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Sacred Moon: Book 2

Page 5

by Alejandro Marrero

  “Well, what can I say? I’ve got to eats so I can keep my muscles,” I jested while putting down the glass to flex my guns. “Rawr,” I said.

  Kendra, Leilah, and Leona giggled at that. Abbadon just kind of looked like he was about to drool. I’m sexy, and I know it! Hey, we’re star-coursed ones. I’m not fighting it anymore. Too much fighting as it is. I can’t deny the pull towards Abbadon since I first met him anyway. There was also his transformation, his freedom, hardships, and of course, when he bared his mind for most of us to read. Through and through, he was ultimately good. He may have been chaotic neutral in a DnD game before, but now he’s free and himself.

  I also like Abbadon for more than superficial things like his incredible looks. He is valiant, shares knowledge freely, has given him sincere hope to work for the preservation of the Fae. Sure our meeting each other was complicated. That’s probably an understatement. Yet, it doesn’t change how I’ve felt since he wiggled his way into our lives. Yes, he may have been the Angel of destruction or creation. However, looking at how he admired the city gardens in appreciation with me by the fountain, looking at the fact, our energies mixed. Both our powers complemented each other and even saved everyone. It’s safe to assume creation is more of his forte.

  Showing us how to make void-pouches and, in my case, a void-murse was also generous. Abaddon’s embrace felt like home. What makes a house a home? It is love. Love is what makes a house a home. How often have all of us live our lives, always wondering when we’d feel at home? Truth is, home didn’t have to be a house of dwelling. It could be found in the company of friends and those you love. I won’t deny I’m cautious. Even more so when I had to discover the authentic version of Jeremiah towards our end. We’re not just two beings star-coursed, fated, or future mates. We also had to go on a trip together that would apparently be full of danger and uncertainties. The thought of losing another person in any way was frightening.

  Food had come and gone. We all just sat sated in comfortable silence. I knew it was because the reality of what is going to happen next was settling in, weighing at our minds. The unicorn pals of us had given us a treasure trove of knowledge and even a plan. A very elaborate plan and dangerous plan, but nonetheless something to work with. Villains, why must there always be an antagonist to every story. The list of them is growing. The gods, their armies, the Vampire Angel queen Lillith, Leilah, and Jeremiah till he was set free. All the beings inside the former home realm of the unicorns that were under the control of Lillith. Including a shadow dragon. What in the world is a Shadow dragon? I feel like a kid scared of the nothingness in the Neverending Story. Afraid of the unknown but committed to using what I do know to be victorious against common foes to what I hope would be a virtuous society in the future.

  My head was a maelstrom of thoughts and questions. This is easily understood, given the circumstances and everything known or unknown. All I know is I didn’t sign up for this stuff. Destiny or karma, whichever way you want to look at it, had given me a life purpose, and I’d have to fulfill it. Thing is despite protecting myself from the Slivers in my home and ending their existence. It still bothered me. Yes, I know I also liberated the tormented souls of their grasps. Yet killing is something I can’t in good conscience be okay with. Not in any circumstance. I’m an eclectic Buddhist. I think in terms of nonviolence and virtue. Always asking myself, ‘what would be the most benefit to all beings?’ Finding that out is challenging. Being a person that inherently preferred to preserve life than end it complicated my tasks.

  I leaned on Abbadon. Alright, I was cuddling. I’m not a cuddler because, well, I get hot easily and move around when I sleep. Yet Abbadon’s heart feels like home. I couldn’t deny how his presence grounded a peace in me that wasn’t there before. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not hexed or been given Angel Voodoo. He was just raw, real, solid chested, warm but not unpleasantly so and had a kindhearted Aura. He’s loved and lost. He understands, and I understand. He doesn’t push, and that’s good too. I’ve sensed his feelings since he was free of the last tether on his heart center. They come and go like waves. He doesn’t look at me like one would feel over a well-sought prize or possession. He felt admiration, loyalty, compassion, and yes, even deep respect for me. These things are rare. If you ever find someone that appreciates you, is loyal, and cares for you for who you are instead of just your looks. Treasure that person. They’re a rare breed.

  I’ve got an idea. Inside my mind, I probed for the precious link I had with our Unicorn friends when we were deep in the Twilight Forest of the Isle of Mu. I closed my eyes in concentration, lying my head on Abbadon’s chest in silence so no one would notice my mind wandering and suspect I was up to something. Of course, Abbadon wrapped his arms around me, tracing circles on my back. He kept it above the waist. He was respectful, but it really didn’t matter. The present moment is the only moment you’re alive and not dreaming. The present moment was comfy. It was time to engage in mind to speak.

  Psssst, Quicksilver, I concentrated and thought.

  Abbadon stiffened momentarily. You may want to focus your mind-speak at Quicksilver directly. Yelling in every direction will be caught by Leilah should she be listening instead of wallowing in guilt at the moment, Abbadon said clearly in my mind.

  Oh my god, you’re in my head! I yelled.

  Not really, that would be inaccurate. It’s more like you’re speaking into my mind quite loudly, Abaddon replied. Ah, okay, that made sense. Well, as much sense as anything makes these days.

  Sorry, I just have an idea and need to speak with him, I thought in a whisper.

  I understand that, Donovan. Whatever you did to direct your thoughts helped. You’re not loudly broadcasting anymore. What did you have in mind for Quicksilver? He asked.

  Gosh, so weird. This is so epic and yet definitely weird.

  Well, the first true threat to us was Leilah’s sword. Which is kind of out of the picture right now and in Quicksilver’s hands. Do you think he can make a replica without the, you know, god killing power to it? I asked. Or mind-spoke. Whatever you get the gist of it. Don’t be weird. Great now, I’m talking to myself.

  You were not talking to yourself. I do need to teach you how to fine-tune this talent of yours. However, you can always talk to me about anything. We’re Star-coursed ones. This is one of many benefits of our celestial bond Abbadon said endearingly.

  Okay, you handsome devil. I get it. We’re destined for each other. Blah, blah. Read enough books to have a general understanding of it. Also, I’m not going to fight it but prioritize. What do you think about the plan? It checks off something on the agenda for our quest. If we swap the sword of, she who shall not be named and kept her actual god-killer sword in my void-murse. Dammit, I mean messenger bag for the fight with Lilith and the idiot Gods would make this work in our favor, yes? I probed.

  It’s a very good plan. The unicorns are gifted in many trades. It’s possible they could do it. Though they’d need angelic blessings or else Leilah would know it’s a forgery, he answered. Hmm..? That could be a problem.

  Well, we can’t destroy it since we need it according to our friends to sever things in you know who and where. But, you’re an Angel. Can you do the blessings if they make the non-god killing replica? I asked.

  Yes, I can. I was a tethered Higher Angel. My powers have only increased since being free and meeting you. I can offer the elemental angelic blessings the archangel’s granted her sword, to the forgery, Abbadon replied. Great, so that’s getting us somewhere.

  Okay, then. Mind-speak with Quicksilver and do your thing with the unicorns. Can you enchant any sword? You seem to have several. Leaving one of your Angelic blessed ones with them to reforge into a replica? I asked.

  Yes, I can, he affirmed, which was awesomeness. It was time to speak out loud. Give him a reason to leave the room.

  “I don’t know about you, but I could use some rice pudding. Abbadon, you think you can go down and ask the cook if they have any or
can prepare some? Please.” I said. Truthfully I did want pudding anyways. Knocking two birds with one stone. Or, in this case, generally not killing birds but getting rid of a god killing sword from gods controlled Angel.

  “Yes, of course. I’ll be right back. Anyone else present wants some?” Abbadon asked our tribe while standing up.

  “I’ll take some. I’ve got a bit of a sweet tooth in the evenings. Old habits die hard, and I have a feeling we won’t find any in the Shadowrealm,” Kendra said.

  “If they have some fruit or elderberries, I’d be pleased,” Leona added.

  Omg, he’s not our waiter, calm down, ladies! For once, this is not about the pudding. I considered giving them a look. But whenever I try to convey emotions or words with my face on purpose, I look rather constipated. Leilah would recognize it. I thought this was all in my head for so long until I was practicing my authoritative face in front of a mirror. Let’s just say that I’m not a very good actor. If I strained to emphasize any emotion with a facial expression that wasn’t genuine, I did indeed look like I was turtling a poop. Probably too much information but whatever. The point is, I’m not even going to try.

  “I’ll try elderberries too if they have it,” I added.

  “Leilah, did you want some?” Abbadon asked.

  “Thanks, yes. Anything sweet is fine,” Leilah answered.

  “Okay, I’ll be back shortly,” Abbadon said, then bent down and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

  That wasn’t part of the plan, but it tickled me like I had swallowed a bolt of pleasure lightning. Oh my god, he’s giving me such a heart-boner. Heart-Boners should also be a thing. I feel I need to start writing all these things down. The list of things that shall be things and definitely trend with proper hashtags on social media is growing.

  I returned his kiss on my cheek with one on the lips. “Okie, but don’t be too long. I’m hungry, and we need to rest,” I added, resting my forehead to his. No cone-head experience, just awesome surrender to our affections.

  He then hesitantly stood back up with a beaming smile, walking away from the fireplace with a pep in his step and to the stairs down to the first level. When he was out of sight and on our top-secret mission, I figured it would be wise to distract Leilah.

  “Leilah come sit with me till Abbadon gets back?” I asked her. She looked mildly surprised and hesitant, but she obliged with a smile. Couldn’t tell if it was real or not, but her cords were not pulsing.

  “So, what’s the difference between being a Higher Angel and whatever you were before?” I asked.

  “Wow, you’re not mincing words today. I guess I can answer that for now. The difference in powers is immense. Usually, an Angel can bestow blessings of healing, give immortal attunements, to protect and serve others. Each Angel has its own particular gifts. I used to be the seed bearer, and I could use the down from my former wings to shroud just about anything.

  “Now my wings are changed, and I’m honestly frightened by them. I’m really good at not conjuring them again. My wings frighten and repulse me. I hope we can just get this mission over without the need for them. As long as the gods get their wants accomplished, they usually are content enough to ignore us.

  “Also, I’ve got some four of the five elemental gifts; Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire. They make my body stronger and able to handle most situations well,” Leilah answered honestly.

  “Do you regret it? This level up of yours?” I asked.

  “Yes and no, to be honest. I regret when my will is robbed from me, and I’m caged in my mind, powerless to make my own choices. I regret immensely what happened to Jeremiah. No matter how much I screamed inside my head that there were other options, the gods ignored me. I’m sorry they used my vessel to cause everyone pain,” she added honestly.

  “What don’t you regret?” I asked Leilah.

  “I don’t regret having stronger powers. My powers were able to strengthen and awaken stronger magic in Jeremiah, Kendra, and Leona. Immortal Attunements were something I could always do as it was taught in my lineage. The awakening of innate powers in our friends was something only a higher angel could bestow. I’ve known little about the Shadowrealm, aside from rumors, and it’s a foreboding title. Yet I understand it to be a place of great danger to anyone immortal or not. The extra power boost, even if I didn’t know it’s high cost till recently, will undeniably help accomplish our gods' given mission,” she explained.

  “I guess that makes sense. It doesn’t erase the consequences of your actions, but I can understand your motives to do anything to protect us. That is until your body didn’t. Which I don’t blame you for,” I admitted honestly. It took a lot to say that, but it was true nonetheless. When someone is not well, and they make mistakes, it’s best to be patient and understanding.

  “I apologize for that, but I know you’ll get tired of hearing apologies, so I won’t say it anymore. I know you get it,” Leilah said.

  Then Leilah held her hands to her temples like she was getting a headache. I shifted my awareness to her tethers and saw they were getting small pulses from above and flowing into her. Not a torrent like before, but the gods clearly were communicating something. I fortified my wards around me, just in case. I’m understanding but also trying not to be stupid.

  Then Leilah clutched the Phoenix Tear amulet, and the pulses slowed then stopped. Huh? Wonder what that’s about? Too bad, Jeremiah couldn’t be asked about it. There’s something about that amulet. I can see it now. It was almost sentient and alive. The citrine and amber-colored gemstone swirled and flamed inside. Leilah was seemingly oblivious to it. My life has become a psychedelic dream.

  “How did Abbadon free himself from the gods’ control? How, as an Angel, is he able to have a star-coursed one? Why have his powers not decreased from being free of the tethers? What caused his wings to change and his powers to become more powerful?” Leilah asked, interrupting my thoughts. Talk about rapid-fire questioning.

  Though I sensed she was genuinely curious. I understood this was a series of questions that, if answered, would be used by the gods. I don’t like lying. Dishonesty is bad karma. Even if someone believes a lie at that moment, the result karmically will be that people will generally find them untrustworthy. I’d have to answer honestly yet mindfully. Basically, pretend the ‘oh so evil pantheons’ were listening basically. Ready to weaponize the information for their own agenda.

  “Wow, that’s a lot of questions from left field. As far as how he freed himself from the gods? When we met, he had six of his seven tethers gone. There was only one remaining. Thinner than a person’s hair on his heart energy center. It was nowhere near as thick or powerful as yours.

  “Your tethers are thick like ropes. Very visible to me when I adjust my senses to look. Abbadon would have the answer to how he met us with only a weak one. When it was thin as a hair, it was still strong but probably ninety-nine percent weaker than before, I assume. Enough to send subtle influences to his emotions, I’m guessing. But no longer strong enough to assume control over his will. I didn’t really know what I was doing, but I pinched the remaining thread with my fingers. I could feel pulses from above that tried to influence him, but they couldn’t get past my fingers where I held it pinched. It was very sharp, the hair-thin thread. Felt like it was made of razor wire and wasn’t pleasant to hold. Then I chanted a Sanskrit mantra like the ones we learned from Tibetan Buddhist retreats and directed the Illuminated One’s mantra to my fingers. They attached themselves to the thin cord, and it snapped. Abbadon almost fell into the central fountain of the gardens here had I not used my arm to steady him.

  “As far as being my star-coursed one, that I have theories on. I’d be dishonest if I said them as ultimate truths. I’m going to give you my theory and hope that suffices, but remember it’s a theory.

  “I had felt a pull to Abbadon since he first made that way over the top and theatrical entrance into the citadel. It was a feeling of warmth in my chest. I was with Jeremiah at the time and
didn’t understand it. However, I knew that deep down in my heart, Abbadon would never harm me. Nor could I hurt him. Even when I wrapped him up with my magic, I couldn’t encase him fully with howlite, his wings, or go anywhere above his heart center. When I tightened my bindings below his heart, I felt like I was suffocating myself with the cruelty of my actions and eased the bindings. It was like I could feel a ghost of the howlite on myself. Nothing strong enough to not ignore or threaten me in any way. Yet I couldn’t hurt him. It felt wrong.

  “Abbadon felt like he was honest. With his words, we did uncover Capricus’s deception and Sagitario’s near complicity. Which is why I freed him. I had no problems restoring the main citadel doors or foundation and stone. I brought the guards safely down, and he had immobilized them, not harmed them. Though I knew he was capable of harming them. I let him go after he asked for a private audience and had promised to send back his army away from the Isle of Mu.

  “I never liked any conflicts. This had always been so. If there’s a way to avoid it, I always will do my best to do so. I’m finding that’s part of my inherent nature. To not harm but still defend ferociously should I need too. As I’m no pushover either. If it’s for the benefit of all beings, I do what I must for the greater good.

  “He made good on his promise. We met privately, and you already know about him having a very thin, weak, and hair-like tether. I snapped it clean. It was very challenging, and if it wasn’t in such a weakened state, I knew there was nothing I could think of to do anything about it.

  “After Abbadon was free, his whole demeanor changed. His Aura, his wings, armor, and power. It was purified in some way. He looked radiant and was filled with great amounts of gratitude. Jeremiah and I were already on a path to parting ways. I was, at least. He treated me like more of a possession than a boyfriend. He didn’t respect my views and was acting irrationally jealous. He even mentioned casually that he’d kill anyone for me. Including you, Leilah, to my shock. The fact he would be crazy enough to name you as someone he’d kill or let die for me. If he had to choose, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. We argued, and I distanced myself from him.


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