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Sacred Moon: Book 2

Page 30

by Alejandro Marrero

  “We should make wagers on who can eat the most. A Dragonkin or the light-wielder,” King Tryst the sovereign of the Dwarves offered. I already knew who the victor would be. I felt most of us who’d known Donovan longer would. We all remained silent as we waited curiously for Donovan’s response to the challenge.

  “It’s Donovan, really the honorifics are out of hand. You’re making me sound like a flashlight. However, I’m totally game. Shall we find out and wager on who can eat the most?” Donovan said with a competitive tone. My money is on my beloved.

  “At least you’re making a wager with the certainty of your own coin now,” Kendra said with an all-knowing smile.

  Every one of the respective realms visiting sovereigns placed their wagers on who the victor would be in an apparently spontaneous eating contest between Donovan and a Dragon. The newcomers, not having bared witness to Donovan’s eating habits before, wagered the Dragonkin would win. Those of us more experienced knew who to place our bets on. It was definitely Donovan. Though, who knows? Maybe it would indeed take a Dragon to challenge his seemingly bottomless stomach. His void-stomach, one might say.

  “Alright, everyone, we’ll reconvene here in three hours. Then aside from Leilah, her venerable parents, and Azrael, we will begin to set forth our plan. Tonight let our newly married couple enjoy themselves free from worry,” Queen Esmerelda declared.

  “Excellent, Leilah, and I appreciate that. Though do inform us if you need us,” Azrael told us. It looks like my brother was eager to make up for lost time with Leilah this evening. Which was well deserved.

  “Alright, well, let’s go party!” Kendra exclaimed. Then we teleported to the wedding reception. Arriving at the cheers and applause of everyone who’d been waiting for the happy newlyweds to arrive. We all joined the merriment and did our best to enjoy getting to know each of the new sovereigns from their respective realms. Donovan and King Oro sat at the banquet table, eating with enthusiasm under the watchful gaze of all of us who wagered on who would best the other in their little contest. For the most part, they were continuously eating but mindfully, occasionally stopping to glance at each other's plates while also enjoying the merriment around them.

  After about two hours, there was no sign of Azrael, Leilah, or her parents. I’m sure the eerily silent parents of Leilah wanted to get to know their son-in-law and speak with their daughter as well. Hopefully, the wise and compassionate Amagosiddi and Arya Tara would impart some wisdom that would benefit every one of us on our quests. It was evident when the four of them left the reception together as it was after Bezaliel captured Leilah’s bouquet. Which was quite a feat as Kendra nearly tackled everyone trying to catch it first. Bezaliel graciously offered the bouquet to Kendra, which she rewarded his small form with an appreciative hug and a smile, turning Quiksilver’s tanned, blond and petite star-coursed mate Bezaliel crimson from Kendra’s affection.

  It was an hour before we needed to reconvene in the Chamber of Lands. Then some of us would need to plan to go fortify the shielding in the other realms, at a minimum, their most populous centers, while some would be gathering information from the prisoners and freeing the virtuous from Lillith’s shackles in exchange for their intelligence, alliances, and freedom.

  With the merriment waning and most of the guests leaving after the bouquet toss and exit of the newlyweds, there were few of us left. Donovan and Oro were still eating at the main banquet table for the nobility. All the sovereigns and nobility of the seven realms looked sated. They simply watched as my beloved and King Oro continued to eat. Hoping to see who won the bets.

  “Alright, you two. Everyone is gone, but us here. You’ve got ten minutes, then we must reconvene for more pressing matters,” I reminded them.

  “We’ll reconvene in the receiving room behind the throne room instead. It’s good for us to not always be assembled in the same area. There will be seating available for us. Seating, I feel all of us will welcome after such an eventful day,” Queen Esmerelda said, amending our original meeting place with wise logic. I noticed as well that we were encased in a privacy and virtuosity shield. It was a necessary precaution for all the sovereigns and people of importance present.

  “As you wish, your majesty,” I answered affirmatively. We indeed had been on our feet all day. A moment to rest our feet before the pressing tasks in our future was a welcomed choice indeed.

  “Alright, you two. You have five minutes, then the plates will be counted by our servers and chefs under the supervision of Queen Rhea and Queen Esmerelda,” instructed King Emeris.

  At those words, Donovan cracked his fingers, smiled, and said, “Alright, chefs serve me up, battle style!”

  With his command, several equally full carts of equally filled plates of food were wheeled to both King Oro and Donovan’s sides. King Oro had no idea what was coming. As the plate was set in front of Donovan, it was devoured, and the next one would appear. King Oro didn’t even understand what was happening other than he had to quickly pick up the pace. Plate after plate was inhaled by Donovan. He didn’t even look at King Oro or me. In a blur, he just kept eating every plate clean, each one being replaced. Donovan had already been working on finishing the second cart of full plates.

  “Time! Stop!” Kendra called out, and both King Oro and Donovan stopped eating.

  Then Donovan belched loudly. “Oops, excuse me. It was amazing! My compliments to the chefs. Do not, I repeat, do not forget to bring in desserts for us in the royal convening chamber behind the throne room in the central palace.”

  “I don’t understand. How could Donovan possibly eat more than a dragon, my love?” King Oro asked his beloved Rhea.

  She helped her beloved up from the chair and said, “Truly, I have no idea. Though, I should have known better, considering I met Donovan while he had his mouth full of food while having a picnic on a field of flowers while I approached him in my Dragon form.”

  “The numbers have been tallied and reviewed twice though it was unnecessary. We have recently learned of Donovan’s appetite at a victory banquet the other evening. Though, he really surprised us even more and outdid himself here. Clearly, he’s been holding back for our benefit during his stay in our realm. King Oro, you’ve had an impressive forty-two full plates of food. Donovan, you have devoured eighty-six full plates of food. The winner is Donovan. Now, everyone, please settle your winnings or debts, and let’s return to the palace. There’s work to do,” Queen Esmarelda said with wise authority.

  “Are you telling me that he not only ate more than a Dragonkin but over twice the amount?” asked King Oro in disbelief.

  “That is correct,” King Emeris confirmed.

  “Well, Donovan, once our missions are over, we will have to have a rematch at our realm. It would be an honor to dine with someone with the same enthusiasm for food as me,” King Oro said.

  “Awe, your majesty. You’ve found the way to my heart,” Donovan replied with a warm smile. Then they shook on it. An accord for future dinner plans made. Leilah was right. One way to Donovan’s good graces was through his stomach. I’d have to remember that always. For one day, with the battles and obstacles behind us, we’d have proper dates. Dates I know would be planned around food.

  Then we all magicked ourselves clean. In groups, I saw stars and eddies of gold as Donovan teleported us to the Royal Receiving Chamber. Where yes, already there was a variety of desserts, pitchers of mimosas, and decanters of wine waiting for us. We decompressed and got to know each other better in the more intimate setting that was warded for privacy. Together we fine-tuned our planning for the times ahead. As there would be many challenges and dangerous battles in all our futures.

  Chapter 29


  I had sent a prayer into the ether for my parents to rejoice for me as I had found my star-coursed one Azrael. They not only heard my prayer but came to officiate our wedding. I admit, even knowing they were present at the end of the aisle. King Emeris led me onward to my beloved husban
d-to-be, Azrael, and that shifted my attention solely on my mate. I’m not too proud to admit there may have been something to this tradition of a day of separation, after all. Seeing him in his well-tailored attire, and his gaze solely on me made our temporary separation appreciate each other even more. Azrael gazed at me with awe, unbridled joy, compassion, and love. This dress, the romantic ambiance of endless seas of perfumed flowers under a beautiful night sky were perfect. I will have to make an effort to humble myself further and further my trust in my friends, for they did not let me down.

  The night was indeed perfect in regards to our ceremony and reception. The foreboding news in the Chamber of Lands was not welcomed, but it wouldn’t steal the joy from our special day. With trust in our friends, Azrael and I both took the opportunity they offered us to enjoy the rest of our evening. Both of us trusted them to let us know if anything pressing required us. Though, we knew in our heart of hearts that the universe would give us a few hours more of marriage bliss. There was no time in the eons, hopefully in front of us, where I would not want Azrael by my side. Or him not want to be by mine. Nor would I forget the magnificent wedding my friends had planned for the both of us. It was indeed a celebration of our bond and forever partnership in the most beautiful setting. Azrael was the balance and grounding perfection of a handsome partner I needed. The stars chose well for both of us.

  I love my parents very much. Many beings loved and venerated Buddha Amagosiddie and Arya Tara as well. It’s just they’re incredibly quiet and blissed out in their perfect and constant meditative concentration. I wondered for a while if they would say anything at all. Believe me when I say they could stay standing or sitting infinitely without saying a word if they saw fit. Or, in this case, floating above a lotus staring at us with compassion and wisdom. I wanted some alone time with Azrael, and he was eager for some as well. However, our wants tend to go out the window in front of two supreme and benevolently powerful enlightened beings. Azrael also wanted to know them and show his appreciation for them. As they were one of the main reasons I was around, and Azrael’s path met mine. They were his father and mother-in-law, after all. It was time to break the silence.

  “Venerable Mother and Father, I’m overjoyed that you attended and officiated my wedding with my husband, Azrael. Thank you both so much! I’ve missed you both greatly,” I said honestly. It had been a long time since I had seen them, and much has happened. So many choices, both bad and good, have come from my actions. Actions that I couldn’t take back. Nor would I want to given how strongly I felt of our cause. Also, I was secretly beseeching them to share words with us and engage with us any wisdom they may be inclined to impart. It’s not every day you’re in the presence of fully enlightened beings.

  “Venerable parents of Leilah, I too am humbly honored by your blessed presence. It’s a privilege to meet such realized masters on such a historic, beautiful, and joyously unforgettable day,” Az said with a genuinely respectful bow. He somehow instinctively knew everything that would be respectful or please me. We indeed were in the grand design of all things the balance and perfection of a star-coursed pairing.

  “We are honored to have manifested corporeal forms to give blessings to you both on your day of rejoicing,” my father Amagosiddi said lovingly. His words were also understood by me for their hidden meanings. Words that spoke they were both here and in Prakuta at the same time. Nonetheless, it made me happy they were here.

  “Your unspoken thoughts are ever correct, my dearest daughter. We are indeed simultaneously existing at what you may now both consider your other homeworld of Prakuta. We love you both as our children. As we compassionately continue to care for the welfare and benefit of all sentient beings. This special blessing we will bestow as a wedding gift to both of you. For your futures in this world system will be full of as many hardships as you have joys,” my mother Arya Tara said with an all-knowing but motherly smile. Oh, how I wished I was all-knowing. What a help that would be in these times of Terra’s uncertainty. My mother and father began to glow luminously. They then placed their hands on Azrael’s and mine.

  We were suddenly flooded with purifying light, love, bliss, and their boundless compassion. All doubts and worries fled our minds, as did any tensions or discursive thoughts. Then beams of white, red, and blue light landed on us from them both. White beams of the OM sigil-filled light emanated from their crowns to ours. Red light from their throats to ours in the form of the sacred AH sigil. Then lastly, blue purifying lights from their heart centers to ours containing the sigil of HUM. They offered the blessing practice of purification of body, speech, and mind. Through the potent mantra magicks of ‘OM AH HUM.’ Then energy surged through us both, and white and golden outlined Sanskrit lettering appeared like tattooed bracelets on Azrael and me. They wrapped around our wrists. They then withdrew their hands, and we both looked at our new tattoos that shimmered with magic on our wrists. They truly blessed us with their miraculous powers. Though I didn’t understand what their blessings imparted even if I could read the language. It was designed in a way that wasn’t easily deciphered. It was a spell construct that would manifest in our futures. This much I gathered. Yet, I knew only my parents had the omniscience to know their real purpose. Through the bond, I knew my husband felt everything I had felt. Azrael was peaceful and happy. That’s what mattered most to me. Though he also understandably was confused as to what our golden sigil adorned wrists meant.

  “Your minds are both young. Therefore, we will explain this blessing you’ve both received. You’ve both been granted the blessing of ‘One Impossible Feat’ in your future. With a mind of pure compassion and selflessness, you’ll be able to summon this potent miracle power. The construct will only serve you each once and once alone. Make certain of your intentions before utilizing these gifts. They are only possible from a state of pure love in your hearts. Then and only then, the impossible will be made possible and manifest true,” Amagosiddi and Arya Tara, my parents explained to us in perfect harmonic unison.

  “Thank you for bestowing this beautiful blessing,” my husband replied. His words brought me back to the present instead of over-analyzing the meanings of their words or actions.

  “Yes, thank you for this immense blessing, venerable mother and father. We will endeavor to use your blessings well, and our both indeed grateful,” I said to them earnestly.

  “May joy always surpass your challenges, my dear children. Farewell,” my mother said before they both winked out of the common area of our chamber, leaving showers of rainbow-colored lotus petals in their wake.

  I sighed loudly. My parents, with their incredible powers and compassionate blessings, would be missed. Also, how effing cryptic was that? Tattooing our wrists with such a powerful spell construct. It was a sign. A signal that, at minimum, there would be two times in our already challenging future, we’d need to make the impossible possible. It sounded grave, indeed.

  “That’s one major gift! Seriously though, Az, don’t you see the significance of their blessing?” I asked my dear husband. He studied my wrist, and then he opened himself to our bond further. He was my husband and star-coursed one. I would withhold nothing from him.

  “You’re worried that aside from all the trials we will be facing in the future, we will not all be unscathed. That these two miraculous blessings signaled that at least twice, we’d have to make challenging decisions or face unimaginable loss,” Azrael wisely explained. He hit the nail on the head. That was precisely my thinking.

  “Yup, to put it mildly. There are definitely going to be in the endlessly long challenges in our missions for Terra. In these hypothetical two circumstances, we’d be incredibly screwed without these,” I affirmed. Which he nodded in agreement to.

  “It certainly seems that way. However, they’ve generously offered a great boon. Those are at least two opportunities to accomplish the impossible in a time of great need. We must be grateful for this, indeed. However, instead of thinking about how screwed we may be
in our future. We should use this rare opportunity to do some actual screwing, don’t you agree?” my husband explained. Oh absolutely. Forget the gloom, doom, or even, in this case, the boons. It’s time to screw indeed.

  This time would be our first time being intimate as husband and wife. The challenges of the world could wait for a day. “Agreed,” I said before entangling myself in my loving husbands’ arms for hours. Then when we just about to fall asleep, a bell I’d never expected or wanted to hear ever again blared in both our heads. “Nucking Futs! How dare they!” I raged loudly. We both knew that annoying sound and what it symbolized.

  “The ArchAngels seem to be pining for an audience with us, in their classically annoying way,” Azrael confirmed.

  “We should ignore them. We can easily block the Archangels from calling for us permanently,” I replied with conviction. As the thought of never hearing of them again was indeed very appealing.

  “This is true. We can indeed refuse the ArchAngels’ request for an audience. However, what do we have to fear from those beings in our current state? You know their fickle natures as well as I do. They wouldn’t bother themselves with seeking our attention unless it was something they felt was of importance. Not that it may be important to anyone but themselves. However, with many lives, challenges, and obstacles on the path of not only us but our friends. It may be prudent to grant them an audience,” Azrael rationalized in words, truly making me grateful to have his counsel. He was wise and balanced my mind.

  “Fine, but it will be on our own turf, and we will gather our friends. Let them wait for a bit while we gather our allies. We’ve no idea what their plans are, but they did possess and utilized their powers to transform my sword into a god killer once. We will need to proceed with caution,” I warned. For it was accurate, and I couldn’t find it in my heart right now to forgive them for that. They could have been successful at killing Donovan at one time while I was tethered to their masters.


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