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The Money Talks

Page 12

by Cherry Kay

  “I don’t know Pop, I haven’t really been looking,” Mark said evasively and his father gave him a look, he didn’t even have to voice that he knew Mark was lying to him.

  “So why did you come in here drunk off your ass last night, mumbling about some woman named Clarissa?” Mark stared at his father in shock; had he really been that drunk last night?

  “I don’t… know what you’re talking about, Pop,” Mark said, not wanting to talk about Ari at all.

  “Of course not, you were drunk. You wouldn’t remember mumbling how much you missed Clarissa and wanted her back.” Mark’s expression shut down and he was about to get up to head to his room with Ignacio. He didn’t need to be lectured by his father about something he knew nothing about. Chris was obviously tasked with finding out the dirt by Mark’s mother.

  “Look, before you storm up to your room in a huff, Marco… just know that your mother and I want what’s best for you. If you came here for answers, we cannot give them to you. If you love this girl, then you fight for her,” was all Mark’s father said before Mark walked away with Ignacio in his arms. Damn his father for being right all the time.



  Mark couldn’t sleep; he was all worked up over the conversations he had with his parents the night before, and thoughts of Ari flooded his mind. He couldn’t keep her out anymore. With memories of her came his never-ending craving for her.

  Mark made it to work on time, he had breakfast with his parents, exchanging pleasantries while the weight of their concern for him hovered over the room. Mark was staring at his computer in his office, he was supposed to be replying to a very important e-mail from one of his resort managers in Grenada who was retiring and sent Mark suggestions for his replacement. Mark simply could not focus, though; he was irritable and couldn’t sit still long enough to get any measure of work done.

  “Mr. Robinson, Roselyn Ivory is here for your lunch appointment,” Mark’s assistant told Mark over the intercom and Mark took a deep breath before allowing her back. Three minutes later Roselyn walked in holding a bag from a nearby deli that Mark frequented for lunch. They had great subs and soups.

  “I got your favorite, the little deli on the corner is famed because of your frequent visits,” Roselyn said with a smile as she walked over to Mark’s desk with the food, setting it out for them. Of course she got a salad for herself and Mark his usual sandwich.

  “How’d you know what I like over there?” Mark asked her, surprised she knew exactly how he liked his sandwich.

  “I simply asked and they made it for me,” Roselyn said plainly while settling into the seat across from him. Mark thanked her and took a bite of his sandwich, Mark wanted to get this lunch done and over with already.

  “So how was your day yesterday? I could only imagine how busy you must have been catching up with work,” Roselyn said before taking a delicate bite from her salad.

  “It was hectic. I was one step behind with everything. But I managed to catch up,” Mark said briefly before taking another bite of his sandwich, his eyes flitting to the time.

  “So I dropped by your apartment last night to see if you were okay after having to cancel our lunch yesterday, but you weren’t home.” Rose tilted her head at Mark, looking at him almost accusingly, as if Mark could have been out with other women.

  “I went to visit my parents. If you want to see me, Roselyn, all you have to do is call and I’ll see what I can do,” Mark said with an exasperated sigh, unable to mask how much Rose tried his patience.

  “I’m sorry, I just wanted to surprise you, get your mind off of work…” Rose said and Mark took a deep breath at the suggestive note to her voice.

  “That was a sweet gesture, but unnecessary, especially seeing as how things turned out. Just call next time is all, Roselyn,” Mark said, softening his annoyed tone for her benefit.

  “You’re awfully short today, Mark,” Roselyn said, pointing out the obvious and Mark put his sandwich down to look at her.

  “I apologize, I’m in a foul mood today Roselyn. I didn’t mean to take it out on you,” Mark said and Rose pursed her lips.

  “Well, maybe I can help you with that…” Rose said, already standing and moving around the desk toward Mark. She pulled his chair out from the desk a fraction and sat on his lap to take his face in her hands. Roselyn didn’t give Mark any time to protest before her lips were moving against his. All Mark could think about was how this wasn’t Ari. How Ari didn’t feel, taste, or smell like Roselyn and it was wrong. Ari wasn’t even in New York and she was still driving Mark crazy.

  Mark broke the kiss with Roselyn and gently pushed her off of his lap while standing up. “Rose… this is wrong. I can’t do this,” Mark said, a giant weight seeming to leave his shoulders all at once.

  “W—what?” Rose said, sputtering in shocked indignation. “What do you mean you can’t do this?” Rose said, obviously angry at his rejection of her.

  “I mean, I can’t marry you just so my company can merge with Ivory’s. Your father wants to keep his company in the family then fine, I just… I can’t marry you when we don’t even like each other,” Mark said truthfully. Roselyn’s angry expression turned crestfallen.

  “But what about your future? Merging with my father would be a great move for your company and we… we could work on having a relationship, I’m trying,” Rose said, sounding as sincere as Mark had ever heard her.

  “I know, Rose, I know, but I can’t. It would be unfair to both of us if we went forward with this marriage. You need to marry someone you love and so do I. We both deserve that much in life,” Mark said and Rose sneered at Mark, rearing her angry head again.

  “Someone you love? So you’ve fallen in love with some random black chick that lives more than a thousand miles away? How is that going to work Mark? How’s that going to reflect on you?”

  Mark wanted to shake her for talking about Ari so derisively.

  “It would work exactly how I want it to work, and frankly, who I might or might not be in love with is none of your business. It’s below classless to talk about someone you don’t even know with such contempt just because her skin color is different from yours, Roselyn.”

  Rose dismissed his reply entirely.

  “So what! She’s some nothing that can’t live up to the lifestyle you’ve built for yourself. Think about what you’re saying, Mark, because your future with my father’s company depends on it.”

  Mark looked at Roselyn with such contempt that she actually took a step away from him.

  “How about this Roselyn, I am no longer interested in a merger with your father’s company. I don’t like you and will no longer subject myself to spending time with you. Therefore, there will be no more hopes of us marrying and no need for us to continue this farce,” Mark said to her face before walking over to his office doors and opening one for her to exit. Roselyn stood in shock for a moment before collecting herself gracefully, grabbing her purse, and leaving. Mark sighed. He managed not to insult her throughout that entire ordeal, which was amazing.

  Mark needed to call Ivory now before Roselyn could whisper lies in his ear. Ivory was a stand-up man, he would understand Mark’s loss of interest with a merger and respect his decision, as well as Mark’s decision to cut things off respectfully with his daughter. Which is exactly what happened, no matter how upset Roselyn got. Frankly, she behaved like a spoiled brat and Mark was a strong man not to have told her so.

  Mark phoned Ivory and, just as he predicted, the man understood completely and respected his decision, though Ivory did try and convince him otherwise by stating the gain they would both incur by merging. Mark stuck to his decision to end any hopes of the merger and Ivory laughed, said Mark was crazy, but otherwise wished Mark the best.

  Mark took a deep breath, feeling lighter than he had in a long time. This wouldn’t kill his mother, his parents would be proud of what he just did. Not that he would ever tell him what he almost went through with. Now
Mark had to figure out how to get Ari back and make a relationship work between them.

  Mark spent the rest of the day preoccupied and irritable; he wouldn’t be completely back to normal until he had Ari, he couldn’t deny that he needed her to function. Giving up on Roselyn and Ivory was just step one. Mark had to admit, if saying no to Ivory made the man try and convince him to merge, then Mark truly was a worthy competitor in Ivory’s eyes and simply wanted to mete out fierce competition. Mark smiled to himself, remembering a conversation he and Ari had. Mark had built his empire, now it was time to manage it and damn him if he wouldn’t do it with Ari by his side.

  Mark left the office early, he needed to get a plan together, and he couldn’t sit still any longer. First he would go to his parents’ house and apologize for being rude to his father, then reassure them he would make the right decisions in life. Then, of course, Mark had to tell his mother about her future daughter-in-law because as soon as Mark got the proper things in order, he was making Ari his and asking her to marry him. Mark wouldn’t let himself think about the possibility of her saying no, he couldn’t. Mark would fight for her.


  “Excuse me, sir, you want to look into doing what?” Mark was on the phone with his assistant and had just told him to look into moving Mark’s offices to South Florida.

  “Don’t be so alarmed, Brian, anyone who absolutely can’t relocate with me will have a job secured for them making the same or higher than their normal pay grade.” Brian was silent on the other line for a moment as Mark rode in the car to his parents’ house.

  “It will be a lot of work, sir, to pick up and go in the middle of tourist season,” Brian said, shock still evident in his voice.

  “I know, Brian, but this is something I have to do,” Mark said sincerely and Brian sighed before promising to stick with Mark and help him move his offices from New York to Fort Lauderdale. Mark would be exactly where he wanted to be, with Ari.

  Paul dropped Mark off at his parents’ house and Mark walked in just as his mom was getting dinner ready.

  “Oh Marco, you’re home early. Good day at the office?” Mark walked into the kitchen and kissed his mom on the cheek before hugging her tight and spinning her around in an impromptu dance. “Well, I suppose this means you had a fantastic day at work today then?” Mark’s mom asked with a girlish giggle in her voice.

  “Yes, I came to my senses. I had a revelation and I owe it to you and Pop. Where is he?” Mark asked as he stuck his head out into the hallway, looking for any signs of his dad being home.

  “He’s upstairs, I will get him,” Isabella said before yelling loudly for Chris to get down there and see their son. Mark couldn’t help but laugh at his mother’s quirkiness. Mark’s dad came down the stairs a minute later and smiled at Mark, patting him on the back in greeting.

  “How was work today, Son?” he asked Mark and Mark hugged his dad; it was a manly hug, yes, but a hug none the less. Then Mark sat both his parents down at the table, his expression light and excited for what he was about to tell them.

  “I’m getting married,” Mark said and Isabella jumped up, celebrating already about finally becoming a grandmother.

  “To whom?” Chris asked his son, ever observant. Mark smiled slowly and he wanted to shout out to the world that it was Clarissa, Clarissa Francis.

  “A girl I fell in love with while I was in Florida, Clarissa,” Mark said, admitting for the first time that he was in love with Ari. Mark’s father smiled, a look of pride entering his eyes.

  “Oh, he’s in love! You can see it all over his face; my baby boy is going to marry the love of his life! I’ve prayed for this moment, Marco.” Mark’s mother clasped her hands together, a watery smile on her face.

  “So when do we meet her, Marco? Have you asked her to marry you yet?” Mark’s father asked. Mark shook his head, his excitement subsiding at the thought of how much he had to make up to Ari before asking her to marry him.

  “I messed up with Ari, I left her. I told her that we couldn’t work and I just left her. But I’m going back to make things right with Ari, I’m not whole without her,” Mark said truthfully. Mark’s mother took him in her arms, pulling his head down to her shoulder and kissing the top of his head like she used to do when he was younger.

  “You will make things right and then you will be whole again. I know for a fact no woman can deny my son, you are too handsome… but don’t forget to grovel, otherwise you could lose her,” Mark’s mother said, completely contradicting herself and causing Mark to laugh out loud.

  “You have to tell me what to do, Mama, I’m out of my depth… I’ve never had to chase after a woman before,” Mark said, embarrassed he was asking his mom for advice. Honestly, she was the best source of advice, she’d tell him exactly what he had to do better than any of his “friends” who would probably leak their conversation to the media anyway.

  “Well, since you left, showing up on her doorstep with flowers is a nice start. You must humble yourself, Marco; if she’s really the one who has your heart, then you must treat her as such. Also you have to tell her that you love her,” Mark’s mom said resolutely. Mark nodded, taking her word as gospel.

  “Also you have to tell her things like you were stupid and that you will die if you can’t have her. Women like to hear things like that,” Mark’s father piped up and Isabella smacked him lightly on the shoulder, though smiling fondly.

  “Tell her the truth, Marco, you can’t go wrong with the truth, then if she loves you in return she will forgive you. Then you should cook for her, women love a man who can cook,” Mark’s mother lightened the tone of her advice with that last bit, though what she was saying made a lot of sense to him.

  “Yes, women also love a man who knows how to grovel so don’t forget to get on your knees,” Mark’s father chimed in again causing Mark’s mom to laugh and kiss him on the head before continuing with preparing dinner.

  “Also, when you’ve won her back, don’t forget we want to meet her. So don’t keep her cooped up all to yourself forever. Also, we’d like to be there when you propose.” Mark’s mom was already telling him what to do concerning Ari; he had gotten the ball rolling when he asked for her advice, but now she’ll probably tell him to buy them a condo in Florida so they can visit. It wasn’t a bad idea, but once Mark got Ari back, he was keeping her all to himself for a while, until he could stand to share her with the world again.

  “Don’t worry, Mama, you’ll be included in our lives. Just please, when you meet her for the first time, try not to ask about grandchildren until we are at least married.”

  Mark’s mom rolled her eyes, but pouted a little.

  “Fine,” she said with a sigh and both Mark and his dad laughed at her. Mark left his parents to talk so he could go and pack his things, he had a late flight to Florida and he wouldn’t waste a second in getting to Ari.


  Ari woke up abruptly, her mood souring already as she realized loud knocking on the door was what woke her up. She looked at her bedside clock and saw it was nearly one in the morning. For a moment, her heart seized up on her when she realized it could be Darrel at the door, ready make good on his cryptic comment from earlier.

  Ari got up slowly from bed and grabbed her phone; if it was Darrel then she was calling the cops and not even opening her door. Ari walked to her front door and checked through the peephole. It wasn’t Darrel… it was Mark? Ari’s heart sped up double time in her chest and she fumbled to unlock the door. Ari managed to get it open and Mark charged right in taking Ari up into a tight hug.

  “God, I missed you,” Mark said, his arms tightening around her even more. Ari couldn’t even process fully that he was there, in her apartment and not in New York. Ari was mostly trying to get air into her lungs at this point.

  “I can’t… can’t—breathe…” Ari said and Mark loosened his hold on her instantly, though he didn’t let her go.

  Mark wasn’t letting go of Ari and she slowly wrap
ped her arms around him, returning his embrace. Mark finally let Ari go so he could close the door and lock it. Ari took that to mean he’d be staying for a while… but why was he here? Why’d he come back?

  “You’re here…” Ari said and Mark turned around to face her, he nodded once, his eyes restlessly taking in every inch of her. One would think it had been years since he saw her instead of a few days.

  “I came back for you. I love you, Ari and I can’t stand being away from you,” Mark said, his tone desperate and his eyes fervent as he stared at Ari, pleading for her to hear him out. Ari’s eyes widened, her mind still stuck on the “I love you” part. Maybe it was the late hour, but Ari felt like she was in a dream. This couldn’t be real; her subconscious must be playing tricks on her.

  “You’re really here?” Ari asked again and Mark smiled, his expression wary though.

  “Yes, I’m really here, I’m here for you Ari,” Mark said while taking her hand in his and pulling her against his chest where he wrapped his arms around her once more, his chin resting on the top of her head.

  “You… you love me?” Ari asked and Mark nodded before pulling back just enough so she could see that he was completely serious. She saw it in his eyes that he loved her, and he would go through hell and back for her if he had to, just to get her to forgive him.

  “You are an idiot. You left me, you made me believe I was just a dalliance for you. Then what about that Ivory girl you’re marrying?” Ari asked him accusingly, her shock was fading away and anger was quickly replacing it. Ari pushed away from Mark and glared at him. “You broke my heart, you know that!”

  Mark’s expression was crestfallen, but he recovered quickly, a look of determination entering his eyes.

  “I hate that I did that to you Ari… I was stupid and I’ll do anything within my power to make it up to you. To show you that you’re the one I want and no one else. I came to my senses Ari, I don’t need to merge, I don’t want to. I never even liked the Ivory girl,” Mark said, he figured saying Roselyn’s name would only upset Ari further.


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