Glenn, Stormy - Mating Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Glenn, Stormy - Mating Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 11

by Неизвестный

  Cort suddenly grabbed Boone's hand and pulled it down, pressing it against his cock. "Does this feel like I'm upset about you kissing me?"

  Boone's eyes widened. His throat felt dry. His heart skipped a beat in his chest. The thin layer between his hand and Cort's hard cock did nothing to keep Boone from feeling how aroused the man was.

  "C-Cort!" he hissed.

  Cort wrapped his hands in Boone's hair and pulled him back in for another long, deep, passionate kiss. Boone fell into that kiss like a drowning man for a glass of water. He could feel Cort's cock jerk against his hand when he brushed his tongue over the man's lips. A deep moan came from Cort's throat when Boone squeezed him through his jeans.

  Boone all but melted right there on the spot. Cort was hard. Cort was hard and kissing him. Cort was hard and kissing him and enjoying it. Boone couldn't process his thoughts fast enough, so he decided not to and just went with what he was feeling, which was Cort's hard body pressed up against his.

  Boone pushed his legs between Cort's, pressing it tightly against Cort's hard cock. He wrapped his arms around Cort's hips and grabbed the man's tight ass, pulling him closer. Boone almost came in his jeans when Cort started riding his leg. It was so fucking hot!

  Boone's head dropped back when Cort started nibbling on his neck. He felt flushed, hot. He thought he might actually pass out. He never felt anything so good in all his life, thought it, yes, fantasized about it, definitely, felt it, not even in his wildest imagination.

  His vision blurred when Cort's hand pressed against his cock. He'd never—well, he just hadn't. "Cort," Boone whispered hoarsely as Cort's fingers roughly squeezed him through the denim of his jeans.

  Boone wasn't sure how much more of this he could take.

  "I can't wait to feel this big fucker pound my ass," Cort growled as he stroked Boone harder through his jeans.

  Yep, that's all it took.

  Boone cried out, his body bucking against Cort's as he filled his jeans with his release. The orgasm that ripped through him was so overwhelming that Boone felt his legs begin to tremble and knew they were going to collapse beneath him.

  "That is so fucking hot," Cort growled as he rode Boone's leg harder. "Touch me, Boone, make me come."

  Boone groaned. He'd fly to the moon if Cort asked him to. Boone grabbed the back of Cort's neck and pulled the man into another soul-searing kiss. At the same time, his hands fumbled with the button and zipper of Cort's jeans until he could slide his hand inside and grab the hard cock waiting for him.

  Bonne immediately started a quick, hard rhythm of stroking Cort's cock. Cort's body shook. Boone sucked the man's tongue into his mouth and stroked faster. He wanted to feel Cort come, he wanted to taste the man and lick him clean. He just plain out wanted anything that Cort would let him do.

  "Oh fuck, Boone," Cort groaned. "I'm so fucking close."

  Boone licked the side of Cort's neck until he reached his ear. "When I get you home, I'm going to fuck your ass so hard you won't walk for a week," he murmured into Cort's ear. "And when I'm done and you’re all melted into the mattress, I'm going to fuck you again just for good measure."

  "Oh fuck, Boone, yes!"

  Boone licked and nibbled his way around to Cort's other ear. "And if you're a real good boy, I might let you watch while I fuck Nix."

  Boone had no idea if he had that much stamina, but he could hope. As aroused as he felt, he was pretty sure he could pull it off. Just the image of fucking Cort, then Nix, into the mattress had Boone hard again.

  "Now, come for me, Cort," Boone demanded. "I want to taste you." As he said the last word, Boone leaned forward and bit the side of Cort's neck. He almost jumped and pulled away when his canines slipped down and sank into Cort's neck. He didn't know that could happen.

  Warm, sweet blood rushed across his tongue at the same moment that Cort cried out and filled his hand with hot cream. Boone stroked the man's cock a few more times as he slowly pulled his teeth from Cort's neck and licked the small wound closed.

  Cort panted. His eyes were dazed. Boone caressed the side of his face for a moment, then leaned in for a quick kiss, nipping at Cort's lips. He watched Cort carefully as he leaned back. "Watch me, Cort."

  Keeping his eyes glued to Cort's, Boone dropped to his knees. He pulled the edges of Cort's jeans back, then leaned forward and licked the seed off of the man's cock. He never took his eyes away from Cort's.

  "Fuck me!" Cort shuddered. His cock twitched as if it was thinking about coming back to life.

  "I'm going to," Boone promised. Once Cort was cleaned up, Boone tucked him back into his pants and zipped them back up. He stood to his feet and leaned in to kiss Cort again, sharing the taste of the man's seed with him. Looking into Cort's face again, Boone grew serious.

  "I started this when I kissed you, Cort, but you continued it right here," he said. "You can stop it if you want to. Just say the word, and I'll never mention it again. I'll never touch you again. I'll never even come near you again. But if you agree, I'm going to fuck you, kiss you, and touch you anytime I want, and I don't care who sees us."

  Boone's eyes roamed over Cort's stunned expression. He grimaced, starting to wonder what Cort's answer would be. Just once would never be enough for him, but if that's what Cort wanted, that's what he'd do.

  "I've waited too many years for this, Cort. It has to be all or nothing. You can't string me along. If you want me like this, then tell me, and I'm all yours." Boone took a deep breath. "If you don't want this, I'll understand. I'd never force it on you no matter how I feel. I'll walk away and never bring it up again."

  It seemed to take a million years before Cort answered. Boone held his breath the entire time. He tried to brace himself for disappointment, positive that Cort would tell him to go fuck himself. He just knew after all these years of wanting he wasn't going to have his fondest wish, no matter how much he hoped for it. Boone prepared himself to walk away.


  Chapter 10

  Cort watched Boone out of the corner of his eye as they drove up the driveway to the lodge. The man hadn't said a word after Cort had given him his answer, just nodded and climbed into the truck.

  Cort thought Boone would be happy with his answer. Now, he wasn't so sure. Boone's hands were gripped tightly around the steering wheel. His jaw was clenched. He looked pissed off more than anything.



  "Are you angry at me?" Cort asked. "Didn't you want me to say yes?" Cort braced himself with a hand against the dashboard when the truck suddenly slowed to a crawl and Boone stared across the cab at him.

  "Of course I wanted you to say yes," Boone said. "What? Are you having second thoughts?"

  "No, but you look like you want to rip my head off. You haven't even said a single word to me since I said yes. It's like you wanted me to say yes, and now that I have you're pissed at me."

  The truck rolled to a stop, and Boone pushed his hand through his hair, giving it what Cort felt was a just got out of bed look. It was very sexy in his opinion and did nothing to help him in his current situation.

  "Do you have any idea how long I've wanted you?" Boone asked, looking straight ahead.

  Cort shrugged. "You said about three minutes after you met me."

  Boone's mouth dropped as he turned to stare at Cort, then snapped shut. Boone chuckled. "Yeah, just about," he said. "Damn, I forgot I told you that."

  "So," Cort said as he waved his hand toward Boone's face, "what does that have to do with you ignoring me?"

  "Christ, Cort," Boone swore, "I'm not trying to ignore you. I'm trying not to nail your ass to the nearest flat surface. I've waited too many years for you. Now that you've given me the go-ahead, it's just about all I can do not to rip your clothes off and sink my dick into your ass. I'm trying to be—"

  Cort leaned over and slapped his hand over Boone's mouth. Boone's eyebrows shot up to his hairline. "Drive the fucking truck," Cort growled. "We'll get there faster."
  Cort yanked his hand away from Boone's mouth when he felt the man's tongue stroke across the palm. He went to say something, but Boone just winked at him and started driving down the driveway again.

  Glancing down at the young man still sleeping between them, Cort hoped they got everything at the house dealt with quickly. He wanted to get Boone and Nix alone and find out just how much trouble they could get into together.

  Boone pulled the truck up in front of the lodge and turned it off. He sat there silently for just a moment. Cort wasn't sure if the man was thinking or watching the people in the house. "Boone?" he whispered. "You okay?"

  Boone smiled over at him. "Yeah, I'm just fine, babe. Just trying to figure out how quickly we can get away from Dane."

  Cort stared, stunned to hear Boone call him babe. He never thought to hear a word like that come out of Boone's mouth, not when aimed at him. "You called me babe."

  Boone frowned. "Yeah, you have a problem with that? I don't have to call you babe if you don't want me to."

  Cort shook his head and chuckled. "No, it's fine. I just never thought I'd hear you call me something like that."

  Boone shrugged and opened his door to step out. He glanced back over his shoulder and winked at Cort. "Get used to it. I plan on calling you a lot of things. Nix, too."

  Cort still sat there in a daze when Boone walked around to his side of the truck and opened the door. He held out a hand. "Coming?"

  Cort unbuckled the unconscious man next to him and climbed out of the truck. Together, Cort and Boone carried the man up the front steps and into the house. They laid him on the couch, then turned to look at the curious face staring at them.

  Nix had an eyebrow arched as she glanced quickly between Cort and Boone. Cort gave her a slight nod. He was pretty sure she understood his silent message when she smiled and leaned back in her chair.

  Dane stood there with his arms crossed over his chest. He, unlike Nix, did not look happy. In fact, he looked downright pissed, and all of his anger seemed to be aimed at Boone. Cort felt his protective instincts rush through him. He took a slight step in front of Boone.

  "Careful," he growled in warning.

  Dane's eyes instantly dropped to Cort's neck. He felt like reaching up and covering the small bite mark in his throat, but he didn't. He wasn't ashamed of the mark. Hell, he'd shout it from the rooftops. It just felt too intimate at the moment.

  "Christ!" Dane exclaimed. He pushed his hand through his hair and turned away to stalk over to the window, staring out of it for several moments. He finally turned to glare at Nix, wagging his finger at her.

  "This is all your damn fault," he snapped.

  "I beg your pardon?" Nix replied angrily, jumping to her feet. "How is this my fault?"

  "Cort and Boone were just fine until you wiggled your butt in their faces," Dane said. "They did what they were told, and they didn't cause any problems." Dane waved his hand back to where Dane and Boone stood, their mouths hanging open in shock. "Now look at them. They're so busy trying to fuck everything that walks that they can't even listen to simple commands."

  Cort knew things were about to explode when Nix's hair began to blow around and not a single window or door was open to let in a breeze. He quickly crossed the room to put himself between Nix and Dane.

  "Okay, let's stop right there," Cort said quickly. "We're all on the same side here, and we need to work together." He glanced from Nix to Dane. "Don't you think we should be more interested in why we found another Other at the research facility rather than nipping at each other's throats?"

  Nix's hair slowly fell back into place, and she nodded, taking a step back. Cort let out a long, relieved breath and looked across the room to Boone. The man still seemed a little stunned, but Cort could see a twinkle of pride in his pale green eyes as well.

  "All right," Dane said as he turned to face Boone. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Tell us what happened, Boone."

  Boone shrugged. "It was kind of like I said on the phone," he said. "I saw a delivery van arrive. I went to investigate. I saw three men get out. They opened the back and pulled out a man that was clearly tied up and unconscious. All three men went into the building, leaving another man unconscious in the van."

  "And that's when you grabbed him?" Dane asked as he pointed to the man sleeping on the couch.

  Boone nodded. "The doors to the van were left slightly ajar. It wasn't until I got back to the truck that I realized it all happened too easily. When I searched him, I found a bug. That's when I called you. I think it was a trap."

  "That much is obvious," Dane snorted, "but why?"

  "Clearly they are trying to find out who is watching them," Nix said. "And I'd suspect they know we're Other as well. They might have even planted that bug on purpose so that one of us would find it."

  Dane's head swung over to Nix. "What do you know about this?"

  "I know enough," Nix snapped. "I've been telling you from the very beginning that Vasile is bad news. What do I have to do to get you to believe me? Deliver him on a silver platter with a damn apple shoved in his mouth?"

  "That would be nice, yes," Dane replied.

  Cort's mouth dropped open again. He burst out laughing. He couldn't help it. Dane and Nix had been going at each other's throats since the moment they met. Cort was starting to think that they did it because they enjoyed it so much rather than true disdain.

  Nix giggled. "I'll see what I can do."

  Apparently, Dane saw the humor of the situation as well. He didn't outright laugh like the rest of them, but he did chuckle and shake his head. "Okay, look, it's obvious that someone knows we're up to something. The question remains, do they know who, and what, we are, or do they just think we're investigating them?"

  "We can't exactly call them on the phone, but—"

  "We could go visit them," Nix piped in.

  Dane opened his mouth as if he wanted to argue but then suddenly snapped it shut. He stared at Nix for several moments, then began pacing. He'd pause every few steps and stare at Nix again, then start pacing. Finally, he stopped, his hands settling on his hips.

  "That's actually not a bad idea," Dane said. "They know we're watching them, but they may not expect us to break into their facility, especially if they don't know we're Other."

  "Not all of us are, remember?" Cort asked.

  "And that just might be the edge we need. Chase and Sal can watch the building and make sure they are seen watching the building. The rest of us can break into the building while they are watching Chase and Sal."

  Cort arched an eyebrow. "That actually is not a bad idea."

  "Glad I could think of it," Nix snorted, which was not an attractive feature on the woman. Cort reached over and wrapped his arm around her neck and pulled her into his arms. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

  "Be nice, Nix. You've proved your point."

  "I want to go and help," Nix said as she snuggled into Cort's embrace.

  "No!" Dane snapped as he waved his hand in the air in a cutting motion. "Absolutely not. A mission is no place for a woman. She could be seriously injured or—"

  "So could you." Nix flicked her wrist, and Dane flew across the room. Luckily, he hit the couch and landed with a thud. He was on his feet in seconds, rushing across the room toward Nix. Cort could see the anger burning in his eyes.

  Cort rolled his eyes and stepped in front of her. He held up a hand to stop Dane. "Now, Dane, don't lose your temper. Nix was just—"

  "Just acting like a child."

  Cort snapped his head around to stare at Boone in shock. He couldn't believe that Boone would take Dane's side against their mate. "Boone!"

  "Oh please," Boone said. "How is Nix ever going to get Dane to take her seriously if she keeps throwing a temper tantrum every time he says something she doesn't like? It might help if Dane stopped treating her like a wilting wallflower, but come on."

  Cort snapped his head back.

  "I get it that Nix has so
me extraordinary abilities, but she needs to know when to use them, and that is not against our friends. How can Dane ever take her seriously if she keeps flinging him across the room?"

  "Right!" Dane shouted.

  "And you, if you would stop treating her like a two-year-old, she just might stop throwing you around," Boone said. "It's obvious to me that Nix is a lot more than just a pretty face. Give her some credit for having brain cells."

  "Well, if she would just—" Dane protested.

  "Just what, Dane?" Boone asked. "What exactly does Nix need to do to earn your respect? She's not going to disappear any time soon. She's mated to Cort and I, and you're just going to have to get used to that. She's not leaving."

  Cort wasn't sure what Nix thought of Boone's words. They never discussed living arrangements. There hadn't been time. Cort bit his lip and turned to face Nix just in time to see her fly across the room and jump into Boone's arms.

  He cocked an eyebrow at the man as he caught their mate. "Guess she likes that idea."

  "I'm thinking so." Boone chuckled as he hugged Nix to him. "I'm also thinking that taking Nix with us on this mission isn't such a bad idea."

  Dane immediately started to protest. Boone held up his hand to stop him. "Just hear me out. Nix has some abilities that none of us have. Add that to what we can do, and we make a pretty good team. She also knows what this asshole Vasile looks like. We don't."

  Dane threw his hands up in the air. "Fine, the Princess can go." He pointed a finger at Boone and Cort. "But if anything happens to her, I'm holding both of you responsible. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"

  Cort and Boone nodded.

  "Fine," Dane said. "I want everyone back here in full gear in two hours. Cort, Boone, you two need to find something for Nix to wear, something that won't make her stick out quite as much as that outfit does."

  "What's wrong with my outfit?" Nix asked as she looked down at the long shirt and jogging pants Boone had loaned her. The simple cotton shirt hung down almost to her knees. The jogging pants were rolled up at her ankles several times. She looked like a kid playing dress up.


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