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Glenn, Stormy - Mating Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 14

by Неизвестный

  "Look," Dane said as he stepped over, "I know you have questions, and we'll answer them, but we need to do it back at the compound. There is no way someone didn't hear the Princess throw her little temper tantrum, and we need to leave."

  "Nix!" Boone and Cort both warned as she turned to glare at Dane. Boone shook his head as Nix crossed her arms over her chest. Dane just didn't seem to get the picture where Nix was concerned. She could obviously wipe the floor with the man, and yet he continued to insult her. One of these days, Boone and Cort were just going to stand out of the way and let it happen… just not today.

  "All right, let's go," Boone said as he grabbed Nix's arm and started for the door.

  "Hold on," Cort said, "I think we need to take some evidence with us, proof as to what is going on here."

  "What evidence would that be?" Dane scoffed as he waved his hand at the mess. "Your little Princess pretty much destroyed everything."

  Boone rolled his eyes.

  "There has to be something," Cort insisted as he waved his hands around at the room, "the clipboards, some medical files, some evidence of what they were doing here. We're going to need proof, or we'll just look like lunatics out to get this guy."

  Dane shrugged and walked toward the large pile of debris on the far side of the room. Boone felt Nix cringe in his arms as Dane dropped several pieces of medical equipment on the tile floor. It made a loud clang that vibrated through the room.

  Boone thought Dane might have enjoyed the loud noise a little too much from the small smirk on he spotted on the man's face. Dane, of all of them, knew exactly how powerful Nix could be, but he seemed to dismiss it like she was filing her nails.


  Boone looked over when Cort let out a loud exclamation. The man was rooting around in a filing cabinet against one wall, pulling files out and stacking them on top of the cabinet. "What did you find, Cort?"

  "I'm not sure," Cort said as he briefly glanced over, "but I guess we can just take all this shit with us and figure out what it is when we get home. Whatever we don't need, we can burn."

  Boone nodded and started searching for something to carry all the files in. His eyes landed on a plastic box lying on its side in the corner. He quickly crossed over to it and dumped out the sheets folded inside before carrying the box over to Cort.

  Together, Cort and Boone gathered as many files as they could, placing them in the white plastic box. Cort picked up the box and Boone went back over to grab Nix's arm. She still seemed a little dazed, her eyes kind of glossy as she looked around the room.

  Boone started to worry about his mate until she leaned against him, rubbing her face over his collarbone area. Her hands clutched at Boone's shirt almost desperately as small shudders passed through her body.

  "I'm scared, Boone," she whispered.

  Boone hugged her tight, lightly kissing the top of her head. "I know, baby, but Cort and I won't let anything happen to you."

  "I'm not worried about anything happening to me, Boone," Nix said as she raised her pale face to look up at him. "I'm worried about what I might do to someone else. I don't know if I can control these powers. I've never been this strong before. What if I hurt you or Cort, hell, even Dane?"

  "We won't let that happen, Nix."

  "How can you stop it?"

  "We stopped you before, didn't we?" Boone asked. "You listened to me, to Cort, when we called to you. We have no reason to believe you won't listen to us again."

  Nix didn't look convinced. Boone wasn't sure he was either, but his words were the truth. As soon as he started talking to Nix, she stopped. He had to hold on to the hope that either he or Cort could get through to her if Nix had another meltdown.

  "We'll work it out, baby, promise," Boone said as he drew Nix back into his arms. He would be lying if he said he wasn't just a bit freaked out by the power of the woman he held in his arms. It would be an even bigger untruth to say that it meant shit to him. Boone wasn't giving Nix up, not for love or money or freaky powers.

  "Come on, Nix, let's head home," Boone said as he stepped back and stroked his hand down her arm to grab her hand. "I'll treat you to a nice bubble bath and get all that black makeup off your face, maybe have a glass of wine, okay?"

  Nix arched a perfectly trimmed dark blonde eyebrow. "Are you trying to get me drunk so you can take advantage of me?"

  "No." Boone chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, bumping hips with Nix. "I'm trying to get you drunk so Cort can take advantage of you. Then I'm going to take advantage of him."

  * * * *

  Boone didn't heave a sigh of relief until they climbed into their truck and drove out the driveway of the research facility. He watched in the side mirror for several miles to assure himself they hadn't been followed.

  Getting out had been much easier than getting in. Besides the fact that Sal and Chase had been informed of the situation and watched their backs, the guards were still unconscious. They also were no longer searching for answers.

  When he was sure they were not being followed, Boone leaned back in his seat and turned to look at Nix, then Dane. "So, start talking. I want to know about these powers and how you have them. What did you mean you gain them from the world around you?"

  "The world is filled with energy," Dane began, looking reluctant but resigned to telling Cort and Boone what he knew. "Everything has energy in it, living energy. Others are taught to tap into those energies, to use them and control them."

  "You're talking, like, ley lines and shit, right?" Cort asked.

  "That is one form of energy, yes, but there are many more." Dane seemed to draw in a deep breath as he thought for a moment. "You need to understand, we believe there is energy in everything, even a rock or a handful of earth. Harnessing that energy is easy. Controlling it is not."

  "And what Vasile is doing?" Boone asked. "How can he draw energy from an Other if it's all around us? Why would he? Wouldn't it make more sense to just draw in the energy from the world around us instead of killing Others?"

  "Once an Other has taken in that energy, it stays with them until they use it. However, there is always a residual amount of energy left over, like a stain. Over time, the stain from all that energy builds up until the Other no longer needs to draw energy from the world around them. They produce it on their own."

  "Shit!" Cort exclaimed.

  "Something like that." Dane nodded.

  "You've heard of auras, right?" Nix asked. Boone looked down at her when she lifted her face.

  Boone frowned, nodding even though he was confused as to what that had to do with the conversation. "Sure, hasn't everyone?"

  "Everything has an aura, even trees and rocks and dirt. It's their life force. When Vasile draws the energy from Others, he's taking away their aura, or life force, and adding it to his own."

  "And this means what?"

  "It means that he's drawing the life force away from Others, killing them each time he does it," Nix said quietly, sadly, "and therefore making himself stronger."

  "Which pretty much means we're fucked," Dane said grimly.

  Boone didn't know quite how to reply to Dane's words. Was there really anything he could say? Some lunatic with some machines was harnessing the powers of Others, thus killing them in the process and becoming so strong they might not be able to stop him. Could they stop him?

  Boone turned to look back at Dane. "Can Vasile be stopped?"

  Dane drew in a deep breath, let it out slowly, then nodded his head. "He can be stopped."

  "But?" Boone knew there was a but. He could feel it.

  "But to do it, it may cost us our lives. If he's been stealing the life force from Others, then he's grown very strong."

  Well, didn't that put a dent in Boone's plans to spend a long and fruitful life with Cort and Nix. "There has to be a better answer," Boone said. "I'm just not willing to accept that."

  "Well, hotshot," Dane snapped, "I'm willing to listen to suggestions."

  "Kill him!

  Boone quickly looked at Cort in surprise. He watched Cort drive down the road despite the words he'd just spoken so casually about killing someone. He didn't even look disturbed by his words.

  "I'm not real sure that's the answer, Cort."

  Cort shrugged, but never took his eyes off the road. "It works for me."

  "Cort, thi—"

  "We could always use Vasile's machines on him," Nix said quietly, "drain his powers away as he did to others of our kind."

  "Or we could just kill him."

  "Cort!" Boone snapped, rolling his eyes.

  "I want that bastard to pay for what he tried to do to Nix, damn it." Cort's voice was growly, his hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were white. Boone could see claws staring to grow out of his finger. Cort was livid.

  "I get that, Cort," Boone said quickly, "but killing him needs to be our last option, no matter how much we like the idea. He needs to pay for what he did to all of the Others, not just Nix. Besides, according to the files we found, he still has Others in his hands. Rescuing them needs to be a top priority."

  "Yeah, okay, I hear you," Cort said after a moment, his claws slowly retracting, "but I still vote for killing him."

  "Duly noted." Boone leaned back in his seat and pulled Nix over to lean against his chest. Just the feel of the woman's body against his made Boone feel calmer. "Now, anyone have any idea how to stop this guy besides killing him?"

  "We need to find him first," Dane said. "Nix, I can only assume he took the Others back to your home. Where exactly is your territory?"

  "The western edge of the Rocky Mountains by the Canadian border," Nix said as she looked over her shoulder at Dane. "Why?"

  "Because that’s where we need to go."

  Chapter 13

  "I still don't understand why we can't just kill the guy," Cort said as he strapped a large knife into its sheath on his pant leg a couple of days later, then stood up. "It seems like the easiest answer. A quick strike, no fuss, no muss."

  He chuckled lightly when Boone just rolled his eyes and continued to get ready for what they all knew was the coming battle. Vasile wouldn't give up the control he gained without a fight. They could only hope they came out of this alive.

  They had a plan, albeit a hastily made one, but it was a plan. Cort and Boone would escort Nix in to confront her father and Vasile with the evidence they had collected from the research facility and put on a flash stick. Nix assured everyone that her father did have computer capabilities and could look at what they found.

  In the meanwhile, under the guise of being Nix's escorts, Dane, Sal, and Chase would be ordered by Nix to deliver her luggage to her room. They would really use that as an excuse to get inside the building to search for Vasile's laboratory. That was the plan anyway.

  Cort glanced over at Nix, watching her do up the last of the buttons on her dress. Her fingers trembled as she pushed the last button through the hole. Cort knew she was nervous, scared. He wanted to put her more at ease. He whistled and wiggled his eyebrows when Nix looked over at him.

  "Come here often, sexy?"

  Nix laughed as she looked at him, her face turning a little red. "Once or twice."

  Cort walked over and made a big show of looking Nix's body up and down. "Maybe I can convince you to hang around later? We could…I don't know…get to know each other or something?"

  "I might be persuaded for the right incentive."

  Cort was thrilled Nix seemed to be calming down. Besides the fact that having anyone in the group be tightly wrapped was dangerous, he didn't want Nix being upset. That just made him upset, which set Boone off, and that set Cort off, and so on. It was a vicious circle.

  "Yeah, my incentive stands about six-three, 200 pounds, but he's pretty damn hot." He pointed to Boone over his shoulder. "Don't let all the black combat gear fool you. He's damn sexy when he's naked and bent over the side of the bed."

  Nix giggled as she swatted at Cort's chest. "You're nuts."

  Cort pulled Nix into his arms and leaned down toward her. He paused an inch from her lips. "And you look fantastic in this little Princess getup of yours. Maybe later we can buy a tiara and play Princess and the Pea."

  "No need," Nix whispered, "I have three tiaras at home."

  "Nice!" Cort grinned right before he lowered his mouth to capture hers. It felt like divine ecstasy when he kissed her. Nix's lips were warm and plush and needed desperately to be devoured. Cort did just that until he heard someone clear his throat behind him.

  Reluctantly lifting his head, Cort glanced over his shoulder to see Boone standing behind him, the man's hands planted on his hips as he glared at Cort.

  "Time to go already?" Cort asked innocently.

  "No," Boone said, "it's time for you to hand her over so I can get me one of those kisses."

  Cort chuckled and turned him and Nix around, letting Boone take Nix away from him. He watched Boone plunder Nix's mouth just as he had a moment before. He wasn't sure if the small moans he heard came from Boone or Nix. He wasn't sure he cared. It sounded very arousing.

  When the kiss seemed to go on and on, Cort started getting frustrated. He cleared his throat and glanced at his watch. Just how long could two people kiss? He cleared his throat again and tapped Boone on the shoulder.


  "My turn," Cort said.

  "You've already kissed Nix."

  Cort arched an eyebrow. "I haven't kissed you yet."

  Boone chuckled and held out his hand. Cort started to reach for Boone's hand when he heard a snort. He knew who it was before he even turned around to see Dane standing behind him. The scowl on Dane's face was his usual look, so Cort wasn't too worried.


  "Hanky-panky later," Dane said, rolling his eyes, "stop the bad guy now."

  "Seriously, dude." Boone snickered. "We need to get you laid."

  "I am perfectly capable of finding my own date, thank you very much," Dane replied sternly. "Now get your butts in gear."

  Cort nearly fell over when Dane held out a small handgun and thigh holster to Nix. "You're giving her a gun?"

  "I'd prefer to spend some time training her, but we don't have it." Dane frowned. "Just don't point it at anyone you don't want to kill. And if you do want to kill someone, aim for their chest, center mass."

  Nix giggled and quickly took the gun as if she were afraid Dane might take it back. Cort had a hard time helping Nix get the thigh holster on because she was bouncing around so much. He just shook his head when he finally climbed out from under her long skirt.

  "Get in the SUV, Annie Oakley." Cort chuckled as he helped Nix into the backseat of the black SUV they were driving. Boone climbed into the bench seat beside her. Cort walked around to the driver's seat and climbed in. He started the vehicle and drove back onto the narrow dirt road.

  Dane, Chase, and Sal followed behind them in another black SUV. They were going in as if escorting the Princess home. With any luck, no one would try to stop them before they reached Nix's home.

  Cort was surprised by how unpopulated the area seemed. He hadn't seen another car in over three hours, a building in four. The road they drove on turned from cement to dirt several miles back.

  "How much farther, Nix?" Cort asked as he watched the forest pass them by. He slowed the car down as the road narrowed even more, starting to look like a trail. "Can we actually get through here?"

  "It's not too much farther, promise." Nix laughed. "There's a bridge just up a little ways. The tunnel leading to Dorthon Valley is right beyond that."

  "Uh huh." Cort saw the trees start to thin out, opening up to reveal a small ravine with a river running through it. A grey stone bridge ran across the ravine. Cort started to drive over it until he saw the bridge suddenly end halfway across. He slammed on the brakes, the car screeching to a halt just inches from the edge.

  "Fuck, Nix, you could have warned me that the bridge was out," Cort snapped, his heart pounding rapidly. "How
in the hell are we supposed to get across now?" He arched an eyebrow and glared into the rearview mirror when Nix laughed. "Something amusing you, Princess?"

  "Do you trust me, Cort?"

  Cort frowned, unsure of why Nix would even ask that question. They were mates. "Of course I trust you, but what does—"

  "Just drive."

  Cort looked back out over the broken edge of the bridge and the water rushing by below. "Are you serious? There's nothing there."

  "There is something there, I swear," Nix said. Cort glanced back over his shoulder when he felt Nix's hand on him. "Please, Cort, just trust me. I wouldn't do anything that would harm you or Boone."

  Cort nodded. He knew Nix would never harm him or Boone or put them into a dangerous situation if she could help it. He didn't think she would give him directions to drive off a bridge. He had to trust that she knew what she was talking about.

  Cort closed his eyes for a moment and drew in a deep breath. He felt Nix squeeze his shoulder, then let go. Opening his eyes, he put the car into drive and prayed he wasn't out of his ever-loving mind as he slowly drove the car out onto nothing.

  Cort's eyes nearly popped out of his head when the SUV continued to drive over what seemed like nothing instead of plunging into the river below. He could still see the river, the rocks, the ground below as if he drove across a glass bridge.

  "Uh, Nix?"

  "The bridge isn't gone, Cort. It's just invisible to the human eye."

  The amusement in Nix's voice made Cort smile. She was enjoying his discomfort. He could tell that.

  "We have to have some way of protecting ourselves from the outside world. A little magic and the bridge looks like it is out. No one would be crazy enough to try and drive over it."

  "No one but us, you mean."

  "Yep." Nix giggled.

  "Anything else I should be aware of? Falling rocks, trees in the roads? A brick wall?"


  "Nix!" Cort snapped, rolling his eyes.

  "Okay," Nix said, "just after we get across the bridge, there is a bend in the road. On the other side of the bend, you will see what looks to be a huge landslide. The entire road is blocked."


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