Glenn, Stormy - Mating Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Glenn, Stormy - Mating Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Неизвестный

  Mating Heat

  Cort and Boone are best friends, working together and often loving women together. Taking a hot little blonde to a motel and sharing her is nothing new for them. The lingering thoughts of the woman are. Neither of them can stop thinking about her. When they discover Nix being held against her will, they jump into action, but it's not the kind they are normally used to. They are suddenly able to shift into huge, furry beasts.

  Confused and shocked, they take Nix home only to discover Nix is an Other, as in other than human. She has powers, a life force, and a need for deep secrecy. She belongs to a world Cort and Boone have never heard of but suddenly find themselves a part of. Their only problem? Someone else knows about Nix, and she's at the top of their list of most wanted. Cort and Boone and their friends have to plan fast and work even faster to save Nix and the others of their kind that are in danger. But first, they have to figure out who the bad guy is.

  Genre: Fantasy/Ménage a Trois/Quatre/Paranormal

  Length: 56,562 words


  Stormy Glenn


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2010 by Stormy Glenn

  E-book ISBN: 1-60601-975-9

  First E-book Publication: September 2010

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2010 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  With deep gratitude,

  Stormy Glenn


  To Liam, welcome to the family.



  Copyright © 2010

  Chapter 1

  Nix knew she drew every man's attention the moment she walked into the smoky bar. The rowdy noise that had caught her notice initially fell silent. She paused on the threshold for effect, a little smirk crossing her lips.

  Human males are so easy.

  Throwing just a little extra sway in her hips, Nix strolled across the smoky room to the wooden bar. She wasn't in the least bit surprised when a path opened for her, men and women alike moving quickly out of her way.

  "Wha—" The bartender choked. He cleared his throat, then tried again. "What can I get you, miss?"

  Nix pushed her long curls out of her face, wishing just once in her life that her long, blonde hair would do what she wanted and not fly all over the place. "What do you have that's really cold?" she asked in her sultriest voice.


  "You can't give a fine-looking woman like this a beer, Sam," said the first man brave enough to approach Nix, stepping up to stand next to her. "Only champagne for her."

  Nix knew immediately that he wouldn't do for her purposes. Besides the fact that he had an odd smell to him, she hated champagne. It always tasted kind of sour to her, and the bubbles just made her nose twitch.

  Nix raised one perfectly arched eyebrow as she turned to pin the offending man with her gaze. She just stared at him until he dropped his head and moved away. Rolling her eyes, she turned back to the bartender, only to find him staring at her as if he were a deer caught in headlights.

  She reached out and snapped her fingers in front of his face, jerking him out of his trance. "Something cold?" she asked again. Nix could see the effect her low, sultry voice had on the man when he dropped the mug in his hands, the glass shattering all over the floor. She just smiled.

  Usually Nix enjoyed the effect she had on men, especially human men. She would be lying if she said it didn't boost her ego when they fell all over themselves when she gave them just a hint of her attention. Tonight, it could be a benefit to her plans.

  Tonight, Nix had every intention of finding a human male and rocking his world. She would face the consequences of her actions tomorrow. Tonight, she just wanted to forget. While the bartender cleaned up the broken glass, then hurried off to get Nix something cold to drink, she turned to survey the room.

  Her prospects didn't look good. In fact, they looked downright dismal. Most of the men in the bar wouldn't even have garnered her interest if she didn't have an itch to scratch tonight.

  They were too mesmerized by her presence.

  Just once, Nix wanted a man who wasn't bowled over by her looks. Usually having a well-endowed chest and a tight, curvy ass, legs that went on forever, long, curly blonde hair, and deep blue eyes would be considered a blessing. Tonight? Not so much.

  Her looks were what had gotten in her into this mess in the first place. However, she wasn't above using them to get what she wanted, and tonight she wanted hot, steamy, fuck-me-until-I-can't-walk sex, and lots of it.

  With that thought uppermost in her mind,
Nix grabbed the drink the bartender set down on the bar and started moving through the room, taking measure of each man present. By the time she had made it halfway across the room, Nix already had thoughts of leaving.

  While she wanted for hot monkey sex with a complete stranger, a human at that, even she had standards. Between the smell of stale beer and cigarettes, the unshaven faces, and the leering looks she got, dismal might not even described her choices.

  Just as Nix started to turn toward the door, having every intention of finding a different bar, she heard a low chuckle. The deep rumble sent a shudder of delight through her body, starting at her head and ending in her toes and hitting every erogenous zone in her body on the way down.

  Nix set her beer down on the nearest table as she tried to hone in on the source of that chuckle. She tilted her head to one side and tucked her hair behind her slightly pointed ear. Then she waited.

  Her reward came a moment later when she heard the voice that belonged to her rumbling chuckle. It was quickly followed by an answering chuckle, this one just as low, just as tingly, and just as sexy.

  Both were coming from the low-lit area to the back of the bar. Ignoring the hands reaching for her, the crude voices calling out to her, Nix followed the sound of those chuckles. She was intrigued, and suddenly ravenously aroused.

  Nix passed several tables until she reached a small set of steps leading up to what seemed like a pool hall. Several men stood around a pool table. They were a rough-looking bunch, dressed as they were in jeans and leather.

  While several of them might have fit her purposes for that night, Nix was only interested in the two who had sent a shiver of lust through her body. And she spotted them almost immediately. They were impossible to miss.

  One leaned back against the wall, a beer bottle in one hand. The other hand hung on his belt loop by a thumb. Faded jeans clung to his long, thick legs. His dark auburn hair fell in soft waves to the collar of his white cotton shirt. His shirt stretched tight over his chest to the point Nix could make out every sculpted muscle.

  The other man leaned over the pool table, a pool cue in his hand, his entire concentration focused on the small round balls on the green felt top. From her vantage point at the entrance to the pool hall, Nix could just make out the dark chocolate brown of his eyes. Nix loved dark chocolate, and she certainly would mind finding out if he tasted just as good as he looked.

  What she wouldn't give to be standing behind the sexy man at this very moment. She had no doubt with the way he was stretched out over the pool table that his tight jeans would be molding his ass like a second skin.

  Nix wanted to see more, a lot more, and preferably without clothes. The beating in Nix's chest thudded faster, an unusual reaction for her. Usually, she was the one causing the rapid heartbeat. It was a sensation she wasn't sure she liked.

  Still, Nix wasn't about to give up an opportunity when it presented itself. And this one was waving bright, colorful flags all over the place. Nix expected to start hearing a band playing a “Hallelujah” chorus at any moment.

  Walking up the steps, Nix slowly stepped into the low-lit area. She knew the minute the two men spotted her. Hell, she knew the minute every man there spotted her. Instant arousal permeated the air like a thick cloak of fog. But Nix was only concerned with the interested glances from the two men she had in her sights.

  "Can I play?" she said, using her most seductive voice. It wasn't like she didn't know it sounded seductive. Men usually melted when she turned her voice on them. Back home it wasn't anything special. In the human world, it could bring a full-grown man to his knees.

  Nix was intrigued by the dark auburn eyebrow that arched at her words. It was quickly followed by a slow, easy grin crossing one man's lips that made Nix's knees shake. Nix had an immediate desire to find out what else those lips could do.

  "This is a mighty hard stick, honey," one man drawled lazily, indicating the pool cue in his hand, but they both knew he referred to something else. "Do you know how to handle a hard stick?"

  Oh yes!

  Nix placed both of her hands on the edge of the pool table and leaned closer to the man who had moments before been shooting. She squeezed her arms together just enough to push her breasts together beneath her red spaghetti-strap tank top, creating a whole lot of cleavage.

  "I've never played with a hard stick I couldn't handle."

  She leaned back and began a leisurely walk around the pool table. She trailed her hand along the hard wood until she stood between the two men. She wrapped her hand around the pool cue the man held in his hand, then moved her hand up and down slowly.

  "Of course," Nix said, raising her eyebrow in a challenge as old as time, "I'm hoping you can show me some good moves."

  Just to make sure the other man knew he was invited to the same party, Nix turned her attention to him. He wasn't smiling, but there was a decidedly interested glint in his eyes. "Do you play as well?"

  "I've been known to," the man replied in a deep Southern drawl that had Nix nearly creaming her jean shorts.

  She heard a snicker from behind her. "Well, hell, Cort, I'll teach the little lady how to play pool if you're not interested."

  Nix turned to glance at the man who had spoken. She looked him up and down, dismissing him as a candidate for her party plans. She was only interested in the two gorgeous men in front of her.

  Cort bent his head slightly forward. "Oh, I'm interested."

  Well, hot damn!

  "I think from the way that Boone is drooling that he's interested too, Cort," another voice called out. "What? Are you going to flip for her?"

  Nix glanced over at the man she had first talked to. He must be Boone since the other man was named Cort. She smiled as a sensuous light seemed to pass between the three of them. "Can't you both show me how to play?"

  Despite the laughter sounding behind her, the grin on Boone's face and the answering one on Cort's gave Nix the answer she wanted. She would be enjoying the luscious bodies of both men tonight.

  Nix felt a wave of uncontrollable lust pass through her as Boone looked her over seductively. If they had been anything but human, she knew they would be able to smell her want, her need.

  "Maybe the three of us could discuss the game over a drink?" Boone asked when his eyes finally came to rest on hers. The meaning of his gaze was obvious. Nix knew if she left she would be leaving with both men, and there would be no drinks involved.

  The implication sent waves of excitement through Nix. The closeness of the two men was like a drug, lulling her to euphoria. She happily nodded her head. "I'd like that. I'd like that very much."

  Nix glanced over at Cort to see if he was in agreement, surprised when he made no attempt to hide the fact that he was watching her and that he liked what he saw. A quiver surged through Nix's veins when she noted her effect on him. It was blatantly obvious in the large swell under the zipper of his jeans.

  Suddenly tired of the game they played and wanting to get down to the hot sex, Nix let her arousal show on her face. Her heartbeat skyrocketed at the nearly instant darkening of Cort's eyes.

  "Would you think badly of me if I suggested we go somewhere more private for that drink?" she asked, pouting her lips playfully and glancing back at Boone.

  "I'm game if you are," Boone said. He glanced past her to his friend. "Cort?"

  Without a word, Cort stepped forward. His hands slipped up her arms, bringing her closer to his hard body. In one forward motion, Nix was in his arms. She felt drugged by his clean, manly scent.

  The next thing Nix knew, she was being whisked through the bar and out the front door. Before she had time to catch her breath, Boone lifted her into a truck and climbed in beside her. A moment later, the driver door opened, and Cort climbed in.

  Nix didn't even wait until Cort had the truck started before she leaned across the seat and pushed herself against Boone's much larger body. Gathering her in his arms, Boone held her snugly. Nix felt his lips move across her che
ek, eagerly seeking her lips.

  A long moan of satisfaction fell from her lips when she finally felt Boone's mouth settle over hers. His closeness was so male, so bracing, Nix felt her skin prickle at his touch. This was what she had been looking for.

  Nix gave herself up to Boone's kiss, savoring the raw, masculine taste of his lips. She had no doubt, just from this one simple kiss, that Boone was going to be able satisfy the ache coursing through her body.

  He just better do it soon. Nix felt like her body was about to go up in flames. She scooted up in his arms, straddling his lap. Boone's hands instantly settled on her hips as he tried to pull her back into the kiss. But Nix wasn't having it. She had other places that needed to feel his lips.

  Nix grinned, then grabbed the bottom edge of her tank top and whipped it over her head. She felt like she would be forever grateful that she had gone without a bra when Boone's eyes nearly bugged out of his head and a wicked grin crossed his lips.

  He reached out and fondled one large globe, its pink nipple marble hard. Nix groaned at the burning touch. She grabbed his other hand and placed it against her other breast. She needed more, oh so much more.

  Her senses reeled as if short-circuited when Boone leaned forward and took her nipple into his mouth. His tongue running over the hard little nub made her quiver. Nix's head fell back on her shoulders as Boone switched nipples. Her heartbeat throbbed in her chest.


  Nix turned to see Cort watching the show from the driver's seat. The heat in his eyes as he gazed at her nearly naked body almost scorched her skin. She smirked, absently noting his tight grip on the steering wheel, then reached for the buttons on her jean shorts.

  She knew she couldn't fuck both men in a truck. Someone had to drive. But she could certainly tease them enough to ensure she got royally fucked by both men once they got to wherever they were going.

  Nix glanced up at the ceiling. Judging it to be tall enough, she scooted off of Boone's lap and stood up, bending over at the waist until her face was nearly in Boone's lap. She laughed at Boone's less than quiet protest when he reached for her and she evaded his grasp.


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