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Page 8

by Jacobs, Kyle

  There was a table near the door with a small sign that said 'Sign Up'. Oliver went over to it and a cute guy there helped him sign in.

  "You have a costume? Cause we have extras if you need one," the guy said.

  "No thanks," Oliver said. "I brought mine." It was his naughty secretary outfit which was always a hit. Why mess with what worked?

  After getting the song Oliver was going to use onto a laptop, the guy said, "Change rooms are straight through the back. Good luck!"

  Oliver made his way to the change rooms, passing guys wearing incredibly sexy outfits. Everywhere there were happy looking men sitting at tables, watching the parade of sexy, handsome flesh.

  He tried to find Logan, but he didn't seem to be there, yet.

  Don't get all possessive now, he thought to himself.

  Just then he noticed Ryder walk past a door that lead into the kitchen. He was carrying a large tray of beer mugs. He looked miserable.

  Big Club connections, huh? Oliver thought as he kept walking and entered the change room.

  More beautiful flesh was here, as guys worked feverishly to get ready. Oliver was aware that most of these men were there to also apply for waiter gigs, while others were there for the peeler audition. Didn't mean waiters couldn't look super hot, too. Great for getting more tips.

  He found a corner with enough room to move, and quickly changed. Dress pants, dress shoes, office shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, and a tie, loosely fitted around the collar. The final touch were his dorky glasses, sans any glass in them.

  He had no idea why, but men really went wild for this look. He was hoping it was the edge he needed over these gorgeous guys to win the job.

  As he was getting rady, Eddie appeared in the mirror's reflexion behind him.

  "Hey, girlfriend!" Eddie declared with a huge grin.

  Oliver was caught a little off guard. Did Eddie know about him and Logan?

  "Hey, yourself," Oliver said, forcing a smile.

  "My God, you look hot in that. Geez, you're gonna kill it out there," Eddie gushed. "They're not going to know what hit them."

  Oliver laughed a little. "I hope it's enough to win." He could see Eddie eyeing him up and down with what could only be described as a mix of awe and perhaps jealousy.

  "Hey, I wanted to ask you something," Eddie said as he sat on a stool beside him. "I hope you don't mind."

  Uh oh, Oliver thought. Here it comes. How much was he going to reveal about last night? He knew Eddie still had it bad for Logan. Who could blame him? But Oliver wanted to handle this delicately.

  "Sure," Oliver said, checking his har. "Fire away."

  Eddie leaned closer and asked in an almost conspiratorial whisper, "So you're hooked up with Ryder now, huh?"

  This gave Oliver pause. Ryder? He suppressed an urge to laugh out loud. Instead, he played coy. "Not really, no. Why do you ask?"

  "Well, I know he's got it big for you. Even though you've just met he seems really into you. And you did make out with him in Henry's office."

  Oliver crooked a brow. "I quick kissing session does not make us a couple," he said. "But, yeah, we had a little fun. But I don't think it would work out anyway." A flash of an image from the night before, Logan's muscular body, pressed up against him, thrusting and moaning.

  Not with Ryder, anyway, he thought with a smile.

  Eddie now looked a little alarmed. "But, why? He's a good guy you know. You don't want to break his heart, do you?"

  Oliver didn't know what to say about that. Sure Ryder seemed okay. But he was no Logan. Not by a long shot.

  Finished with his hair, Oliver gathered his things into a bag. "Yeah, nice guy. But not the one for me." He stood and smiled down at Eddie who looked increasingly annoyed. "Look, I gotta go dance my ass off. I'll talk to you later."

  He left Eddie sitting there, stewing in whatever hateful juices he was fermenting and left the change room.

  Well, that was awkward, he thought as he made his way through the tables. Getting cornered like that was not cool.

  Most of the dancers had gathered at some tables just off to the side of the stage. Oliver went over and sat at one. Several of the guys there gave him a snobby once over, then turned away. Only a couple actually returned his smile.

  Oliver took it in stride. Competition was fierce between strippers since the beginning of time. He didn't let it bother him. Besides, it was the customers he was here to impress.

  He took a moment to look around the bar. He instantly found Logan sitting at a small table, near the back. He was sitting with a rather ugly looking guy he did not recognize. Unlike Logan, or the other Macabre Jesters members there, this man wore a Biker vest. Oliver could tell even from his vantage point that he was a member of the Evil Masters motorcycle club.

  Hmm, he thought. Business as usual.

  Logan looked over at Oliver and his heart fluttered when he offered him a crooked smile. Then he became all serious again, listening to the ugly Biker talk.

  Good, at least he is here. He gets to see me dance for him. He couldn't help but smile to himself.

  Suddenly, Ryder appeared beside him. "Hey, there, cutie," he said.

  Oliver tried not to act too surprised. "Hey," he said. "You're here for the auditions, too, huh?" The lame joke was a poor attempt to cover how uncomfortable he felt.

  "Yes, but not to dance," he grinned. "I'm here to watch you win this thing." He sat down at the table beside him. Some of the other dancers at the table frowned at him.

  Almost unconsciously Oliver found himself glancing over at Logan. Thankfully, he was busy talking with the ugly Evil Master. Would Logan get jealous seeing Ryder here? Why would he?

  "I missed you last night," he said. "You took off before we could finish... our talk."

  Oh, God, he thought. Not another awkward conversation. Was there any other kind to be found in this place?

  He wasn't entirely sure how to handle this, so he tried to be as noncommittal as possible, without being rude. Besides, he was the one that had led him on.

  "Yeah, I wasn't feeling great. Sorry about that," Oliver said. Wow, that sounded incredibly lame. "I just had to go."

  Ryder leaned over to him a little, placed a hand on his which was on the table. "It's okay. Really. I understand it. You're not that into me. It's cool."

  Oliver was taken aback. Even amazed. He understood?

  Oliver glanced over at Logan, who was still talking with the other Biker, apparently oblivious.

  Ryder said, "I didn't come over here to put you on the spot, or make you feel uncomfortable. I just wanted to wish you luck."

  Stunned by this gallant admission, Oliver could only nod.

  Ryder then stood, and smiled down at him. "Knock 'em dead, beautiful," he said, and turned and headed toward the kitchen.

  Oliver was simply stunned. What an incredibly gentlemanly thing to say. Not what he would have expected from him after what he pulled last night.

  "He's a complete loser," one dancer at the table said to him.

  "What?" Oliver asked, snapping out of his thoughts.

  "A jerk. Talks big, acts big, but he's like an un-flushed turd in the toilet bowl."

  "Yeah," said another dancer. "Watch out for that guy. And you may want to wash that hand," he said, indicating the Oliver's hand that Ryder had touched.

  Anger flared inside him. Oliver said, "He seems like a really good guy." When both guys looked at him like he was insane, he continued. "I'd date him." After what Ryder just said to him, he wanted to piss these guys off.

  Both dancers stared at him in amazement, looked toward each other and snorted. "Some people just can't get enough of the rotten types," one said to the other. They both turned back to the stage, ignoring Oliver.

  Bitches, he thought. Ryder had been nothing but nice to him. Not one unkind word. Even after he strung him along, and used him. The fact that he had bothered to come over just then and wish Oliver luck meant more to him than the snide comments from t
hese two sluts.

  Oddly, Oliver felt himself reaffirming mentally what he just said. He would date Ryder. Big, muscular, handsome. Why not? But he wouldn't. He had Logan now.

  Oliver glanced in his direction again. This time Logan was facing in the direction of the stage, but his eyes moved to lock with Oliver's.

  They both shared a meaningful look. Logan winked at him. Noh found himself giggling at this like he was a school girl.

  Just then, the stripper on stage finished his set to a polite smattering of applause.

  "Give him a big round of applause, everyone," said the off stage announcer over the speakers. "Next up, is Oliver!"

  Oliver's heart fluttered. He tore his gaze away from Logan, put his stuff down at the table and walked over to the stage side entrance.

  A tall, gawking looking man was there wearing a headset microphone. Beside him was a laptop which was used to queue up the music.

  "Oliver?" he asked.

  Oliver nodded, gathering himself. This was it.

  "Whenever you're ready," he said.

  He was ready alright. Ready to dance for Logan.

  After taking a deep breath, he nodded once to the announcer, who tapped a key.

  The music started and Oliver strutted onto the stage. The lights were bright, and the crowd was noisy. This was old hat for him. He had done this a thousand times and had his dance routine down to an art.

  For several minutes he danced around the stage, removing bits of his secretary costume to the cheers of the crowd. He swung around the centre pole with just his legs, his muscular thighs tensing with the movement.

  All to soon he was at the end of his routine. He felt elated as he always did when he danced. But this one was just for Logan. No one else existed beyond the lights for him.

  He stopped just as the music did, fully naked, hands on his sides, on hip sticking out for emphasis. His head was angled and his expression was one of someone caught being naughty. He crooked up one eyebrow behind his geeky glasses.

  The crowd went wild. Cheering and applauding. Their reaction was even better than he had expected.

  I nailed it, he thought, panting heavily from all the exertion.

  He looked around, trying to find Logan. His expression would be worth it. But the lights were too bright and the bar a little too dark beyond the stage.

  So many people. Then he noticed someone moving toward the stage down an aisle.

  At first he couldn't make out who it was. A man, walking toward him.

  When the man noticed Oliver looking at him, he stopped.


  No. This guy was wearing a baseball cap, pulled down tight on his head. His clothes were different, too.

  As Oliver's eyes became more focused with the lighting he caught his breath.

  Oh, God. Oh, no, no, no! It can't be.

  The man stared at him intently, locking his gaze.

  Oliver knew that look all to well. His world started to spiral around him.

  It was Gavin.

  Chapter 10


  Oliver stood stunned, frozen like a mannequin on the stage.

  The crowd was still applauding, but he no longer heard them. His entire reality come down to one thing.


  Oliver looked at him in amazement. How could he be here? This can't be happening.

  The elation he felt from finishing his dance evaporated instantly, replaced by a cold vice which squeezed at his heart.

  Gavin watched him, perhaps enjoying his confusion.

  Oliver was struck with another thought. Didn't he realize the danger he was in? Sneaking around as a full patched Silver Hound in a rival club's territory was a guaranteed way to get himself killed.

  "Clear the stage for the next contestant, please," called the announcer, snapping Oliver out of his thoughts.

  Quickly, he picked up his discarded clothes, feeling almost numb. As he headed off stage he looked back but could not see Gavin anymore.

  Back stage he tried to get himself together. He sat on a chair clutching his costume to his naked body, shaking. Another dancer appeared in a slinky cowboy outfit, and the announcer sent him onto the stage. Music blared, mashing against his thoughts.

  There was no way Gavin could have just stumbled across him. Someone had to have told him. A spy? Someone local who knew his connection to the Hounds, and to Gavin?

  But who?

  When he realized who his heart stopped in his chest.


  He was the only one he had told, that he could remember. Oliver had been careful. Even his mother didn't know, or any of his old friends back home.

  It could only have been Logan.

  His chest started to clench, and he found he was crying. Logan did this? But why? How could he?

  The bar crowd was now cheering the cowboy, the music thumping loudly.

  He had to think. But he didn't want to have to deal with Gavin. He would be waiting for him.

  He quickly put on his office costume again, while trying to look out past the curtain for Gavin in the crowd. He couldn't see him anywhere, but knew he wouldn't leave without confronting him.

  Or maybe he had left, to follow him once Oliver was outside. In here, he was safe. Wasn't he?

  But if Logan had snitched on him, perhaps as some deal with the Hounds, it wouldn't matter where he was.

  Logan. He was all business after all.

  Tears streamed down his face. He couldn't think of that. No. It was just too much right now for him to deal with.

  Uncertain of where to go he moved out from behind the stage. All eyes were on the cowboy, who was now shaking what God gave him for the hungry eyes of the crowd.

  Oliver pushed his way past people, and only glanced in the direction of Logan's table. He was still sitting there, talking with the Evil Master. Neither looked in his direction, lost in some sort of business dealings.

  This only served to confuse him more. Wouldn't he be smug now? Wouldn't Logan want to rub his face in his gullibility. Using him as a pawn in some Biker Club deal?

  Not wanting to even look at him anymore Oliver moved past the bar, and toward the back exit. He noticed two people looking at him. He turned and saw both Eddie and Ryder standing side by side. Watching him. Neither moved, nor tried to speak with him. They were just watching.

  Oliver ignored them, intent on leaving. When he approached the hallway that lead past the bathrooms and the rear exit he saw him. Gavin.

  Oliver stopped. Gavin was leaning casually against the wall at the entrance to the hall. He was looking at him. Eyeing him with that awful nasty grin of his.

  Oliver turned and made for the change rooms, for lack of anywhere else to go. He would dress, head for the front door this time and grab a taxi real quick.

  Telling a Macabre Jester member of Gavin's presence was a possible option. It would be bad for Gavin, but would give him time to escape.

  He shook his head. But if Logan had actually told Gavin he was here, would the Macabre Jesters even lift a finger now?

  Crying, he entered the change room. It was empty, everyone was now out by the stage watching the auditions or waiting for their turn.

  He went to the farthest stall and sat down in front of the mirror. His reflection spoke volumes. Mascara ran down his face in wet smudges. His lipstick was smeared at one corner of his mouth. And his expression was that of a hunted animal. A hunted animal who had just been caught.

  When he grabbed his bag, he started to get up to leave.

  To hell with it. He would make for the front door. See if Gavin was around and try and avoid him as best he could.

  It was all he could do right now. He had nothing else. He had no one he could trust. Just the urge to run.

  The change room door opened.

  He looked over, knowing who it would be. Dreading it.

  Gavin walked in. He saw Oliver immediately.

  "Hi, honey," he said with a grin. "Long time no see."

He looked exactly the same. Not that he really expected him to have changed. But Oliver really felt he would never have seen him again, and the last memories of him would have been it. Which would have suited him just fine.


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