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Page 18

by Jacobs, Kyle

  "Oh, my God!" Oliver said. He grasped at him. "You've been shot!"

  Logan shook his head. The pain was incredible. He looked at the wound. "Nah, babe," he said through gritted teeth. "It just grazed me."

  Oliver was beside himself with concern.

  "Honey," Logan said. "Do me a favor."

  "Anything," he said.

  "There's some rope and duct-tape in a duffel bag under the couch in the living room." He looked down at the unconscious form of Gavin. "Go get it for me."

  Oliver looked at Gavin, then back at Logan. "No problem," he said, and did as was asked.

  Less than ten minutes later, Gavin was tied up at the foot of the bed, with a piece of duct tape across his mouth. He had regained consciousness, and glared at his captors.

  Logan had made a quick phone call, then had Oliver cover Gavin while he quickly dressed. He noticed how good it must of felt for Oliver to have a gun trained on his tormentor. For the briefest of moments Logan considering giving Gavin to him, then dismissed it.

  Oliver would always regret it. He was not a killer. Murder was just not in him.

  As for Logan, on the other hand.

  The front door suddenly opened, but neither Logan or Oliver reacted. Gavin's eyes showed his concern for what might happen next.

  Parker entered the bedroom, almost out of breath.

  "Hey, guys," Parker said cheerfully. "How's it going?" He looked down at Gavin. "There he is. The drama queen. Wow, you think things are going bad for you now. Just wait." Parker gave the biker a wide, menacing grin.

  Logan moved over to Gavin and hoisted him to his feet. "Time to go, sweetheart," Logan said. As they moved Gavin out into the hallway, Oliver said, "Wait!"

  They stopped. Oliver purposely moved in front of Gavin and ripped back the tape across his mouth.

  Oliver said, "Tell me I'm a brainless bitch again. Go on. I want to hear you call me that one last time."

  Gavin's eyes were wide, his biker bravado long since evaporated. He was in full survival mode. "Honey, I'm sorry. I did all this because I love you. You know that. I wasn't going to hurt you. Please! Tell them to let me go! I'll never come back I swear it!"

  Parker grimaced in disgust. "Damn, man. Have some dignity."

  Oliver leaned in closer to Gavin. Logan and Parker braced him tighter. "Remember how you said I wasn't worthy of making decisions for myself? The right decisions?"

  Gavin looked at him pleadingly. He looked on the verge of tears.

  "Well, I just made a decision," Oliver said, and slid the tape back across Gavin's mouth. Oliver looked at Logan. "Go take out the trash, babe."

  Logan grinned. "Yes, dear," he said. He and Parker hauled Gavin out the door. It was night, and no one was around. Not that anyone would want to interfere. All his neighbors knew who Logan was. What he was.

  As they crossed the threshold Logan looked back at Oliver. "I'll be back later."

  Oliver grinned at him, "Promise me you will."

  "I promise on my patch, I will." They exchanged a knowing look. Then he and Parker muscled Gavin into the parking lot.

  In a few minutes, they had dumped and secured Gavin in the back of Parker's van. Gavin was not offering any resistance, but they were still wary of him. They shut the van door.

  Parker looked expectantly at Logan. "Now what? Quarry? Pig farm? Dogs?"

  Logan took a folded piece of paper from inside his jacket pocket. It was the one Bob, from the Evil Masters, had given him before. He looked at the number, lost in thought.

  When it appeared Logan couldn't decide, Parker made some more suggestions, "Cement shoes? Columbian neck tie? Buried alive in a coffin?"

  Logan shook his head. "No," he said, indicating the piece of paper. "We're going to take care of all our outstanding business in one go."

  Parker looked confused.

  A few hours later, at an old abandoned warehouse, Logan stood with Logan and Parker outside a closed inner door.

  Two other men were with them. Rough customers. Both somber.

  "Okay?" Logan asked the two newcomers. The one named Rocky nodded.

  "Yeah," Rocky said. "It's a good deal. Helps us both out. Bring our Clubs closer together. Good for business all around."

  Logan looked at Logan, who looked pleased.

  "Upper management will be happy," Logan said. That was all that was needed to take the next step.

  Logan nodded, and opened the door they stood beside.

  Inside a small room was Gavin, curled up on the floor. He blinked up as the men entered. His eyes instantly widened as he recognized the other two men.

  Rocky leaned down and tore off the tape on Gavin's mouth.

  "Rocky!" Gavin gasped. "What the hell? Tell me you made a deal to get me out of here."

  All the bikers laughed at this.

  Rocky shook his head at Gavin. "Yeah, you could say we made a deal here. And, yeah you could say you were a part of that deal. But not in the way that will make you happy."

  Gavin looked mortified, realizing what was happening. "What? What do you mean?" But he knew.

  Rocky said, "You screwed around with a neutral Club, using the Silver Hounds name. Used the Hounds name for your own benefit. That's bad, Gav. Real bad."

  Gavin looked around as if someone might come to his defence. "No! That's not what it was. Yeah, I was making moves, but nothing serious."

  Parker barked a laugh.

  Gavin kept babbling, "I can explain. We'll call a meeting. I'll set it straight I swear!"

  "It's already been set straight. In fact, we have your stupidity to thank. You see," Rocky motioned toward Logan, "we now are business partners with the Macabre Jesters. Something that might not have come about if it weren't for you."

  Gavin was making an effort to understand, to maybe twist the reality into something to his benefit. It didn't matter. "See? I made this happen. I'm important to the Club. To it all!"

  Logan shook his head and said, "Wow. What an idiot."

  Rocky said, "Gavin. I am here to inform you that your patch has been removed. Buried. You are no longer a Silver Hound." He put the tape across Gavin's face before he could respond.

  "That was part of our new business deal with the Jesters," Rocky said. He and the other Silver Hound pulled Gavin up on his feet. "The final part of this deal? Well, let's just say it is a requirement that you will no longer be in a position to mess with business. Ours, or anyone else's for that matter."

  And with that, the two Silver Hounds dragged Gavin out of the room, down a hall, and into the night. Gavin's muffled cries faded away.

  Logan looked to Parker and Logan. "Well, that worked out well."

  Logan was beaming. And he never beamed. Ever. He patted Logan on the back. "Well, done. That's how business is handled."

  Logan had winced at the pain of Logan's patting. He still had a unattended bullet wound to look at. But there had been no time with all the phone calls he had to make, and the deal wrangling he had to manage.

  But he agreed with Logan. Business was handled.

  "I'm glad to be of value to the Club," Logan said. The other two bikers laughed.

  "But right now," Logan said as he started walking away. "I have some other important business to attend to."

  "What's that?" Logan called after him.

  Logan grunted with pain, but still managed to reply.

  "I'm gonna go home to my man."

  Chapter 26


  Oliver watched as Logan left the Macabre Jesters Clubhouse with a tremendous sense of pride.

  His new man just finished up the weekly Club meeting, called 'church' and he looked even more cocky than when he had gone in.

  Oliver was leaning up against Logan's motorcycle. It was big, mean and at the same time, magnificent. Just like Logan.

  "Hey, handsome," Logan said to him as he approached, "You messing with my ride?"

  Oliver laughed. It felt good to do so. There no longer was a dark shadow across his life. Jus
t brightness. And Logan was the light.

  Other Macabre Jesters walked past and nodded at him. Oliver smiled back. Almost each one was greeting a guy by their motorcycles, too.

  "Everything cool?" Oliver asked him. He had been worried for him. At least a little. There was still some apprehension about whether Upper Management would take issue with how things were handle.

  Logan grinned widely. "All good. In fact, it went better than I thought it would. I was made Club Treasurer."

  Oliver cheered, and flung his arms around him and they kissed. He then pulled back a little and said, "That's great, babe. But what is a Club Treasurer?"

  Logan frowned, pretending to think. "I dunno," he said. "But it sounds important."

  They both laughed and kissed again. His passion for Logan knew no bounds. And Oliver knew, without a doubt that he felt the same way.

  Logan got on his motorcycle, and started the up the engine which sounded loud and angry. That noise always gave Oliver goose pimples.

  Logan looked up at him with a mischievous grin. "Need a lift, beautiful?" He shift forward exposing a spot on the seat behind him.

  Oliver crooked an eyebrow at him. "Is that where all your trophy boy toys sit?"

  "No," he said. His tone became more emphatic. "This is only for my boyfriend." He nodded his head behind him. "So, hop on."

  Oliver squealed with delight, then jumped onto the seat. He hugged Logan's large frame under his leather jacket tightly. He had never felt so damn happy in his life. And for the first time, he felt something else. Something deep and powerful.

  He deserved this.

  Logan cruised the bike through the Clubhouse lot, and turned off onto the road. Oliver enjoyed the sensation of the rumbling bike beneath him and the feel of his man against his chest.

  Then they rode off down the highway and into a new day.


  End. - But wait! I've added Rich Dick, A Billionaire Romance for you absolutely free. So please page ahead and start reading your BONUS novella!

  Rich Dick

  Billionaire Romance


  Kyle Jacobs

  Rich Dick, Billionaire Romance

  Table of Contents

  Back to Logan

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 1


  Gideon was going to kidnap his very first billionaire.


  Gideon stood on the deck of the Horizon II, and grinned into the wind. Beside him, Sannik, his right hand man, was steering the boat toward their next destination. It wasn't even nine in the morning, but they had already accomplished much in the last twenty four hours. There had been little short notice that the target would be in the area, and a mad scramble was the result.

  Gideon shook his head once. Such was the way of his work. Little notice, little time to prepare, and little consideration for the long list of things to be aligned for the job to actual be a success.

  But it would all be worth it.

  "There it is," said Sannik. His brow was furrowed with concentration, and perhaps a little fatigue. Gideon considered him a good lackey. Reliable. Not a whiff of complaint when things started to move quickly. Always reliable. Of course, even as a right hand man, Sannik was more than aware of the potential reward at the end of this little endeavour.

  Lifting a small pair of binoculars to his eyes, Gideon looked in the direction Sannik pointed.

  The profile of an island mottled the blue horizon, like a long dark beast pushing itself up from the depths of the sea.

  "Vadisha," Gideon said. It was not a question. Even though he had never set foot on it, he had studied every available detail of the place that he could in the last several hours.

  It was the intended destination of his target, and so now it was Gideon's. But seeing Vadisha, now, in all its South Pacific magnificence, gave a sort of solidity to what they were about to do.

  What he was about to do.

  "Martin!" he called out. "Front and center."

  From the below, a tall lanky man emerged from the open hatch. Even though the open area bridge was well covered from the blazing, morning sun, Martin squinted. Long hours of staring at monitors, no doubt.

  "Yes, sir?" Martin asked.

  "Any word, yet?" Gideon asked the group's technician. Although Martin could fire a gun as well, if not better, than the rest of them, the skinny man's magic with anything electronic made Gideon think of him as a techie first.

  Martin rubbed at his eyes, and shook his head. "Not, yet. Neither one has arrived at the harbor."

  Gideon frowned slightly, and blinked briefly up at the sun's location. Still too early. But that was fine. Things were almost in place. "Okay," he said. "Keep on it."

  Martin nodded once, then vanished into the maw of the boat. Below, were all of the accouterments of a lavish speed boat like this was expected to offer. Martin, with his array of gear and monitors, was set up in the dining area, claiming its table for himself. Once word arrived that the target was in play, things would get a whole lot more hectic.

  Just the way Gideon liked it.

  He felt a surge of adrenaline. The anticipation was building. Time for yet another double check.

  "Are the assets in position?" he asked Sannik.

  Sannik nodded. "All good, boss. Arrived before us. Everything is as tight as can be. And then some."

  Gideon nodded, but did not feel relieved. He had attempted to cover all his bases in the small amount of time they had, but he felt that it might not be enough.

  The billionaire, Cole Grant, was known for his vast intelligence, and business cunning. But Gideon did not think he had the toolkit to deal with being snatched up off a tropical island. Especially when he would not even be expecting it. All indications was that he was alone on Marrisha, the main island. But rich people can be paranoid. Especially very rich ones.

  Apparently, Cole Grant hadn't learnt that lesson yet.

  In a few short hours, he was about to.

  Sannik looked at the radar readout on a monitor. "Coming up on position one."

  Despite trusting Sannik's professionalism, Gideon found himself glancing at the radar. They had arrived at the coordinates.

  "Cut the engines," Gideon ordered. The engines burbled and died. Their constant grumbling over the last two hours were now replaced with the hard slapping of ocean waves against the boat.

  Sannik visibly relaxed a little. For the first time he allowed himself to sit in the captain's chair. The holstered pistol on his shoulder strap shifted with the movement.

  "It will be all good, my friend," Gideon told him. He could tell when his long time partner was getting nervous. This was a very big score for them. So big, it could very well be their last.

  "I know," said Sannik with a slight smile. "I just have... how do you say in English? Bees in my stomach?" He picked up his covered mug of coffee and took a sip. He grimaced. It was cold.

  Gideon laughed. "Butterflies. Butterflies in your stomach. That is okay. I have them, too. Go get some more coffee. You need the caffeine infusion. I got the helm."

  Sannik nodded, and took his cold mug down below for a much needed refill.

  Gideon stood before the ship's wheel even though it was unnecessary. They would not be moving from this spot for a while. From this vantage point they could easily monitor any ship approaching Vadisha from the main island. And, unless someone had direct business with an empty private island, with its abandoned resort, there should be none.

  Except for a billionaire.


>   He grinned at the potential size of the ransom they will get for Cole Grant. Not billions. Impractical. No, he would settle for several hundred million. Now that would be worth it. No more nickel and dime jobs. Just settle himself somewhere nice and hot.


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