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Sacred Moon: Book 2

Page 7

by Alejandro Marrero

  Donovan stepped out of his pants and fisted his cock with his right hand hard, his big hands still barely even wrapped around the base of his leaking member.

  “Come here now, and don’t let my precum touch the floor!” he ordered.

  I vaguely heard the chair I was in fall as I flashed to him in an instant, catching his clear string of precum before it fell dangerously close to the floor. The clear fluid tasted sweet and masculine as I lapped it up, swallowing it as I made my way up to his cockhead and licked the excess on his slit. Sucking on his slit with my mouth in case any more decided to leak out. I was rewarded with more precum and eagerly swallowed its divine taste until it slowed enough to know it would take a bit more ministrations to get to the pure white load. I licked his cockhead one more time and looked up at Donovan’s pleased and smiling fanged face for further instructions.

  He reached down and led me by the jaw to stand. He searched my eyes and surveyed my face. My now clearly visible fangs, lips, neck, throat, he traced with his sight, raising the hairs on my arms. His eyes kept looking down, and I didn’t need to see to know he was looking at the painfully discomforting tent in my pants. His gaze returned to my eyes.

  “You did an excellent job not letting my want for you be wasted on the floor. Did it taste good, my handsome Angel?” he asked.

  “I could live off your precum for all of my life and never take any other form of sustenance if it would please you,” I confessed honestly.

  With a snap of his fingers, I felt suddenly cold and hot all over. The pain and strain in my pants eased as I realized he magickally stripped me instantly naked and bare for him.

  He glanced down, perusing my body, and I involuntarily flexed my cock.

  “I know this with all of my heart. I’ve never seen such a perfect man and body for me in all of my life,” he said earnestly and with hunger.

  I was filled with pleasure at his words alone. I felt I could cum at any moment from just hearing them. Donovan lifted my chin up so that our eyes were firmly gazing undividedly into each other. He was searching into the depths of them. His piercing gaze was looking deep into my soul.

  “Abbadon, will you ever love or want for another? Would you devote your entire heart, soul, and body to me in this life and any that follow? Would you always be honest and true to both of us in thought, word, and deed? Would you prove to me for all immeasurable time how much you boundlessly love me and only me? Now, always and forever?” Donovan asked with a voice that sternly would accept no doubt or other terms.

  “There will never be others. Yes. I devote myself to only loving you with all of me, including thoughts, words, and deeds for always and forever,” I said, trembling at hearing all my dreams and wants being spoken aloud.

  “It will not be one-sided. I surrender my heart, body, and life to you in every measure. Everything mine is yours. Everything that makes you happy brings me joy. I vow and bind myself to you in thoughts, words, and deeds. Always and forever. Now, let us fully claim each other as eternal mates, and complete our star-coursed bonding,” Donovan said, invoking such radiant joy that my wings sprouted without effort from my back.

  I wrapped my left arm around Donovan's waist and flushed our bodies firmly chest to chest. With my right hand, I reached down and positioned our cocks to be more comfortably up and pressed equally firm to each other. We both moaned and hissed in pleasure as our bodies met. I was a bit shorter than him in height, but not by much. The perfect amount because the stars always chose well.

  I crashed my open lips to his. Both of our tounges were winding and taking turns sucking on each other. Our fangs so sharp it cut small lacerations on them. In our mouth, the blood swelled and mixed, but we did not stop. Unlike the copper taste of regular blood, our small exchanging of blood in our mouths tasted sweet, like ambrosia and fruits. We separated from each other for a breath that was just a reflex and rested our foreheads to each other. Each of us was holding each other's sweet taste in our mouths.

  “With my blood and your blood. Let us seal our bonding. For always and forever.” I said.

  “With my blood and your blood. Let us seal our bonding. For always and forever,” Donovan repeated, words I never thought I’d ever deserved or been lucky enough to hear in all my immortal life.

  I bared my shoulder and brought it to Donovan’s fanged mouth. I followed suit to his other shoulder. Then instinctually, we both latched on with our mouths, piercing each other with our fangs and drank from each other simultaneously. We both moaned as we drank and claimed each other. Immediately followed, orgasms thundered through us like no other ever experienced. It burst through both of us, squirting thick endless ribbons and torrents of cum from both of us. It was landing on our stomachs, chests and reaching as high as our bent necks. I felt his pleasure, and he felt mine. I felt Donovan’s complete surrender and high swell of emotions of bliss and love as I knew he felt mine. With a flap of my wings, I glided us to the bed slowly. My wings wrapped us in a protective embrace. Donovan and I glowed. Donovan’s eyes had changed. He now had both of them in pure, luminous gold.

  “I love you, Abbadon,” Donovan said.

  “I love you too, Donovan. Always and Forever,” I confessed in certainty. I was bathing in our golden afterglow.

  “Abbadon, your eyes, and your wings!” Donovan said.

  I looked to the side and noticed my wings had changed. When I was tethered, they were black. When I was set free, they were white. Now fully mated, they were sparkling and undeniably gold. Things I didn’t understand but loved and appreciated for it matched Donovan's eyes.

  “My eternal love, your eyes have changed too. They are now gold, like my wings,” I said.

  “I never imagined you in any possible way becoming more beautiful, but your eyes are also gold. You look like an epic wet dream come true!” Donovan said, bewilderingly.

  “Come on, I want you to see!” He pulled our sticky chests apart and flashed us in a streak of gold to the privy’s mirror. My chest was covered in our cum, and I was proud to be painted with our loving releases.“You are the most beautiful being in all the universes, realms, and worlds to have ever existed,” he said, resting his chin on my shoulder and staring at my eyes in the mirror with adoration and pure love.

  “I think you’ll find I will always think the same of you and only you, Donovan, but I’m grateful for your words, thoughts, and deeds. As they prove your boundless love for me. My star-coursed mate.” Donovan smiled then looked away from my eyes to stare at his own.

  “Holy nucking futs! Abbadon, my mate, my eyes match your eyes and wings! They’re pure swirling gold!” he said.

  “They’re beautiful on you, my mate, and love Donovon,” I said earnestly. This earned me a radiant smile.

  Then Donovan made a weird facial expression. I raised my eyebrow curiously and untangled his arms from me, and turned around to face him in concern. “Is everything alright?” I asked.

  “I feel something is about to happen. It’s a tingle or like an itch,” Donovan admitted. Then I, too, felt it through our bond. Oh, Is it possible? Could it really be?

  I guided Donovan out to the main area of our chamber.

  “I have an idea of what it is. I feel it coming through our bond. I recognize that feeling. If I’m right, it’s another amazing benefit of our claiming each other as star-coursed ones. I want you to look at me. That itch and feeling on your back, focus on it a moment and send energy to it,” I instructed him.

  Donovan looked into my eyes and then did so. In a flurry, metallic golden colored, long wings then burst from Donovan’s back. They were enormous! Noticeably, each wing was bigger than he was tall!

  “My love! We have matching wings! Don’t think. They work with barely a conscious thought,” I directed him.

  Donovan then wrapped his wings around me till they touched mine that had folded back. His gaze left mine to see his wings! “Wow! That’s awesome, love! Another perk of being your awesome mate! Now how do I make them go away?�
� Donovan asked.

  “Just see them folding and being absorbed into your back,” I explained. Donovan then did, and I followed suit.

  “Awesome!” Donovan said. I could feel his excitement through our bond, and it made me happy too.

  “My star-coursed one, we are always and forever complete with each other,” I stated.

  “I know my love, but really let us be thinking about stuff later. Right now, we need to take turns plowing each other on that bed till it is either broken or we’re both asleep,” Donovan said, leaving no argument.

  I flashed us to the bed in an instant, and for the next several hours, we did just that.

  Chapter 6


  Red Bull gives you Wings! Or, in my case, a star-coursed Angel lover that tastes like mangos. Well, I’m Spanish, and I love mangos. You don’t have to like it, but I love it. Speaking of love. Yes, love. Shut your face if you think I’m wrong. I am entirely irrevocably in love with Abbadon. Who’d of thought. It’s hard to describe. Almost everything emotion-based is hard to detail. However, when it’s right, it’s right. We definitely feel right.

  Most of us go about our lives thinking, does my partner really love me? Do they love me like I love them? Will they cheat on me? Will it be over as quickly as it started? Will decades pass, and suddenly we’re in a courtroom getting a divorce? Yup, these are the questions most of us have. We think it, we’re even shown it. It happens all around us all the time.

  However, those thoughts or doubts or even worries fly out the window when you meet your star-coursed one. Call it your true-mate or soulmate or whatever you want. However, it’s undeniable. It rolls in strong like a storm. Overwhelms you with happiness quicker than lightning, lighting you up to your very core, leaving you to feel electrified and complete. You have someone as precious to you as you are to them. There’s no doubt. Of course, it helps that we feel each other’s thoughts, emotions, love, and presence. It’s phenomenal cosmic juju. It doesn’t matter when or in what form love arrives at your door. When it’s meant to be, it will sweep you off your feet, and you just have to surf the wave or learn to swim.

  Well, I’ve gone through yet another transformation. Both of us have. Abbadon and I sport kick-butt golden wings and eyes. Bonded forever through vows, blood, thoughts, words, and deed. Not that we’re going to be each other’s juice boxes. Or maybe we are, I don’t know. Don’t judge. I am kind of winging it here. Pun completely intended. All I know is this beautiful man I’m cradling in my arms is home. It doesn’t matter what we’ll face in our future as long as we do it together. It’s cheesy, and I don’t mind it one bit. It may not be profound to anyone, but remember, you only need an inch of water to drown in. Take my advice. Learn to swim.

  Also, I’ll go into detail later on some rather unusual but cool things about Angel anatomy. Things I learned last night through our endless exploration of each other’s body and a holy bath to wash away the spunk. Nah, why filter my thoughts now? Self-lubrication is a thing. It’s entirely a thing. Never thought it would be a thing Angel butts can do, but it totally is with my forever Angel Abbadon. Well, I don’t know, maybe it's not? It was sure as hell is convenient, though! I should totally see if it’s a thing.

  I strengthened the embrace I had Abbadon in. He was so handsome! I just wanted to squeeze him so hard he’d fart! Abbadon moaned and groaned as he awoke from slumber. He tilted his head up and kissed me. When he was done with the kiss, he batted open his golden eyes. Awe, he was so adorbs. Is that a word? We should make it a word.

  “Adorbs is not a word. Now that we’ve completed our bond, you’re trying to Death By Hugs me? The hug is welcomed. However, it won’t work to achieve your goal. I do not pass gas,” Abbadon said with a little humor in his grin.

  Okay, maybe I do need to practice a bit of mental filtering. I don’t even remember saying that out loud. Abbadon must have learned this through our bond. He shook his head from side to side. You know, the all too common gesture for ‘no.’ Now what?

  “Don’t. Please don’t. Be yourself. There’s no need to change. Don’t hide your thoughts from me, my love,” he said.

  “You’re going to have to teach me to not project my thoughts so loudly. What if I want to surprise you with a gift or something?”

  “If your motives are our happiness, then I’ll teach you how to do that. If you’re mindful and need to think of things of a sensitive nature. You simply visualize a place for those thoughts to be held privately. You can build a construct in your mind. For example, you can think of a path that leads to the gate of a walled garden. Picture yourself focusing on each of your steps as you make your way to the garden gate. Notice the details of the gate, walls, plants, materials, and climate of this path perfectly. Adding as much detail as you can about the environment of this journey to your secret garden will keep your mind focused on them instead of letting thoughts go astray. Then when you reach the door, unlock it, enter your garden. While the door is open, remember to concentrate on the beauty and details of your construct. In this case, a garden. The scents, sounds, birds, insects, topography, blooms, fruits, and trees. Then close and lock the door behind you. You can then chant a word of power and intent of your choosing to seal or lock the door. Willing and thereby warding your construct to privacy. Then safely inside your construct. Or in this example, garden. Go sit and think freely without worry. Having conviction, your words are safe.”

  Good stuff to know! Ha! My totally awesome, super special, secret garden! Sounds epic. However, it did not distract me from my question.

  “Babe, do all Angels self-lubricate?” I asked out of nowhere, ‘cause the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Or uh question? Okay, even in my head, I don’t make sense. I told you several times not to judge now, didn’t I?

  “What?” Abbadon opened his eyes wide at my words.

  “Hey, now! You’re the one who said not to filter my thoughts from you. I asked a question. Do all angels self-lubricate?” I asked again.

  “I’m trying to understand what you're saying,” Abbadon replied. Oh, for crying out loud. Really do I need to draw a diagram and head bump him?

  “Do Angel butts self-lube or slick themselves up all wet when excited like yours does?” I asked more directly. Abbadon looked at me, stunned. Okay. Well, that wasn’t an answer, but he definitely was wearing an ‘I need a translation’ face.

  “No! At least I have never heard of such a thing. I’m male. There’s no self-lubrication unless we conjure some oil,” he said uncertainly.

  “Did you conjure oil when we were going at it last night for your awesome o-ring?” I pressed. I also totally loved his o-ring. That’s my way of saying butthole. Immortals don’t poop. Okay, honestly, that may be a lie. Maybe they do. I haven’t questioned it. I’m one of those people that pretend they don’t. Not in like a narcissistic, I’m better than you kind of way. More of an I don’t want to think about it, but I have buttsex kind of way.

  “No. Why would I? You prepped me well with your tongue's ministrations,” he said, gaze a little distance, grinning and slightly pleased. I could tell he was lost and confused in the pleasurable memory and forgot my question.

  “Sorry, babe. I dislike bursting your bubble or shattering your world view, but you most definitely self-lubricate,” I added.

  “I do not self-lubricate. At least, I do not think this is the case. I have not heard of any anatomically male Angels having these abilities,” Abbadon said.

  “Do Angels have golden wings? Star-coursed ones or mates? Independence free of tethers like you?” I asked.

  “Well, no. Angels have never had star-coursed ones to my knowledge. A star-coursed mate wouldn’t manifest while they’re entirely bound to their gods’ wills. As far as the color, shape, size, and powers of our wings, we’re usually similar with few exceptions. The majority of Angels have brown, white, black, or indigo wings.

  “It’s really up to their pantheons or makers. The Egyptian pantheon’s Ange
ls have multicolored feathers with a golden arc. Leilah’s were uniquely hers before she bound herself to the Aramaic gods. She was from Prakuta, though. Her lineage is foreign to most of us. I figured her dark space-like star-twinkling wings were something of her maker's designs. The new ones she has are similar to Azrael's. He’s the Angel of Death.

  “We already know that there are few independent angels. To my knowledge, only I was untethered until Quicksilver told us about Lillith. I’ve never interacted with Lillith. Honestly, most Angels, ArchAngels excluded, don’t spend extended times with each other unless it's for a mission or divinely creeded purpose,” Abbadon explained.

  “Leilah’s wings are monstrous now. I miss the beauty of her old feathers. I hope we don’t see those weaponized metal wings of hers ever again,” I said honestly.

  “I agree. Leilah’s new-formed wings are not a symbol of kindness. We all have a right to be concerned with them. We will be vigilant and protect each other, my love,” he affirmed.

  “Do you feel different, Abbadon?” I asked.

  “You’d have to be specific. Generally, yes. I feel different than before. Why?” Abbadon asked while gazing into my eyes.

  “Well. I don’t know how to explain it adequately, but I’ll do my best in the privacy of our warded room. It feels like we are more than we were. Now that we’ve completed our bonding and are forever mated happily and confidently with our eternal vows. I feel different.

  “I am not just speaking about our physical changes. Yes, having golden feathery wings and eyes is a new thing. I’m talking about our energies, though. I’m not sure I’m making sense. I feel stronger. Since my god-seed’s awakening, I’ve felt powerful. Every day, I’ve learned more about my unique strengths and magics. Now though. I am seriously tripping out. It feels like I’ve leveled up infinitely. My power levels are through the roof. I’m not saying this to be cocky, but I feel like I’ve had shots of caffeine and electricity,” I explained. Probably not too well.


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