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Sacred Moon: Book 2

Page 9

by Alejandro Marrero

  We haven’t had any god-ascendants in this world system before. Another world system we’d travel to was Dewachen. There we had experienced the presence of such beings. We never met them in person. However, we felt their immense powers. When we had asked Dewas, Dakinis, and the other citizens of Dewachen about the beings' presences, we were informed that what we felt was the powers of god-ascendants. We asked what god-ascendants were as we were curious. The Dewas and Dakinis of Dewachen gave us their best explanation. They were gods that had ascended in their powers to a state past godhood. Similar to the immense powers of the Illuminated Ones but with unique personalities of various moods and intents. They were considered Creation Gods and the universal Architects of more extensive and ancient far off World Systems.

  We never got the chance to meet these powerful god-ascendants. We accepted the friendly Dewas and Dakini’s explanations and assurances our visit would not be disrupted. We then continued to enjoy our leisure time on the crushed lapis lazuli shores and large lotus filled lakes of the radiant land of Dewachen in peace.

  Dewachen was a realm so bright from the light of its central mandala palace of Illuminated Ones that no shadows existed in the land. Its luminosity was warm and purifying. The night never fell in Dewachen. The temperature was always pleasant. The air was fresh and clean. The breezes carried the fragrant flowery scented incense, musical, and peaceful chants of the monasteries that rose up on every emerald and lapis lazuli colored hillside. We enjoyed our time there with our mother, Queen Leandra.

  When we returned to Terra and our home-realm Lunaria, we found it under a devastating siege by dark beings. Led by Lillith, who had slain our father, King Leandro, proclaiming herself the new ruler of our lands. Lunaria’s previously lush multicolored forests were the color of ash and coal. The rivers were no longer azure but green, and the fumes that arose from them were toxic. The magic emanating from our once-fertile soils felt dark and tainted. We stared in horror at what had become of our once beautiful realm. We were devastated, but our mother, Leandra, ported us to the Isle of Mu and told us to not return to Lunaria until the light-wielder was awakened.

  We pleaded with our mother to stay. To not go back to Lunaria. Our mother was fierce and unwavering, though. She told us she could not abandon her realm. That she had to travel back to our realm’s only mountain and protect the Key of Fates. She hugged all of us, her six children, and returned to Lunaria to face Lilith.

  Before we knew it, more unicorns appeared at the Isle of Mu’s shores to join us. There was an exodus from Lunaria, and every brethren brought news of the cataclysmic horrors of our once beautiful realm. They told us the stories of Lillith’s sudden appearance. Of her army of slaves. How she was an untethered angel but bound anyone with a weak will to herself like the pantheons of this realm did to their own generals and armies of angels. Many of our kin had lost nearly the entire herds of their families. They spoke of our mother, who valiantly fought Lillith and her dark entourage ceaselessly to allow them to escape and join us at the Isle of Mu, telling each and every one of our exiled citizens to return with the light-wielder.

  Now the light-welder is here. Our time of exile has to come to an end. We will take back our home-world with the help of the gracious Donovan. Hopefully, find out what became of our mother hundreds of years ago. To ultimately find a way to restore our home-realm of Lunaria to its former glory before the veils of Terra dissolve and all the hidden realms merge into one. We’ve waited a long time for Donovan. We’d do our best to protect him and his charges. Support his plans for the veil and the Key of Fates. We trust him to follow his heart and do what is for the best of all beings.

  Chapter 8


  It was dawn and time for us to gather and head to accomplish the will of the gods and strengthen the veil. We’d be embarking on our quest to find and use the Key of Fates in the Shadowrealm. It was something we had planned on doing since the beginning. There was no need for the Aramaic gods to go through such extremes to force Donovan’s hands. He would have chosen well with trust in me. He’d have done as I asked if they left him to freely think about his own thoughts and come to his own conclusion.

  Sadly even though Donovan understands my will is not entirely my own clearly now, the trust has been broken. That’s one thing Donovan can’t deal with well; dishonesty and broken promises. My body's betrayal at the hands of the gods has soured his view of them and myself.

  Donovan is forgiving. It is in his nature to give people three chances at all times. His infamous three-strike rule. Yet, I don’t see a clear way for us to recover from this. He’s his own person. He loathes being manipulated, coerced, or his free will to be threatened. This mission from the gods I swore fealty to is going to be dangerous. It doesn’t take an enlightened mind to recognize that I was now one of those ever-present dangers.

  I put on a simple tunic and braided my hair out of my face and secured my halo. I almost didn’t want to wear it. The ring now felt out of place on my crown. It felt tainted and dirty. However, the gods would be watching. Even if I’ve gotten to the point in my meditations where I can shield my thoughts better in a construct in my mind, the gods would be watching. The construct was improved, even reforged to perfection. Yet, I was tethered, and it would become a cage at the god’s whims. The construct was sturdy and afforded me some privacy. Still, I couldn’t continually abide inside of it without invoking the suspicions of the gods. I took a deep breath and exhaled as I left the safety of my mental fortress and returned to the present moment.

  I finished putting on my boots, strapping the belt on my tunic, then walked out to get Jeremiah. I would have knocked on his door, but I could feel he was awake. Waiting for, no doubt, my presence. The powers of angel blood wielded to garnish servitude from my once Kindred friend. Jeremiah is a friend who now was a shell of his former self. He served at my whim and the whims of the gods we both were bound to. I opened the door to find him sitting in a meditative position on the bed.

  “Jeremiah, it is time to go,” I said. He looked up, bounced off the bed, and grabbed his things from the side of the bed. It looked like he was already ready and waiting to go since last night.

  “Yes, Leilah, my Queen. Let us accomplish your will and those of your masters,” Jeremiah replied like a well-trained drone. Pathetic.

  I didn’t like this version of him, but there was nothing I could do about it. What has been done is irreversible. I reached for my sword absentmindedly, forgetting it was kept by the keepers of this Tavern. I felt lost without my Verdadera. Yet I understood the rules of parlay in last night's circumstance and would have it returned soon.

  Jeremiah followed me out to the common area of the room. There is an eerie quiet in Donovan and Abbadon’s chamber. I couldn’t feel their presence at all. I was about to go knock on their door when Kendra and Leona exited their room. They were both dressed in traveling attire. They both had their hair braided eloquently. The kind of braids that could only be done with the help of another person or magick. Leona pinned Kendra’s cloak on. Kendra did the same in turn. Then they glanced my way.

  “Good morning Kendra and Lady Leona,” I greeted them both warmly. While I was at the helm, I’d take advantage and do my best to mend fences. Even though I could be crass and dismissive at times. I understood the value of being kind to my friends. Even knowing that at any moment, the body would betray them.

  “Yes, Good morning to you both,” Jeremiah echoed. This was going to get old quick, but at least he was polite. Even if he was just a mirror to my actions.

  “Good morning Leilah and Jeremiah,” Kendra said warmly. She was indeed a green Witch. Kindness and healing were etched in her nature.

  “Good morning to you both,” Lady Leona added at a polite enough moment to not be considered purposely delayed. However, there was an iron in her tone that made it clear her concerns for Kendra outweighed any previous loyalty or comradery with me.

  The forced politeness I understood given our s
ituation clearly. I’ve always been pretty logical. If the situation was reversed, I’m not sure I would have been as patient as they were either. I would have to accept the lack of open hostility as progress. As soon as we accomplished the gods' missions, hopefully, we could return to normalcy.

  “Well, let us get this show on the road. Where are Abbadon and Donovan? Are they still sleeping?” Kendra asked.

  “I’m not sure. I gathered Jeremiah, and I was about to go knock on their door before you exit your room,” I answered sincerely.

  I was about to head to their door before my actions were interrupted by hearing two sets of footsteps. Then a Fae Tavern employee reached the top of the stairs with a wrapped parcel. He had another Fae following in his wake.

  Ah, there’s my sword. I walked to the end of the room and met the foreign Tavern keeper at the entrance to our boarding level to retrieve my sword. He handed my sword to me, hands extended, and head bowed respectfully. I unwrapped Verdadera and gave him back his leather wrapping cloth. Securing my celestial sword to its sheathe on my belt.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “You’re very welcome. Supplies have been gathered for all of you and conveyances secured for your journey. They wait for all of you outside in front of our tavern,” the innkeeper said. “My friend Lady Starlight will fetch Donovan and Abbadon from their room and bring them to meet you out front.”

  Excellent. This would speed up our journey. “Thank you for your foresight and hospitality. This will be of great help and save us time,” I added gratefully.

  “You’re welcome. Now, if you four would follow me downstairs now to examine the supplies and make sure all is perfect for your journey. We did the best we could to acquire anything you six would need on your way to the Shadowrealm. We have not been to that realm, but its name made us prepare for several circumstances that you may encounter on your journey to help you succeed as comfortably as possible on your quest,” he replied.

  Well, it looked like everything was going as planned and ahead of schedule with the help of the Fae in Silver City. My mind felt at ease. No tingles of deception came from either of them or the gods. They really had followed our wishes. At least these strangers did. I knew Donovan was grumpy when he woke up, so letting them handle the brunt of his morning grumpiness would be fine. We’d meet Abbadon and Donovan outside while we checked the supplies.

  “I am Desmond. There is also green-tea available for all of you all downstairs. These two cups my wife Starlight carries are for rousing Donovan and Abbadon. We were warned by the owners that the light-wielder preferred caffeine upon waking. Let us go downstairs and see the supplies and conveyances are to your liking for your challenging journey,” Desmond instructed while turning to head back down the stairs.

  Jeremiah and I followed Desmond with Kendra, quickly following down the steps behind me. I couldn’t blame them for wanting me to take the lead, circumstances considered, and I personally didn’t want to wake an un-caffeinated Donovan. Been there, done that, and regretted it each time. I’m sure Starlight could handle it. Donovan was always kind to strangers, no matter his state.

  Starlight held the tray of green-tea scented tea and made her way towards the far left of the fireplace, I assume, to retrieve Donovan and Abbadon. As we made it to the bar area of the tavern near the front door, there was indeed some green tea steaming and available on the far end of the counter. We grabbed our cups and headed outside the tavern, promising to bring them back in before we embarked.

  Outside were six unicorns. They were saddled and had various packs of supplies secured to their saddles. By the number of supplies on each unicorn, they had efficiently planned well for the long journey. Kendra walked up to a unicorn with braids in her mane. I remembered this was the same unicorn she rode from the twilight forest to Silver Leah City. Unicorns made sense. They were powerful and could handle the added weight of supplies. Our tribe’s gravity would not be felt or put a strain on them.

  Jeremiah was led to a Unicorn. As were Leona and I. They seemed to be the same ones we used to travel here. Two unicorns remained, one I didn’t recognize. Given that Abbadon was now coming with us and knew how to navigate the Shadowrealm to the Key of Fates, this made sense. We finished our tea quickly. Desmond collected our now empty teacups graciously.

  “Please check your supplies. Let me know if there is anything more you need. When I return from bringing your cups back inside and fetching Starlight with your remaining companions for this journey,” Desmond said.

  I started to go through the supplies on my unicorn, as did everyone else. They had been very thorough. There were plenty of supplies for all of us to last for a long time. I mounted my unicorn, and the others followed my lead.

  Then I heard a sound I had not heard in countless kalpas. God-ascendants were heading our direction. I felt the pulses from above coming down the tethers from my gods. I was being probed with questions by the gods in my mind. They felt like razors. What are God-Ascendants, Leilah? The gods spoke directly to my mind. I answered. I had no choice.

  They’re gods who have ascended to a state beyond godhood. They rarely make their presence known. I hear they inhabit unfathomably ancient world systems. They usually only visit for short times in other world systems. The galaxies they hail from are far from your dominion of Terra. I’ve not seen their world systems. God-ascendants are powerful beings. That is all I know. Though I have felt their presence before in the Dewachen world system briefly. I’ve not met any, I answered my gods.

  They continued to probe my mind for more information on them. Then the gods stopped. Everything I had told them was genuine and could be read clearly from my mind.

  You must find out who these supposedly powerful god-ascendants are and what their purpose is here. Encourage them to leave our domain and ensure their presence is brief. This world system has enough gods. No other is needed. Though if you can get them to share how they reached their state of ascendance, we’d prefer you to find out and relay this information to us in haste, the gods' voices chorused loudly in my head.

  As you wish, it shall be done, I replied mentally while fiddling with my amulet. The gods retreated from my mind, but I knew they were watching.

  I felt the two god-ascendants’ presences getting closer. Then the door of the Tavern swung open, and to my shock, out they came. All of us leaned back as waves of their power hit us. Even the unicorns backed away a few steps in unison. My jaw went slack, and my eyes rounded in surprise. Abbadon and Donovan had gone through an impossible transformation! They were now both god-ascendants! Abbadon was no longer a recognizable Angel. He had golden eyes. He, too, had achieved godhood. They hadn’t just been reborn into any state of godhood but a full-fledged god-ascendant. Donovan also had matching molten swirling golden eyes. Donovan was no longer a godling. He had evolved to a full-fledged god-ascendant. They had nine chakras! How could this be?

  The gods took control of my body in an instant, and I was torn off the unicorn. Then caged like an animal in my mind. My metallic wings manifested, screeching and sparking like metal scraping metal. There was nothing I could do. I saw Leona and Kendra guide their horses back, further retreating at the manifestations of my wings. As I watched helplessly, I couldn’t blame them.

  The gods used my wings to shoot razor-sharp feathers at Abbadon and Donovan simultaneously. They both held their palms out in the direction of my incoming projectiles. The feathers disintegrated into nothingness. My wings shot another round of feathered blades in their route. They too disintegrated into nothingness. I tried to unsheathe my sword Verdadera and I couldn’t. I was frozen into stillness. My wings were un-conjured and disappeared.

  “That’s quite enough,” Donovan said.

  “How did a fledgling godling as insignificant as you attain this state of ascended-godhood in our realm?” the gods asked in a choir-like tenor through my voicebox. I wanted to know this too. But already felt guilty for once again my body losing control to the gods’ wills and at
tacking my friends.

  “You are no longer in the position to ask questions. Your ignorance has led you astray. You seek to force, manipulate, and control the very beings you’ve created. This is not virtuous or the path that will strengthen the veil. Listen to my words as I broadcast them throughout your celestial abodes to all the pantheons and their retinue. You are no longer the rulers of this world. Your Angels, Demi-gods, Nephilim, and host of immortal beings that you’ve bound to your will shall be liberated. All beings, even those divinely formed by your hands, deserve free will. They deserve the freedom to love, be in charge of their own destinies, and see the fruition of all their altruistic wishes come true.

  “We will go to the Shadowrealm. We will be victorious in setting all those free who wish to be unbound by tyranny. Now we’ve had enough of your machinations. Heed my warning, you and the other pantheons of this world. Should you decide to get in our way or create obstacles to our noble endeavors, we will have your celestial abodes destroyed. Those who humble themselves before us, heed our council with no agenda other than to be of benefit to all Terran beings will suffer no consequences and their lives preserved. Those who oppose us will be stripped of their powers. It’s time for a new world system order in all the Terran realms, one based on virtue and equanimity. In case you have any lingering doubts about what we can achieve. Allow me to demonstrate,” Donovan spoke with a voice that thundered throughout the realms of the gods.

  Donovan and Abbadon walked up to the frozen Leilah. They froze Jeremiah in place in turn.

  “We will kill her insignificant life,” the gods threatened through her.

  “Your words are empty and meaningless. I strongly encourage you to try,” Donovan retorted.

  Chapter 9


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