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Manage Me (Taven's Circus Book 1)

Page 9

by Unknown

  “Portland has always been a place that musicians gravitate too and it’s important to supports your local music. We thought that it would be fun to get some talent up here tonight to share the stage with. So with that said, here is A Fistful of Anger.”

  The little blonde smacks her sticks together counting out the beat before she starts wailing on the drums. The two guys on bass and guitar jump in, followed by Jaden and the lanky guy. The song is in no way as tight as it would have been if Toven was playing but the crowds was loving every second and the kids on stage would never forget this night for as long as they lived. We got lucky with this group, they all had talent and knew the song well enough to do it justice. When I pitched the idea on the bus ride up to Portland, I knew that it could have gone very wrong but I also figured that the audience would love the shared moment with the band, that it wouldn’t really matter how well the music was played.

  With the song coming to an end, I noticed that the tall lanky guys’ eyes were glistening. Jaden must have seen them too, because he tossed his arm over the kids shoulder as they both screamed out the final notes of the song. I grab the stack of Toven’s Circus Tour t-shirts off the speaker and walk on stage to hand them out to the kids, who are all excitedly giving the band members hugs. After finishing I start to make my way back to my spot when Jaden grabs my hand.

  “Portland! We would like to introduce you to our new tour manager. Pulling those guys up on stage to play was all her idea, and I admit I wasn’t so sure about it or her at first,” he gives me a big smirking grin, eyes twinkling, and suggesting. “But she is turning out pretty amazing.”

  “Plus she is fucking hot!” Ryker pitches in causing Jaden to laugh and the male, and some female, members of the audience to yell in agreement. I feel the heat in my cheeks and my hands cover my face in embarrassment. Jaden wraps an arm around my shoulder still laughing.

  “Yeah she is,” he agrees with a chuckle and a squeeze. “Say hi to our beautiful fans, Nell!” Dropping my hands and glaring at him, I say a quick raspy hello to the audience.

  “Her voice is pretty sexy too,” Finn chimes in. I quickly wave to the crowd, wrestle out from under Jaden’s hold, and haul my ass off stage.

  Chapter 19


  The band played for another full hour before performing three encores. We would have played all night if the venue would have let us. Maybe we could set up a small acoustic concert at some point to add to the dvd. Coming off stage, I always feel buzzing with energy until the adrenaline crashes and I just want to sleep. I look around for Nell but don’t know where she ran off too. I head towards the dressing room and the showers.

  I shower quickly as I would really like to climb into Nell again before passing out. I wonder around back stage looking for her, figuring she would be monitoring the breakdown. I find her on the stage, fitting Ryker’s guitars into their cases. She’s bent over low with her ass in the ass and my cock jumps in my sweats. Her ass looks amazing in the black skinny jeans, her loose white shirt slides up her back some, so I see a bit of a red tail that curls just above her ass crack. I take a second to appreciate the sight before walking up right behind her, resting my hardening cock against her luscious ass. I grab hold of her hips, to keep her in place, when she jumps, and stands up.

  “Ryker, I told you already that we are not fucking again!” she says.

  Grabbing her arm I jerk her around to face me. My blood instantly on fire that she would let another guy touch her. With my jaw clenched, I let out a primal growl.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” I seethe as it dawns on me, she is trying hard not to laugh. Glaring down at her, I give her a good shake, “Don’t say that shit. You are mine!” This causes her to let out an adorable snort of disbelief.

  “You keep telling yourself that Rockstar. No one owns me, especially someone that is in a relationship with someone else, and definitely not one that thinks I am pathetic in bed.” Her eyes are now frosty, her smile gone.

  “What the fuck are you talking about, first you are un-fucking-believable in bed, or should I say on my bike? And second, I am not in a relationship, who told you that?”

  “Emily Snow told me, she said, you told her we fucked and then laughed about it.”

  “Emily is fucking insane, I want you to stay away from her. We have never been in or will be in a relationship together. There was one weekend and that was too long. There is nothing between her and me. And Nell,” I grab her face between my hands, so she has to look at me. “I would never laugh at the way you fuck, because that was the best fucking I have ever received. I can’t wait to have you again.” Her eyes have softened and I lean in for a kiss. I brush my tongue along her lips to get her to open for me, as her tongue sweeps mine, my taste buds go wild at her sweet flavor. I lightly bite her plump bottom lip, before sucking it gently. Our breathing starts to increase, as we devour each other’s mouths.

  “Whoa, wait, Jaden stop!” Nell jerks away taking several steps back. “We can’t do this Jaden. I haven’t known you long enough to be dealing with this shit and there is the tour. I won’t have that miniscule cunt fuck up my career over some rock star that’s going to be fucking some groupie in a week when he is done with me.”

  “I know we haven’t known each other long but Nell, you are different…” I really do feel like she is different but how do I explain that when we have hardly known each other for a week? From the first second I saw her it was like a punch in the chest and I didn’t even know her. But from what I have learned so far, she not the pampered princess that I was expecting. She is smart and driven. She is sexy as all hell, strong, and fair. And I want her. I want her with a deeper need than I have ever wanted anyone or anything. I need to change her mind about who I really am, sure I like to fuck around but I never said that was the only thing I wanted. I want what my parents and brother have, I just haven’t found the woman that could be that, until Nell walked into her Dad’s office. Grabbing her hand in mine, I drag her behind me trying to find someplace more private. I head through a pair of doors, discovering the Portland Trail Blazers locker room. I drop her hand and pace away from her, then back to stare into her eyes, while I say what I need too.

  “Look, I know you have some misconceived ideas about me, about what I want, or what I do. I’m a 25 year old rock star. Woman throw themselves at me and yeah, I splurged but that doesn’t mean that I don’t ever want a committed relationship. That I don’t eventually want marriage or kids. It simply means I am a 26 year old fucking rock star with a cock, that hasn’t found the right woman to make me want only her. But I like you, for more than just sex. I like how smart and caring you are. I like that you work hard for what you want and I can’t help this pull I feel for you. I’m not trying to fuck up your career, nor am I asking you to marry me. I am asking you to drop your preconceived notions about who I am and get to know me.” Nell stands there, wide eyed, and slack jawed at the speech I just spewed at her feet.

  “You’re right.” She finally says.

  “About which part?”

  “I do have preconceived ideas about the person that you are and so far those ideas don’t add up to the person that I see before me. I hate when people judge me for who I am related to before getting to really know me. I have done that to you and I am sorry.” She steps towards me placing her palms on my chest, her eyes pleading for my forgiveness.

  “I like being right.” I grab her hips tugging her closer. Nell gives me a playful glare before she leans forward and bites onto my bottom lip teasing a growl from deep in my chest.

  “Well whatever happens, the band and this tour come first. If we fail miserably we can make it through the tour and never talk again. If you get bored or realize I am not the woman you are looking for, just be honest and tell me you are done before you jump in bed with some groupie slut.”

  “Same goes for you too.” I lean forward kissing her forehead, the bridge of her nose, then the tip, as she lets out a giggle.

nbsp; “I’ve never had an appetite for groupie sluts but okay, I promise.” She says with a grin. I grab her ass, lifting her legs around my waist, causing her to gasp when I grind my hardness into her center. Thrusting my hands into her hair yanking her head back, so I can taste the skin of her neck. Her sweet scent invades my body as I bite into her flesh, causing her hips to buck forward.

  Understanding that she likes things a little rough, works for me because I like to play a little rough. She drags her nails firmly along my chest, making goose bumps prickle along my skin, and a hard shudder reverberates through me.

  Chapter 20


  "Hmm, guess you like that," I whisper along his neck, finding my way along his jaw, and to his ear, gripping it in my teeth before massaging it with my tongue. With a growl he swings us around, till I am up against a wall, where he presses into my hot center. The wall behind me moves unexpectedly and he stumbles forward through the set of doors. The air is suddenly heavy with the smell of chlorine. We pause our attack of one another to take in our new surroundings. We apparently have stumbled across the hot tub room.

  “Maybe one of these times we will make it into a bed but this is too much of an amusing coincidence to pass up.” Jaden says laughing before setting me down so he can shucks off his sweatpants. Stripped bare, I admire the view of his amazing ass as it disappears into the dark water. “Are you coming?”

  Pulling my shirt over my head I chuckle out, “Baby, you’re good but you’re not that good.”

  A mischievous grin spreads across his face, “Is that a challenge, Beauty?”

  I bite my lip matching his grin, “And if it is?” I am beyond turned on and curious about what he will do, when on the other side of the room.

  “Fucking challenge accepted. Pun intended.” Instead of moving towards me, Jaden steps back onto the seat, and sits on the backside of the hot tubs edge. The only lighting in the room is from the tub lights under the water, highlighting him from below. His half erect cock twitches under my intense gaze. He palms his length, starting at the base and sliding his wet hand, around to the tip, slowly twisting his fist around the crown. My pansies are long past flooded but I now feel a tickle brush my thigh. He proceeds to please himself, letting off deeps growls while maintaining constant eye contact with me, I stand there gaping at him before remembering his challenge and quickly decide, I too can play this game.

  Lower my hands I pull off my Chucks and socks, so sexy but I didn’t have to sit down, WIN. With the shoes gone I can focus. I slide my hands seductively up my sides to my breasts, rubbing along the outsides then to the inside valley, across to my nipples. Tweaking and pinching them.

  “Are you pretending those are my hands on you, Beauty?” Jaden asks, his voice echoing surrounding me,

  I shake my head no and he frowns, “My hands are no match for yours. I love your big hands on me.” I say.

  “Do you like when my mouth is on you? Lapping at your skin, breathing you in, sucking, nibbling, biting, and devouring every inch of you?” He asks as I dip my thumbs under the band of my jeans, pushing them over my hips, and down my legs. I walk towards him in just my black bra and matching panties. Reaching the edge of the hot tub, I turn my back to Jaden, taking a moment to grin because he’s stopped his movement to watch my show. I reach back, releasing the hook of my bra, slip the straps off my shoulders, and turning my head to make eye contact again. Jaden cock is now standing at full attention and his hand wrapped around it but forgotten. Hooking my thumbs into the waistband of my panties, I start to slowly slip them down, swaying my hips, and bending forward as they slide down my legs. I hear a fierce growl but he stays seated continuing to watch me.

  Wanting to see how far I can push him, I step my feet farther apart, looking at him while upside-down, my soaked pussy right in his eye line. Doing my best porn star impression, I put my middle finger in my mouth, closing my eyes, letting out a soft groan, and place it against my pulsing clit. Rubbing my finger in a tight circle before dipping it into my liquid center.

  Jaden hisses out a frustrated breath and his forgotten fist renewing itself with vigor. He is breathing heavily. Standing up, I turn to face him and step into the hot tub, licking my juices off my finger.

  “You’re fucking incredible, Nell. I could cum all over without you even touching me,” He breathes heavily. I’m more turned on than I ever have been in my life but I take a moment to appreciate my slight victory, but a slight victory isn’t good enough, I have always been competitive. So with a smirk I sit on the edge of the tub, lifting my right leg, and resting my foot on the tile. I start moving my hand to my quivering lips but a splash gars me out of the moment, as Jaden hops into the pool, making his way forward and grabbing my twitching hand.

  “Enough!” he growls. “You fucking win.” He attacks my lips, one hand grasping my breast and the other plunging three long fingers into my drenched opening, setting a brutal pass that I arch into. His mouth is punishing mine with bites followed by soothing suction then he pulls away so he can watch the show below.

  “Look at that gorgeous hungry pussy swallowing my fingers.” He slowly pulls his fingers out, admiring how they glisten in the low light. “Stunning.” He says before popping each one in his mouth sucking them clean and moaning. “Mmm, better than ice cream.”

  “Can I taste?” I ask.

  “Fuck me Jesus, that mouth.” He says before kissing me deep once more. When he pulls back with a huge grin, he dip his fingers back through my juices. Bringing it up for me to taste. I wrap my lips around his fingers sucking softly. My flavor isn’t as unpleasant, as I expected. It’s tangy but sweet and I greedily suck it off him.

  “That’s the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen. Fuck Beauty, I want to be buried so deep in this wet cunt but I’m going to make you wait. Make you wait until you’re mad for my cock.” He says pulling his fingers from my mouth and moving his big body down until he’s face to face with my cunt.

  “Hello my beautiful pussy, I’m Jaden and I’m about to devour you until you cum all over my face” He says and my patience is gone, I grab the back of his head and pull him into my wet center. He lets out a chuckle but receives the message and gets to work. Licking, sucking, and nibbling his way around, never staying in one spot too long for me to really get wound up. He is doing exactly what he said he was going to do, driving me mad for his cock.

  My climax builds and wanes so many frustrating times I’m wanting to get violent with him but instead I beg,

  “Baby, I’m so close! Fuck me!” But his mouth stops and he just smiles up at me. I let out a growl of my own at his teasing. “Are you going to fuck me or what?” Yeah, I sound bitchy but this game was rubbing my patience to a breaking point.

  “Maybe I want you to beg.” He says sinking his teeth into my flesh sending a quiver racing through me. Letting out a fierce growl I push him back a step, grab his stiff dick, and dive onto it like a starved animal. I take him deep into my throat, making his breath escape in a whoosh, like I just knocked the wind out of him. With one hand I grab his shaft and the other his hip, controlling the rhythm, as I twist my mouth around and suck the smooth head of his long cock. Making eye contact with him the whole time, reading surprise at first then his eyes cross as intense pleasure overwhelms him. Humming low and deep forces more air out of him as his fingers make their way into my hair lightly tugging. He is panting now, getting closer to exploding, when his hold on my hair tightens, pulling me back away from his body, then putting his face right into mine, forcing me to look at him. He looks pissed, with his jaw clinched, his eyes hard.

  “My turn,” pulling a hand from my hair he pushes me to my back. He grabs my bent legs at the hips and pulls my ass to the edge of the tub. I grab his other hand sinking my teeth onto his palm, nipping his fingers before suckling a couple in my hot mouth. He stands watching me then crouches on the bench in the hot tub. He bites my inner thigh, hard enough that it will for sure leave a mark. My pussy tightens as I gasp. Th
en his tongue brushes my asshole licking a slow path across my cunt hole, and swirling around my clit. I bite down on the finger in my mouth, as my climax starts to build once again.

  When he pulls back for what feels like the hundredth time since we started this game, I want to punch him in his pretty face, but he quickly distracts me by finally filling me with his incredible cock, causing me scream out at the brutal punishing pleasure. Pile driving into me like a machine I am thrown over the edge of my climax. My eye sight tunnels and all I can see is him, as he fiercely lets out a growl and jerking off the edge into his own climax.

  We gasp for breath together, our skin slick with our mixed sweat, our united parts twitching in the aftermath of our pleasure.

  “I’ll move us into the water, as soon as I can feel my legs again.” Jaden murmurs in my neck causing me to giggle. He lets out a long grown.

  “Are you okay?” I ask concerned.

  “Just don’t giggle. It causes your tight pussy to vibrate and I need a minute before you start getting me hard again.” This causes me to let out another giggle making him bite his full bottom lip as he squeezes his eyes closed. I grab his chin, pulling his lip from teeth, before sucking it into my own.


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