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Finding Justice

Page 13

by Ciana Stone

  "Then what?"

  He pulled back and his gaze met hers as his hands started a trek beginning at her knees. They stroked beneath the skirt she wore, over her thighs and to her hips. A sexy smile came on his face as his fingers hooked around each side of her underwear.

  With a swift tug, the thin elastic straps gave way. His hands moved beneath her to lift her up. Jolene wrapped her legs around him as he turned. Three steps and he reached the kitchen table. He kicked a chair out of the way and lay her back on the table.

  He tugged at her skirt, working it down her hips and legs and then tossing it aside. His gaze moved over her body and then up to meet her eyes. One sexy smile later, he lowered his head, working his way up one thigh. Jolene gasped, fingers clawing for purchase in the wood as his mouth closed on her sex. She didn’t' last a minute before her body quaked under the force of the orgasm.

  She pushed herself up, reaching for his belt. JD lowered his lips to hers, helping her with his pants. Still locked in the kiss, she shoved his pants down his legs and reached between them to take him in hand and guide him.

  Jo couldn't suppress the groan as he filled her. JD pushed her back down on the table and she arched against him. "JD."

  Until that moment, he intended to go slow, to show her that this was not just lust. But the sight of her lying there, her hair spilling like black silk across the wood, looking at him with that expression that said she wanted him more than anything wiped intent from him, leaving only need.

  JD lost himself, forgot the past, gave no thought to the future and sank into the now. Now there was only her. What started in the kitchen moved to the living room couch, and then the floor. The light faded and twilight sent the room into shadows broken only by weak shafts of light through the window.

  Her soft moans, his name whispered like a mantra was all that existed. When he rolled over on his back and she straddled him, Jolene sat up, raking her hair on top of her head and holding it as she undulated on him.

  He'd never seen anything so sexy in his life. Her face wore an expression of rapture and her lithe body seduced his to the point of no control.


  "No." She looked down at him. "No stopping. You're in all the way or not at all."

  "Then go, honey. Go."

  She did, and she took him with her. Right over the edge.

  In that moment JD did more than fall, he surrendered.

  When she collapsed on top of him, her skin slick with sweat, and her heart hammering against his, he wrapped his arms around her. They lay there for a long time before she rolled off him. JD rolled over onto his side to look at her.

  "I told the boys we're seeing each other."

  She smiled when she looked at him. "And?"

  "And you were right, they are too damn smart. They already knew there was something going on."

  "Did they say how they feel about it?"

  "They're a hundred percent for it. Apparently you rate right up there with the Sweet gals in hotness."

  Jolene laughed. "Well, I guess I'm flattered."

  "And they genuinely like you. They said you don't just listen, you hear them when they talk."

  "They're amazing, JD and I'm not saying that as flattery. They're incredibly quick. Mentally, I mean. Last week, Mickey and Malachi showed them the editing and audio software, and they picked it up in half an hour. Not only that, but they're very insightful. One day Nellie Mae came in bitching about something and they were so sweet to her. Calmed her right down and when she left the room she was smiling like a schoolgirl. I said something about it and they said she was just a lonely lady who needed someone to say something nice to her every now and then so she could remember that she mattered.

  "I teared up. I mean that got to me. They're so remarkable and that's because of you. You helped them become that and I admire that so much. It says a lot about you and the depth of your love."

  That both touched and stunned JD. "I – I don't quite know what to say but thank you."

  "You're a remarkable man, JD and – god, okay, this just isn't working."

  That send a scare stabbing into him. "What?"

  "JD. It doesn't sound right when I say it. JD. Dylan. Justice. Justice, yes, that sounds right. Can I please call you Justice?"

  "You can call me whatever you want, honey, just as long as you call me."

  "Oh that was bad," she said and laughed. "Justice fits."

  "How so?"

  Jo sat up and stared at him for a few moments. "These last few weeks, I've paid attention. I've watched you with your boys, your brothers, and dad and with Eloise. I've seen you interact with my crew, with people in town and I've paid attention to how people relate to you and the things they say.

  "But most of all I've paid attention to you, and I get it. Not to bring up a sore subject, but I understand now. Why you felt the way you did after your wife died. You took on the responsibility, relieving her of it and protecting your sons from it. You saw it as your fault and now I know you're a man who needs to feel that debts are paid, that things are just, and so that's what you tried to do."

  "I'm not that noble, Jo. You know that so don't view me through rose-colored glasses. I let myself blame you so I wouldn't have to shoulder the blame."

  "But that's just it, Justice. You didn't know me. Not really. I mean we had this – this incredible connection, but we didn't know one another. So you let the blame fall on a stranger so it didn't have to fall on her. I know you took the blame. It twisted you up in a knot that's just now starting to unravel."

  "That still doesn't make me noble."

  "No, but it makes you human and the fact that you've moved beyond it makes you noble. Nobility is born of the qualities of integrity, honor, generosity, and selflessness. That's what makes a person noble and you show that every day in your business dealings and the way you conduct yourself with your friends and family. You demonstrated that when you acknowledged the truth you were trying to hide from.

  "I'm proud of you, Justice. I knew that man was inside you. I'm glad I found him."

  JD searched for the right words. He didn't want to screw this up. "I appreciate that but I honestly don't know that it's true. What I do know is what I knew the first time I met you. That you'd be the one to save me."

  "From what?"


  "And do you feel saved?"

  "I'm starting to."

  "Then I'm happy."

  "Are you?"

  "Right now I'm happier than I've been in a very long time."

  "And what would make you happier than you already are?"

  She grinned at him. "Food. I could eat the south end of a north bound cow I'm so hungry."

  JD laughed and pushed himself up, offering her a hand. "Then let's get to that dinner."

  Jolene rose and wrapped her arms around him, putting her face against the firm swell of his chest. JD, held her tight. He wanted to hold onto this moment and this happiness. He'd already figured out that what he felt for Jolene wasn't just lust, and it wasn't salvation. He was head over heels in love with her.

  And that scared the hell out of him because until now, he'd never been in love.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Everyone in the county must be here." Jolene held onto JD's hand as they made their way through the crowd.

  "Wouldn't surprise me."

  "Briggs and Dawson are pretty stoked about competing. I – I hope you don't mind, but we filmed them practicing a couple of times and they're really good."

  JD looked down at her. "I don't guess I mind."

  "Well thank you. I'd hate to have to edit it out. They're really something."

  "That they are. And speak of the devil."

  Briggs and Dawson ran up, both grinning from ear-to-ear. Jolene noticed that JD didn't release her hand, just like she noticed that his boys took note of the fact.

  "Justice you better take these men back home."

  He gave her a puzzled look and she smiled. "Looking that good,
they're gonna have every buckle bunny here trying to do some roping of their own."

  She could tell the twins got a kick out of the comment, and even JD smiled. "Well, you might be right. Boys?"

  Briggs rolled his eyes and the Dawson mirrored the gesture. "Y'all gonna be watching, right?"

  "You know it, son."

  "A thousand-pound bull couldn't drag me away." Jolene said.

  "I'm glad you're here, Jo." Dawson leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

  "Thank you."

  "Yeah, Dad's creds are going way up tonight." Briggs said.

  "My creds?" JD looked from Briggs to Dawson.

  "Well yeah. I mean you're dating the hottest girl in town."

  Jolene cut her eyes at JD, waiting for his reaction. He looked down at her. "I surely am."

  "Aww, you guys. You're gonna give me the big head." Jolene appreciated the compliments but changed the subject. "So, when's the team roping and are you ready? What's the competition like?"

  That launched the twins on a round robin of stats about the other competitors that lasted a good ten minutes. They were just winding down when Jayce and Bryson walked up with two attractive women. "Yo." Jayce clapped Briggs on the shoulder, as he was the one within reach. "You boys ready to kick some ass?"

  "You know it."

  "Well, we'll be rootin' for you. Oh, sorry. This is Pam and Deb. Girls, this is my brother JD, his boys, Briggs and Dawson and his lady, Jolene."

  "Pleasure." JD said and smiled.

  "Likewise." The one introduced as Pam spoke up and looked at Jolene. "I've seen you on TV."

  "You watch the show? Thank you, I'm flattered."

  "Are you a real Indian?" Deb asked.

  "Yes, well, half anyway. My father was Cherokee."

  "Really? Did you live on a reservation and everything?"

  This wasn't Jolene's first time at being asked those questions. "Yes, for a while, when I was a child."

  Deb moved in a little closer. "I'm real sorry about what we did to your people."

  Jolene smiled and almost laughed at the look that came on the faces of the Weathers family. "Well aren't you sweet? And on behalf of the Cherokee nation, I thank you Deb."

  "Oh you don't mention it hon. I don't have a prejudice bone in my body."

  "Good to know." Jolene cut her gaze to Jayce who just shrugged with a sheepish grin.

  "Well, we're gonna grab something to drink and find a seat." JD said.

  "Oh! I almost forgot." Briggs said. "We saw Wes Pursell and he said he reserved VIP seating for the whole family."

  "He did?" Bryson and Jayce exchanged a look. "Why?"

  "'Cause we have a celebrity." Briggs reached over and gave Jo's free hand a squeeze. "And Jesse Nash is here and Jo's crew's filming everything."

  "You're gonna be on TV?" Jayce asked.

  "Yep." Dawson said around his grin.

  JD looked at Jolene. "So you're working?"

  "Just a little." She held up her free hand, with thumb and index finger an inch apart. "Sorry, but this is a big deal and I want to make sure there's footage of our heroes."

  "That'd be us." Dawson announced.

  "Indeed it would, big guy." Jolene agreed then looked back at JD. "Okay?"

  He smiled. "Yep. We're good. So," he looked at his sons. "Where's this VIP seating?"

  "With the Pursells, alongside the announcer booth."

  "Ok. You boys do yourself proud."

  "We will."

  Jolene watched them hurry off then looked at Jayce. "So, you want us to grab you all some drinks?"

  "Naw, we'll wait around here for Pop and the rest of the clan. He should be here soon. Jesse Nash just got in and he's coming with Pop."

  "Great. He's a real nice guy. I think you all will like him. Okay, so we'll see you in a bit?"

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "Later." JD said and steered Jolene toward the refreshment building. She waited until they were in line before she opened the subject of her working.

  "You sure you're okay with me working the event?"

  "Yeah, it's your job, honey. I understand that."

  "I just didn't want you to feel like I was abandoning you."

  "Nope. Don't worry about it. Long as it's me you come with and me you leave with, we're good."

  "Then we are indeed because I do intend on leaving with you. In fact, the way I hear it, Briggs and Dawson are camping with a bunch of others out at the lake tonight, so I guess there's no real reason you have to go home."

  He shook his head with a smile. "Got it all worked out, have you?"

  "I try."

  "Aren't you forgetting something?"

  "Uh, no, what?"

  "Your roommate?"



  She rolled her eyes. "Unless you're planning on tearing down the house, I think it'll be okay."

  "Well there goes my night."

  Jolene laughed and snuggled up to his side. "This is the best night."

  "Oh? Why so?"

  "Because I'm here with you. In public, and because you like me."

  His smile sent sparks of happiness and a good deal of lust ricocheting through her. "I sure do, honey."

  They got their drinks and headed for the VIP section. JD's entire family was there. Jolene saw the Sweets and yelled for them to join and if they saw Annie and Riley to invite them. Fifteen minutes later, their section was full of family and friends.

  Jolene excused herself to go talk with her crew who were set up and ready. They even had their production assistant, Steve and the grip, Ron set up on stationary cameras. That left Sam and Mickey free to move around.

  "So you want to go ahead and shoot an intro?" Mickey asked.

  "Yeah, but I'd like to get one of the Pursell's." She looked around, spotted Wes, and yelled his name.

  He saw her, waved and made his way to her. "What can I do for you?"

  "We're going to shoot an intro and I'd love it if you did it with me."

  "I'd be delighted. What do you want me to do?"

  "Just stand there and look handsome and answer when I ask."

  "Well aside from the handsome part, sounds easy enough."

  "Great. Okay, guys tell me when."

  Malachi clipped a microphone on her shirt and one on Wes's, tested them speaking and when he gave the thumbs up, Mickey and Sam moved into position under Jo's direction.

  "Okay, ready when you are, Jo."

  Jolene was aware of the curious eyes that watched, but that didn't bother her. Nor did being on camera. By this point in her career, it was second nature. She smiled into the camera and launch into an ad-lib intro.

  She never noticed the man who watched from the end of the bleachers.


  JD felt on top of the world. The twins won their division and were so excited it would take days for their feet to touch ground again. Jolene had worked off and on, and had done an interview with the twins, which was a huge moment for them.

  When she asked JD to join them on camera and told the viewers about his past rodeo achievements, he had felt a moment of shyness but the pride shining in her and his boys’ eyes washed that way. He'd taken some good-natured ribbing from his family but that didn't bother him.

  He was happy. For the first time in his life, he was truly happy. He felt like the man who had it all. JD smiled down at Jolene, dancing in his arms and the smile she gave in return warmed him. "You're really good at what you do."

  "Why thank you cowboy."

  "No, I mean it. You really put people at ease."

  "I try. Thanks again for being on camera. I can't wait to see the footage."

  "I don't know if I'm ready for that."

  She hugged him tight for a second. "I love that you're not at all conceited."

  "Don't have much to be conceited about at my age."

  Jolene laughed. "Yeah, right. There's probably not a woman here that wouldn't jump at the chance to be in my place right now."

  "I dou
bt that."

  "Well, I know it. Not that I'd let them mind you."

  "Not into sharing."

  "Definitely not."

  "I'm glad to hear that."

  Just then, his phone rang. She looked at his shirt pocket then up at his face. He shrugged and pulled out the phone. "Damn, it's Pete."

  "The old guy who works for you?"

  "Yeah. Hold on. Pete?"

  JD led her away from the dance floor, trying to find a quieter place. The after party for the rodeo was slammed with people, all having a good time dancing, drinking, and talking. He walked a little distance away from the crowd to talk and she watched the crowd.

  "Everything okay?" She asked when he returned.

  "Not really. Pete said someone ran through a section of fence on the main road and there's stock in that pasture. We need to get them moved and he can't do it alone. I'm gonna ask a couple of the hands who are here if they'll head back and help."

  "I'll go with you."

  "No. You stay. I know you probably have more to do with your crew. Can you get a ride back with Cody?"

  "Sure. No problem. Come over later?"

  "I will. Have fun."

  He kissed her and then pulled out his phone to call some of his guys.

  Jolene watched him walk away then looked around. She spotted one of the camera operators, Mickey off to one side and made her way over to him. "You don't have to work the whole night, you know."

  "Yeah, I know. Just getting a few shots for the b-roll. I think we're gonna pack it in pretty soon."

  "Okay, thanks for a great job. I can't wait to see the footage. I'll be over in the morning. Oh, how 'bout I treat everyone to breakfast at the diner first?"

  "Sounds good. What time?"


  "That works. See you in the morning."

  "Okay, Mickey and thanks again."

  "Always my pleasure."

  Jolene wandered through the crowd. Several people stopped her to talk, some she knew, and some she'd never met. Most were curious about what she was doing. Some were more interested in what she and JD were doing.

  It took her a lot longer than she expected to make it over to the refreshment hut. As she skirted the dance floor, she noticed Wes Pursell. He was dancing with Cody and from the looks of things, Cody was enjoying it.

  Jolene grinned at the sight. Wes seemed to be a genuinely nice guy and despite Cody's protestations, Jolene was sure there was some interest there. She watched for a couple of seconds, and then headed for the refreshments.


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