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Las Vegas Sidewinders: Brock

Page 15

by Kat Mizera

  It was storming when she got out of bed, and she looked out at the dark, ugly sky with a grimace. There would be no shooting today since they were scheduled for an outdoor scene, so she checked messages to see what the plan was. Sonya’s message made her frown.

  Rained out. Enjoy the day off!

  Ashleigh sighed and ordered breakfast before going in to wake up Bella. She stared at the sleeping child for a minute and couldn’t help but smile. Her career was keeping her busy right now, but when she was done working on the movie they would have a little time to go on vacation and get back on a schedule before school started. Once they were back in L.A. things would be easier. At least she hoped so. She didn’t know what the living situation with Brock would be like, but she would do whatever she had to do until Bella was officially her daughter. Bella was a bright spot on even the darkest days, with her infectious laughter and sparkling personality.

  With those thoughts in the back of her mind, she changed into workout clothes. Jolinda and Bella would do school work here in their suite today, and breakfast had just arrived when someone else knocked on the door. Peeking out the peephole, all she could see were flowers and she opened the door hesitantly.

  “These came for you, Ms. Hunter.” The bellman smiled at her.

  “Oh, thank you. Hang on a second—you can put them on the counter.” She grabbed some cash out of her wallet and handed it to him before walking over to the beautiful pink and purple arrangement. She pulled the envelope out and smiled as she read it.

  The playoffs will keep us apart geographically, but I’ll be thinking about you. I know it’s hard for you to trust but I’m not going anywhere. Always, Brock

  “Are those from Brock?” Bella’s eyes were wide with excitement. “I love them, Ashleigh! Isn’t he the sweetest! Can I have one?”

  “We can share.” Ashleigh kissed the top of her head. “If you get all your school work done early, we’ll do whatever you want this afternoon, okay?”

  “Okay!” Bella danced into the main room and Ashleigh went back to her breakfast. She’d call Brock to thank him for the flowers and try to figure out when they’d see each other next. Maybe it was time to stop thinking about distancing herself and try keeping him close instead.

  She was headed back to the elevators after a long workout when Maya fell into step beside her.


  “Hey.” Ashleigh glanced over at her. “I’m heading up—I promised Bella we could do something fun and I’ve got to shower first.”

  “No problem. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You’ve been distant all week. We don’t know each other that well, but I’m here if you need to talk.”

  Ashleigh glanced at her curiously. “Talk about what?”

  “Well, you know.” Maya’s dark eyes met hers. “I’m sure it’s hard being apart so soon after you got married, and I wanted you to know I understand—Jet and I are struggling, too.”

  “Brock and I aren’t struggling,” she said with a small shrug. “Just me.”

  Maya chuckled. “Well, yeah… that’s usually how it works. Guys don’t worry like we do.”

  “We really didn’t think about logistics when we did this,” Ashleigh admitted after a moment. “His job is in Vegas and mine is in L.A. It’s going to be a lot of work, all the time, and I’m not sure how people who don’t see each other can be married.”

  “It’s hard,” Maya said, leaning against the wall. “I thought Jet was going to break up with me right before I found out I was pregnant. He’s always on the go and I’m a home body.”

  “Yeah, but you don’t have specific jobs that keep you in separate states; you have options. We don’t. I make my money on Vampire Legend, which shoots in L.A. He makes his either in Vegas or all over the U.S. and Canada. I keep trying to tell myself it’s going to be okay, but it’s only going to get worse once Bella starts school in the fall.”

  “Sometimes you have to have faith, you know?” Maya looked down at her protruding belly. “I was so sure Jet was going to run for cover when I told him I was pregnant, but he just smiled and got a little emotional, talking about how he couldn’t wait to be a father. And still, I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. Now I wake up every day reminding myself that no one forced him to marry me. He could have just supported the kid and went on his way, maybe been a weekend dad, you know? He surprised me, and I think Brock’s the kind of guy who’ll surprise you, too.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Ashleigh said, her tone slightly wistful.

  “They say the good stuff never comes easy.”

  “Ain’t that the truth.”

  Between the long days shooting and the late nights watching Brock on TV, Ashleigh was tired. Today had been hard, more physical than emotional since the scene had included rock climbing. She wasn’t really climbing anything, but having to hang there all trussed up with ropes, anchors, carabiners, and other equipment she wasn’t familiar with—in zillion-degree weather, all while professing her undying love for Jet’s character, whom her character thinks has fallen to his death, had been the most exhausting day to date. She’d showered and ordered room service, helping Bella bathe so they could eat and watch the Sidewinders game.

  They were curled up in Ashleigh’s bed now, with Ashleigh falling asleep as Bella devoured every detail of what was happening on the ice. This was the fifth game of the first round, the third played in St. Louis so far, and she hadn’t been able to attend any of them. He been annoyed when she told him she couldn’t get away, but there hadn’t been any breaks in her schedule, and there was nothing either of them could do about it. Bella was desperate to see him play, though, and Ashleigh had finally talked to Sonya about a day off to go to St. Louis if the series went the full seven games. The plan was for them to be at the final game, which would be back in St. Louis five days from now unless they lost both games five and six. It was a little confusing trying to keep up with the playoff schedule since they alternated cities in a seven-game schedule.

  Games one and two were played in the city of the team with the better record, which in this case was St. Louis. Games three and four had been in Las Vegas. Game five was back in St. Louis, six would be in Las Vegas and if there was a game seven, the series would end in St. Louis. They were currently tied at two games apiece and both teams were playing hard.

  Her eyelids had gotten heavy and she was dozing off when Bella let out a shriek.

  “What is it?” Ashleigh sat up, reaching for Bella instinctively.

  “Look…” Bella’s wide eyes were filled with fear and Ashleigh tried to focus on the TV screen.

  She gasped when she recognized Brock’s large frame sprawled on the ice, motionless. Her heart started beating rapidly and she couldn’t tear her eyes from the screen. It had to have taken a hard hit to knock out a guy as tough as Brock, and when St. Louis’s team doctor ran out onto the ice, she texted Rachel.

  Is he okay? What’s going on?

  We don’t know anything—he’s still on the ice.

  “No, no, no!” Ashleigh silently cried, her eyes brimming with tears.

  “Ashleigh?” Bella’s voice was shaky.

  Ashleigh pulled her close. “He’s going to be okay. You’ll see.”

  “What if he’s not? We have to do something!”

  “Oh, sweetie, I don’t know what we can do from here.” Ashleigh hugged her tighter, her eyes still glued to the TV. “Look, he’s moving… Aunt Rachel texted and said he’s going to be okay.” That was a lie, but she didn’t know what else to say. In the meantime, they huddled together, unable to tear their eyes away from the scene unfolding.

  They watched as the doctor and two trainers helped Brock sit up and then slowly get to his feet. He stumbled slightly, but they had him by the elbows and moved him toward the bench. He looked shaken, and Ashleigh had to swallow hard to keep her composure in front of Bella. She didn’t know where they stood and it was especially difficult seeing him get hurt.

  They’re taking hi
m to the hospital.

  Rachel’s text made Ashleigh sit straight up. How long would it take her to rent a car and drive to St. Louis? Would he even be there when she arrived? She didn’t know what to do so she texted Rachel back.

  Should I try to get to him? I don’t know what to do…

  Let’s find out what’s going on first. It’s a long drive for you, especially in the middle of the night, and we’ll know more by morning.

  Please keep me posted!

  You know I will. I’m trying to find out more now.

  Thanks. Tell him to text or call me.

  Bella finally fell asleep at midnight and Ashleigh was dozing off when she heard her phone vibrate on the end table next to the bed. Reaching for it quickly, so the noise didn’t wake Bella, who was still curled against her, she blinked awake when she saw it was a text from Brock.

  Hey, baby. Are you still awake?

  She closed her eyes, willing herself not to cry. Damn, she wanted to see him. She could picture his piercing blue eyes and quirky smile when he teased her. She’d never experienced anything as scary as how she’d felt when she’d watched him go down, and there was no point trying to deny it, so instead of texting she called him.

  “Hey.” Just hearing his rumbled greeting helped her relax and she fought off a wave of emotion.

  “Hi… I didn’t know what to think when you didn’t move! I’m not used to seeing you go down like that. We were both terrified. Are you at the hospital?”

  “Yeah, they’re keeping me for observation, just in case.”

  “What did the doctors say?”

  “Broken rib, couple of bruised ones. No big deal.”

  “No big deal? That’s crazy.”

  “That’s hockey, baby. I’ve had much worse.”

  “Do you want me to come?” she asked softly.

  “All over my face, gorgeous…”

  “Brock!” Her face turned bright red even though he couldn’t see it, and she groaned just thinking about it. How did she respond to that?

  “You’re blushing, aren’t you?” he asked, chuckling.

  She smiled. “What do you think?”

  “I think you are.”

  “Maybe a little.”

  “Got you thinking about something other than my broken ribs, though, right?”

  “That you did,” she chuckled.

  “It’s late. Get some sleep and we’ll talk in the morning. I’m sure you had a long day, too.”

  “You’re the one who’s hurt, not me.”

  “I’m in the hospital, being taken care of. Let’s see what the doc says in the morning, so don’t worry. I’ll call you, okay?”

  “Okay. Good night.”

  She put the phone down again and wondered if he was lying on the bed thinking of her the way she was thinking of him. Why hadn’t he taken her up on her offer to go to him? Was he just being considerate since it probably wasn’t a good idea to drive in the middle of the night, or did he not want her there? With no answers to any of her questions, she got online to see when the first flight to St. Louis was in the morning. She didn’t need sleep; she needed to make sure he was okay.


  Brock lay on the hospital bed staring moodily at the muted TV. He’d resisted letting Ashleigh come to him tonight because he didn’t want her doing anything stupid, like driving approximately seven hours in the middle of the night. Since they were going to be apart anyway, he’d convinced himself it would be better for them, but it was killing him. All that nonsense about absence making the heart grow fonder was bullshit; all it did was piss him off and make him miss her. He’d wanted her to come see him play in St. Louis but she hadn’t been able to get any time off and it had been on the tip of his tongue to tell her to forget the stupid movie so they could be together. A rare moment of intuition told him that probably wouldn’t have gone over well, so he hadn’t said anything.

  He heard a soft knock and looked up in surprise when Vlad came in.

  “Hey.” He frowned. “Did you leave Rachel alone at the hotel?”

  Vlad shrugged. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “The staff here is taking good care of me.”

  “When will you be released?”

  “Probably tomorrow,” he said.

  “How long will you be out?”

  Brock made a face. “Not sure. I’ll see the doctors when I get home and get a more official answer. I’m sure I’ll be okay for the next round.”

  Vlad sank into a chair nodding. “Did you talk to Ashleigh?”

  “I told her I was okay.” He looked away, absently stroking his beard.

  “She’s not coming?” Vlad narrowed his eyes.

  “It’s the middle of the night,” Brock grunted. “Besides, she and I are in a weird place right now. I don’t know how we’re going to get to know each other if we’re never in the same place at the same time and—”

  “You’re crazy about her!” Vlad folded his arms across his chest. “That’s the only thing that matters. Were you not the one telling me not to let Rachel go when I was hesitant to get serious?”

  “This is different.”


  “It just is.”

  “You’re an idiot,” Vlad muttered. “They need you.”

  Brock looked away. “You should go. Coach won’t like you being out like this.”

  “He knows I’m here.” Vlad waved a hand. “I’ll sit with you for a while, let you keep talking out of your ass since that’s all you do lately.”

  Brock wanted to say something snippy, but he didn’t have it in him. Instead, he gazed at his buddy, wondering how he’d gotten lucky enough to make a good friend like Vlad, who’d introduced him to the most incredible woman he’d ever met. He’d been lucky to find Ashleigh, but things were getting messy and complicated, no matter how much he wanted them to be different. He was a mess in general when it came to women, and even someone this special wasn’t an exception.

  Rachel was sitting on a chair next to the bed when Ashleigh got to Brock’s hospital room in the morning.

  “Hey!” Ashleigh gave her friend a surprised smile.

  “I thought I’d sit with him until you got here.” Rachel grinned, getting up to hug her.

  “How’d you know I was coming?” Ashleigh frowned, not daring to look at Brock yet.

  “You’re my best friend.” Rachel rolled her eyes. “I know you better than you know yourself most of the time.”

  Ashleigh chuckled. “When are you heading back to Vegas?”

  “Not sure yet. I’ll be at my hotel until I hear from you. The doctor still hasn’t decided if Brock can fly or not, so I’ll hang around in case you guys need anything. If not, I’ll probably leave tomorrow.” She waved at Brock, gave Ashleigh a quick hug and slipped from the room.

  Ashleigh finally turned to her husband and smiled. “Hi.”

  “Hey.” His blue eyes gleamed despite how tired he looked.

  “How are you? And tell me the truth.” She moved toward him slowly, putting her purse down and leaning over to lightly kiss him.

  “Better now that you’re here.”

  “You mean that?”

  “Of course.” He reached for her hand. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Because I feel like I haven’t been a good wife lately.”

  “I haven’t exactly been an exemplary husband, either.”

  She met his gaze. “I’m sorry everything is so complicated. I’m having a hard time with the whole trust thing, but the truth…”

  “The truth?” He didn’t avert his eyes.

  “The truth is the way you made—make—the way you make me feel scares me. You scare me. I’ve never dated a guy who’s distracted me from work. Nothing has ever been more important than work, and then Bella…having someone I really care about in my life is freaking me out.”

  “Ditto, baby.” He tugged her hand so she moved closer to him.

  She settled on the edge of the bed, one hand in his and t
he other resting on his chest. “What do we do?”

  “I don’t have the faintest idea,” he chuckled. “But if we’d just go back to Plan A—”

  “Plan A?”

  “That little deal we made about communicating?”

  She flushed. “My fault.”

  “We’re both guilty,” he said. “But I don’t think it’s too late to try again—try to do it better.”

  “There’s so much we have to talk about.” She sighed. “So much I want to tell you.”

  “Me too.” He was pulling her closer, leaning up to kiss her when someone cleared his throat.

  Ashleigh whipped her head around and quickly got to her feet.

  “Hey, Doc.” Brock was laughing as Ashleigh’s cheeks turned pink.

  “You must be feeling better.” The doctor laughed, too, holding out his hand to Ashleigh. “Martin Forsberg.”

  “Ashleigh Hu—Lassiter,” she smiled, shaking his hand.

  “Nice to meet you.” The doctor walked over to Brock. “Everything looks good. Your labs are clean, your lung wasn’t damaged, and you’re breathing normally, so I’ve got your release in the works. Someone should be in with the paperwork in a little while and you can head home. I wouldn’t recommend getting on a plane today, but you’ll probably take that up with your team physicians.”


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