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Las Vegas Sidewinders: Brock

Page 18

by Kat Mizera

  Brock laughed. “Goals, Rube. We score goals in hockey.”

  She waved a hand. “Goals, touchdowns… it doesn’t matter, as long as you get them and win the game.”

  Brock couldn’t argue with that logic, so he just grinned.

  Ashleigh was watching him intently, and he cupped the side of her face with his hand. “I’ll see you soon, baby, and I’ll text you when I land.”

  “I’ll probably be filming but I’ll call as soon as I’m free.”

  “Don’t worry so much,” he whispered in her ear. “We’ve got this.”

  “Fly safe.”

  He kissed her one last time and was gone.

  The magic of working on this movie had lost its luster now that Brock was gone, so the scenes the next few days were rough. She hated feeling as though she was letting Sonya down, but she missed her husband and the reality was they were going to be apart like this a lot so she needed to get used to it. Her emotions had been a roller coaster ride lately, with so many ups and downs she sometimes couldn’t distinguish what she was feeling from what she and Brock had talked about. She tried to focus on all the positive things about their relationship, but when she saw she had a voice mail message from Wilfred, her stomach dropped.

  Heading to her trailer for privacy, she listened to the message with her heart in her throat.

  “Hi, Ashleigh, it’s Wilfred. I’ve approached Angel again and she refused the fifteen-thousand-dollar offer as well. I think you were right—she’s going to hold out for as much money as possible, so you’re going to have to make a decision about how much it’s worth for you to get custody. Legal channels can take a while since she won’t give up her rights, and that’s something we’re going to have to talk about. We can write some kind of visitation into the papers, even though I know that’s not what you want. The thing is, once you adopt her and the ink is dry, we can change that. There are stipulations we can put in place, like if Angel shows up drunk or high, so we have options. Give me a call when you get a chance and let me know how you want to proceed. Take care.”

  Ashleigh sighed as she disconnected, sinking onto the nearest chair. She wanted to call Brock but he was on a plane heading back to St. Louis and she didn’t know who else to talk to.

  “Ashleigh?” Sonya stuck her head in. “You got a minute?”

  “For you? Always.” Ashleigh leaned back in her chair. “If you’ve come to yell at me, you don’t have to. I already know what you’re going to say.”

  “I know you’re depressed that Brock is gone,” Sonya said, shutting the door behind her. “But something shifted after his injury. Except for today, you’re happier.”

  “I am.”

  “Things are good?”

  “They are.” Ashleigh nodded. “Really good, in fact.”

  “Then quit being a big baby and get out there and nail this damn scene.”

  Ashleigh chuckled. “I’ll do my best. Promise.”

  “If your hubby’s team wins tonight, why don’t you head to Nashville for the first game?” Sonya said lightly. “The weather hasn’t been cooperating for the outdoor scenes and it’s supposed to be beautiful the next week or so—I can do all kinds of shit without you.”

  Ashleigh cocked her head. “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. Let’s get what we’re working on done and then go be with him. You’re much happier when you’re with him and a happy actress is a more effective one. At least in your case.”

  “You’re the best, Sonya.”

  “You know, if I was anyone else, it wouldn’t work like this—movies have schedules and shit.”

  “I know. I love and appreciate you.”

  “Ah, it’s my fucking movie.” Sonya made an impatient gesture. “And I don’t like too much structure—stifles my creativity.”

  “But you have deadlines and shit,” Ashleigh responded dryly.

  “My fucking movie,” Sonya repeated, chuckling as she let herself out. “I can change a deadline if I want.”

  With the Sidewinders moving on to the second round of the playoffs, Rachel flew out to spend a couple of days with Ashleigh before they headed to Nashville together. It had been a while since they’d hung out so it was nice catching up. They sat up late the night she arrived, waiting until Bella was in bed and Jolinda had gone to her own room before opening a bottle of wine and setting onto the couch.

  “All we’ve talked about is me lately,” Ashleigh said. “What’s going on with you and Vlad? Are things good?”

  “Right now he’s in his playoffs mindset, so there isn’t much going on, but I knew this was coming. I’m glad the show is done for the season so I can be with him as much as possible.”

  “Has it been hard? I mean, has being apart impacted your relationship?”

  Rachel shook her head. “Not really. I miss him, of course, but we always know the weekend is coming or a trip or whatever.”

  “Didn’t it cause problems with Jamie, though?”

  “Jamie caused the problems because he was using steroids and hid it from me. He’d gotten caught doing that once before we met, the second time right when we started dating and he promised he was done. The third time was during a time we’d been apart quite a bit and when they did the no-warning test, he freaked out. There were lots of other little things too. I couldn’t be there for him because it was a crazy time on the show, and we started to fight… so circumstances worked against us, not the distance itself. Would we have been stronger if we’d weathered those storms together? Who knows, but obviously there’s a reason for everything.”

  “Because it turned out he’s bisexual?”

  “Because it turns out he was meant to be with Viggo and I was meant to be with Vlad.”

  “It’s been, what, four months? You already know you and Vlad were meant to be?”

  Rachel grinned, her blue eyes twinkling. “Yeah. He’s already started asking about rings and stuff. I think a proposal is coming.”

  “Really?” Ashleigh was shocked. “This soon? Doesn’t that worry you?”

  “It’s really good,” Rachel said gently. “Like, no one has ever treated me this well or brought out the best in me like he does. It’s hard to explain. He grew up in an orphanage in Russia, so he’s had his whole life to think about how he’d like his relationships, his family, his future kids, to be…and I love it. I love him.”

  “Have you said the words?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Rachel paused. “You and Brock haven’t?”

  “No. We’re still muddling through everything.”

  “Vlad started out that way, too, and I told him to stop, to either love me or not. Period.”

  “Just like that?”

  “A little more eloquently, but yeah, just like that. I told him it’s not a death sentence. If it gets to a point where he’s not happy anymore, we talk about it, maybe try again, but if it doesn’t work, no one’s a prisoner in a relationship. Once I told him that, he was all in.”

  “I’ve been wishy-washy and insecure, acting like I’m in middle school or something. One minute I love him, the next I can’t trust him, and then I’m trying to talk myself into or out of how I feel. I don’t think I felt like this when I was actually in middle school, much less now.”

  “Did you ever stop to think it’s because this one is different—special?”

  Ashleigh scowled. “Different because we drunk-eloped and don’t have a choice but to try to make this work?”

  “Of course you have a choice. You could’ve annulled this thing the day it happened and apologized for your reckless behavior. Yes, it might’ve made you look bad for a few days, but you didn’t do anything illegal, so it would’ve blown over. What are you really afraid of, Ashleigh?”

  “Getting hurt.” Ashleigh blew out a breath as she admitted it. “Like getting really, truly destroyed. Because you’re right—he’s special. I adore him. I can’t think about anything else. I want to touch him and, Jesus, I want him to touch me. I like his voice, how he laughs, and
even the tenderness I’ve seen in his brief time with Bella.”

  “So you’re already in love with him and don’t think he returns your feelings.”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Then it’s too late to question anything. Stop fighting it and make him love you back. Why is this complicated? If you’re already in love, you’re going to get hurt no matter what if you don’t stop sending him mixed signals.”

  “I know you’re right, but it’s easier said than done.”

  “Just do it. Starting tomorrow night when we get to Nashville.”

  Ashleigh sighed. “I’m going to try.”


  Ashleigh, Bella, Jolinda, and Rachel got to Nashville just after eight the next evening. They hadn’t told Brock or Vlad they were coming, wanting to surprise them. They’d booked two rooms at the same hotel where the team was staying and were getting ready to call them now that they’d gotten Jolinda and Bella settled. Ashleigh had placated Bella with the lie she wasn’t going to see Brock until morning anyway, since he went to bed early on nights like this.

  Ashleigh sent Brock a text, hoping he wasn’t asleep, though it was early even for the night before a big game.

  Whatcha doin’?

  Watching TV. You?


  Yeah? Wanna FaceTime?

  Nope. I want you to come to room 1122.


  1122. Now. Don’t make me FaceTime Jet.

  I’ll break his fucking legs…

  She giggled, glancing at Rachel. “Is Vlad on his way?”

  “Oh yeah!” Rachel laughed.

  They were still chuckling as someone pounded on the door. They moved toward it together, throwing it open with big grins.

  “Now this is a surprise.” Brock grinned, reaching out to scoop Ashleigh up, kissing her soundly.

  Rachel was already tugging Vlad out the door toward their room down the hall and less than a minute later Brock and Ashleigh were alone.

  “This is a great surprise,” he whispered, circling her waist with his hands and nuzzling her neck. He dropped an arm around her shoulders and led her to the couch.

  She wound up on his lap, her mouth captured by his, fingers in his hair. They kissed for a long time, until she was squirming with need, her chest rising and falling almost desperately. Making out on the couch like teenagers had never been so much fun and she pulled at his belt impatiently.

  “You’re gonna make me beg, aren’t you?” she moaned, tugging his hair.



  “It’s sexy.” He smirked. “It’s also fun for me because it helps me learn what you like.”

  She flushed. “A true gentleman wouldn’t feel the need to remind me I’m bad at sex.”

  “A true gentleman will prove to you you’re not.”

  “I really, really want you.”

  “Then beg for it, baby.” His voice dropped several octaves

  “Please?” She wrinkled her nose.

  “Please what?”

  “Please make love to me?”

  “Try again.”

  She chuckled. “Please make love to me now?”

  He shook his head.

  “Please… Brock?”

  He winked. “You’re gonna have to be a little bit naughtier than this, baby.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Please…fuck me?”

  “Can you say it without the question mark at the end?”

  “This is such a buzz kill,” she muttered.

  He dragged her hand to the straining erection beneath his shorts. “Not for me.”

  She sighed.

  He waited.

  “Dammit, Brock, would you fuck me already?”

  “That was more of a command than begging…” His eyes twinkled with mirth.

  “Brock Lassiter, I swear to god…” She rose up on her knees, straddling him.

  “Yeah?” He was perfectly still.

  She leaned forward and nibbled his lower lip, teasing with her tongue, pressing her chest against his. “Pretty please, with sugar on top, will you fuck me and make me come really hard like you did last time?”

  “Fuck yeah.” Forgetting all about his ribs, he lifted to his feet with her in his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

  They spent three wonderful days together, and though his days were filled with practices and his evenings with games and meetings, their nights together were long and passionate. They talked and laughed, making the most of their limited time, and making love until Ashleigh no longer remembered why she didn’t like sex or anyone else she’d ever been with. Letting go of her insecurities had been cathartic, and now she couldn’t think about anything except finishing both the movie and hockey season so she could spend uninterrupted time with him. She had to be back in L.A. for the new season of Vampire Legend by mid-July, which left little time for them to be in the same place at the same time without rushing off to work somewhere, and Bella would take up a lot of their time as well. She loved Bella and enjoyed having her around, but she wanted a tiny bit of time alone with her husband, too. Maybe it was time for the honeymoon they’d never had. She’d start working on that immediately, and just thinking about it made her smile. Bella wouldn’t be happy but they’d make it up to her with that trip to Disney World she’d been asking about.

  In the meantime, they were working ahead of schedule on the movie and she was counting down the days until they were finished. The Sidewinders were down two games to one in the series against Nashville and Brock had told her they were struggling on the ice. Plays weren’t coming together, scorers weren’t getting goals, and he was personally less effective because of his still-sore ribs.

  “You really shouldn’t be playing,” she told him on the phone.

  “Aw, baby, you know how I feel about this…it’s the playoffs.”

  “But you’re hurt and you just told me you feel ineffective.”

  “I know.” He sighed. “It’s hard to explain. I have to be out there with my team. Short of a broken leg or a concussion, I have to do what I can. It’s what we do…does that make any sense to you at all?”

  “As a professional who always wants to do my best, yes. As your wife, who’s worried about you and hates to see you struggle, not as much.”

  “Trust me, I won’t do anything that could impact my career long-term. I’m not that stubborn.”

  She chuckled. “You sure?”

  “Maybe. Don’t quote me, though.”

  “I won’t.” She paused. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you, too, baby, but you’ll be at the next game in Nashville, right?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Just a few more days until we’re together again.”

  “A few hours never seem to be enough,” she said softly.

  “You didn’t have to do this movie, you know,” he said quietly.

  “It’s a lot of money and great exposure. Besides, the only difference during the playoffs would be us living together during home games. The rest of the time you’d be traveling and doing exactly what you’re doing now.”

  “I’m just saying it’s not my fault we’re apart so much.”

  “I never said it was your fault.”

  “I’m sorry.” He hesitated. “This series is getting to me and, to be honest, finding you at home waiting for me after these games would be great… It’s been a long time since I had someone to go home to.”

  Ashleigh’s heart squeezed a little, his words sending pleasure coursing through her. His voice alone sometimes made her body tingle and what he’d just said made her skin come alive with longing.

  “I’d like to be there when you get home, too,” she whispered, her voice a little hoarse.

  “What would you be wearing?” he asked, his voice suddenly deeper and somewhat gruff.

  “Is Bella home?” she giggled, unable to resist teasing him.

  “Bella would be visiting my mom—in Florida.”

  “Then I woul
dn’t be wearing anything…maybe a little thong, to tease you.”

  “What color?”

  “What’s your favorite?”

  “On you? Pink.”

  “Then I won’t ever wear anything else.”

  “Fuck, I’m hard.”

  “I’d help you take off your suit…you know how much I love seeing you in one?”

  “How much?”

  “I have a fantasy of undressing you with my teeth, watching every inch of skin appear as I tear off the jacket, the shirt, your slacks…your boxers.”

  “Then what?”

  “I’d nibble the skin right above your hip bone, where those sexy obliques of yours lead down to your crotch. But instead of sucking you, I’d run my tongue along the crease of your thigh, so I could watch that sexy cock of yours get hard without me even touching it.”

  “Like right now?” he murmured, his breathing getting a little heavy.

  “Mmm…I could lick that bad boy like an ice cream cone.”

  “Damn, baby, where’ve you been hiding this inner sex kitten?”

  “Was saving it for you,” she said, taking a labored breath, arousal shooting through her.

  “Are you wet for me, gorgeous?”

  “So wet.”

  “Touch yourself. Describe how it feels.”

  “Mmm…” She hesitated, unsure what to do.

  “Just tell me how it feels.”

  “Warm and smooth and throbbing a little…” Her voice trailed off as she slid her fingers into her panties.

  “My cock is so hard right now, I’m not gonna last… Tell me more, beautiful.”

  “I wish my finger was your tongue,” she sighed.

  “You want to sit on my face again?”

  “Yes… God, yes.” Her clit was throbbing, aching for release, and she moved her fingers faster.

  “Are you close?” His voice sounded husky against her ear. “Can you come for me, babe?”

  She let out a soft moan, her fingers bringing her to the brink of climax as she imagined his big, strong body moving over hers.

  “I’m almost there, baby…you?”

  “Yes.” She was panting a little, her chest rising and falling as she got closer and closer to the edge.


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