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The Girl of His Dreams (Bachelor Book 1)

Page 18

by Janet Nissenson

  But because she didn’t want to hurt Jordan’s feeling, or insult his choice of accommodation, all she had said after the grand tour was “This is a pretty fancy place to bunk down in every night. I guess you must have to deliver a lot of babies to be able to afford it.”

  She’d added the last part in jokingly, and had been relieved to see his answering grin.

  “That’s part of it, of course, but I’ll confess to also being a trust fund baby,” he’d admitted. “My mother’s parents were loaded, and since I was their only grandchild they set up a pretty generous trust for me. The money paid my way through college and medical school, and I still had plenty leftover for a hefty down payment on this place.”

  “Are your grandparents still alive?” she’d asked.

  “Unfortunately not. My grandmother passed away while I was in medical school from breast cancer, and my grandfather a few years after that from Alzheimer’s. I was pretty close to them growing up, though, probably more so than my parents.”

  Jordan had changed the subject after that, and she sensed that his lack of family likely bothered him far more than he would ever admit.

  Aubrey finished brewing their drinks, stirring a single packet of sugar into her tea, while adding cream and two sugars to his coffee. He accepted the mug from her gratefully, and took a generous sip.

  “Thanks, darlin’. It really hits the spot after all that food. Speaking of which, as promised, one lemon bar.”

  Her eyes widened at the sight of the powdered sugar dusted bar he’d carefully plated for her. “That looks like four lemon bars,” she protested. “Whatever bakery you bought these at sure believes in generous portion sizes. Well, there’s no possible way I can eat even half of that, so I guess you’ll have to help me.”

  “You first. After all, I bought these for you,” he reminded. “And I’m curious to see how they compare to the ones you raved about in Maui.”

  Aubrey forked off a piece, then savored the taste of the tart lemony filling and rich shortbread crust as she chewed it slowly. “Mmm,” she moaned, licking her lips. “Never thought I’d say it but I think this beats out the bars at Sugar Beach. Jenna would never agree, but then one of her cousins is a baker there. Here. Try a bite.”

  Jordan clasped his fingers around her wrist as she brought the fork to his lips and fed him a piece. As she lowered the fork back to the plate, his thumb brushed something from the corner of her mouth.

  “You had a crumb there,” he murmured. “And I think that might be a speck of powdered sugar right here.”

  She held her breath as he bent his head to hers, licking her lips with his tongue. And then, because kissing him felt as natural as breathing, she slid her palms up his bare chest to clasp around his neck as their lips met and clung in a long, lazy kiss.

  She whimpered beneath his mouth as his hand cupped her breast through the sensuous satin fabric of her robe, the nipple already peaking. He made quick work of the belt, then spread the edges of the robe apart to bare her body to his gaze.

  “Christ, every time I look at you I have trouble believing you’re real,” he rasped, fondling both of her breasts aggressively. “This body of yours is the stuff wet dreams are made of, baby. Every inch of you is perfection, Aubrey. Every curve, every angle, every sexy little dimple. And just looking at you makes me so hard I can’t control myself for very long. Or stop myself from doing this.”


  His name escaped her lips in a low moan as he took her nipple between his lips, sucking hard enough that she felt the sensation all the way down in her womb. Aubrey pulled his head closer as he shifted his attention to her other breast, arching her back as he flicked his tongue back and forth over the reddened nipple.

  She squealed in surprise as his hands grasped her buttocks, then lifted her easily until she was sitting on the granite countertop. She didn’t resist as he spread her legs apart, then ran his hands along the smooth skin of her inner thighs, but couldn’t suppress a gasp when he rather calmly thrust his index and middle fingers inside her wet slit.

  “Nice and juicy,” he crooned, beginning to pump his fingers in and out of her eager body in a slow, steady rhythm. “And always so ready for me. But not until I’ve had a little taste.”

  Jordan sunk to his knees, continuing to hold her thighs wide apart as he buried his dark head between them, that wicked, talented tongue of his delving deep into her pussy. Aubrey reclined back against the counter, propping herself up on her elbows as she watched him through half-lidded eyes, too dazed with pleasure to think about the fact that he was actually going down on her in his kitchen. She shuddered as he licked up and down along the entrance to her pussy, then fluttered his tongue around her clit until she was squirming in reaction. He added those two magic fingers of his back into the mix, finger fucking her at the same time he sucked on her clit, and the combination was nothing short of dynamite as he easily brought her to orgasm.

  While she was still quivering in reaction, Jordan pressed a kiss between her breasts before murmuring, “Don’t go anywhere, darlin’. I’ll be right back.”

  He dashed off before she could tell him in a weak voice that there was no possible way she could even think of going anywhere, considering how her entire lower body felt like a limp noodle.

  Jordan was true to his word about being right back, though when he walked inside the kitchen he’d shucked the black lounge pants he’d been wearing and was proudly nude, his cock already semi-erect. He placed a condom packet on the counter, apparently what he’d gone in search of a moment ago.

  “You know,” he drawled lazily, “I’ve always thought these counters were the perfect height for this. Glad to see that my estimation was right on target.”

  Aubrey shivered as he leisurely eased the robe from her shoulders, the black satin pooling about her hips. “The perfect height for - for what?” she asked faintly.

  His grin was one of pure carnality. “What do you think, darlin’? For fucking, of course. That pretty pussy of yours is in exactly the right position for me, don’t you agree?”

  She gasped anew as he slowly pushed his fingers back inside of her, almost as though he was measuring the ideal angle for where to slide his penis in. “Uh, I - I guess so. Yes,” she panted, as he withdrew his fingers.

  Jordan took his time licking her juices from his fingers, the sheer naughtiness of what he was doing making her abdominal muscles clench in reaction. “Mmm, I sure missed the taste of that sweet pussy these last few weeks,” he purred. “Even sweeter than that lemon bar over there. Tell me if you’re too sore for this, baby, okay?”

  Aubrey shook her head, watching as he opened the condom packet and rolled it on his now fully erect cock in two smooth motions, resisting the urge to lick her lips. “I’m not, no.”

  “Good.” He eased her thighs apart even further, then bent and kissed her long and deep. “Easy now, okay?”

  She nodded, but couldn’t hold back a little whimper as he thrust inside of her, since this position afforded him maximum penetration. She could feel every hard, thick inch of his penis as he pushed in and out of her vagina with slow, calculated thrusts.

  “Not too deep?” he murmured, his hands gripping her hips.

  “No. It’s - it’s just right,” she breathed.

  “Put your arms around my neck now, baby,” he instructed. “And hold on tight, okay? In fact, wrap those gorgeous legs of yours around my waist, too.”

  She did as he asked, biting down on her bottom lip as her actions only served to fuse their bodies closer together. Her breasts were squished against his chest, her heels pressing into his firm buttocks, and he was so deep inside of her that she half-feared he’d split her apart if he tried to go any farther. Jordan’s fingers dug into her thighs as he began to fuck her harder, pistoning his hips faster and faster with each deep thrust, as she hung on for dear life. From this position, his cock was able to hit that G-spot of hers each and every time, nearly ove
rwhelming her with sensation, and as he brought her closer and closer to climaxing, she was a frantic, wild creature, digging her nails into his back, crying out his name, and answering each powerful thrust of his body with one of her own.

  When the orgasm took her over, nearly blinding her with its power, her arms and legs slid limply to her sides, and it was only Jordan’s hands holding her in place that prevented her from slipping off the granite counter. He found his own release moments later, slapping a hand on the counter to support himself as his legs shook in reaction.

  He scooped her into his arms then, carrying her the short distance to his bedroom, and spread her out gently on the bed. After discarding the condom, he joined her on the bed, brushing damp tendrils of hair off her forehead as he kissed her cheek tenderly.

  “Well, that was definitely something different,” he told her with a smile. “I hope the counter wasn’t too uncomfortable for you.”

  “What counter?” she asked faintly. “Wasn’t I floating on air?”

  Jordan laughed, his hand gently massaging her ass. “Glad it felt that way to you, darlin’. To me, it just felt like heaven, as it always does when I’m buried inside this sweet pussy. And it felt especially heavenly in that position. We’ll have to try that one again, though maybe this next time we’ll put some padding underneath you. Can’t risk bruising this gorgeous butt of yours, can we?”

  Aubrey ran a palm through the damp ribbon of hair bisecting his chest. “So you, um, haven’t done that before? I mean, not in that specific spot?”

  “Nope.” He shook his head emphatically. “I haven’t actually invited all that many women here to my place, we’ve mostly gone to - well, other places. And I didn’t have a chance to tell you earlier - because whenever I’m around you I sort of forget everything - but this is a brand new bed, too. At least the mattress is and all of the sheets and other bedding. I wanted - well, I wanted everything to be different for you. New. Fresh. Like - well, like starting from scratch in a way. Does that make any sense to you?”

  She beamed at him, dropping a kiss on his mouth. “It makes perfect sense,” she whispered. “And thank you, Jordan. For - well, for thinking about that sort of stuff. It’s really sweet of you.”

  Jordan wrapped her up in his arms, holding her so tightly that it was hard to breathe for a moment until he loosened his grip. “I want you to feel at home here, Aubrey,” he murmured against her hair. “To feel comfortable and happy and welcome. And while I can’t very well say I haven’t been with any other women, at least you can be assured that I’ve never gone to this much trouble for one before. Or cared so much about their feelings.”

  Aubrey caressed his cheek, fighting back the temptation to blurt out “I love you” at this very moment. “Thank you, Jordan,” was all she said in response. “It means an awful lot to me, you know.”

  He gave her a sweet, soft kiss. “We’re even then, sweetheart, because having you here is the most meaningful thing that’s ever happened to me. Now, stay put. We’ve still got a lemon bar to finish. After all, we just burned off about a thousand more calories.”


  “You’re really sure it’s okay for me to tag along with you? I mean, I definitely won’t get in your way or anything, and I know without having to ask that the parents are not going to want me in the delivery room for the big event. Not,” added Aubrey with a shudder, “that I’m the least bit anxious to observe a live birth. One summer when I was in Guatemala on a school sponsored community service trip, a goat on the farm we were working on gave birth, and I almost puked watching.”

  Jordan grinned as he backed his Porsche out of its parking space. “It’s fine to tag along. In fact, depending on how long this baby takes to arrive maybe you can drive us home if I’m too wiped out. And no worries about witnessing the birth. We typically only allow the parents into the delivery room, along with the medical team, of course. At least our patients have more privacy than that poor goat apparently did.”

  She shuddered again. “Ugh! Why did I bring that up? Now it’s all I’ll be able to think about for the next couple of hours.”

  He patted her on the thigh just before shifting gears. “I know the perfect way to distract you. Since it’s so late at night the janitorial staff will have finished up hours ago. Which means you and I can lock ourselves inside a supply closet and, uh, distract each other.”

  Aubrey gave him a stern look. “No hanky panky at work, Doctor Reeves. You need to stay sharp and get this baby delivered safely.”

  He shrugged. “Not too worried about this one. It’s the mother’s fourth baby, so she’s an old pro at this. And hopefully it will be a quick delivery. They usually are after the first one.”

  “I don’t mind waiting for you,” she assured him. “And I’ve been wanting to see where you work. I mean, I saw your office a few days ago but that’s not really the same thing, is it?”

  Aubrey had met him for lunch earlier this week, and hadn’t missed all the raised eyebrows and outright looks of shocked surprise when Jordan had introduced her to the other doctors in his practice as well as the nurses and office staff. He’d admitted that having a woman meet him at the office had definitely been a first for him, hence the astonished reaction of his co-workers upon meeting her. Everyone, however, had been nothing but kind to her, though Aubrey could have sworn that the receptionist and a couple of the nurses had looked at her rather oddly, almost as though they recognized her from somewhere. She’d shrugged it off, though, figuring it was just her imagination.

  She’d been in San Francisco for over two weeks now, and had been having the time of her life. Jordan hadn’t been able to take any time off from work, given his recent vacation, but he had managed to cut back on his hours a little so that they could spend more time together. During the day when he’d been at the office or the hospital, Aubrey had easily managed to keep busy - using the gym and pool at the condo building, exploring many of San Francisco’s top tourist attractions, and trying to hone her limited cooking skills by preparing some simple meals for Jordan. She kept in regular contact with her family, and with her former roommates in Maui, and had begun to think seriously about her next career move. She had even done a bit of research on graduate schools, since getting her master’s degree was something she’d been putting off for a couple of years now.

  Jordan had given her the keys to his other car - a newer model Mercedes SUV - so that she could explore outside the city limits, places like Muir Woods and the Marin Headlands, but while she was in San Francisco she preferred to walk or take the bus or ride the bike he’d arranged for her to use. And while the adventurer inside of her loved the opportunity to explore at her leisure, what she enjoyed most were the times she got to spend with Jordan.

  He had taken her out to dinner several times, as well as a champagne brunch cruise on San Francisco Bay. Just two nights ago they had gone to the theater, where he had season tickets, to see a production of Hamilton. On her first weekend in town he had brought her to the Napa Valley to do some wine tasting, including the winery he had mentioned to her on their first date in Maui. They had gone grocery shopping together a couple of times, but Aubrey had adamantly refused to let him buy her any additional clothes or personal items - though she hadn’t been able to resist the very provocative bra and thong set of yellow lace that he’d surprised her with last night, especially since Jordan had pointed out that it was really more of a gift for him than her.

  Overall, it had been the most wonderful two weeks of her life, even more so than their time in Hawaii had been because she and Jordan were more comfortable with each other now, knew each other much better, and she was far more confident of his commitment to her. Not, of course, that he’d ever mentioned a single word that signified a commitment of any sort on his part. Neither of them, in fact, had come close to discussing the future, or how long Aubrey was planning to stay, or what happened next in their budding relationship. She knew that particular discussion would have
to happen sooner than later, but for now she was perfectly content to live in her little bubble, taking one day at a time, and enjoying it to the limit.

  She’d yet to meet any of his friends, either, not counting his co-workers at the office, and had thought that a bit odd. But when she had very casually mentioned it to Jordan, he’d shrugged it off and rather quickly changed the subject after mumbling something about wanting to keep her all to himself for a little while longer. Aubrey had sensed it was a sensitive matter for some reason, and tactfully hadn’t brought it up again, figuring he would introduce her around when he felt the time was right.

  They had been finishing up dinner just a short while ago when Jordan’s phone had buzzed with the message that his patient had officially gone into labor and was being admitted to the hospital. She’d cleaned up the dishes while he had changed into a pair of dark blue scrubs, figuring that she would be spending the rest of the night alone. But then the idea about accompanying him to the hospital had popped into her head, and while he’d seemed a bit taken aback at her request he hadn’t tried to talk her out of it, either.

  “I’m afraid you’ll be bored out of your mind, though,” he’d cautioned her. “Sometimes labors can drag on for hours, though I don’t expect that to happen with this patient. Be sure to bring your tablet along so you can read or surf the Internet.”

  “I will. And I don’t care how long it takes,” she’d assured him. “I’d rather be at the hospital knowing you’re close by than staying here by myself.”

  Jordan had seemed pleased with her decision. “I’ll be able to pop in and out of the patient’s room and check up on you, too. My big part in the whole process doesn’t really happen until the actual delivery.”

  “I’ll be fine. You don’t need to keep checking on me,” she’d protested.

  He’d pulled her into his arms and kissed her long and hard. “Maybe I just want to spend as much time as possible with you, darlin’. After all, given that I got home a little later than planned from the office, we barely had time to finish dinner before this call came in. And we definitely didn’t have time to engage in any other activities, if you know what I mean.”


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