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Karley's Surrender

Page 7

by Christin Lovell

  “Karley, we’re not him. You know we would never lay a hand on you.” Shane’s hands formed fists at his side. I nodded, closing my eyes to the flashes. I covered my face with my hands, even the darkness behind my lids growing blurry. I felt strong hands and soft lips on both sides of me. I dropped my hands, exhaling shakily.

  “He got out one night. They think he had contacts on the outside that had kept tabs on me because he came right for me. I was sixteen and had just emancipated so my apartment was brand new. No one knew my address, but somehow he did.” Shane cursed beneath his breath. I heard Cole breathing hard beside me, his muscles trembling as if he was about to shift.

  “He…” I choked back a sob.

  “It’s okay, darlin’. I promise as long as I’m alive that bastard will never lay a hand on you ever again.” Shane kissed my cheek then my temple. I nodded, my lips quivering as I tried to hold back.

  “We’re not goin’ anywhere, sweetie,” Cole said.

  I blew out a shaky breath, knowing I needed to get it out in a straight shot. “He broke in one day and attacked me. He…” I took a deep breath, wincing as the scene flashed in my mind. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the disgust on their faces. “He tried to rape me. I fought him, but he still managed to get most of my clothes off.” I gasped for air, remembering the weight of him on me making it hard to breathe. “When I kept fighting him, he… he said that if he couldn’t fuck me, he could still kill me for fucking everything up for him. Then he pulled out a knife.”

  I began to shake as the memories came crashing down on me. I remembered the slice of sharp pain that wracked my body with the first stab. I quickly opened my eyes, not wanting such a vivid picture. I focused on the coffee table; I didn’t want to think as I relayed the most painful part. “He stabbed me. I don’t know how many times he did; it all became blurry at this point. I remember the pain, how hard it was to breathe. From what the police told me, a maintenance man had heard fighting and what sounded like a struggle, so he called them. When no one answered, they burst through the door and found me in a pool of blood, my father still hovering over me with the bloodied knife. The doctors said I was lucky, somehow he’d missed all my major organs.”

  I bit my lip when Shane walked away. His hands were opening and closing into fists. He yanked his shirt over his head, throwing it across the room. He ran his hands over his head before dropping them into balls at his sides again. He was grinding his jaw; his nostrils flared when he turned towards me. His reaction sent me into a new fit of tears. “Ah, fuck.” He startled me with how fast he returned. “I’m sorry darlin’. It’s not you. I just want to kill the fuckin’ bastard.” He couldn’t keep the grit out of his voice.

  “That makes two of us,” Cole bit out. He rolled his shoulders. “How long did the asshole get this time?”

  “Life. The judge reopened the previous case and tried him for a higher charge along with mine. The jury gave him the maximum sentence. I…” I fidgeted as the anxiety of my daily call chased through me.

  “That’s why you call every day,” Cole finished. I nodded.

  “I… You… You both should see what you’d have to look at every day. I’ll understand if it’s too much. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror, so I… I wouldn’t blame you if you can’t either.” They both looked like they were about to speak. “Don’t. Please don’t say anything until you’ve seen it.”

  My hands shook as I lifted my hair, arching my neck forward for one of them to unzip me. I closed my eyes, struggling not to crumble into a million pieces. One of them took the initiative, but I felt two pairs of lips kissing a trail down my spine as the dress began to fall away from me. My skin tingled in their wake; my nerves slowly began to mix with desire.

  “Please stop,” I begged, my breath catching when Shane ran a finger up my back. The second I said it, he pulled away. They both moved in front of me so I faced them. My emotions, the core of me, was raw. They’d proven that I could trust them, but this was the final piece. I’d never shared my scars, never bared myself to anyone before. I could shed the fat, but couldn’t get rid of the final memory of my father forever.

  I looked away from them as I slid the dress off my shoulders and allowed it to fall to my hips. I heard the catch of their breaths before fabric shredding sliced through the air. I didn’t even hear the crunching of their bones. I turned to find two black panthers before me. I trembled when a harsh growl bellowed from each of them. I wrapped my arms around my stomach. The tears came so fast, I didn’t have a chance of fighting them off. I walked around them, grabbing the first jacket I saw and heading for the door. I shouted, jumping back when one of them leapt in front of me. The hard set of his green eyes, the challenge he presented, told me it was Shane.

  I turned to head for the back door only to find that I was trapped between them. I inched the dress up and over me the top half of me again, holding the coat over the front for good measure. My throat was tight; I felt the pressure within my chest, the heaviness of my heart. I hadn’t looked at my scars in so long, and while I didn’t blame them for running, it broke me to know that my father had not only taken away my family, but also ripped away my chance at love and happiness too.

  Silently, my walls began to crumble. They knew the entire truth; they’d seen the worst of it. I couldn’t take it back. So it didn’t matter if I fell apart in front of them or not. I wrapped my arms around myself, lowering to the floor, and I allowed the weight of it all to flow from me. Tears cascaded down my cheeks as I rested my forehead on the tops of my knees, pulling myself inwards as all the emotions poured out of me.


  I was ready to kill. The second I saw the damage, saw what my mate had been forced to endure, a rage so potent it could split the earth in two erupted. I surrendered to the shift in a flash of heat; my vision blurred to red. I wanted to run, to eradicate every animal I came across in the woods. I wanted to challenge a lion to a duel, take on an equal the way her father should have. It was love that kept me where I was; it was the urge to protect her at her most vulnerable that kept me near to her when I was so volatile with anger.

  I watched her tremble as she cried. My rage quickly dwindled as a tear trickled down her leg. I didn’t have a right to be angry. I wasn’t the one who’d suffered through it, she had. She was the one who should have been angry, yet was merely a ball of fear. I wanted to pull her into me, carry her off to bed, and give her pleasure that would erase the pain as I finally claimed her. She needed to be empowered. She needed her mates to lift her up, to help her be the woman she’s buried deep inside.

  I sought Shane, and with one look, I knew we were in agreement.

  Chapter 13

  Four hands, strong, yet soft, feathered over me as kisses rained along my upper body. I remained where I was, eyes closed to the pity I was certain I’d see in their eyes. I didn’t want pity. I didn’t want guilt to be what drove them towards me.

  A rough finger gently slid beneath my chin, forcing me to gaze into intense green eyes. The wave of emotions crossing them, unhidden for my viewing, undid me. “I love you, darlin’, and no scars are goin’ to change that.”

  I felt Cole gently wipe the tears from my eyes. I faced him warily, trying to beat down the shame and embarrassment of my ordeal. “We both love you, sweetie. We love all of you,” he stated.

  I couldn’t find the words, didn’t have the words to respond to their kindness, because certainly that’s all it was. They were sparing my feelings. I looked down at my nails, studying the soft pink polish with feigned interest. I was working towards shutting down, but my best efforts couldn’t demolish the longing within. I wanted to be in their arms; I wanted them to love me, make love to me.

  “What’s goin’ on in that pretty head of yours?” Shane asked, cocking his head to the side to catch my eye.

  I swallowed hard, grabbing hold of the fortitude I needed from somewhere within to let them off the hook, to set them free while I walked away heartbroken.
“Thanks for everything. For being nice about all of this, but it’s unnecessary. I’ll…” I looked away, holding back the waterworks threatening me again. “I’ll just be going.” I stood up, clutching my clothes to me.

  I yelped when Shane lifted himself, catching my stomach on his shoulder and wrapping his arms around my legs as he carried me with him. I lifted my head to find Cole following behind, his face set with determination. Panic began to take root. What are they doing? I began to fight, to struggle against him. “Put me down. Stop, Shane. Please… please just stop.”

  He crossed the threshold of the master bedroom, but abruptly put me down at the terror in my voice. He locked eyes with me, freezing me in place. “We’d never do anything against your will, but we will do what’s best for you. You need us to show you what it’s like to be loved unconditionally, darlin’.” I opened and closed my mouth several times, unsure how to respond to his bluntness.

  Cole ran his hands up and down my bare arms, leaning in to kiss my neck. A chill ran down my spine when his tongue slipped upwards, caressing my skin just below my ear. He gathered my lobe between his teeth. I shook as the tingle spread through my body. “He’s right. Let us love you, Karley,” he said, his voice smooth as silk as I heated from his words.

  Shane leaned in, trailing his lips along my jaw and down my neck on the opposite side. The duel assault sent jolts of pleasure shooting to my core. My breath caught when two sets of hands worked simultaneously to remove the jacket and dress from my grip. My will was nothing against theirs, and I was quickly standing between them in black lace panties and a matching bra.

  Green eyes pierced me, dark with desire. I glanced down at his stiff erection, jerking even higher beneath my scrutiny. I licked my lips, drawing the bottom one between my teeth. I wanted to taste him, wanted to feel what it was liked to be sheathed by a man, but I was nervous. My pulse was sprinting at the thought alone.

  My eyes drew back up to his face, shocked to find his eyes slightly aglow.

  “I think you have too many clothes on,” Shane said, focusing on my bra.

  “I agree,” Cole stated. Before I knew it, he had unhooked my bra. It slowly slid down my arms and he helped it the rest of the way.

  “So damn beautiful.” I fidgeted as Shane looked his fill. I longed to cover myself, finally settling for closing my eyes.

  Cole pulled my back against him, his mouth roving over my shoulders and neck. His hands slid along my curves, awakening a new desire within me. His cock rubbed along my lace panties as he moved to cup my breasts. I gasped when his palms ran over my nipples, hardening beneath his touch. I sighed, leaning against his chest when he tweaked his fingers over the pert points, sending pleasure licking down my spine.

  Shane moved towards me, capturing my lips as Cole continued his tease. His lips devoured mine in a sensual pursuit, slowly melting me from the inside out. He ran his index finger along the hem of my panties. With patient tact, he slid a digit beneath the thin fabric, tracing between my lower lips with ease. I whimpered, my knees weakening. I was overwhelmed by the need to be closer to them. I wrapped an arm around each of them, pulling them into me until I was squished between both hard men.

  Shane released me as Cole lifted me and carried me to the bed, taking care not to jostle me as he lay me down. I laid still in the center of the bed, both men raking their eyes over me. They took their time, as if I was a fine wine that needed to be savored. As their eyes narrowed in on my stomach, I wrapped my arms around my waist, covered the offending scars. I looked away as heat touched my cheeks.

  It wasn’t that I saw disgust behind their powerful gazes; quite the contrary. How could they love me, accept me, scars and all, when I couldn’t even do that for myself?

  They gently pulled my hands away. I turned my face towards them hesitantly. Their eyes were radiant with determination. I knew then that they were going to prove themselves. Cole lightly ran his fingers over the puckered skin, his eyes softening as he leaned in. Shane followed suit, and they both began to kiss each one.

  Tears formed at their tenderness. Slowly they pressed their lips to every piece of wounded skin. Silently the salty water rolled down my cheeks as they lavished my fears with love.

  As if they had a master plan, Shane broke away, slowly trailing kisses down my lower body as Cole moved upwards. My heart began to beat a little harder as my skin prickled with awareness. My breath hitched when Shane ran his palm over my center the same moment Cole’s fingers splayed over my breasts. My body slowly awoke, my nerve endings flickering to life.

  I let out a screech when my panties were ripped off of me, the material shredding sending a jolt through me. Cole smiled like the predator he was. I swallowed the lump in my throat as fear settled in. I had a feeling I was in for the experience of a lifetime with them tonight, but it would be one scary ride.

  I watched Cole lick his lips as he glanced down at my pussy. He worked my nipples into tiny pebbles as he gazed unabashed at me. I began to fidget, pressing my chest into his hands as he sent zaps of electricity down my center. I felt wanton beneath his touch. I was fighting not to be embarrassed at being the only one whose breathing had hardened.

  I felt my knees being pushed apart as Shane tried to settle between my legs. I fought him, tensing the muscles in my thighs, refusing to give into his desire. No one had seen me down there, except the ER doctor after I’d been… assaulted by my father, but I was unconscious, so it didn’t really count. I knew I was supposed to get an annual exam, but could never bring myself to. And I couldn’t bring myself to relax into his kisses being splashed over my legs and lower stomach.

  When he continued his sensual pry, I reacted. Abruptly, my body went cold and rigid. Cole’s hands felt like bricks chafing my skin. At catching the sudden change in me, both men froze in place allowing me to scoot upwards and away from them. Images of my father trying to force my legs apart flooded me. I drew my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around my thighs. I closed my eyes, slowly rocking myself, trying to displace the terror running through me. It felt like I was there again, like the weight of him was on my chest again, making it hard to breath. I gasped for air, my heart pounding in my chest. The room blurred before me.

  “Shit. She’s having a panic attack,” Shane said.

  “Karley, sweetie.” Cole pressed his hands to my cheeks, forcing me to look at him. “Focus on me, listen to my voice. You’re okay. Just take some slow deep breaths.”

  “Move over,” Shane ordered. Cole hesitantly slid sideways, making room for him to come in front of me.

  I continued to rock, trying to focus on them, but the tightness in my chest was nearly suffocating me. The memory was so vivid. I winced, shaking as I recalled my father’s fat fist around the knife. I’d panicked, everything fell into slow motion as his hand came tumbling down towards me. The sharp blade knocked the breath out of me the second it pierced my skin. The stinging pain shot through my stomach and chest. I gasped for air, my eyes bulging as he retreated only to slam home again.

  “Oh God, oh God, oh God,” I breathlessly cried, tears brimming between wheezes.

  Shane reached out, pulling me onto his lap. One hand slid between my strands, cupping the back of my head, as the other drew slow circles over my back. “It’s alright darlin’. We’re right here. You’re alright. Your father can’t lay another finger on you. You’re going to be okay. Just take some deep breaths,” he cooed.

  I fought to listen to him, to try to slow down my racing mind, to control the upended emotions that were squishing my lungs. I gasped, trying to drag more air in.

  Cole came behind Shane, his hands coming to rest on my upper arms. He grazed my skin in a soothing up and down motion. “He’s right, sweetie. Just breathe slowly. You’re going to be alright.” His tone was calm, his voice soothing.

  Slowly the anxiety started to disappear, only to be replaced by tears. I felt weary, like I was crashing from a hard binge. I closed my eyes and leaned into them. I assumed it was Cole w
ho drew back the covers since Shane never let go of me. He pulled me down against the pillows with him. I felt the blanket fall over me before Cole wrapped his arms around me from behind, his body pressing against my backside. One hand lay predatorily on my hip while the other slid around my chest. He pressed small kisses along my back and shoulder as Shane scooted closer, officially sandwiching us skin to skin, while his lips touched my forehead and cheeks.

  My body was a jittery mess despite my breathing being under control. I was disappointed in myself. I thought I was ready. I thought I could do this. I thought this was what I wanted, to make love to the men who clearly cared about me after they talked me off the ledge. I couldn’t believe I’d broken down, fallen apart and then nearly had a panic attack in front of them. I thought for sure that I’d be able to go through with it all. I was saddened by the realization that if I couldn’t get through it with them, then I wouldn’t be able to get through it with any man. My father truly had ruined me.

  Chapter 14

  I slid my fingers through one of theirs, squeezing lightly. “I’m sorry,” I sighed. “I-“

  “Don’t worry about it, darlin’,” Shane interrupted. “You’re reaction was understandable. I pushed you too far. I should be the one apologizin’.”

  Cole nuzzled my neck, gently sliding my hair away to expose more of my skin. “We both pushed you. We won’t do it again; I promise.” I nodded.

  Their hands roamed my curves, curves I’d forgotten I’d had until now. I felt myself blush when Cole’s hand splayed over my puffy, round stomach and Shane rubbed my cottage cheese thigh. My eyes traveled the room, unable to look into eyes that knew every pound of me in some way.

  “Why aren’t you lookin’ at me?” Shane asked as he narrowed in on my unease.

  My mouth went dry and body stiffened. He’d called me out. He’d called me out when I was situated between two gods with perfect physiques. “I, uh… well, you’re…”


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