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Sacred Moon: Book 2

Page 11

by Alejandro Marrero

  “Cool. Alright, well, here goes. I’ve made enemies of the gods. Everyone here can pretty much see this. I’ve untethered two of their Angels. Liberating three of their servants in total if we count Jeremiah. We need to be very powerful to succeed in our quest. Since you’ve been out of the loop, Jeremiah and Leilah, it’s time to fill you in on some additional details.

  “For one. We are going to the Shadowrealm to get the Key of Fates and dissolve the veils that trap supernatural beings so that everyone is free. This may sound like it will lead to chaotic results, and the truth is yes, it will. However, even if we used the Key of Fates to strengthen the veil, it will dissolve anyways. We’d just be delaying the inevitable. Everything is impermanent, even the veil. I would prefer for us to dissolve the veil now. Rather than slap a bandage on it and make its dissolution a problem for another time or generation.

  “The Shadowrealm wasn’t always called this. It was a once beautiful land, and the homeworld to the Unicorns and other beings called Lunaria. My plan is to restore the land to its former glory before we dissolve the veil. However, it is full of danger and is currently ruled by Lillith. She used to be an Angel, untethered herself, and found a way to tether all of her weak-willed subjects to her will. She has amassed the powers of all the beings she has ensnared. She would be a formidable foe even if we made it through her retinue. We would need all the help we could get. It has to be done, though. Before all the realms merge with the dissolution of the veil, we must make sure that the beings and realms that will then intermingle on earth be purified and safe for mortals,” I explained.

  “Last thing. We will not only have to deal with the beings that invaded and occupy the Shadowrealm. I sense the armies of Angels and gods will come after us as well at any moment of weakness. We’ve already witnessed what they will do to achieve their self-interest. Therefore we need to all be powerful enough to achieve our goals to bring a peaceful merging of the realms.

  “Gods cannot be tethered to other beings' wills. They can tether other beings, but they can’t themselves be tethered from what I understand. They’re clearly connected to all those they’ve bound to their control, but it’s a one-way street mostly. The gods are the puppeteers and their tethered Angels, the puppets.

  “As far as Lillith is concerned, she has found a way to be god-like through her mastery of arcane magics by tethering beings to her. Every one of you will be at risk of being tethered to her. Now before you even think about it. God-ascendants or full-fledged gods or not. Abbadon nor I am offering to tether you to us. Free will is monumentally necessary for all beings. However, here’s the big ask.

  “To have a higher chance of success in our quest. I’d like to elevate anyone of my friends who wish it and accompany us on this quest into a god or goddess respectfully. The world needs gods. It just needs gods that are kind and benevolent. I’m finding that beings who were not born gods have a better chance of being virtuous and kind to those with fewer abilities. For they understand hardships. Apologies for word vomiting that all over you, pals, but there it is.

  “Would you like to be elevated into godlings?” I asked in conclusion.

  “You can make us into gods?” Kendra asked, her eyebrows arching up in surprise.

  “Not alone, but with Abbadon and Leilah’s help, yes,” I said.

  “Will it cause us pain?” Leona asked.

  “I do not think it will cause you any pain. Being a godling was physically painless to me. However, you will be required to bind your powers with an oath. To always work towards the benefit of defending all sentient beings that are not gods or Illuminated Ones. If you break your oath, you will lose your godhood. We must protect the weak, poor, strong, sick, mortal, or benevolent beings of this world system,” I answered, honestly. Really I was just winging this sermon.

  “You don’t have to do it. I’m simply saying I don’t trust anyone else to offer this gift to. Therefore it is your decision. I do not know how to make you god-ascendants. However, godlings are achievable. To reach the state of being a god-ascendant, you’ll have to go through your own trials and figure that out on your own. For truly though, Abbadon and I have theories, but none of them are completely factual. However, you can be elevated into gods,” I added in case they wanted to know.

  “Holy cow! That’s one glitch in the matrix I didn’t see coming,” exclaimed Kendra.

  “Ha! That’s one nerdy way of putting it,” Leilah said. I had to agree. Rock that nerdy, nerdy mind, Kendra. Seriously she’s a keeper.

  “Everyone, regardless of your decision, unmount our unicorn friends,” I instructed. Every one of us unmounted off the unicorns quickly.

  “Thank you! Okay. Unicorn friends, Quicksilver, Spirit, Fevian, Onyxia, Swift, Jetsunma if you would be so kind as to shift,” I asked of them.

  In a flurry of glittering magic-dust of rainbow colors now stood six unicorns in their bi-pedal forms. My petite friend Spirit with her braids. My sparkly, eccentric, kind, and tall muscled friend Quicksilver. Fevian has a lithe body with massive arms from probably working the hammer at his forge. Onyxia had looked similar to Leona but with long curly brunette hair past her back. Swift was a man of average height sporting the pointy ears his brethren did. He was thin and young-looking, absolutely adorable. Jetsunma was as tall and thin as Swift. Her most striking feature was her sheet straight hair and her violet eyes. Nice to see them all again outside of work! No longer pretending to just be conveyances.

  “Well, I didn’t know Unicorns shifted. Are you not the ones that were at the Tavern?” Leilah asked.

  “Yes, most of us work there on and off. Though we each have several other trades we employ too,” answered Quicksilver. “All very fascinating but also stuff I already knew. Time to carry on.”

  “Alright, well, who’s in for becoming a godling?” I asked.

  “I never want to be tethered again. I will accept this offering and make the oaths,” said Leilah.

  “Anything to help restore Lunaria and free other beings. Count me in,” said Kendra.

  “I do as Kendra does. I believe in you, Donovan. I accept the offer and oath,” added Leona.

  “I accept this offering, Donovan,” said Quicksilver.

  “I’m not ready to make such a decision quite yet. I barely know who I am or who I was. Maybe in time, I will take you up on this generous offer, but for now, I’d like to remain as I am,” confessed Jeremiah.

  This actually relieved me, and I couldn’t place why, but it did. I felt Jeremiah was a new person. More humble and subdued for sure. Though we knew who he was before. We’re all a sum of our experiences. With his mind cleared of most experiences, this was probably for the best. At least until he discovered who he was or is destined to be. I nodded my acceptance.

  “I decline, respectfully,” answered Fevian. This was fine, for it was all about free will.

  “I’ll accept the gift of godhood,” said Spirit.

  “I’ll take the oath and god blessing,” said Swift.

  “I’ll remain as I am,” said Onyxia.

  “I’ll accept the gift and oaths,” said Jetsunma.

  That made seven godlings. Hey, seven is my lucky number. Imagine that. It is my favorite number because I remember my first dream was when I was seven. I dreamed I had superpowers bestowed upon me by a magickal library card. Weird, yeah, I know, but hey, I was a kid, and it was a dream. It also helps that seven is prime.

  “Alright, then Leilah. You will need to extract seven god-seeds from Abbadon,” I said with a smirk. Abbadon just looked at me, mouth agape with a ‘what the fudge’ shocked expression.

  “Excuse me?” Abbadon stuttered.

  Kendra and Leilah just giggled. While everyone else was clearly perplexed.

  “I do not understand. What is so humorous?” Leona said, which just made Kendra and Leilah keel over, hold their stomachs, and then roar in laughter to the point they had tears pricking the sides of their eyes.

  Even I had to laugh a bit, so I did. It inde
ed was a funny twist of events.

  Finally, Leilah and Kendra stopped giggling.

  “Donovan is a top!” with mirth in their voices in unison, they said gleefully.

  Well, that is the epic truth. Not something I’d like broadcasted, but I guess what is said in the dome stays in the dome, like fight-club. I can be verse but meh, not usually. Actually, not my style at all. Always found a way out of it, a thin waist and a round angel booty in my face. Yup, then I’m golden. Puns for days.

  Then Leilah clarified. “Abbadon, Donovan's mate has his god-seeds inside his, butt!” she basically all but shouted while giggling. It is funny how butt jokes and things that are sort of taboo for everyone still make us laugh like kids.

  Abbadon turned an adorable red. He even sprouted his golden wings and puffed out his chest and stood in attention. Flexing his chest and all his masculine glory. Oh well, look at that we’ve hit a nerve.

  “You are all children,” Abbadon said.

  “Correct children. Either way, babe, if you want, we can stop having sex for a while, so you don’t feel overwhelmed,” I shrugged teasingly, which made Abbadon pale. He just shook his head no and finally relented.

  “No! We will not stop having relations. There is nothing unnatural about expressing love through intimacy. Leilah, you’re the seed bearer. Go ahead!” said Abbadon as he started to unbuckle his pants, turned around, and bent over. Oh, dear Buddha. I have to stop this. Or do I? I do like his butt, after all.

  “Wait! Abbadon, please don’t take off your clothes. I don’t need you to bend over either. I’m the bearer of the sacred seeds. I don’t have to, nor do I want to see you naked. I can just reach in and grab them energetically without you feeling a thing. It’s painless and over in an instant. Stop being weird. This is divine blessings, not something physically penetratingly surgical!” Leilah explained quickly. I totally knew this but figured it would be a little fun to let Abbadon’s head go wild for a moment,

  Walled garden, remember? I heard that. As soon as it’s time to rest, I’m going to put some seeds in you, Abbadon mind-spoke to me.

  Alright, if you insist, my star-coursed mate. I will stop the feverish ministrations I had planned for your body this evening so you can feel better about everything, I said evenly in my mind.

  What ministrations did you have planned? Abbadon mind-spoke inquisitively with a hint of doubt in his voice.

  ‘It involved tracing every inch of your body with my tongue for hours. Then slowly worshipping your ass till you begged me to enter it. It’s okay though, I know you’re not interested and disgusted that you're holding my god-seeds, I replied

  I’m not disgusted. I just thought it would be extracted differently. We can continue with your plan. I know how important it is for you. Therefore it’s important to me too.

  In the safety of a walled garden, I was doing somersaults and cartwheels. Told you I’d get out of bottoming! HA! Then stepped out.

  Okay, my love tonight then. I can’t wait. I love you, by the way. Always and forever, I sent his direction. He looked at me and smiled, finally, uncrossing his arms and surrendering to the circumstance. He un-conjured his wings too.

  “Alright, Leilah, I’m ready,” Abbadon said, his voice resolute and even a bit huskier. I guess we can’t challenge a being's masculinity in any realm.

  “Oh, Abbadon, I’m already done. Buckle back up, boy,” Leilah said.

  “Wow, that’s pretty efficient!” I told her.

  “I was the bearer of celestial seeds. It’s kind of my jam. Seven of the twenty viable ones are in my void-pouch,” Leilah admitted.

  “Alright then, as the seed bearer, you will plant them in each of our friends that decided to take the oath and proceed,” I instructed.

  “Quicksilver, Spirit, Jetsunma, Swift, Kendra, and Leona approach Leilah and I and kneel. Then repeat after me,” I instructed.

  My seven volunteers got on their knees in a half-circle in front of us, heads bowed.

  “Repeat after me, please. This isn’t the actual oath, but all good things must start with a foundation of altruism. This is a prayer written by Shantideva. It will be used to cultivate a virtuous mind before the oath. Is everyone ready?” I asked. I was met with a chorus of nods and verbal agreements.

  I wanted the oath to be one made of complete virtue. From a being in the eighth century, that was a simple monk but reached the state of Buddhahood or Illuminated One. I think I’ve figured it out by now that an Illuminated One is synonymous with Enlightened Being. I decided to not give them a binding of sorts but a prayer to guide their way for the rest of their lives. One that could possibly lead them to the state of Illuminated Ones should they embody its words. This is why I chose the following prayer as their oath. I left out any consequences to their oath as I trusted them all and could see their hearts. They’d never take advantage of their elevated state. So, they repeated after me, saying each sentence one at a time before going onto the other. This would plant seeds of virtue in their minds and hearts.

  “May, all beings everywhere, plagued by sufferings of body and mind, obtain an ocean of happiness and joy by virtue of my merits. May no living creature suffer, commit evil, or ever fall ill. May no one be afraid or belittled, with a mind weighed down by depression. May the blind see forms and the deaf hear sounds. May those whose bodies are worn with toil be restored on finding repose. May the naked find clothing, the hungry find food. May the thirsty find water and delicious drinks. May the poor find wealth, those weak with sorrow find joy. May the forlorn find hope, constant happiness and prosperity. May there be timely rains and bountiful harvests. May all medicines be effective and wholesome prayers bear fruit. May all who are sick and ill quickly be freed from their ailments. Whatever diseases there are in the world, may they never occur again. May the frightened cease to be afraid and those bound be freed. May the powerless find power and may people think of benefiting each other. For as long as space remains, for as long as sentient beings remain, until then, may I too remain, to dispel the misery of the world,” I concluded.

  “Leilah, please insert the god-seeds into the hearts of those present,” I instructed.

  Leilah then walked with her void-pouch and opened it. It looked very luminous and glowed bright like the sun. She started at Kendra. Kendra looked nervous, but I think she held some peace in her too. Leilah took out one godseed. It looked like a bright star the size of a grape seed. She then placed it at Kendra’s heart center above her breast, and it disappeared inside her. Kendra’s skin took on a radiance, and her Aura immediately expanded and shone with a bright green light. She sighed a breath of peace, and around her, flowers grew.

  Leilah repeated the process with Leona. Leona, too, became luminescent and her Aura a dominant blue. When Leona placed her hands to steady herself on the ground everywhere, her fingers touched wavered. Small eddies of water flowed like creeks, splashing fountains, and small river veins swirled around her on the ground.

  Quicksilver’s Aura was silver. Shocker. He sparked from his hands' pools of silver, platinum, and other precious metals. They were liquid and would combine and take shape into little unicorns, birds, and animals which danced around him. It looks like he was a metal master. I’m not sure that’s a thing or was a thing. Well, I guess blacksmithing is a thing, so yeah. My brain is on overdrive right now.

  Spirit had an Aura of the color of pink roses. All around her danced motes of light and departed unrecognizable tiny beings that she healed with prayers and her touch.

  Jetsunma had an Aura of yellow, and around her, little eddies of refreshing winds would twirl, tossing her hair around to her glee. Air elemental. Now that’s cool. We’ve created an air-bender. Sweet!

  Swift had an Aura of red, and licks of fire danced all over his skin but didn’t harm him. They covered him without harming his skin. He was dazzled by them. Fire Elementalist. This just keeps getting better.

  Leilah then placed the seed to her heart, and she glowed like a prism. Stars and
fireflies danced and circled around her eddies of magic. No idea what she’s got, but she leveled up as well.

  “Everyone, please rise. Let’s hold each other’s hands. Let your energies mingle, be shared or directed clockwise and project kindness, safety, and happiness while you do,” I instructed.

  So we formed a circle, and everyone held hands that had received a god seed with Abbadon and I. “Now together repeat after me. ‘And in it harm none, do as ye will.’ Say this, thrice,” I instructed.

  After we’d all chanted and shared our energies with each other. Set an altruistic prayer then sealed it with the words, ‘And in it harm none, do as ye will.’ We let go.

  “Welcome new gods of Terra. After our missions are successfully completed. You will be tasked to help govern the new world. Your presence is available to all in every direction, amongst the beings of Terra. Never dwelling in dissociation in abodes in the sky, but amongst those who would benefit most from your guidance rooted in compassion, kindness, and wisdom,” I said.

  “Thank you, Donovan!” the group said in unison.

  “Thank you to your butt, too, Abbadon,” giggled Leilah. Which made me laugh too. Glad my friend was back to normal, free, and being a goofball. Team unbounded Leilah for the epic win!

  “You’re all very welcome,” Abbadon replied with a grin. It looks like my mate feels better now. It makes me feel like a butt ninja.

  “Alright, everyone, it’s time to head to Lunaria to heal and restore that realm, defeat Lillith, find the Key of Fates and dissolve the veil. I’m taking down the shield,” I said, which sobered everyone up.

  They stood resolute and with courage in their eyes, ready to begin our perilous journey. So I turned around and dissolved the privacy sphere.

  Then we noticed outside Silver Leaf’s shield an elevated platform with eight golden thrones and one made of earth. Seated on each was one of who I’m assuming were the Terran gods. All of them looked diverse like they were from different cultures of the world. Yet, each of them wore a mask of anger, indifference, or boredom directed at us. Meanwhile, their armies and hordes of angels were beating away at Silver Leaf City’s shield. Arrows, sword strikes, and even fists would break or shatter when they came in contact with the shield.


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