Glenn, Stormy - Mating Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Glenn, Stormy - Mating Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 12

by Неизвестный

  "Baby, its fine for wearing around the house but it's not exactly what you want to wear on a reconnaissance mission," Boone said, his amusement clear in his voice. "You'd stick out like a sore thumb."

  "Oh," Nix said.

  Cort chuckled and walked over to pat Nix on the shoulder. "Come on, baby, let's go play dress-up."

  Nix snorted, but followed Cort. "You know I could hurt you for that statement?"

  "Would you have preferred if I said let's go play undress instead?" Cort asked.

  Nix laughed. "Yes."

  Cort reached back and wrapped his arm around Nix, swinging her up into his arms. "Then come with me, love, and we'll play undress."

  Cort carried Nix into the bedroom, jumping when the bedroom door slammed behind him and he turned to see Boone turning the lock. He arched an eyebrow at the man as he let Nix slide slowly down his body.

  "You didn't think I was going to miss out on this, did you?" Boone drawled as he walked across the room to stand beside him. Boone's hands starting sliding over Cort's body. He nuzzled Cort's hair. "I made you a promise in the truck, remember?"

  Cort's head dropped back, giving Boone's lips access to his neck. "I thought we were supposed to be getting clothes for Nix?" He panted heavily. God, Boone's lips felt like heaven against his skin.

  "Nix, take off your clothes so we can measure you for the right fit," Boone said. "We wouldn't want to get the wrong clothes for you."

  Nix giggled. "Oh yeah, that would be real bad," she said as she pulled her shirt over her head. A moment later, she pushed the jogging pants down her legs, then stood there naked before both Cort and Boone.

  "Now, isn't that a pretty sight, Cort?" Boone whispered in Cort's ear. Cort stared at Nix's lush body, swallowing hard past the lump clogging his throat.

  "Fucking perfect," he said hoarsely.

  "What would be perfect is if the two of you got just as naked as me," Nix purred. She pushed her long, blonde curls back from her face and sauntered over to stand in front of Cort. He barely kept his body from trembling in full-blown lust when she started dragging his shirt up his chest.

  Boone didn't seem to be much help either. Cort could feel the man assisting, pulling his shirt up over his head. He was a little surprised, and jerked, when he felt Boone's naked chest press against his back.

  "Sorry," he said, flushing, "this is going to take a little getting used to."

  "Cort, there's no right or wrong here," Nix said as she cupped the side of his face. "Just go with what feels natural, what feels good. We'll fill in the spaces later."

  "I still can't believe that you're so easy about all of this, Nix."

  Nix smiled. "Are you or Boone going to stop wanting me? Stop loving me?"

  "Not in this century," Cort replied.

  Nix's eyebrow arched. "Did I forget to mention that our kind live very, very long lives? A century will just be the honeymoon period. We have a lot of years in our future."

  "Not in this lifetime?" Cort tried again.

  "That's good enough for me," Nix said before she stood on her toes to kiss Cort. It was a kiss for Cort's welcoming heart to sink into, filled with love and promise and passion. The feeling of Boone behind him, planting little kisses along his neck only inflamed Cort more.

  Cort was groaning by the time Nix pulled back. Between the feeling of Nix's soft body in front of him and Boone's hard body pressing in from behind, Cort was just about ready to come all over the floor.

  "I have a suggestion if I may offer it," Nix whispered.

  Cort frowned, a little uneasy by the twinkle in her eyes. He still nodded.

  "In all of the times that you and Boone shared someone, you've never had the chance to touch each other the way you really want to," Nix said. "Why don't the two of you go lie down on the bed and explore a little while I get the lube out of the bathroom?"

  Cort turned to look at the bed. It loomed there in the room, as large as life. He could feel Boone standing stock still behind him, waiting for his reaction. It wasn't that he was scared of having sex with a man, because this was Boone. Cort was scared of disappointing Boone. He was terrified, in fact.

  While it all sounded pretty easy in the light of day, when he really got down to it, he didn't know a thing about pleasuring a man and certainly not someone he cared about.

  "Cort." Boone spoke softly as he rubbed his hands up and down Cort's arms. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to. I told you that I would never do anything that made you uncomfortable."

  "It's not that, Boone," Cort said quickly. "I want to be with you. I just—"

  "Just what?" Boone asked.

  "I don't know if I'm going to be enough for you." He rubbed his hand down his face and took a deep breath. "Hell, Boone, what do I know about being with a man?"

  "Probably as much as I do, which is exactly nothing." Boone chuckled as he waved over to where Nix stood with a bottle of lube in her hand. "Nix seems to know more about this than either of us. Maybe we should just let her direct the show."

  Cort chuckled along with Boone, suddenly feeling better. He grabbed the hand that Boone held out to him and pulled the man into his arms. "Thank you," he whispered. "It's nice to know I'm not the only inept moron around."

  "You're not inept, Cort, just scared," Boone said. "So am I. I have the same misgivings you do. You have to remember, I've seen you in action. I know what it takes to get your ass off. And I don't know if I will have the skill to do it."

  "You have already," Cort replied. "In the truck, remember?"

  Boone slowly grinned. "Yeah, that was sexy as hell."

  "What's this?" Nix asked as she stepped forward. "You two already got it on?"

  "I wouldn't say we got it on necessarily," Cort replied, "just that we had a little rub-off."

  "Ooohhh, that sounds incredibly sexy," she crooned. "I wish I had been there. It sounds like the two of you had quite the time. Maybe we can reenact it, hmmm?"

  "You are fucking amazing," Cort said. He couldn't believe how supportive Nix was being of him and Boone being together. He didn't know of another woman who would act this way.

  "Of course I am." Nix smirked. "I'm a Princess."

  Cort reached and grabbed Nix's arm, pulling her into the tight little circle he created with Boone. "You're our Princess."

  "Yes," Nix whispered. She leaned up on her toes and kissed first Cort, then Boone before grinning at them both. "Now," she said as she trailed her hand down each of their chests, "why don't we see how beautiful the two of you look loving on each other?"

  Cort smiled and turned to climb up onto the bed. He scooted up near the headboard and lay back on the pillows to watch Boone finish getting undressed. Nix giggled and jumped onto the bed, crawling right up to lie next to Cort.

  Boone was breathtaking, all tanned skin and tight muscles. The thick erection jutting out and up from Boone's groin was slightly darker than the rest of him, small droplets forming on the head. Cort licked his lips as his gaze raked over the man. Hot damn! He was one lucky son of a bitch.

  Cort crooked his finger at Boone, the man arching an eyebrow at him in return. "Come here, gorgeous."

  Boone bounded onto the bed and crawled up to lie down on the opposite side of Cort from Nix. Cort moaned as the man's hand grazed down his chest to wrap around his aching cock.

  "Who gets this," he asked as he stroked Cort's cock several times, "me or Nix?"

  "I'm up for anything, but I've really been thinking about that promise you made me earlier," Cort said. He reached down and grabbed Boone's cock in much the same manner as Boone had him. "You promised to fuck me into the mattress, remember?"

  Boone grinned. "I do seem to remember something about that."

  Nix held up the bottle of lube in her hand. "This will help."

  Boone took the bottle and flipped the cap open. Cort held his breath as he watched Boone squirt lube out on his fingers, then close the lid and toss the bottle onto the bed. Boone's face held trust and love and anticipa
tion, and it took the rest of Cort's breath away.

  "How do you want this, baby, on your back or your hands and knees?" Boone asked.

  Cort thought about it for a moment. "I'd really like to see your face, but I also want Nix involved with this," he said. "If I'm on my hands and knees, I can get me a little of this." Cort reached down and cupped his hand around Nix's slick folds. Nix moaned and arched toward him.

  "I think that's a splendid idea." Nix quickly moved over and lay down on her back, spreading her legs. She crooked her finger at Cort. "Get your ass over here, pretty boy."

  Cort chuckled and rolled over, settling his body between Nix's thighs. He scooted back on his hands and knees, sticking his ass in the air, then leaned down and stroked his tongue over Nix's clit. Nix's body shuddered, her hands clutching at Cort's hair.

  "Oh yeah, just like that," she moaned.

  Cort went to town on Nix's pussy, wanting her to feel the same level of passion that he did. Nix had been instrumental in getting him and Boone to open their eyes to the possibilities between the three of them, and she deserved a reward.

  As much as he imagined it, though, he wasn't ready for the electrical shock that shot through him at the feel of Boone's slick fingers stroking across his puckered entrance. Boone's fingers pressing into his ass was even better.

  But then Boone touched something else, and Cort's eye's nearly rolled back into his head as pleasure unlike any he'd ever experienced rolled through him. Cort thought he might explode right that moment.

  "Holy fucking shit!" he exclaimed.

  "Cort?" Boone whispered softly, concern filling his voice.

  Cort turned to grab Boone by the arm, pulling him down. He reached for the bottle of lube. "Dude, you have got to try this. It's fucking amazing."

  Cort had the bottle open and his fingers lubed up in a matter of seconds. He turned to give the same touch to Boone, only to find the man staring at him, his mouth hanging open. "What?" he asked.

  Boone just shook his head and chuckled. "You're like a kid in a candy store."

  "Yeah, well, bend over, lollipop," Cort directed. "You'll thank me, I promise."

  Cort waited until Boone was kneeling on his hands and knees, his face buried in Nix's pussy, then slowly pressed his slick fingers into Boone's ass. Boone was tight, which didn't surprise Cort. It did make his cock jerk and leak little drops of pre-cum, anticipating what that tightness would feel like wrapped around him.

  Cort tried to remember how he'd prepare a woman, slowly moving his fingers in and out of Boone's tight grip, then moving faster and faster. He spread his fingers each time he pushed in, widening Boone.

  Cort frowned. Boone still hadn't shouted out like him. Maybe he wasn't doing it right? Cort started to move his fingers around like he'd felt Boone do, hoping to spark the same response from his lover that he'd given. If he could just…

  Boone suddenly cried out. His body stiffened for a fraction of a second before he started thrusting backward, impaling himself repeatedly on Cort's fingers.

  "Holy fucking shit!"

  Cort grinned. "Told ya."

  "Yeah," Boone panted heavily, "but I had no idea. This is—fuck, Cort!"

  "It would be my pleasure," Cort said as he pulled his fingers out of Boone. He scooted up behind the man and grabbed his cock, lining up the head with Boone's puckered hole. "And, hopefully, yours too."

  "Wait, wait," Boone said quickly, his hand reaching back to grip Cort's leg.

  Cort frowned, wondering if Boone didn't want this. Maybe Boone wanted to be on top and didn't—

  "Let me get into Nix first."

  Cort's relief was almost tangible. While he didn't mind being on the receiving end on occasion, he also wanted to be on the giving end of things too, and not just with Nix. But the wait was excruciating. It felt like forever when it was truthfully mere seconds.

  Finally, Cort heard Nix groan, and Boone patted his leg. "Okay, babe, we're good to go." Cort drew in a deep breath and slowly pushed his cock into Boone. The pleasure was mind-blowing. Boone's body took Cort in like he'd been made to be there.

  When their bodies finally came together, Cort's groin flush with Boone's ass, Cort paused his movements. He could feel every ripple of Boone's muscles massaging him in a tight grip of hot silk.

  "Fuck me, Boone," Cort groaned.

  Boone chuckled, his chest rumbling. "I'd prefer that you fucked me."

  Cort grinned and smacked Boone's ass cheek. "Shut up."

  "I'm just saying—" Boone's words were cut short by the deep groan he gave as Cort started moving. "Oh God, that feels good."

  Cort moved faster, spurred on by Boone's words. He could feel Boone moving in and out of Nix beneath him. Their movements were a little erratic in the beginning, but then they suddenly seemed to find the perfect rhythm, moving together to the delight of them all.

  Nix's cries grew louder. He could see her flushed face just beyond Boone's shoulder and reached out for her. Nix grinned and reached up to entwine her fingers with his. Cort anchored their clasped hands on Boone's shoulder.

  He knew the moment Nix climaxed. Her facial features stiffened and her hand tightened around Cort's. A loud cry fell from her rosy red lips and filled the room, driving shards of deep need through Cort's body.

  When Boone suddenly shouted out and his inner muscles clamped down on Cort's cock, that was all it took. Cort's entire body become rigid as a wave of pleasure blanketed him. He thrust into Boone once more, then gave himself over to the ecstasy, crying out as he erupted and filled Boone's body with his seed.

  It was with a lot of regret that Cort pulled free of Boone's tight grip a few moments later, but he wasn't sure how much longer his shaking legs would hold him. He dropped down onto the mattress on one side of Nix. A moment later, Boone collapsed on the other side.

  Cort lifted his head and looked across at Boone, curious to know how his mate looked, how he felt. Had Cort pleased the man? It was hard to tell. Boone's face was nestled into the curve of Nix's neck.

  "Boone?" Cort whispered softly. He almost jumped when Boone's eyes popped open. Cort's heart started beating faster as a wide grin crossed Boone's lush lips. Boone looked a little flushed, his cheeks reddening.

  "Love you, Cort."

  Cort felt tears gather in the corner of his eyes. In all of the dreams he'd had since discovering he might want Boone as more than a friend, he never imagined that Boone would actually love him. Want him yes, love him, no. It made him feel warm like sunshine blossomed from inside of him.

  "Love you, Boone."

  Boone grinned. Cort eagerly grabbed the hand that Boone held out to him, then looked down at the beautiful woman between them, the one who had given him everything he never knew he wanted.

  "We love you too, Nix."

  Chapter 11

  Nix opened her eyes to find Boone and Cort both looking down at her. Their eyes sparkled with so much emotion that her heart jolted and her pulse pounded. They looked like they really meant what they said.

  Nix had hoped but hadn't really thought it would happen. She'd seen the connection between Boone and Cort and knew that they belonged together. She never really believed that they would feel the same about her. The thought that they might brought tears to her eyes.

  "Nix?" Cort asked, worry in his voice. "Don't you want us to love you?"

  Nix sniffled and smiled. She cupped the side of Cort's face. "More than anything in the world. I just—"

  "Just what?" Boone asked.

  Nix shrugged. "No one has ever loved me just for me. I'm a Princess. My family has money, connections, royal titles. I've always known that was more desirable. People befriended me or told me they wanted me because of what I was born into. No one has ever wanted me just for me."

  "We do," Cort said firmly. "Boone and I couldn't really give a shit about your title, your connections, or your money. We want Nix, the feisty little elf that walked into that bar and propositioned us and made our dicks ache."

ix watched Cort sputter and groan, his eyes falling closed, when she reached down and grabbed his sedate cock. "I like it when your dicks ache."

  "You're going to kill me," Cort whispered as he opened his eyes to look down at Nix again. "You do realize that, right? If I came every time you or Boone turned me on, I'd die of dehydration."

  Nix giggled. "You'd die with a smile on your face."

  She eagerly accepted the kiss Cort placed on her lips, swiping her tongue across his. The slight shudder that raced through Cort's body at the small caress thrilled Nix right down to her toes.

  "I can think of a lot of better ways to put a smile on my face," Cort said.

  "Later, dude," Boone said as he smacked Cort's hip. "If we don't get dressed and ready for this mission, Dane's going to have our asses in a sling."

  "A sling?" Nix mused as she watched her two mates climb from the bed. "Have either of you ever tried a sex swing? I hear they are all the rage." Nix giggled when both Boone and Cort stopped to look at her. She rolled to the side of the bed and stood up. "It hangs from a hook in the ceiling, and there's this little seat that one person sits on. There are also straps for your legs, feet, or thighs, whichever you want. However, it gives the other person easy access and the ability to move the one in the swing however they want."

  Nix brushed her hands over the two growing cocks as she walked passed her mates. "I hear they can be a lot of fun." The stunned, but curious looks on Boone and Cort's faces made her laugh as she walked into the bathroom. "Maybe we should think about getting one?"

  Nix felt giddy. She knew both Boone and Cort had been around the block more than a few times. Men like them didn't go long without some sort of sexual encounter. But they just seemed so oblivious to the things that they all could enjoy together.

  Nix hadn't experienced a tenth of what they had, and she knew it, but she certainly read a lot and fantasized even more. She wanted to experience every little thing she could think of with her two men, no holds barred. She just hoped they didn't think she was a slut in the process.

  Nix quickly cleaned herself up, then walked back into the bedroom. Boone and Cort were just lacing up black combat boots, both men sitting on the side of the bed. She watched for a moment, marveling at how each man's movements were mirrored. It was like they were twin images of each other, their actions exactly the same.


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