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The Billionaire's Seed_A Secret Baby Romance

Page 9

by Natasha Spencer

  “I think she already answered that question. You really make her happy, she’s told me many times.” Frank shook Silas’s hand back.

  “This is my father Thomas and my mother Martha. They wanted to be able to meet you and your wife.” Silas introduced his parents.

  The group talked for a bit, and Sally got up to use the bathroom. When she came out her mother passed her in the hall and hugged her, “I’m so happy to see you.”

  “I am too mom. I missed you both a lot. I have so much news to tell you.” Sally said.

  “You can tell us over dinner.”

  “Mom I don’t want you to have to cook for us all.” Sally stated.

  “No we’re going to the steakhouse. Thomas said he could use a good steak, and you know your father, he jumped at the offer.” Her mother laughed.

  Sally smiled as her and her mother walked back into the living room.

  Silas stood up and hugged Sally when she came back. “You ready, we’re going to eat!”

  Chapter 28

  At the Steakhouse there was a special offer. “Really if I eat all 50 ounces I’ll get the meal for free?” She heard Thomas ask the waiter.

  “Yes sir, but you also have to eat the roll, baked potato, and coleslaw that comes with the order. In other words your plate has to be empty to win.” The waiter explained.

  “What do you say Frank? Let’s try the challenge!” Thomas said looking over at Sally’s father.

  “Well I am pretty hungry but I’m not sure I can eat all that meat along with all the other food. It’s pretty expensive if you don’t finish it.” Her dad stated.

  “The meal is on me. We’re here to celebrate!” Silas said.

  Her father looked at her mother, and she rolled her eyes. Sally had to laugh, her father had always wanted to try the challenge the few times they had come here. But he wouldn’t because of the cost of the meal if you didn’t win.

  “He’s always wanted to try it.” Sally said explaining her laughter.

  “Great. It’s settled then. We’ll have two of the challenges.” Thomas told the waiter.

  “Yes sir.” He said and took the other orders.

  “So do you really think you can eat all that food?” Martha asked her husband.

  “When you were in the hospital I barely ate, and I’ve never really had a nice big meal in quite some time. I want to try it just for fun.” Thomas explained.

  They all talked around the table. Silas squeezed her leg under the table. “I’m shocked you didn’t try the challenge too.” Sally said to him.

  “No, I don’t want to be too full as I have some plans tonight!” He whispered, giving her a wicked smile.

  “Do you now, and what may they be?”

  He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I’m going to make love to you.”

  She felt her body get warm at his words. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

  “So Silas your father told me that you have the best divorce attorney working the case. How long do you think it will be before you go to court?” Her father asked him.

  “I’m hoping for an update from him by tomorrow. She had to have responded by now.” Silas explained.

  “You mean your ex-wife right?” Sally’s mother asked him.

  “Yes, she only has so many days to contest the divorce and if she doesn’t respond, the divorce will be processed as a default. I know for a fact she won’t let that happen. It would mean I got everything I wanted from the divorce.” Silas explained.

  “In other words, she’s a greedy girl and she will try to get as much money from Silas as she can.” Thomas commented from across the table.

  “Oh I see.” Her mother shook her head. “Well we hope that you have a fair judge then.” She commented.

  “She most likely won’t get as much as she wants. Not with the information I have.” Silas stated.

  At her mother’s confused face, Sally explained further, “She was caught in compromising positions with another man. Silas has pictures and it will help out his case a lot.”

  “Oh what a horrible thing to have happen to you! I’m very very sorry. Some women just don’t know how to respect their marriage vows anymore. It’s sad to see how many people cheat on their spouses nowadays.” Her mother said.

  “I blame it on movies and television shows.” Martha said, “They are always showing it and now people have become accustomed to it, as if it’s a normal thing to do.”

  “I know what you mean.”

  Sally drifted out of the conversation as she felt a bit dizzy. She leaned over on Silas to keep her balance.

  “Are you okay honey?” He asked.

  “Just a little dizzy is all, I’ll be fine.” Sally answered.

  The rest of the table had focused on what had happened, and her mother said, “How long have you been feeling this way?”

  “A few days and not all the time just every once in a while.”

  “Any other symptoms?”

  “Just really tired, I feel like I never can get enough sleep.” Sally admitted.

  “I’m sure my son has something to do with that!” Thomas laughed.

  Sally was embarrassed for a second, but saw no looks of judgement around the table. Her mom was still studying her closely. Sally knew she was trying to decide what herb to give her to help her feel better.

  “You know I didn’t realize it before, but you have a glow about you. When was your last period?” Her mother asked.

  “I don’t know, I have to think about it a few minutes.” Sally said honestly.

  “Hmm, I think you are with a little one. It explains the symptoms, and you really don’t look sick. No in fact you look very healthy.” Her mom said.

  “Pregnant.” She heard Silas say quietly.

  She couldn’t tell if he would be happy about it or not. Sally felt her heart drop a little. What if he didn’t want kids? Then she remembered how Silas had been upset that Jackie was taking birth control since the beginning of their marriage, so surely he wouldn’t be upset if she was having his child.

  “You know what I think you may be right.” Martha said to Sally’s mom.

  “We can stop and get a test at the corner store. I think they even have ones you don’t have to wait to do in the mornings.” Greta commented.

  The meals came and the two men looked down at the huge plate of food in front of them.

  “I have never seen a baked potato this big in my entire life. They have it on a separate plate.” Thomas commented at the mound of food in front of him. “Let’s get to it Frank, we’ll cheer each other on!”

  “Okay, good luck!” Her father dug into the food, trying to eat all of the meat first. “You know those challenge shows we watch might just pay off after all.” He commented.

  “Sure Frank.” Greta patted his arm.

  Sally picked at her food, feeling like she might get sick. She started to think about it and had to agree with her mother’s diagnosis that she might very well be pregnant.

  She looked over at Silas, he smiled at her.

  “Will you be happy if I am pregnant?” She whispered to him.

  He kissed her and said, “Of course sweetie. Why would you think I wouldn’t be? I’ve always wanted kids.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief. But continued to pick at her food slowly. Half way through she excused herself and went to the bathroom. Her food came up, “yep I’m pregnant.” She said with confidence.

  Going back to the table, she was asked by everyone if she was okay.

  “I think you may be right mom. I just had my first bought of morning sickness, or rather night sickness in this case.” Sally announced.

  “We will still get the test to make sure.” Silas said as he kissed her. “You will make a wonderful mother.”

  “Thank you.” She said.

  Sally looked to see the progress both Thomas and her father had made on their meals. She was shocked to see that they were both doing very well. Almost all of their steaks were gone, and Th
omas had most of his baked potato gone.

  “How in the world have you both eaten so much?” Sally asked.

  “I was just about to say the same thing.” Martha said.

  “Trust me it is not easy. I don’t think I can eat much more for a few days.” Thomas commented.

  “Come on dad you can do it.” Sally said cheering him on.

  In the end both of them didn’t finish, though they got very close. Her father stopped complained that he was far too full, “I’m done it’s up to you now Thomas.”

  Thomas looked down at his plate and shook his head, “I think you’ve might have won this one.”

  Chapter 29

  Sally and her stopped by the pharmacy the next morning and bought the test, even though everyone was positive Sally was pregnant. Greta drove back home with her and Sally went to the bathroom to take the test. Silas came in with her as they waited for the results.

  “We’re going to be parents!” Silas yelled out to the rest of the group.

  “Congratulations!” Everyone hugged them when they came back to the living room.

  “Hey I have a message I need to listen to.” Silas whispered to her, and got up to go out of the room.

  He came back and his face was grim. “Well she has filed her response and she wants far more. There was a personally message from her attorney along with the paperwork.” Silas told the group.

  “What was it?” Sally asked.

  “It said, Jackie wants to remind me of what she knows about me and if I don’t want it to come out, she will tell the world in a press announcement.” Silas commented.

  Martha turned and explained what they were talking about to Sally’s parents.

  “Wow blackmail to pay her! I really don’t like this woman.” Greta commented.

  “None of us do.” Thomas said as he patted his bloated belly.

  “So what will you do?” Sally asked.

  Silas and Sally had discussed this issue many times in the past. Originally, they had talked about fighting and just letting the world know about his past. But through the various talks Sally had with him, she noticed how nervous it made Silas. So they had come up with another idea but had hadn’t gone over it much.

  “Well, honestly I’m not sure.” Silas responded.

  “Remember your money is not as important to me as you are. Also you are still earning money and you can build it back up. Why not go with the second solution we came up with?” Sally questioned.

  “What was the second solution?” Martha and Greta asked together.

  “That we would counter offer her with less money in hopes that she would be happy with the amount. “Silas explained.

  “Both Silas and I thought this might be a better option and much less embarrassing for him.” Sally added.

  “How much is she asking for?” Frank asked.

  Silas looked on his phone at the response and replied, “She wants five million.”

  “Holy cow, I’ve never known anyone who had that much to give away.” Frank whistled.

  “It’s half of what I’m worth, but a lot of it is in stocks.” Silas thought for a few minutes. “How about I offer her 3 million?” Silas asked Sally.

  “Honey that is up to you. I only want you. Even if you were broke I’d still love you.” Sally said.

  She heard her mother and Martha make an “aww” sound.

  “Let me make a quick call to my lawyer and I’ll have him contact Jackie’s lawyer with the counter offer. I’m sure when there is money involved, she’ll answer quickly.”

  “Do not give her any of the stock though son, that means she’d keep earning money from all your hard work. She doesn’t deserve that at all.” Thomas said.

  “Nope not after she cheated.” Greta agreed.

  Silas made the call and came back into the room. “Now we’ll just wait to hear back.”

  Thomas yawned and stretched, “All that food made me tired.”

  “You can have our room tonight if you’d like.” Greta offered.

  “We didn’t want to put you out so we reserved some hotel rooms.” Martha explained.

  “It would be no problem.” Greta said.

  “Will be back tomorrow mom don’t worry.” Sally said.

  Her mother and father hugged her goodbye and the group made their way out to the vehicle. Silas put in the location of the hotel into the GPS as he pulled out of the driveway.

  “Your parents are so sweet.” Silas told her. Martha and Thomas agreed with the sentiment from the backseat.

  Chapter 30

  Sally got into the shower and washed up when they got to their room. Silas joined her and washed her back for her. He rubbed her belly, “So what do you want a boy or a girl?”

  “I just want a healthy baby.” She replied.

  “Me too.” He kissed her deeply. They made love in the shower before getting out and drying off. Silas was gentle with her so that he wouldn’t hurt the growing child inside of her.

  Before going to bed he checked his phone.

  “Any messages yet?” Sally asked.

  “No, but it’s really late in New York, maybe when we wake up there will be one.”

  “I hope so. Do you think she’ll agree to your offer?” Sally questioned.

  “I don’t know, if she thinks she can get more, maybe not. It will also depend on how enamored this new guy is with her and if he’s rich as well. Knowing Jackie she wouldn’t have gone with anyone who doesn’t have money. She has a lifestyle to keep up with.” Silas said bitterly.

  Sally kissed him, “But you’ll be done with her soon and it will be all over. We’ll have a new family to begin and a life to start in our new location, a division that will do great, and each other.”

  “I know all that, believe me. I’m just angry that I know how she really was sooner and end it then.” Silas admitted.

  “But like your mom said, I wasn’t around yet. What if you would have found someone just like Jackie and be stuck again.” Sally said.

  “I’d like to think I learned my lesson. But I don’t really know.”

  They snuggled up on the bed and Sally fell asleep in his arms.


  In the morning she sat up to see Silas on the phone. She touched his arm and he smiled and leaned over to kiss her. “She agreed to the settlement as long as it’s in cash.” Silas told Jackie covering the bottom of the phone. “We are just finishing up the details. The lawyer said he can run this through the courts pretty quickly, and I should be divorced in 30 days.”

  “Oh that’s great!”

  “I’m going to let your parents know.” Sally said as she got up and dressed.

  “Wait I’ll go with you.” Silas said.

  After they told his parents they made their way back out to the farm and let Sally’s parents know as well.

  “So why don’t you come back with us, and we can plan the wedding together?” Martha asked Frank and Greta.

  “Well I have this harvest coming up in a week. But we can come after that.” Frank said.

  “I have an idea.” Thomas begun. The group turned to him, and he continued. “Why do we stay and help you. You can always do the planning from here. Then once we are done we’ll fly back home and continue.”

  “I like that idea, and you don’t have to continue to stay in that hotel. We have enough room for you all here.” Greta commented.

  Silas looked at Sally, “Did you get the files from Melissa so we can focus on our work?” He asked.

  “Yeah I got them last night.”

  “Well this plan sounds like a good one. What do you say mom? Frank, you think you can use an extra for the harvest?” Silas asked.

  “I’ve never been one to turn away help from anyone.” He laughed.

  “Good, Sally you and I need to go work on this project a bit. Mom, Dad do you want to go back to the hotel too?” He asked.

  “No I think I’m going to spend the afternoon with Greta, she has a bunch of patterns I’d love to see.” M
artha responded.

  “If Frank doesn’t mind I’ll hang out and help him on the farm. It’s been far too long since I’ve worked hard.”

  Silas grabbed Sally and they headed back to the hotel, “You know we have the laptop with us, we could have worked there.” Sally said to him on the drive.

  “I want to celebrate with you alone.” He smiled at her with lust filling his eyes.

  “Oh!” She blushed.

  “I love you Sally, and soon you’ll be my wife. I’m so happy you came into my life.” Silas leaned over and kissed her.

  “I love you too Silas and I’m thrilled to be your wife, and the mother to your first child.”

  He ran his hand over her belly and smiled. His hand landed on her thigh and he rubbed the area close to her center. Sally felt the tingling that his touch always caused her and smiled. “Hopefully we’ll get some work done too!”

  He laughed, “We will, but we’ll deal with that later,” Silas said with a grin.

  Ace's Gamble

  By: Natasha Spencer

  Ace's Gamble

  © July 2017 – All rights reserved

  By Natasha Spencer,

  Published by Passionate Publishing Inc.

  This is a work of fiction. All names and characters in this novel are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is entirely coincidental.

  This book is for your personal enjoyment only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the publisher.


  This book is intended for adult readers, 18+ years old. Please close this e-book if you are not comfortable reading adult content.

  Chapter 1

  The sun was hot on Christie’s back, baking her sensitive skin. She sighed and adjusted her hair to cover her neck. She knew that she must be sunburned already, and she had only been out for only about ten minutes or so. The sun in Phoenix was brutal and it was something that Christie was finding to be quite the adjustment.


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