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Page 12

by Lex Martin

  Before I can ask another question, the phone rings, and she runs off to answer. When she returns, she looks a little panicked.

  “That was the diner. Would you mind if I take a shift this afternoon? Someone called in sick, and they’re short-handed.”

  “Not at all. Do what you need to do.” I hate that she has to work on a Sunday.

  You do it all the time.

  It’s true. I do, but it seems wrong that this girl is running herself ragged. I make a mental note to figure out how much I owe her so I can write that check tonight.

  She pours a cup of coffee and calls over her shoulder, “I bet Mrs. Mac won’t mind watching Izzy until this evening. I can call her after I take a shower.”

  “It’s okay. Give me her number, and I’ll see what they’re up to over there. You said they’re nearby?”

  “Yup. Just down the road about a half mile.” She heads into the office and pulls out a list of important phone numbers. Everything is on here—neighbors, vets, you name it. I smile knowing that Kat made this because it’s color-coded in her handwriting, the same writing I found on a Post-It in the fridge the other day when she wrapped me a sandwich and labeled it, “Brady, bite me.”

  She disappears to take a shower, and I grab the phone. Mrs. Mac says she’d be happy to watch the baby until dinner time, and then she asks if her husband can borrow our truck to haul some firewood.

  “Absolutely. Any time you need it, just let me know.”

  “You’re a doll. Just like your brother.”

  I rub my forehead, feeling a sudden burn of shame. “Thank you, ma’am.”

  She tells me he’ll walk down to pick up the truck. Ten minutes later, there’s a knock on the door.

  Mr. Mac is a slender man with a friendly face and gray hair. We chat for a bit about the weather and his constipated pig Gerald. Then he tells me he likes my tattoos and pulls up his sleeve to show me an American eagle on his forearm.

  I have to say I like all of this neighborly stuff. I think Massholes would rather have their kidneys punctured than have to talk to neighbors like this, but I’m warming up to it.

  When Kat walks into the office a few minutes later, she’s looking panicked again. “Did… did Mel’s truck just drive off?”

  “Yeah, the MacIntyres need it to haul some wood. I said they could borrow it this afternoon.”

  “Oh.” She bites her nail.


  She looks up at me sheepishly. “I need a ride to work, and I assumed I could take the truck. I’m so sorry. That was presumptuous of me.”

  “Shit. Sorry. No, that wasn’t presumptuous.” I rub my neck, ignoring how cute she looks in her simple white t-shirt and jeans. “I could take you to work if you don’t mind hopping on the back of the bike.”

  She stills. “You mean the Harley?”

  “Yeah. You up for that?”

  A huge smile lifts her lips. “If it’s not too much trouble. That sounds kinda fun.”

  She’s bouncing on her toes as we head toward the motorcycle. I strap my helmet on her, and she flashes one of those killer grins that makes my heart beat faster.

  “Button up.” I tap on the lapel of her coat and hop on the bike. When she jumps on behind me, I show her where to put her feet before adjusting my rear view mirror. “Hang on tight. Don’t want you sliding off.”

  She whacks my arm. “That’s not nice, Brady.”

  I chuckle. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’d never let anything happen to you.”

  As I rev the engine, her arms slide around my waist and her thighs tighten against mine.

  Fuck. Okay, maybe I thought it was a good idea, but clearly it isn’t if my dick thinks it’s playtime. Down, dude. I reach down to adjust myself. Jesus. It’s like I’m in middle school, sporting spontaneous wood.

  Kat gives me directions, and we take off down the country road. It’s a gorgeous day, bright and sunny with a chill in the air. The roads are muddy, so we take it easy until we get to the main drag where I can go a little faster.

  Every time we turn, she squeals a little and tightens herself around me.

  If I thought riding around by myself was awesome, having her on the back of my bike is exhilarating. The heat of her body and the press of her curves to mine make me want to forget all of the reasons starting anything with her would be a bad idea. She’s a cool girl. Sweet and unassuming. Beautiful inside and out. And she likes to ride.

  A guy could get used to this.

  I ignore the voice telling me this is a bad idea. Right now, I don’t give a shit. After how upset she was last night, after how emotional yesterday was, I’m guessing we could both use a fun ride. Even if it ends the minute she gets off.

  The minute she gets off.

  For a second I stop breathing. Because the idea of Kat getting off has me hard all over again.

  Thankfully, the diner comes into view. It looks like an old-fashioned rail car with retro, fifties-style neon lettering on the front that says The Lone Star Station. I pull into a spot close to the door.

  Turning off the engine, I hold out my hand to help Kat dismount. Her small hand fits in mine, and I grip her tightly until she’s on the ground. When she pulls off my helmet, her hair cascades everywhere. It’s like one of those shampoo commercials in slow motion. The sun catching her highlights. Strands tumbling around her beautiful face. I catch a whiff of her scent and resist the urge to reach out and touch a soft tendril.

  “Thanks for bringing me to work. I can probably catch a ride home later.” Her cheeks are pink from the cold.

  When I motion for my helmet, she hands it to me. “What time do you get off?”

  She gathers her thick hair and twists it back. “Probably around five or six. I just need to help through the lunch-hour rush and prep for dinner.”

  “Call me when you’re ready, and I’ll come get you. What’s your number? I should have it anyway.” Grabbing my cell, I call her, and once she has my info on her phone, she worries that plump bottom lip, one I’m dying to taste.

  “Thanks for everything last night. Sorry about freaking out. Again.”

  “It’s been a rough week. Probably par for the course.”

  “Maybe, but I wanted you to know I appreciate it.”

  I motion toward the diner. “Sorry you have to work this week.”

  “They needed the help. Plus, I kinda need the job.”

  She pulls her jacket around her tighter, and I tell her with a wink, “I should pay you more.”

  Her whole face lights up when she smiles again. “You don’t pay me anything.”

  “Exactly. I should pay you more.” I tap her nose and she laughs.

  When our eyes connect, I feel it, this energy that snaps and crackles between us, making me want to fist her hair and drag her mouth to mine.

  “That was fun.” She motions toward my bike. “How about we go for a long ride some time?”

  My whole body burns. “Kat, I’d love to give you a long ride.”

  More than you know.



  The diner is still busy when I return several hours later. Parking myself on a stool at the counter, I grab a menu and wait for Kat. My eyes scan the images on the shiny pages. Burgers. Fries. Shakes. Typical American fare.

  Kat’s bubbly laughter catches my attention. Turning, I see her in the back, taking the orders for several baseball players at a booth. Her hair is up in one of those crazy ponytails that makes her look young and free-spirited, and the guys are staring at her like she’s an entree.

  When she sets down their drinks and one guy openly stares at her breasts, my jaw clenches.

  Chill, man.

  Returning my attention to the menu, I try to focus on the words in front of me.

  You’re thinking crazy. I should not be feeling so possessive of her. Nothing can happen between us. Nothing. I remind myself of all of the reasons why, the biggest of which is we live half a continent away from each other.

But what if one of those assholes asks her out? Am I going to be okay with that?

  Fuck, no.

  I turn back quickly to check out the situation again. She’s laughing with them but not being overly flirty. Just in that sweet Katherine way that makes you want to smack her on the ass for being so damn cute.

  But when one touches her wrist to get her attention, I have half a mind to break his hand.

  “What can I get you, handsome?”

  I look up to see a waitress leaning so far over the counter that her double D’s greet me before I get a chance to see her face. Blinking, I jerk my head back.

  The redhead chuckles, like she knows full well what she’s doing.

  Clearing my throat, I motion behind me. “If you don’t mind, ma’am, I’d like to wait for Kat.” When did I start calling every female ma’am?

  The smile on her face falls. “Suit yourself.” She saunters off, swaying her ass a little more than necessary.

  “Hey.” Katherine’s breathy little voice at my side has me smiling before I even see her. Now that I’m sitting on a stool, she’s almost eye level with me.

  “Is it okay if I wait here until you’re done?”

  She breaks out one of those killer smiles. One, I might add, she didn’t flash at those assholes in the booth.

  “Absolutely. Do you want something to eat?” She touches my arm. “You’re probably starving. Did you grab lunch at home?”

  The way she calls the farm home fills me with a stupid warmth that has me grinning like a moron. Never mind that she’s worried about whether or not I ate. Come to think of it, I haven’t.

  “Nope. Haven’t had a chance. Wanted to cut up that fallen tree and dry out the firewood in the barn before it rains again.” It helped get my mind off my brother, off yesterday, and off Katherine. The only thing it didn’t help with was the raging headache I had all afternoon, but the four Advil I took eventually kicked in.

  Her eyes widen. “You did all of that this afternoon?”

  “Yeah. I still need to deal with the stump, but at least we’ll have some firewood instead of a rotting tree.”

  “That sounds great.” She moves in closer and points out a few dishes on the menu she thinks I’d like. I fight like hell not to stare at her breasts, which aren’t the double D’s the other waitress flashed at me, but the redhead’s tits didn’t have me wondering how her skin would taste. Kat has a great rack, though. High and pert with a little bounce that I’m guessing would be the perfect handful.

  I have no clue what the hell Kat just said but I nod, she smiles, and a few minutes later, she brings me a giant plate of chicken fried steak that makes my mouth water. “Eat up, buttercup. When you’re done, I’ll bring you some pie.” And just like that, she trots off to wait on another table.

  By the time we leave, it’s dark outside, and I’m so full, I wish I could crawl into bed. “Let’s head to the MacIntyres’ house to pick up Izzy. You can drive her back in Melissa’s truck.” I rev the engine of the Harley as Kat’s slender arms wrap around me. “Sorry if I stink.” I chuckle. “Haven’t had a chance to take another shower.”

  I’m surprised when she pulls me tighter and buries her nose in my neck, instantly making my blood rush south. “You don’t stink. You actually smell kinda good,” she says in this throaty little voice as her lips whisper over my skin.

  I hold in a groan. This girl is seriously giving me the worst case of blue balls known to man.

  Once we pick up the baby and pull up to the farm, I help Kat get my niece out of the truck.

  “I’ve missed you, squirt,” I tell Izzy as I lift her up to blow a raspberry on her tummy.

  She squeals and claps. I smile back until I remember I still need to tell my parents I’m getting custody.

  It’s nice heading into the house with Kat, though. I don’t know why, but it takes the edge off. Somehow, being here with her and Izzy makes this house a home. It’s… comforting.

  I’m about to get Izzy ready for bed when Kat calls my name. With one arm around the baby, I head into the kitchen to find her holding up the envelope I left her.

  “What’s this?” she asks.

  “Since it has your name on it, I’m guessing it’s for you.” I don’t know why I’m teasing her, but she gets a flirty glint in her eye that makes me want to tease her more. I motion toward it. “Open it and find out, Sherlock.”

  She tears into it and gasps. “Holy shit, Brady,” she whispers. I nearly gasp myself because the girl never curses. “This is too much.”

  “Sorry, it’s non-negotiable. Although I still need you to fill out a 1099. And if it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to photocopy your ID so I can add you to the car insurance.”

  Her eyes glisten, and she blinks rapid fire. Then she comes crashing into me for a hug.

  “You work hard around here. You deserve it,” I mumble into her hair.

  Her soft body melts against mine, and that buzz I get around her kicks in to overdrive.

  She gives me another squeeze and then reaches for the baby with a sigh.

  “Seriously, Brady, two grand is way too much. Cal only owed me for the last few weeks. That’s like three hundred max.”

  I frown and ignore the inclination to criticize my brother. “You bust your ass. Hell, I don’t think two grand is enough, but that’s all I can afford right now. I wish I could pay you more.”

  She bites her lower lip. After a moment, she whispers, “Thank you. So much. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.”

  I nod, truly wishing I could give her more, wishing I could give her everything. And as terrifying as that idea should be, for some reason, it isn’t.



  My pen pauses on the grocery list. I turn toward the baby monitor and listen to Brady get Izzy ready for bed.

  “Oh, baby! No, no, no. We’re licensed for residential poops. This is an industrial-sized poop.”

  Izzy squeals with delight, and I choke on a laugh. Good Lord, he’s adorable with her.

  Being with him tonight, having him pick me up from work was freaking awesome. I’m not the bragging type, but seeing him brush off Darla’s advances at the diner made me want to do a victory dance.

  Not that I blame her for hitting on him. From the moment he strode in on those long, muscular legs, every female turned her head toward Brady. It’s hard to ignore his dark, brooding vibe. When he took off his jacket, I swear the girls in the diner let out a collective sigh because those tattoos are sexy as all get-out.

  Yeah, Brady looks like a badass with that swagger and ink.

  For some reason, I think of my dad and how much he’d probably hate Brady on the spot. I can just hear him now. What kind of man rides a motorcycle? One who isn’t family-minded. Why does he need tattoos? Only gang bangers have tattoos.

  I roll my eyes, hating how conservative my dad can be. I think he experienced such hardships growing up that he went overboard trying to protect me and my sister. So sometimes, he makes snap judgments and they’re wrong. So wrong.

  Like with Eric. My father loved my ex. Thought he’d be the kind of man to watch out for his daughter. Thought he’d protect me. Love me through the bad times and not just the good. My dad couldn’t have been more off the mark.

  “The munchkin’s in bed.” Brady’s voice makes me snap my head up. “Sorry,” he says. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”

  I place my hand over my chest and laugh. My heart is racing because he did kinda scare the crap outta me. “It’s okay. I was just making a grocery list. Oh, before I forget—” I reach into my purse and pull out my driver’s license. “You said you needed this.”

  He takes a long look at it, and for some reason, it makes me nervous. “What?”

  Shrugging, he says with a chuckle, “Nothing. Just making sure you’re legal.”

  I roll my eyes. “I know I look young, but I’m not that young.” I already told him my age.

  “No, twenty-three is old enough.”

  “Old enough for what?” I ask innocently as I stare up at him. Old enough for you?

  He clears his throat. “Old enough to vote.”

  I hold in the laughter that’s dying to burst out of me. “You’re kind of a nerd. A hot, tatted nerd.”

  Wait. What?

  “Hot, huh?” Now it’s his turn to smirk.

  “Shut up. You know you’re attractive.” I roll my eyes again and return to my grocery list.

  The chair scrapes the floor as he sits at the table behind me. Mentally, I go through the items we’ll need for the week before I add them to the list, but after a moment, I get the distinct feeling Brady’s watching me.

  When I turn around suddenly, his eyes lift to my face. Busted!

  “Were you staring at my bottom?”

  His chest shakes with laughter. “Bottom?”

  “Yeah, bottom. Booty. Butt.”

  He holds out his hand like he’s being helpful. “Ass?”


  His face is expressionless. “No, I was not staring at your ass. It was in my line of vision.”

  I give him a deadpan look and return to my grocery list, not missing the way his lips tug up.

  He rasps, “I fixed your vent problem. Your room should be warmer tonight.”

  I’m glad he can’t see my face right now because I’m a little disappointed. I was sorta hoping for a repeat of last night… and this morning. Well, minus the snoring. “That’s great. Thanks. How did you fix it?” I turn around and try to muster a genuine smile.

  “Can’t say I fixed it exactly. But I closed off the other vents. Everything except for the baby’s room, which sends all the warm air to your room.”

  “But what about you? Won’t you be cold?”

  “No, it’s pretty comfortable back there. Unless the temperature really dips like it did last night. Whatever. I’ll grab more blankets.”

  Damn. He’s sweet.

  I give him a crooked grin and stick my head into the fridge to see if we have enough milk. Several casseroles are piled up, one on top of another. Gifts from thoughtful neighbors. See, that’s why Mel and Cal were so right for this little town. People here take care of each other. I take a deep breath to quell the sudden rush of emotions at the thought that my best friends are gone.


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