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The Girl of His Dreams (Bachelor Book 1)

Page 8

by Janet Nissenson

  “Hey, there. You okay?” she teased, running her forefinger down the bridge of his nose.

  Jordan grinned, capturing her hand and playfully biting the tip of that same finger. “No,” he retorted, shaking his head. “Because “okay” is way too tame of a word to describe how I’m feeling right now. You, darlin’, just rocked my world clear off its axis. I’m thirty-nine years old - something I don’t exactly like to admit, especially to a beautiful twenty-five year old woman - and I’ve never felt quite like that before. And, no, before you ask - that’s not a cheesy pick-up line. It’s the honest truth, Aubrey.”

  She reached over and gave him a quick, hard kiss. “Good,” she replied, a very satisfied smile on her face. “And needless to say, I’ve never felt quite like that before, either. You’re - well, let’s just say you really know what you’re doing in the bedroom. I think I saw the sun, moon, and stars all at the same time a little while ago.”

  His grin deepened. “Pretty much the whole solar system at once, huh? Glad to know I wasn’t the only one in another galaxy just now.” His grin quickly turned into a grimace. “I need to get rid of this damned condom before it starts spilling over. Be right back, okay?”

  Jordan resisted the urge to groan as he eased himself off the bed, his muscles sore from the intense physical activity he’d just put himself through. He refused, absolutely refused, to even consider the possibility that it was his age that was suddenly making him aware of these various aches and pains. He preferred instead to believe that making love to Aubrey just now had provided him with renewed motivation, and that it had simply been awhile since he’d been that into a woman.

  He discarded the rubber before washing himself off, then dampened a washcloth with warm water to bring back to the bedroom. Aubrey seemed a little shy to have him wash her, so he handed her the small towel so she could clean herself up. Both of them really needed a shower, acknowledged Jordan ruefully, given the sweat they had worked up, but Aubrey seemed perfectly content to remain in bed for the moment. She cuddled up against him as soon as his head hit the pillow, once again entwining her arms and legs with his in an effort to get as close as possible.

  He didn’t always like cuddling with a woman, and often found it cloying, or a rather desperate attempt on their part to keep him from leaving. But since he had zero intention of leaving Aubrey anytime within the next two weeks, he obliged her need to get close to him, wrapping his arms around her tightly and smoothing the damp strands of her hair off her face.

  “I meant to ask you about that,” she said suddenly. “The condom, that is. I just sort of wondered why you needed to use one when I had already told you I was on birth control.”

  Jordan shrugged. This was definitely not the time he wanted to discuss his wild past with her - namely, how many women he’d fucked over the years, and how careful he’d always been to keep himself free of any potential STDs as well as protecting against an unwanted pregnancy.

  “Force of habit, I suppose,” was all he told her in response. “And it sort of goes with the territory of the job, too. I’m always stressing to my patients about being safe, being protected, so I guess I practice what I preach.”

  Aubrey nodded. “Okay. It’s just - well, you don’t have to worry about me in that regard. I haven’t - there haven’t been all that many men I’ve had sex with over the years, and I’ve always been super careful myself. So if you ever felt like you didn’t want to use a condom, I wouldn’t mind. I trust you, Jordan.”

  Those four sweetly murmured little words tugged at his emotions, and he buried his face against her silky hair for a moment or two to regain his composure.

  “I trust you, too, Aubrey. Implicitly. And I haven’t honestly been able to say that about very many women over the years. As for there not having been very many men in your life - well, I could tell it’s been a little while for you. Am I right?”

  She nodded. “A few months. A relationship that was going nowhere in a hurry. Since then nobody. I’m - well, picky I guess the word is. As well as cautious.”

  “You should be both of those things,” he assured her. “Always. You’re too special, Aubrey, too exceptional to ever settle for anything less. As it is, I’m not so sure that I’m deserving of someone like you.”

  “Oh?” She gave him a flirty little grin. “I would say that you’re very, very deserving, especially after that really awesome orgasm you just gave me a few minutes ago. Actually, make that three really awesome orgasms. Wow, that has never happened to me before. I usually count myself lucky if I end the evening with just one.”

  Jordan shook his head. “Luck has nothing to do with it, sweetheart. It’s more a case of choosing the right partner. More specifically, a partner who knows what he’s doing. You’re an incredibly passionate woman, Aubrey, and you deserve to have a lover who gives you pleasure every single time that you’re with him.”

  “Like you, for example?” She pressed a kiss to the base of his throat while those eager hands of hers seemed to be roving all over his body.

  He chuckled, then groaned as her fingers trailed teasingly over his stomach and then even lower. “You, ah, said yourself that I know what I’m doing in the bedroom,” he reminded her hoarsely, well aware that he was becoming aroused again – a feat that normally wouldn’t be possible this quickly, even for someone with as much staying power as he possessed.

  Aubrey’s hand stilled, and when she spoke her voice quavered a bit. “You - you’re really experienced, aren’t you?” she asked uncertainly. “With women, I mean. And I know without having to ask that it definitely hasn’t been a few months for you since you last had sex. More like a few weeks, I’m guessing.”

  There was no way on earth Jordan was going to correct her, and admit that it had actually been only a few days ago since he’d been with someone, a brief, totally meaningless one-night stand with someone Finn had introduced him to. He couldn’t even remember the woman’s name now, but thought perhaps that she’d been a brunette. It had been a quick, uncomplicated way to get his rocks off, and he’d pretty much forgotten about the encounter the moment he had walked out of her apartment.

  “Hey,” he told her gently, picking up her hand and interlacing their fingers together. “Let’s forget about anyone either of us has been with in the past, okay? Because as far as I’m concerned, you’re the only woman in the world right now.”

  He ran his hand over her belly, and then lower, smiling when she gasped in pleasure. With a gleam in his gray eyes, he slid further down the bed, spreading her legs apart as he did so.

  “And since you like orgasms so much, maybe we can see about giving you a few more before this night is over with,” he murmured huskily, just before burying his face between her thighs.

  Chapter Seven

  She began to wake slowly, in no hurry whatsoever to open her eyes, and especially not to end what had been for her one of the most restful sleeps she could ever recall enjoying. Then, too, there was the comfort of the mattress cushioning her body, the plushness of the pillow cradling her head, and the pure luxury of the ultra-soft cotton sheets. Aubrey knew at once she wasn’t in her own bed at the beach shack, for that little bed - a twin that had definitely seen better days - had a lumpy mattress, a headboard that rattled annoyingly every time she turned over, and while the sheets were soft and clean they, too, were a bit on the shopworn side.

  And her bed at home most assuredly didn’t contain over six feet of gorgeous, leanly muscled male like this one did. Aubrey could sense his presence on the other side of the huge king-sized bed, could hear the steady rhythm of his breathing, and knew he was still fast asleep. She was tempted to turn over so she could observe him at her leisure, but didn’t want to take the chance of waking him - at least not until she’d had a few minutes to collect her thoughts and reflect on the night just past.

  A smile played about her lips at the same time that a little shiver rippled down her spine. At the ripe old age of twenty-five, A
ubrey had considered herself fairly experienced when it came to men and sex, though she would never be able to think of herself as any sort of femme fatale or playgirl. But it had taken less than an hour in Jordan’s arms for her to realize how inexperienced and rather naive she actually was. He had done things to her, said things to her, made her feel a dozen different sensations and emotions that she’d never come close to experiencing before. He was without question the most skillful and knowledgeable lover she’d ever had, demoting any of her previous partners to the level of rank amateurs.

  Her smile suddenly became a frown as she tried really, really hard not to think about just how Jordan had come by his multitude of bedroom skills. At close to forty years of age, he’d probably been sexually active for well over two decades, and likely closer to three. And there would have certainly been a whole lot of different women in his life - and in his bed - during that period of time. Something told her that he wasn’t much of a relationship kind of man, and that more often than not he indulged in one-night stands, or brief, very casual relationships. Otherwise, she reasoned, why would he have made this trip alone? If he had a steady girlfriend, wouldn’t it stand to reason that she would have accompanied him to Maui?

  Aubrey gave in to temptation then, unable to resist looking at him any longer, and gingerly rolled onto her left side. The smile instantly returned to her face as she studied him openly, taking full advantage of his unconscious state in order to do so. In sleep, Jordan looked younger, maybe even a little vulnerable, though she guessed that word had rarely if ever been used to describe him. His thick black hair was mussed, one stray lock falling endearingly over his forehead. And even though he’d been clean shaven when he had picked her up last night, his chin and cheeks were darkly stubbled this morning. Aubrey had something of a weakness for an unshaven guy, and she had to resist the urge to rub her cheek against his now.

  She also had a definite weakness for a man who kept himself in shape, and it was obvious that the tall, well built Doctor Reeves took very good care of himself. At some point during the night he had shoved the bedcovers to his waist, thus baring the upper half of his body to her appreciative gaze. She admired the defined but not overly bulky muscles of his shoulders and biceps before drifting over his pecs and chiseled abs. He wasn’t excessively hairy, just a wide strip of black hair bisecting his chest and then disappearing beneath the sheet.

  And hidden beneath that sheet were long, muscular legs, a tight masculine ass, and the most spectacular cock she’d ever seen - long and thick and very, very capable of giving a woman countless hours of pleasure. Or maybe it was simply that the owner of that really fabulous dick knew exactly how to use his - ah, equipment.

  And Jordan had certainly given that equipment a hell of a workout throughout the night, she recalled with a very satisfied smile. Then she winced a little as certain muscle groups - in particular the ones that hadn’t been used for a few months - reminded her that she, too, had been given quite a workout. But it was a good kind of soreness, she acknowledged. The kind that told a woman she’d been very, very well fucked.

  Aubrey squirmed a little despite her resolve to remain perfectly still and not risk waking Jordan just yet. But as the recollections of all that had happened last night - as well as very early this morning - came to her, her entire body began to feel the stirrings of arousal. Her breasts were heavy, her nipples already peaking, and she didn’t need to touch herself to know she was wet.

  He’d made good on his promise to her about giving her more orgasms - so many that she’d lost count after a time. Several of those really amazing climaxes had been brought about by his equally skillful mouth, using his lips and tongue to bring her to the edge over and over, reaching tiny nerve endings that she hadn’t known existed before. Aubrey snickered softly, thinking that having a gynecologist for a lover had some real advantages, since he would be very familiar with that part of the female anatomy.

  Going down on her had more than accomplished the goal of getting Jordan hard again, and by the time he’d lifted his head from between her legs he’d been impatient to get inside her. He had flipped her easily onto her stomach, then urged her onto her hands and knees so he could take her from behind. It had been rough and urgent and more than a little dirty, his hands at her breasts and then her clit, before he had slyly slid a finger partway inside her anus. He had known, all right, all of the most sensitive parts of her body, all of her so-called erogenous zones - a term she had never quite understood until last night. And all the while he had whispered to her, the dirty talk as well as the words of praise and encouragement, not to mention the various terms of endearment he liked to use – sweetheart, baby, and the one he used most often – darlin’. She had picked up a definite Southern drawl in his voice each time he’d called her that, something she made a mental note to ask him about.

  It had been the most physical, exciting, and toe-curling sex she’d ever had, and she shuddered in recollection even now at how hard she’d come. He had let her rest after that, taking her into his arms soothingly, and she had fallen asleep instantly. Only to be woken a little before dawn, his kisses and caresses gentle this time, easing her onto her side so he could enter her that way, his chest spooned against her back. Their lovemaking early this morning had been so sweet, so tender, that she’d had to blink back tears at how lovely it was, and she’d been drowsily amazed at the marked contrast in him - that the wild, uninhibited dirty talker could be the same person as the careful, considerate lover.

  They had fallen back asleep after that, and a quick peek at the digital clock on the nightstand revealed the time now to be almost eight thirty. If it had been a work day, she’d already be arriving at her desk by now. But Mondays and Tuesdays were her days off, so she was at her leisure today, and wondered idly what if anything Jordan had planned for them.

  As if on cue, he stirred restlessly, his head rolling back and forth on his pillow as his long limbs stretched in opposite directions. He grunted, then yawned, and finally opened one eye partway. At he spied Aubrey gazing at him, a sexy, sleepy smile crossed his face, and he reached over to thread a hand through her hair.

  “So it wasn’t just a dream after all,” he drawled. “Though it would have definitely been the best dream ever if it had been. Good morning, darlin’.”

  Before she could offer up a protest about having morning breath, or that her hair looked like a rat’s nest, he leaned in and kissed her. It was a long, lazy kiss, his tongue taking its time in making one leisurely sweep through her mouth after another. By the time he lifted his head, Aubrey was breathless, and even more aroused than she’d been while watching him sleep. And judging by the size of his erection rubbing against her thigh, she wasn’t the only one in this bed who was ready for another round.

  “Good morning to you, too,” she replied mischievously, her hand closing around his penis and giving it a gentle squeeze.

  Jordan’s eyes drifted closed again, the pleasure he felt as she began to stroke his cock evident on his handsome face. “God damn, that feels good,” he groaned. “You’ve got the magic touch, sweetheart.”

  She scooted closer against him, close enough for her breasts to make contact with his chest. “Hmm, I’ll bet your patients say the same thing to you all the time,” she teased, her thumb brushing over the ultra-sensitive tip of his cock.

  He hissed sharply in reaction, then made her gasp in surprise as he slid two fingers deep inside her pussy, once again finding all those secret, sensitive little spots. “There’s a huge difference between giving a patient an impersonal pelvic exam, and giving a beautiful woman pleasure,” he growled. “Trust me, I never confuse the two.”

  “Speaking of huge,” whispered Aubrey, stroking his cock a little faster, syncing her movements with those of his fingers moving in and out of her vagina. “And also speaking of pleasure.”

  Jordan offered up no hint of resistance as she urged him onto his back and then straddled him. She brushed the broad he
ad of his cock against her wet slit, then rubbed it around her clit, enjoying this erotic foreplay. She especially enjoyed watching his reactions, hearing the gasps and groans he emitted, liking the way his gray eyes darkened to a stormy shade.

  He ran a hand leisurely along the side of her ribcage until he reached her breast. “You’ve got great tits, darlin’,” he told her, cupping her breast in his hand and giving it a squeeze. “Full and firm and perfectly shaped. And I see now that you don’t sunbathe in the buff. Good. I don’t much like the idea of some horny teenagers or dirty old men seeing these beauties naked.”

  “Ohhh. God, that feels so good,” she moaned, her head falling back a little as he tugged on both nipples at the same time. “And, ahh, I’ve never sunbathed naked. Guess I’m a little shy.”

  “Glad to hear it.” Jordan lifted his head off the pillow high enough to reach her breasts, licking a slow, wet circle around each nipple in turn. “Now, as good as it feels to have my bare dick touching that juicy little pussy, we need a condom. Get one from the nightstand and put it on me, okay?”

  Aubrey thought about debating the matter with him, telling him exactly how long it had been since she’d last had sex, and that her most recent physical exam had found everything in order. But then it occurred to her that Jordan likely wasn’t worried about what he might catch from her, but instead the other way around. And because she had no desire to think about all of his previous lovers, she retrieved the condom as requested.

  Her hand trembled a little as she began to roll the condom tentatively over his hard cock, and she smiled at him gratefully when he finished the task for her. But Jordan was all too willing to let her take over from there, as she slowly impaled herself on him until he was fully sheathed, his balls nestled against her buttocks.


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