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Daisy's Choice (A Tale of Three Hearts)

Page 13

by Mynx, Sienna

  “It’s true,” he said in her ear. “You changed me, and I want to go back. All the way back to when I hurt you, when I set you up. Back to when I first saw you.”

  She looked up at him and frowned.

  “Oh yes. I saw you way before you became my lucky charm for the night.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Among other things.” He leaned in, his breath warming the inside channel of her ear. “I want to take it all away and go after you the old-fashion way. I want to buy you pretty things; take you places you never imagined. But I can’t, can I? So what choice do I have, Daisy? Give me an option. Punish me if you have to, but give me something.”

  She shook him off and felt his fingers in her hair. She just couldn’t escape him. He blocked her at every angle and continued to search her face as he spoke to her. “I wanted to play the game. I never thought any of it through. But I had five years to remember and live off of one night. To wonder if—”

  Daisy’s eyes lifted from the folder to him. She stopped her retreat and took a step toward him, close. He looked at her curiously, not completely sold. “Okay, let’s go back to that night when you told me about your father.” She touched his chest. “It showed me that little boy inside of you. Where is he? Scared little Aiden Keane and his golden coin.”

  “Don’t mock me, Daisy,” he said, removing her hand.

  “You like to be teased. It’s all about the chase for you.” She traced his rigidly set jaw line. “Tell me the truth. Don’t you want to be free of me? If I haunt you like you say I do, don’t you want to be free of this obsession of yours that makes you weak? That’s not Aiden Keane, buyer of souls and believer in nothing.”

  “I believe in you.”

  “Do you trust me, Aiden?” she whispered, running her open palms over his chest.

  “No,” he said softly.

  She slipped her arms around his waist and pushed up against him, her nipples brushing the front of his chest. She moistened her lips, staring into the clear green of his eyes. “Trust me, Aiden. What’s in that folder is a bunch of business that belongs to me. Things I had to do to survive that I don't want anyone to know. Especially you baby."

  "What happened to you?" he asked, his brows lowered in concern.

  "I grew up, Aiden. Okay? Those are my secrets. Give me the folder… and I’ll give you… something I know you want.” She bought her mouth a fraction from his. Her arms dropped from his waist and her hands eased up his lapel, gripping it, “I’ll give you back that night on the boat. Free you, so you don’t have to ever think of me again.”


  He grabbed her wrists and held them with a vice-like hold. Daisy laughed in his face, a spurt of bitterness at the sight of his conflict, and it hurt. Badly. He saw how much she loathed him reflected back in her eyes. It cut him to the bone.

  “Why can’t you see me? Why do you insist on denying what’s between you and me?”

  She shrugged, not bothering to fight. Her look of nonchalance was making him crazy. It was as if it would be some sordid exchange to finish him off. He nearly tossed her for it. She had changed. She was cold, barren, and it was killing him that through all he’d said, all the hard things he finally admitted, she heard nothing.

  “I love you,” he confessed.

  She blinked as if the words weren’t spoken.

  “I said I love you, Daisy.”

  She would give him nothing, not even the slightest glimmer of hope. Then she surprised him by initiating a kiss he’d been salivating for since he first laid eyes on her. Her lips, soft and plush, pressed into his. Her fragrance stimulated as it bloomed in his nostrils, making his madness complete. The kiss stroked a gently growing fire as her tongue slowly slid over his. Aiden, the man, went up in flames. He released her wrists to grip her by the arms with the intent to shove her away. He couldn’t refuse it. She didn’t fight him, and that was another surprise. She tasted as fresh and sweet as he remembered. He swept the deepest caverns of her mouth, urgent and exploratory. Parting her lips wider, she raised up to greet him with sexy flicks of her tongue as it darted in and out of his mouth. He couldn’t breathe. His heart pounded so fast and furiously he feared it would arrest.

  Then he broke the seal, panting deep breaths. He eyed her with brazen longing. “Stop. Don’t push me… not like this,” he said. There she was mocking him with the sly smile to her lips. She was using her power over him against him. All of it was evident in the dark chocolate swirl of her eyes. Those eyes held him captive. In fact, she was so damn beautiful his cock bulked between his legs.

  “This isn’t why I came. Let me take you somewhere and we can finish talking.”

  “No, Aiden. There’s nothing else to talk about.” She shed her suit jacket, tossed it, and pulled her blouse up out of her skirt. “I know what you want.” She sat on the conference table parting her legs so that her skirt rose to show her thighs. “You paid quite a penny for it,” she said, unbuttoning her blouse. “How much did Clara cost you? I bet she went for a lot more than I did. Hey, can’t blame a girl who never really had anything. Back then a million dollars seemed like a lot of money. You got me pretty cheap. Don't you want your final installment?”

  Her blouse fell open. Aiden looked away, and Daisy chuckled. She leaned forward heaving her breasts on display in thin black lace cups. “Look at me, Aiden. You waited a long time. Or did you? I'm sure there were still women, many women in between. But this is what you wanted, right?”

  He dared a look into her eyes. What he saw hurt him. She felt nothing for him; just as he felt nothing for the parade of women he shuffled through waiting on her return. He was wrong about them, about what they shared. “Put your fucking clothes back on,” he said in a stiff unrepentant voice. Daisy sat upright. Her eyes lowered to her breasts and despite his discomfort so did his. Her gaze flashed up to catch his seductive perusal. “It’s been a long time, Aiden. I’ve been saving it for you.”

  She parted her knees wider, her skirt inching up further. His eyes followed the action to the shadowed heavenly spot between her thighs. He remembered those thighs with his face caught between soft and supple flesh. He remembered so many things about her body. Each pleasure point was burned into his brain and he longed to drop down and bury his face in her wet pussy for hours. He'd punish her for teasing him so. But he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t let her reduce them to this.


  Daisy reached for his tie. She pulled him toward her, and he came with no resistance. She opened the door. She had no choice but to step in, and if her plan backfired, well… it was too late now to consider that ‘if’.

  Even if she wanted to, she doubted she could have escaped this fate. Her body acted of its own volition, resisting any and all attempts to protect herself from his advances––especially when he dipped his head toward her breasts and she arched her back undulating them upward. His lips latched on to the point of her left nipple through the lace cup of her bra. She gasped, giving into temptation while battling to locate logical thought. This is a bad idea, seemed to register from somewhere under the battery of sensations that accompanied his passionate pulls on her breast.

  A very bad idea. The words echoed in her head like a mantra, and she tried to keep hold of it. She wanted to believe so she wouldn’t fall prey to her dangerous game, because she reached the point of no return.

  His tongue flicked at her nipple, now hard, tight and nearly tearing through the thin lace. Aiden sensed its suffering and blew over the swelling nub, sending ripples of goose pimples over her breast. His heated mouth departed and moved to her throat, nuzzling just below her ear and turning her spine along with her defenses to liquid. Later, she would suffer for her complicity, but what choice did she have? If only it didn’t feel so good, she told herself. It was as if every wish for sexual gratification had come true the moment he walked back through those doors. Damn him for that. Damn them both.


  Aiden pressed in on her to ease the ache of h
is cock beating against the front of his zipper for release. He drew away from her neck, dazed. Was she real or another manifestation of his feverish mind that refused to let go the possibilities he found with her one night? She moved in on him, trailing her tongue underneath his chin and over his neck. He struggled to take in air, sipping in short quick breaths, loving every minute of it.

  “You want it,” she whispered in his ear. “What are you waiting for?”

  Aiden slammed her down on the conference table, forcing the air from her lungs and pinning her there, driving his tongue back into her feverish mouth and possessing her through his kiss. She shouldn’t have succumbed to a ravishment that had her whimpering beneath him. But she did. Now they had reached the point of no return. He was too far gone to consider propriety or any hopes of a seduction. He wanted to be tender with her, to show her how much he cared. But she had unleashed the bastard in him once more.

  Again, he was fuelled by the sensuous dream that had primed his senses to within a fraction of release. His body was now hell-bent on a course that demanded completion. His hand slid over her breast and squeezed as he tongued her. It traveled slowly pass her flat tummy to palm her sex. “Damn,” he breathed in her open mouth, finding her wet heat beneath the thin confection that barely covered the lips of her sex.

  "I missed you. I did, Daisy,” he said through puffs of air in her mouth as he pulled at her panty, then drew back to run them down her legs. He worked on his belt and downed his zipper. He was on her once more. “I missed you so much,” he said, kissing between her breasts and feeling the pulse of her heart beating. His eyes flipped up to see hers roll into the whites leaving them barely seen under her fluttering lashes, as he tasted her nipples once more.

  He burned beneath his suit jacket and shirt, snatching them both off after undoing the buttons to the front. He stripped down to a black t-shirt. Then he covered her once more. Her arms lifted, reaching above her head, fingers stretching to the other end of the conference table to grip it. He looked her over again with open adoration, her hair sprayed around her, and her body on display. He couldn’t remember ever wanting a woman this much as he shuddered when the tip of his penis made contact.


  With him poised against her opening, her whole being focused on that one spot, that one sensation, where the vaginal walls instinctively tightened to draw him in. He lifted from her and thrust inward. Her channel gave off wet heat that gripped him immediately, and he groaned as he slipped in a few more inches.

  She reached for him then, unable to pretend she was uninvolved and that this was something merely happening to her. For she was part of this too. Hot and smooth skin had never felt so delicious. It was impossible to resist running her hands down the toned sides to his flanks, drinking the heat through her palms. She tested the firmness of his tight buttocks once her hands slipped down into the back of his pants, riding at his hips.


  Grabbing her under the ass and dragging her closer, her legs went up in a V against his chest and fell in awkward angles over the bends of his arms as he thrust into her hard and strong. His eyes barely opened. He saw her breasts jiggle as she writhed in pleasure. She didn’t hate him then. He knew it. Her hips twisted as he plowed into her. She gasped and arched up high from the desk once he filled her completely. Together they rode a wave of pleasure as he fell forward on her, pinning her legs back and driving himself in and out in long deep strokes.

  He sucked at her neck. “Daisy, oh Daisy,” he groaned into her throat and gave another thrust of his cock that sent him surging into her. He pulled away and heard her cry out for his return. Then with another powerful strike he had her mouth gaping and brows deeply furrowed. He knew what she felt. He felt it too; as if someone had plugged him into an electrical socket. The awareness of finally having her again sent pleasure zipping through every nerve, every muscle, sinew, bone and flesh. All was so primal that he grunted, furiously working in and out of her. He couldn’t get enough of her. There was no such thing as enough.

  Aiden dropped on her again. Her breasts pressed into his damp chest, nipples stroking. His pubic hairs rubbed her exposed clit and every movement she made he countered with a downward stroke that reached to her core. He thrust in and out, in and out, repeatedly thinking he’d go insane.


  A delicious pressure mounted inside of her, and each successful thrust drove him further until he was planted deeply. He paused then as if that had been the end of it, but it wasn’t. The sensations he awakened in her were already too many and too wondrous to catalogue. But he started to move again, to rock back and forth, setting up a rhythm, a delicious friction. She angled her hips up to receive him as if it were possible to take him deeper still, using muscles she never knew she had and making moves she had forgotten she knew in the past five years. Here she was, feeling things she hadn’t known possible to feel in his arms again.

  Daisy gasped under the powerful bangs of his hips as he fucked her harder and harder. She tossed her head from side to side on the brink of pleasure as he continued the onslaught. She found each one too strong and demanding. She wanted to beg for mercy. He was leaving her gasping for air, as her senses seemed determined to spiral out of control. But instead of oxygen, the air she breathed was filled with the scent of him. He was everywhere––inside her, around her, in the air she breathed.

  Aiden’s pacing was frantic. Her legs cramped from the awkward position. She had no choice but to ride it through to the finish. He dropped his head to one breast, now free from the cups of her bra, and she stroked the back of his head.

  A combination of excruciating pleasure and exquisite pain connected with the expanding thickness buried between her thighs, completing the short circuit that gripped and burned her from the inside out.


  Aiden kissed her face while her fingers massaged his scalp and they fucked each other harder and harder. Still he couldn’t release her, wouldn’t release her. She should have never made him go there. Sweat dampened her forehead and his. The room felt as if it peeled away and they were now in the middle of the Arizona desert. A groan rose in his throat and his balls tightened. His orgasm was right there—right there. He thrust into her and she worked her ass. He was sprung. His balls felt near explosive once an orgasmic rush shot though him. His cock streamed his essence in a jerky release, draining him completely.

  Panting against her neck, he held her to him. “I’ll prove it to you. We can start from the beginning. You and me. From the beginning, okay?” He lifted his head to a glorious feeling of having her warm his cheeks. He looked into her eyes, nodding for her agreement. Surely she felt it too.

  But she stared directly at him with the cold exact stare that she gave him when he first walked through the door.

  “Daisy, listen to me—”

  “Get up.”


  “Get up!!”

  He withdrew. Tucking his cock away, Aiden watched as she pushed her breasts back into her bra and buttoned her wrinkled silky blouse. Avoiding his eyes, she began to groom herself. She eased off the table and pulled her skirt down her shapely thighs. It was such a turn on to see her covering her curves; he could still feel heat stir in his deflated cock. She gathered her suit jacket and hurriedly slipped it on. This could be a new start. He’d forgive her and she’d forgive him.

  Finally, her eyes returned to him.

  “You can have Jahi,” she mumbled.


  She tucked her shirt in her skirt. “I'll have Jeffery sell my shares to you. He'll contact your attorney to return the million dollars. I only spent half of the original money you gave me anyway.”


  “No,” she snapped. “I just gave you what you wanted as my final payment,” she said, looking him in the eye. “So that’s it, Aiden. You can have my company, my money, my body, but you can’t have me.” She grabbed her purse and shot him a murderous look. “Because, Aiden, ther
e isn’t enough money in all your golden bank accounts to make me want you. I had to fuck you one last time to prove it to myself. So thank you.”

  She marched around him and he stammered her name, his voice failing him. His mind reeled from her final rejection, but she was at the door about to leave before he realized his voice just came out as a soft wheeze.

  “Daisy!” he shouted after her, and she stopped. She did finally cast him a look over her shoulder. He wiped at his face, and tried not to show his pain. Instead, he reached for the folder. Whatever secrets she carried, he held out to her.

  “Take it.”

  She frowned in disbelief and he avoided her eyes. He just wanted her gone. He’d never let her hurt him like this again. He was done.

  “Take it, damn it!”

  She walked over and reached for the folder, but he held tightly to it to make her look him in the eyes once more. “I do love you the only way I know how. I had to know, Daisy, if… if it was worth it. Nothing is worth getting ripped apart over. Right? So go back to hiding. You’ve… you… you’ve cured me of the fantasy. I won’t bother you anymore.”


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