. He wouldn't watch videos, wouldn't engage with the other UFO enthusiasts online.

  He wasn't even going to buy his weekly movie.

  Instead, he was going out with a group of strangers, to join more strangers, and watch those strangers drink and dance. Being a hawk, he couldn't speak. He cawed in frustration, and wondered if the other wildlife nearby understood him.

  What have I gotten myself into?

  Despite his mood, he took in the fact that his friendship with Lily was changing. Never in the time he spent going to her work did he imagine becoming friends with her. Now they spent time together, and she was inviting him out to meet her friends. Brady had friendships over the years, but they were fleeting. It wasn't easy to form lasting bonds when he had to move every so often. He was also very different, and that couldn't just be shared with anyone. One or two of his ex-girlfriends started to ask pointed questions about his life, ones he couldn't answer. The relationships didn't last long after that.

  Lily was also full of questions.

  He knew she poked around his apartment. She went through his bathroom, and he thought he caught her checking out his bedroom. Some of the questions he could brush aside, but eventually she would wonder why he never had any clothes in his room. He would either have to tell her the truth, or watch the relationship end.

  He would enjoy her friendship as long as it lasted.

  If he was smart, he could delay the inevitable for some time. He would talk to Danielle at the mall, get some old clothes he could pass off as his own. A brush only cost a few dollars, and would satisfy her curiosity. It was time he learned how to blend into the real world a little more, and Lily could help with that.

  He relaxed as he circled his apartment building. It was also time he went out and had fun, stopped hiding in his living room. Lily could also help with that. He trusted her.

  Brady was too lazy to use the front door, instead landing on the railing outside the patio. After giving his surroundings a quick search, he changed shape. He shifted into his comfortable liquid form and oozed his way through the gap under the door. The carpet felt more dirty than usual, and he knew he had to vacuum soon. He moved even before his limbs completely formed, making his way across the dark apartment. Lily was probably closing the store and would be on her way home. If he knew her as well as he thought he did, she wouldn't even bother changing clothes. She was attractive, regardless of what she wore.

  The thought of clothes made Brady freeze in the hallway.

  What was he going to wear?

  He looked down at his naked body. He hadn't formed clothes yet, and now was drawing a blank. What did guys wear when they went out?

  Turning in the hallway, his eyes fell on his trusty magazine on the coffee table. He felt foolish as he scanned the pages, almost foolish enough to call Lily and cancel. Nothing looked good to him, and he could only imagine looking ridiculous with whatever he picked out.

  Finally, a look caught his attention. Very simple, matching his tastes, jeans with a black tee shirt and a blue collared open shirt. With a thought, the clothes formed over his skin.

  He was surprised when he glanced at himself in the mirror and didn't recoil.

  "It'll do," he told himself.

  Ten minutes passed, which he spent at his computer. The thought that Lily would stand him up crossed his mind. Plans sometimes changed, and he wouldn't blame her. Maybe her friends called her on the drive home, agreeing to meet at the club instead. He didn't expect her to drive across town to pick him up, then go to where the action was. Maybe her friends vetoed him joining the group

  He was browsing through low resolution photos of alleged alien spacecraft when the email arrived. Brady laughed aloud as he read it. Lily not only included her address, but also the detailed bus routes he'd need to take. She included her friend Emma's phone number as well. She signed off with a comment that got his imagination turning.

  I would have sent you a nude, but I only do that with people who have phones.


  He sighed as he turned the lights off. It was time for new adventures.

  The flight wasn't a long one. He was familiar with her neighborhood, on the other side of town. He didn't need bus routes or cars that had to follow the rules of the road. Traffic stopped and started below as he approached the nightlife section of their town. Small groups laughed and talked as they toured the streets. Brady usually flew over them without giving a second thought, his only focus on getting from one destination to another. Very soon he would be a part of one of those groups.

  Lily's apartment complex reminded him of his own. Maybe a little nicer. He found a shady tree to settle in and slowly made his way to the ground. Changing shape, he had to remember his new clothes.

  He passed Lily's car as he approached her building. One final thought of retreat, that it wasn't too late to fly home, plagued him as he hit the stairs. Even if Lily didn't tell him which apartment was hers, it wouldn't have been difficult to figure out. Loud music and laughing nearly shook the door as he raised his fist to knock. He wondered how often the cops were called.

  Brady hoped Lily would answer, but he had no such luck. A young woman he didn't know opened the door and smiled. He assumed at first it was Emma, but it could have been anyone, judging from the three other women on the couch behind her.

  "Hi. Are you Brady? Or someone else wanting to bitch about the noise?"

  "Nope, no noise police here. I'm Brady."

  "Ah. Come on in. Lily didn't tell me you were hot."

  "Uh, thanks?"

  He stepped into the living room and was immediately overwhelmed. Music blared and the TV was on. How did they pay attention to both at the same time? There were four women and three men, with Lily nowhere to be seen. The group was involved in their own conversations, but one man stood up and pointed a finger at him.


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