Glenn, Stormy - Mating Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Glenn, Stormy - Mating Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Неизвестный

  Sticking her ass out, Nix grabbed the edges of her shorts and slowly pushed them down her legs until they landed on the floor. She thought Boone's heart was going to beat right out of his chest when she straddled his lap again and his hands landed on her bare ass.

  Nix lowered her voice, being purposely seductive. "Now, show me how you play."

  She felt Boone's hands tremble against her naked skin as he began to slowly caress her. His hands moved over the curve of her ass and up past the hollow of her back to her shoulders, then back down again.

  Nix delighted in the feel of his callused hands on her body. Boone seemed to know just where to touch her to get her temperature rising to a fever pitch. Nix began to wonder if she was going to make it to their destination. She couldn't remember ever being this aroused this fast.

  "Touch me," Nix ordered, refusing to beg.

  Boone responded by arching his eyebrow at her, demanding words. Suddenly, she was lifted and swung around, her back coming to rest against Boone's muscular chest. Hands grabbed her legs and pulled them apart to rest on the outside of Boone's.

  Nix knew that the situation had moved out of her control and into Boone's when he moved his legs, spreading hers wide and opening her up to his questing fingers. Her body jerked with exquisite delight when Boone's fingers reached down to her hot center and gently moved against her clit.

  She reached her hands up to clench in his hair, holding on as Boone tortured her. Nix let loose with a low cry when Boone's fingers sank into her. She couldn't keep herself from pressing down on them, wanting more.

  "Damn, she's a hot little thing," Cort growled from the driver's seat. "How does she feel, Boone?"

  "Fuck, she's so wet, Cort," Boone said. "I think my fingers are going to burn off."

  "Gimme some."

  Nix cried out in protest when Boone pulled his fingers from her body, but the look in Cort's eyes when he licked the wetness off of Boone's fingers nearly had her coming right there and then. She knew it didn't matter if they hadn't reached their destination. She was about to get fucked.

  Cort growled low in his throat. Nix felt it echo throughout her body, hitting every nerve ending. Her hands clenched in Boone's hair. If she didn't get some release soon, she just might die from need. At this point, she wasn't above begging, and they hadn't even gotten to the good stuff yet.

  "Please," Nix begged, yanking on Boone's hair.

  "I think our girl's feeling needy, Cort." Boone chuckled.

  Nix liked being called their girl. It spoke to something deep inside of her, something she wasn't quite ready to address. But the words alone were enough to drive her arousal up another notch.

  Nix started moving her body against Boone's hoping to entice him to touch her again. She needed his touch as much as she needed her next breath. And she hadn't even addressed her need for Cort's hands on her body.

  When Boone's fingers sank back into her, Nix couldn't stop her long wail of delight or her body from arching into his touch. Boone's fingers began a rapid thrusting into Nix until she was nearly mindless with pleasure. They could have thrown her over the hood of their truck and fucked her on Main Street, and she would have begged for more.

  When Boone's fingers closed over her swollen nipple, Nix couldn't take the pressure anymore. Her body bowing out, hands grasping Boone's hair in desperation, Nix let her climax flood over her body. Her cries of release slowly died down to whimpers as she shattered into a million glowing stars.

  "Sweet hell!" Boone's broken whisper sounded in her ear.

  Nix barely acknowledged the hand that held her nor the sound of the truck coming to a stop. She couldn't. Shudders continued to rock her body as Boone relentlessly thrust his fingers into her.

  Another wave of pleasure built in Nix as she heard the door open. She opened her eyes to see Cort standing there right before he pulled her from Boone's arms and tossed her over his shoulder.

  Nix had just a moment to accept the fact that she was being carried bare-ass naked across a parking lot and into a motel room before a door was opened and she was tossed onto a large bed.

  Before Nix could complain at the rough treatment, her gaze was drawn by the two men standing at the bottom of the bed stripping their clothes of as if they were on fire. A giddy little giggle escaped her lips when they dropped their clothes to the floor and both dove onto the bed at the same time.

  Three sets of arms and legs tangled together before Nix found herself leaning back against Cort's chest as he rested against the wall. Boone crawled up between Nix's legs.

  Nix was in a maelstrom of pleasure. Passion pounded the blood through her body as Cort caressed her breasts, tugged at her nipples. His tongue began licking at the soft shell of her ear, his teeth nipping at the edge.

  "Do you know what I'm going to do to you, baby?" he whispered. Nix had an idea, especially when one of his hands moved down to caress her between her butt cheeks. Nix had never been particularly fond of anal sex, but tonight she was willing to try anything.

  Not to be left out, Boone spread Nix's legs apart. "I want to taste this sweet pussy," he said as he settled his mouth over her. Nix gasped in sweet agony as Boone's tongue began to thrust into her much as his fingers had in the truck.

  The dual pleasures were exquisite, almost mind-numbing. Nix's moans began to fill the room as she felt another orgasm fast approaching. The flick of Boone's tongue against her clit took what was left of Nix's control. She screamed out her release, Boone lapping up every drop of her juices.

  "I can't wait any longer," Cort ordered.

  Nix was awash in a mix of chaotic emotions and sensations. Her eyes fluttered a bit when she heard a soft rustling until Boone grabbed her legs and flipped her over.

  "You ready for me, baby?" Cort asked. She was more than ready, even if her arms and legs shook so hard that she thought they might collapse.

  Strong hands gripped her hips, lifting her over the top of Cort. Her legs settled on each side of his body, the apex of her thighs over his groin. Nix couldn't help but rub her slick folds over his hard cock. It just felt so good.

  The head of Cort's cock pushed against her, sliding over her clit and sending a shock of electricity through her. Nix was pretty sure if this continued for just a few more moments, she would come from this alone.

  When two slick fingers slid into her back entrance, Nix's body stiffened. She had to take several deep breaths before her body would relax and accept the fingers pushing into her. Once she did, the feeling wasn't actually that bad.

  Cort continued to rub his cock against Nix, almost distracting her to the fingers in her ass until Boone added a third one. Nix let out a gasp. She felt full but not as full as she knew she would be when Boone took her. She had seen the size of his cock earlier, and it was impressive.

  "Brace yourself, darlin'," Boone said from behind her, laughter filling his deep voice. Nix's breath caught in her throat when Boone pulled his fingers free and replaced them with his thick cock.

  Cort's hands gripped her hips at the same time. He lifted her up and impaled her at the same time Boone sank into her from behind. Nix's entire body trembled and became one large erogenous zone as the world exploded around her.

  Every soft caress, every little touch of Cort and Boone's lips on Nix's body increased the level of her arousal. Her skin burned. Her body ached. Her mind reeled. Cort and Boone were worshiping her body.

  Cort's hands explored Nix's thighs, then moved up to her taut stomach. They stroked the skin of her full breasts, outlining the tips. His fingers burned into her tingling flesh.

  Boone's hand caressed the rounded curve of her ass cheeks, then moved around her hips and down to where Nix's world was centered. Her hot, slick folds parted, and then Boone's fingers zeroed in on Nix's clit, stroking it to the tempo of his thrusts.

  Cort thrust. Boone withdrew. Boone thrust. Cort withdrew. Never once was she left unfilled or wanting. On and on it went until Nix didn't know where she began and they ended. She breath
ed in a deep, soul-drenching draft of air, then screamed as she came in long, surrendering waves.

  A moan of ecstasy slipped through Nix's lips. She was filled with an amazing sense of completeness. Loud roars of completion rang in her ears. Hard fingers dug into her flesh, and she was filled with the signs of both Cort and Boone's releases.

  Nix collapsed forward onto Cort's chest, her body melting against his as she succumbed to the mind-numbing sleep of a satisfied lover. Her last thought before she fell asleep was that she wanted to have these two remarkable humans again.

  Chapter 2

  Nix opened her eyes slowly trying to remember where she was. A pleasurable ache between her legs instantly brought forth visions of the two men who had, surprisingly, rocked her world. Who'd a thunk it?

  Nix hadn't. Cort and Boone had fulfilled every desire she had last night, and a few she hadn't even known about. The number of men, both human and Other, that Nix had actually had sex with could be measured in single digits, but of all of them, none had satisfied her like Cort and Boone had.

  She pushed herself up on her elbows and glanced around the room looking for her two lovers. She was a little annoyed that she couldn’t immediately spot Cort and Boone. She had plans to experience them again before she needed to head home.

  Pushing herself to the side of the bed, Nix stood and walked to the bathroom. She was surprised to find it also empty. A stroll through the room and a quick glance out the window told her that she had been abandoned by her two lovers.

  Nix was shocked at how much anger filled her. She stood there staring out the window at the empty parking spot that had been filled with their truck the night before, blank, confused at how shaken she felt.

  They were humans, not even Other. Didn't they understand the gift that Nix had given them the night before? She was Nixona Lissësúl, Princess of Dorthon. She was an elf Princess. Man flocked to her in droves, fought for her favor, died for her.

  How dare Cort and Boone leave before she gave them permission to do so? Nix spun to face the room. In a fit of rage, she waved her hands in the air. Pillows and blankets flew off the bed and pictures fell from the wall. Lamps smashed on the floor.

  Nix waved her hands over and over again until she felt a strange wetness on her cheeks. Nix wiped at the moisture streaming down her face. She stared down at her wet fingers in astonishment. She was crying.

  Nix sniffled. What was happening to her? She never cried. It was a sign of weakness, one that could be exploited by anyone from her world. And it would be, too. Those of her world would do anything to gain power and influence.

  Her confusion almost tangible, Nix walked over to sit on the edge of the bed. She wiped more tears from her face and stared at them. She experienced a gamut of perplexing emotions, everything from resentment to insecurity.

  Her head swirled with doubts. Why had Cort and Boone left her? She had been sure that they had felt the same mind-numbing passion that she had. Was she wrong? Had she not satisfied them in some way? Nix knew she had passed out from a passionate overload, but she had heard both Cort and Boone roar out their release.

  No man, human or Other, cried out like Cort and Boone had unless they had enjoyed themselves immensely. There were just some things that a man couldn't fake. Orgasms of that proportion were one of them.

  Nix breathed in shallow, quick gasps as she searched for a plausible explanation for her chaotic emotions. Why should she care so much that they had left before she woke? She had gotten what she wanted from them, hadn't she?

  She had gone looking for hot, anonymous sex. She had gotten exactly what she had wanted and then some. Cort and Boone were magnificent in bed. They weren't bad to look at, either.

  Maybe that was why she was so upset that they had left. She had wanted one more round with the two gorgeous men. Nix laughed at her own stupidity as she wiped the last of the tears from her eyes. She couldn't fault Cort and Boone from leaving after they had fucked. If she had wanted more, she should have said so. They were human, after all, and humans were complicated.

  Nix glanced around the room at the destruction she had wrought. She grimaced. She'd bet that the nightly rate didn't cover trashing the room. Nix waved her hands, watching as the pictures flew through the air to hang back on the walls. The pillows and blankets landed on the bed.

  She winced, filled with regret at the shattered lamps on the floor. Even her magic couldn't fix those. Nix carefully picked up all of the broken pieces and dropped them in the trash can in the bathroom.

  Back in the main room, Nix pulled her tank top and jean shorts back on. She glanced around the room one last time. Even if it was a cheap motel room, she doubted that she would ever forget it. You just couldn't forget a night like last night.

  Nix reached for the door handle when an ache deep inside her abdomen nearly brought her to her knees. Nix grabbed at her stomach as her mind clouded with uneasiness. The throb slowly abated. She took a deep breath and tried to relax.

  After several minutes, Nix reached for the door handle again. She cried out as another ache swept through her body, settling in her abdomen for a second time. Panic like she'd never known before welled in her throat.

  The sensation was almost debilitating as it grew. It started out as a low throb and continued to build until Nix wanted to cry out in sweet agony. It swept through her entire body but seemed to originate from her abdomen.

  Nix sank to the floor, swallowing with difficulty. Each small throb seemed to beat in time to her heartbeat. The faster she breathed, the faster the ache pulsed inside of her. It wasn't painful exactly, but it was incredibly uncomfortable.

  Nix pressed her legs together to relieve the ache. It just made it more severe. She rubbed her hand between her legs, crying out when the ache throbbed even more. Nix fell back onto the floor. She became nearly mindless as she pressed her hand against her inflamed clit.

  She could feel her breasts tingling against the cotton fabric of her shirt. Her pussy pulsed against the seam of her jean shorts. Nix suddenly cried out, her body arching as a powerful orgasm rocked her body. She lay there panting, the ache between her legs temporarily alleviated.

  A shudder passed through her. Nix had never had something like this happen to her. Sure, she masturbated when she needed to. Didn't all women? But to have been consumed so much with need that she ached? Never!

  Nix pushed herself up to lean against the wall. Her mind was in chaos as she tried to weigh the sequence of events. She knew if she just went over everything from the night before she would be able to figure this out.

  She had run from her home wanting just to find someone who could distract her for a little while and make her forget the mess her life was in. She had found Cort and Boone, who had both given her a night she would never forget. But they were human…weren't they?

  Sudden realization dawned on Nix. She felt screams of frustration lodge in her throat as the knowledge slammed into her. Nix, an elf Princess of Dorthon, had somehow mated with the two men she had slept with the night before. And she was in mating heat.

  * * * *

  "Cort," Boone began as he leaned back against the kitchen counter two days later, "I still don't feel right about leaving her all alone in that motel room."

  Cort rolled his eyes. Just once he wished that Boone wasn't so softhearted. He set his coffee cup down on the counter and stared across at Boone. "Boone, she was a hooker. You know as well as I do that once you're done, you leave."

  "Maybe she wasn't," Boone said quickly. "Maybe she just—"

  "One," Cort began, counting on his fingers, "she came into a bar dressed in almost nothing. Two, she came on to us like white on rice. She propositioned us. Three, she went to a motel room with two strangers and fucked them. Are you trying to tell me she wasn't a hooker?"

  "No, I guess not."

  Cort hated to see the disappointed look on Boone's face, but they both had to face facts. The woman they had been with was a hooker. She had to be. Granted, Cort and Boone
weren't bad-looking, but neither of them had women throwing themselves at them like she did.

  Hell, they hadn't even gotten her name, just piled into the truck, then motel room. Then they had piled into her. Cort and Boone had shared women before. They just hadn't shared a woman like her before.

  She had taken them both on. Everything that they wanted to do to her she had lapped up like a kitten with a bowl of cream. Cort would be lying if he said he hadn't wanted more. She had been a hot little thing.

  She had certainly rocked his world. Cort couldn't remember ever having come so hard in his life. He had felt his orgasm start in his toes and shoot up through his body, hitting every nerve ending he had until it exploded out of his cock.

  He wouldn't mind having another go at the woman, but he knew that his career didn't allow for repeat visits. It was too dangerous for all of them. Too many ears, too many eyes, all could be sitting back waiting to betray Cort or Boone. And that was a chance neither of them could take.

  "Boone, man, you need to get your head off that woman and back in the game," Cort said. "We need to go over the details of this mission with Dane before we have to leave."

  Boone nodded, as Cort knew he would. "Yeah, you're right. I still don't like it, but I get what you're saying."

  "Come on then. Dane's waiting for us," Cort said as he waved his hand for Boone to follow him. He heard Boone give a heavy sigh, then set his cup down on the counter. A moment later, Boone's heavy footsteps sounded behind him.

  Cort walked down the hallway to the office. He cautiously peeked around the corner to see what Dane was doing. Dane was not a man anyone snuck up on, not if he wanted to keep his head attached to his shoulders.

  Luckily, Dane seemed to be reading over some files on his desk. He didn't even look up from the file as he waved his hand for Cort and Boone to come in. "You might as well come in, jackass. I heard you coming a mile away. And shut the damn door behind you."

  Cort grinned as he stepped into the room. He walked over and sat down in a chair across from Dane. Boone followed right in behind him and shut the door. He sat in the chair next to Cort. Both men gave their entire attention to the man across from them, the boss man.


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