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Kodiak Bloodlines - The Complete Series

Page 3

by J. K. Snow

  “So you’ll do it if that is what Alpha Lennox asks?” Sonja asked tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

  “Do I want to mate with Jude? The answer is No. I want Noah. I miss him so much, but he is gone and Jude is the closest thing to Noah. If anything makes this easier, it’s the fact he looks, acts and smells exactly like Noah. Now if he was a complete stranger, I don’t know if I could go through with it. What would you do?”

  “I don’t know. Mating with someone means you’re their mate for life. If you don’t truly love them, if they’re not your true soul mate and you're doing it because you’re told or forced too, it doesn’t work with me. I don’t even care if it’s to continue a bloodline or not. It’s not right.”

  “I know. I feel the same but I don’t think I will really have a say in the matter specifically because it is to preserve the bloodline. Less than a year and you’re next.” Jordan said.

  Sonja slapped her shoulder and got off the bed. “Well I’m glad it’s you and not me. I think I might have to run for the hills when the time comes.”

  Both girls laughed together and walked down the hall where Mamma Sable was waiting for them.


  When they arrived at Alpha Lennox’s house they all headed for the backyard. His house was large, an old Victorian with a beautiful white encased deck that wrapped the entire house. The back of the house had a large covered veranda that had a huge patio table with many hanging swings from the enclosed porch on either end. The porch had a wide staircase that have five steps that led down to the large swimming pool and beautiful lush backyard with many florals that added a touch of vibrant colors to the green manicured lawn. Lennox had over 200 acres of property that was lush in forest so his pack could run and perform the mating rituals right on his property.

  Jordan and Sonja walked up to Alpha Lennox and greeted him. Both giving him a kiss and a hug.

  “Well hello girls. It’s so good to see you. You both look beautiful as usual.” He smiled and motioned them to take a seat.

  Jordan sat next to Lennox with Sonja sitting directly to Jordan’s right. Mamma Sable sat in the chair on the left of the Alpha.

  “Where is everybody? I thought there were more joining us?” Sonja asked.

  “In due time child.” Mamma Sable said.

  Jordan looked at Sonja and then at Alpha Lennox. His hair was dark with gray sprinkled throughout the short strands. He wore a loose white button down shirt with a pair of blue knee shorts that showed his muscular legs. For a man in his sixties, he was in excellent shape and didn’t look a day over forty. When looking at his physique you knew he took pride in his appearance. His skin was sun kissed with a deep bronze color and his eyes twinkled crystal blue when the sun hit them just right. Jordan watched his gaze fall on her and then he laid a hand on hers.

  “Jordan, I wanted to speak to you and Sonja before anyone else arrived. Privately, to hear your thoughts and opinions and then I will call on the rest to join us.” He said in a soft voice.

  “Of course.”

  “How about you both eat while I talk.” He said motioning at the table that was laden with food.

  Both girls examined the spread of food that lay before them. There were jugs of juice; orange and apple, several different cold salads, a tray of fresh fruit and vegetables and a spread of different sandwiches. Jordan grabbed a plate and filled it without even hesitating.

  “I know you both have questions and that is why I called you both here, even though this has everything to do with Jordan. I am aware that you have already had the pleasure of meeting Jude and I apologize for not telling you about him; however things had to be done in order to ensure his safety.” Lennox grabbed his glass and took a quick drink before continuing.

  “Jordan, honey. Losing Noah was like I lost a piece of myself and I am sure you feel the same way and still do. No one could or can replace him and I never expect anyone too. However as you know, I am the Alpha of Alaska and I have to ensure that the Warren bloodline continues. My sons are the direct descendants and my plan was to match both boys with the two of you.”

  Sonja’s jaw fell open at the last sentence as she tried to comprehend his last words. “Wait what?”

  Lennox smiled revealing his dimples that were apparent in both cheeks. “Sonja, the plan was to match you with Jude. Jordan and Noah had an instant connection which couldn’t be ignored but now that he is gone and Jordan is the oldest, Jude will now mate with her.”

  “Why was I never informed of this? You can’t just expect us to mate with whoever you want us too. I understand that you want the bloodline to continue. I get that. But my beliefs don’t agree with it. I want to mate, to marry for love...with my true mate, not just to appease you and continue your bloodline.”

  “It doesn’t work like that Sonja. You are under the Warren pack and you will both do as asked, whether you agree to it or not. It is the way of our pack and an obligation. This was explained to you both a long time ago so I really don’t understand why you would be so upset about this.”

  “Just because we were told about it, to try and prepare us for it, doesn’t mean we agree to it. Lennox, you don’t own us. We are grown woman. We should be allowed to make these choices ourselves.” Sonja argued.

  “Then what do you propose I do Sonja? By all means, explain.” Lennox said crossing his arms over his chest. His expression was more of amusement than anger.

  Sonja sat up straight in her chair and looked at her sister. She thought for a moment before looking at him again and then said, “There are many women here and in Willow or even Palmer that would be more than happy to mate with Jude. Why have you just thrown that idea out the door? Why are you so determined to mate us with your sons?”

  “You both, including Jude are of superior bloodlines, that is why I have chosen the two of you. I will not allow my son to mate with just anyone.” Lennox said narrowing his eyes at the girls. “Your mother and father came from a very strong werewolf bloodline and your father was my second in command and my best friend before they were all killed. You two are the last descendants, their heritage; their legacy. Why would you not want to continue that? That is what your parents would of have wanted.” He said in a harsh tone.

  Sonja closed her eyes and shook her head. Jordan leaned back into her chair and took a deep breath. She couldn’t argue with him. He was right. Her memories of her parents were only her dreams. She had tried so hard to remember them but it was like a cloud that covered them. One thing she did know for sure was that Alpha Lennox and Mamma Sable were the ones that took them both in, saving them from death, providing guardianship for all these years. If this is what it took to repay the debt then that is what Jordan would do. This is what her parents would have wanted, she was sure of it. She sat up straight in her chair and looked at Sonja.

  “I understand that you don’t agree with it Sonja, but the fact is Noah is gone and Jude will take his place which means you no longer have to worry about mating with anyone for another nine months. I’m sure this is what Mama and Papa would have wanted us to do so I don’t object. I’m sure I will come to love Jude just as much as I loved Noah and will only hope to be able to carry his children one day.” She took a deep a breath and looked at Lennox. “I will mate with Jude. Although you will have to prepare me for the ritual. We didn’t have the chance with Noah.”

  Lennox got up from his chair and placed his hands on either side of Jordan’s face. Looking into her eyes he said, “You have made the right choice child. You have made me a very happy man.” He bent down and kissed the top of her forehead before turning to Sonja.

  “Do you understand why this is so important? Why this must be done.”

  Sonja toyed with her food on her plate before answering. She looked up at him. “Yes I do. I understand but it doesn’t mean I have to agree with it. I will support you though.” She said giving him a weak smile.

  Lennox clapped his hands and said, “It’s done then! Let’s celebrate.” He look
ed at Mamma Sable and told her to call the rest to come and join them.

  Jordan watched the old woman leave and then looked at her sister who was now staring back at her.

  Chapter 7

  Two weeks had passed and Jordan was growing antsy. She had gone on several dates with Jude which allowed both of them to get to know each other better. He was seven years older than Jordan and he knew a lot. He explained about his life in the Yukon with his mother and the small family they had down there. That he and his brother were inseparable as kids and when it was time for him to leave at the age of 13, they were both devastated. Jude was everything Noah was in personality and looks. The only difference that Jordan noticed was Jude had a short fuse and could go into a rage very quickly although it had only happened once. She would ask him questions about that horrible day when the Kodiak pack came but he would just brush it off and say he didn’t remember much.

  Jordan sat in her chair in the back office doing paperwork at the Coyote and let her thoughts wander while she stared at the documents. It was 12:00 pm when she heard her name being called. No one should be here; the placed was closed. She got up, walking over to the door and opening it; she looked out. She watched Jude walk towards her.

  His dark hair was tousled and he was only wearing a pair of white and black board shorts and a tank top. His chest was a mass of muscles under his tank and his arms were covered from tattoos and his neck was incredibly thick. His taut legs and thighs were rock hard. He was the most gorgeous sight she had laid eyes on.

  “Hey beautiful.” He said walking up to her.

  “Hey yourself.” She said nudging his shoulder. She turned around walking back to her chair and watched Jude shut the door behind him and take a seat on the loveseat.

  “What are you doing here alone?”

  “Paperwork.” She said looking down at her desk that was laden with a stack of documents. “Also thinking. Getting a bit nervous.”

  “Don’t be. Everything will be fine.”

  “I know it will be.” Jordan said fingering her hair.

  “Are you still a virgin?” He asked grinning.

  Jordan looked at him and pulled her hair back to get a better look. “Really?” She asked with a smirk.

  “I’m still confused about one thing. When we lived in Willow, all the pack members could shift even as children. My dreams, the nightmares I have about that day...I always remembered that I should have shifted to reach my parents sooner. I was trying to communicate with them telepathically, through my animal side. But since we were found by Mamma Sable, she was always adamant that we can only shift into our animal when we hit our 21st birthdays and infected by our mates. It doesn’t make sense.”

  Jude removed his arm from behind her and sat up straight. “It does make sense Jordan. Your parents, you and Sonja are also from a rare bloodline, a special one and that’s why it’s different for you. Don’t think about it so much. It’s going to drive you nuts. One more night; we mate and you shift for the first time.” He smiled grabbing her chin and pulling her lips to his. Without giving it a second thought, she leaned in and kissed him. Jude used his body to press her back into the sofa. He kissed her long and hard and then using his left hand, he went for her clothes. She wanted him too...

  He let her up for air as he worked on getting off her shirt. “Jude, I have to get this paperwork done.” He leaned his forehead into hers, practically panting already, still tearing at her clothes. He looked into her eyes, again, searching for something. He must have seen the same desire there that she saw in his. His hand brushed against her heaving breasts as he grabbed both sides of her shirt and ripped it apart. Then he reached behind her and unhooked her bra to free them. His lips were on her neck, moving roughly down to take a nipple into his mouth. Jordan put her hands in his hair and ran her fingers through it as he sucked and nibbled on her swollen nipple.

  She ran her hands down his back and when he moved back up to bite on her neck, she let them roam across his chest. He kissed and bit and sucked his way down again, this time not stopping until he reached her shorts. He unbuttoned and unzipped them and ripped them down her legs to her feet. Jordan kicked them away as he fisted her panties up and ripped them off. She spread her legs a little wider and she felt him slide two fingers up inside of her. He put his face between her legs and gently bit down on her clit as he rammed his fingers up inside of her as deep as they would go. He worked them in and out while sucking, biting and licking on her clit. Jordan was pressing back into the sofa with her body and raking her fingers through his hair and down across his shoulders. She found that everything with him was so fucking intense. She could hardly breathe.

  Chapter 8

  There were over fifty people waiting in Alpha Lennox’s backyard when Jordan, Sonja and Mamma Sable had arrived. It was very secluded and growing darker by the minute. They had three large fire pits burning which encased a large area of the lawn which she presumed where the mating would take place.

  She turned and looked at Mamma Sable’s when she felt her arm being pulled. The old lady just stared as though she wanted to say something but nothing came out.

  “What is it Mamma?” Jordan asked with apprehension.

  “It’s nothing child. Just know that if nothing happens tonight...”She paused scanning the grounds. “That it’s fate playing their cards.”

  Jordan looked at Sonja and then the old woman. “I don’t understand.”

  “Everything is fine child. I’m nervous for you and just rambling.” Mamma Sable said giving her a small weak smile.

  “Jordan!” Alpha Lennox said walking up to them. He grabbed her into a bear hug and released her still holding her shoulders. His eyes were glowing bright amber. “Are you ready dear?”

  “As ready as I will ever be I guess.” She said.

  Lennox wrapped his arm around her shoulders and they walked to the crowd that had gathered around the outside of the fires that were burning. Most people were in their human form, but some had already shifted into their wolf forms. Her eyes immediately found Jude who stood amongst the crowd and he was standing by an older woman.

  When Lennox and Jordan approached, the older woman walked up to Jordan and cupped Jordan’s face with her hands. “It’s so nice to finally meet you dear. You are a striking beauty! No wonder my Noah fell so hard for you.” The woman said smiling.

  “Jordan, this is my wife Sylvie. I wish the two of you had met a long time ago, but we all know that was not possible.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you Mrs. Warren.” Jordan smiled feeling her face flush red.

  “Oh honey. No need to be embarrassed. We have all had to go through it at one time or another. Just know that I am very pleased with your decision to mate with Jude.”

  Jude grabbed Jordan’s hand and walked into the large clearing which was encased by the fires. He looked at her with such intensity that it almost scared her. She looked up; the night was pitch black and scattered with stars. Her eyes then landed on the full moon that laid to the left. It was beautiful.

  “Are you ok?” She heard Jude ask. Her eyes scanned the crowd as she nodded yes. She couldn’t rip her eyes away from the people. Each one of them was slowly transforming into their wolf forms. She had seen the transformation many times before but she always found it so fascinating and would never get bored watching. After watching the last person shift the only ones left in their human forms were herself, Jude, Sonja and Mamma Sable.

  She felt the atmosphere change into something intense, serious and almost dangerous. Her head turned to look at Jude and she watched as his eyes began to turn and glow dark amber, almost predatory. His smile had turned into something somber and was replaced by a fierce hunger that she had never seen before. Mamma Sable had explained that they would mate as humans and during the mating he would bite her, allowing his DNA to mix with her and awakening her inner wolf almost immediately.

  She was prepared and knew the most painful part would be the bite, but it would pass.<
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  Jordan didn't take her eyes off Jude when she watched him close his eyes and crack his neck. He then grabbed his shirt and tore it off, his eyes held hers in an intense stare. He then removed his pants and underwear revealing everything he had to offer. He was large and thick and she was sure her apprehension was making him excited as she watched his erection grow larger and larger.

  Mesmerized, Jordan felt her clothes torn away from her body; at the same time she could feel Jude’s hunger to transform into his wolf almost immediately. She was now lying on the earth’s floor on her back fully naked as she watched the primal need that consumed Jude’s face above her. Pinned beneath his powerful arms, she turned and looked as the pack that started to howl into the night. Watching Jude rip her clothes off and then pin her to the floor in a predatory way was exciting the pack, sending them into a frenzy. They all paced the ground as they continued to watch them.

  Jude looked down at her with a need, his eyes gold and intense. It was purely animalistic and completely male. He was going to claim her for his own. Sitting back slightly, he grabbed her and flipped her over onto her stomach. Jordan didn’t even have time to think as it was all playing out so quickly. She knew that this act didn’t involve foreplay and simple love making.

  Using his right arm he reached around her waist and pulled her hips back against him. With his other hand he grabbed her thick blonde hair and pulled her head back and tilted it left, exposing her neck. Within seconds he impaled her with his cock while his teeth sank into her tender skin. It was his bite, the breaking of the skin that would cause her animal to emerge; but the fact that it was done while mating was tradition.

  Jordan screamed as the pleasure and pain of his cock ripped into her and his bite ripped through her. Never before had she been penetrated so deeply. She was sure she would split in two as he thrust deeper. His teeth held her immobile while his hips thrust up against her backside driving his cock deeper and deeper into her pussy. Once again she screamed and her body almost went limp, his arm the only thing holding her up.


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