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The Leftover

Page 12

by Brooke Williams

  Megan felt very awkward with her lips pressed against Cane’s mouth, but a moment later, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his tent.

  “Those lunatics are watching,” he said softly against her cheek.

  Megan nodded. Their lips were still only inches apart. “I know.”

  “I don’t know what’s going on here, Megan, but you started it.” Cane tipped his head to the left, wrapped his arm around her waist, and drew her to him.

  Megan’s heart beat harder as he placed his lips on hers. She was so shocked she couldn’t move, but her arms had minds of their own. They wrapped themselves around his neck as she sank into his embrace. After a few moments of pure enjoyment, Megan realized what was happening. Cane was kissing her. She drew back and stared at his shoulder.

  She heard the other contestants chanting her name instead of Andrew’s. “I . . . I have to go.”

  Cane released his hold on her waist. He looked almost as shocked as she did. She rushed out of the tent and back to the fire. Everyone wanted a play-by-play of the action, but Megan refused to give any details. She pushed them off with a quick comment. “I never kiss and tell. Grace, it’s your turn.”

  Grace chose truth and the game continued around the circle until everyone had a chance. Leo had to skinny dip in the lake and Carson was supposed to sleep in a tree, but no one faced a challenge like Megan’s. She had had her first kiss and though it started out awkwardly enough, it became something real. She wasn’t sure she’d ever sleep again.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Psst. Megan. Hey.”

  Megan jerked awake and rolled to her side, squinting into the darkness. Her eyes flew open as the voice’s owner came into focus. Cane’s face was inches away and when he tilted his head to the side to invite her out of the lean-to, she slowly sat up and edged away from her sleeping tent-mates.

  “Sorry to wake you.” Cane spoke in a soft voice as they put distance between them and the lean-to.

  “I was only a little asleep.”

  “Huh, that’s a new one.” Cane chuckled and the hair on Megan’s arms rose.

  “So, what’s up?” she asked as they neared the medic tent.

  Cane gave her a look. “You didn’t come over tonight to talk like you have the past couple days . . . and I thought we should talk. About before.”

  “Oh, yeah, that.”

  Megan averted her eyes as Cane stopped in the sand and turned toward her. She had been waiting for her lean-to friends to fall asleep before venturing out, but she must’ve fallen asleep herself.

  “I guess I owe you an explanation,” she said. “I didn’t mean to put you in an uncomfortable position. I just . . . they dared me and I couldn’t back down.” She shivered, and Cane placed his hands on her elbows and rubbed her arms.

  “You did that on a dare?”

  She nodded, semi-shocked that he was touching her like it was no big deal. His hands burned her skin.

  “Well, this is awkward.” He exhaled. “I should have guessed . . . with the chanting and all.”

  Megan searched his face. It was dark and easier for her to look at him. “You weren’t egged on?” she teased.

  “Do you see anyone in my tent?” He threw back the flap.

  Megan giggled. “No.”

  “I’m sorry. I got carried away.”

  “It’s okay,” Megan said. “It’s not like I minded.”

  “I just felt . . .” He broke off, then coughed. “Never mind.”

  “What?” Megan asked. He had come to her this time and she was curious.

  “I don’t know . . . something.”

  Something? He really felt something? Megan didn’t know what that was, but something was definitely better than nothing.

  “Me too,” she whispered. Not stopping to think, she took a step forward and leaned against his chest.

  Time stood still as she snaked her arms around his waist and wrapped them around his back. His hands moved from her arms to her shoulders and she thought she felt his fingers toying with the back of her ponytail. It was dark and she didn’t have her glasses on, but when she tilted her head to look at his face, she thought she saw a slight smile.

  “Cane!” A deep voice rang through the darkness from the beach.

  Megan jerked away.

  “It’s Tank.” Megan recognized Andrew’s voice—it sounded genuinely worried. Cane was already making his way toward the beach shelter, and Megan jogged behind him, concerned about Tank.

  “What’s going on?” Cane asked.

  Andrew stood beside the shelter and waved him inside. Megan waited outside and tried to hear what was happening.

  “He’s breathing erratically.” Cane’s voice rang through the stick walls. “You said he was talking?”

  “He said something about food and he even stood up and tried to grab me like I was his favorite candy bar,” Kat said from within, sounding both scared and disgusted.

  A moment later, the rest of the beach group joined Megan outside the shelter.

  “Is Tank okay?” Megan asked.

  “What are you doing here?” Kat scowled.

  “I heard the commotion and wanted to see what was going on.”

  “I don’t know what his problem is.” Kat shrugged. She looked more put out than concerned. “He was snoring really loud and moaning about food. We just wanted to sleep so we tried to wake him but couldn’t.”

  “He wouldn’t wake up?”

  Kat shook her head. Andrew leaned against the shelter around the corner, half asleep on his feet.

  Megan ducked her head into the shelter behind the camera operator who had also awakened from the activity. “Is there anything I can do?” she asked. Cane knelt on the ground next to Tank as the camera’s red light began to blink nearby. His fingers were on the larger man’s wrist and had a serious look on his face.

  “Could you grab my supply bag?” Cane asked. “It’s on the bottom shelf.”

  Megan nodded and set out in a dead run for the medic tent. When she returned, she knew her sister would be pleased with her fast time. “Here you go.” She dropped the bag next to Cane and waited in case he had more instructions for her.

  “Thanks.” Cane dug through the bag and slapped a glove on each hand. He inserted a needle into Tank’s arm and held a bag of fluid above his head.

  “What’s going on with him?” Megan asked, unsure if she should stick around.

  “He’s dehydrated. He’s a big man and even though you guys are getting a lot of water, Tank requires more than average. Add a little delirium from hunger and he’s in a what they call a sleep coma.”

  “A sleep coma?”

  “He’s really just asleep, but he’s in such a deep sleep that he’s hard to awaken. Once we get him hydrated, he should wake up and be fine. But he really needs to get some food tomorrow.”

  Megan took a step back. She was impressed by Cane’s fast actions. She knew he was a medical professional, but seeing him at work gave her a whole new appreciation for his job.

  “It might be best if the others give him space tonight. I’m going to stay here and monitor the situation. I have my cell phone. If I need help, I’ll call Mike and the hospital.”

  “I’ll tell them.” Megan promised.

  “So there’s nothing more to see here?” The camera operator lowered the lens.

  “Not unless you want footage of him sleeping.” Cane shrugged.

  The camera operator swung the device from his shoulder and ducked back out of the tent.

  “Are you sure you won’t need anything else?” Megan asked.

  Despite the serious situation, Cane glanced up with a smile. “Do you want me to?”

  Megan smiled back. The shelter was brightly lit with a lantern Cane had pulled out of the medical bag, but her features were safe in the shadows. “Just offering.”

  “It might be good to have another pair of hands. Just in case.” Cane returned his attention to Tank.

  Megan exited the shelter to
pass the news along to the others.

  “Tank is going to be okay, but Cane needs some space to help him. He asked that the rest of you find somewhere else to sleep tonight so Tank can recover. He should be okay by morning.”

  Andrew rolled his head on his neck. “Where are we supposed to go?” he whined.

  “The lean-to is close and there’s extra room. It might be tight with all of you, but it’s better than the open beach.”

  Kat grinned. “Dibs on the space next to Carson.”

  “He’s in the tree,” Andrew spat. “Remember the dare?”

  Kat’s face fell and Megan watched the group disappear toward the lean-to without a care as to where Megan would end up. She let herself back into the shelter and knelt next to Cane.

  “How’s he doing?” she asked.

  “Salisbury steak,” Tank muttered.

  “Did he just . . .”

  “He did.” Cane shook his head. “The sleep coma is peculiar. Some say you can even influence people’s dreams when they’re in this state.”

  Megan bent over close to Tank’s ear. “You’re in love with Kat. Megan is The Leftover,” she whispered. “There, that oughta wake him up. Or give him a nightmare.”

  Cane chuckled. “You have a big day ahead of you, Megan. Why don’t you get some sleep? I’ll be okay. If I need anything, I’ll let you know.”

  Megan gazed into his eyes for a few moments. The bright lantern and dark night air gave him a fuzzy look that was almost surreal. She surveyed the shelter. It wasn’t any more luxurious or comfortable than the lean-to. She chose a spot within touching distance of Cane. If she fell asleep and he needed something, she’d be within reach.

  Between Cane’s embrace and the emergency with Tank, Megan’s adrenaline was still pumping. She wanted to relax and take Cane’s advice, but it would take a while to calm herself. Since he was going to be awake keeping watch over Tank, she grabbed the opportunity to find out more about him. “Tell me about your first day on the job,” she said as she settled into the sand.

  “It was a disaster. I couldn’t even remember my own name, much less the proper medical procedures.”

  Cane’s voice lulled her to sleep as her pulse slowed and she eventually drifted away with a contented smile on her face.

  Cane woke when a hand stroked his cheek. He allowed himself a few moments to enjoy the sensation without opening his eyes. He remembered the night before very well. Megan had fallen asleep next to him on the sand as he told tales of medical marvel . . . or something like that. Once Tank was fully hydrated halfway through the night, the large man had settled into a fitful but normal sleep. He was out of danger, but Cane had wanted to stay nearby. He must have drifted off himself at some point.

  When he opened his eyes, he discovered his head was resting on someone’s chest—someone’s rock-hard chest. The hand against his cheek was large enough to cover his entire face. He jerked into the upright position. Somehow, he had fallen asleep half sitting, his head resting on Tank’s torso.

  Cane shuddered. Thank goodness no one had seen him sleeping there, or Tank’s stroking–

  He glanced at the spot Megan had occupied the night before. Empty.

  He slowly swiveled until he saw her grinning from her seat by the shelter opening.

  “Good morning, Cane.”

  “Morning.” Cane ran his hand through his mussed hair.

  “I was going to wake you, but I didn’t want to interrupt . . .”

  Cane made a face. “It would have been a welcome interruption.”

  Megan’s smile grew and a burst of laughter escaped her lips. “Sorry. It’s just . . . he was . . . oh my gosh!”

  “I know, I know, I was there.” Cane grimaced. He wasn’t going to live this down anytime soon.

  The laughter woke Tank, who rolled to his side and rubbed his eyes.

  “Where’s Mimi?” he asked in a confused voice.

  Cane turned his attention back to the large man. “Mimi?”

  “My poodle. She always sleeps right here.” Tank patted his abs. “I swear I was just petting her.”

  Cane glanced at Megan, who was turning purple trying to hold in the laughter.

  “Hey, what are you two doing here? Where’s everyone else?” Tank sat up and noticed the IV running from his arm. “What’s this?”

  Cane calmly explained the situation. “You really need to make it a priority to find some food today, Tank. If you don’t eat soon, I’m afraid they might have to pull you from the game.”

  “I’m not one to miss a meal.” He patted his stomach. “Gotta keep the protein flowing to grow the guns, you know.”

  “Guns?” Megan murmured.

  “Yeah, you know, it’s all about keeping the ladies happy with the gun show.” Tank flexed his arm and kissed his bicep.

  “You know what the ladies like.” Megan stood. “I’ll go tell the others you’re awake.” She bent and spoke near Cane’s ear. “And leave you two alone for a minute.”

  Cane swatted at her as she left.

  “Can’t they just deliver some food to us like they do the rest of the crew?” Tank asked. “I don’t know if I have the energy to hunt today.”

  Cane squinted at the much larger man. He might still be a bit disoriented. He was on a beach in a residential neighborhood and the only weapons he had were the “guns” on his arms. There would be no hunting.

  “The producer might think food delivery was cheating. Finding your own nourishment is part of the game, I guess. And you’ve got a whole team of contestants behind you. Let them do the work and hope for the best. If you’re going to make it through the competition later, you’ll need the extra energy.”

  “Thanks for the help, doc.”

  “Anytime.” Cane wasn’t used to being called doc, but he didn’t bother correcting Tank. He pulled the IV from the man’s arm and placed a Band-Aid over the small wound. “If you feel dizzy or disoriented today, please come see me.”

  “Will do.”

  Cane packed up his bag and headed back to his own tent. He slept for an hour or so, but he certainly didn’t feel well rested. He kept thinking about the hard set of abs he had rested his head upon instead of a soft pillow the night before. He stretched his neck. Tank wasn’t going to win any awards for best pillow, that was for sure. He wondered why Mimi the poodle chose to sleep there.

  He was glad he had helped someone in the game. He hoped Tank’s problem was a one shot deal, but he felt a thrill that he’d been able to rush to the scene and take care of the issue without involving the hospital. His job was important, even if it didn’t seem like it every hour of the day. He was available when needed.

  Cane placed his supply bag in its place on the shelf and sank onto his cot. Tank’s emergency hadn’t come at a very convenient time. He lamented that it interrupted his moment with Megan. He needed to figure out what was going on between them. He’d only known the woman a few days, but as usual, he was falling for her hard and fast. It was probably a good idea to back off.

  But at the same time, he couldn’t help but pay attention to what his heart told him. Megan was nothing like the other girls he had dated, who were meticulous in their appearance and very outgoing. Eva, who he had thought was his perfect fit, was Megan’s polar opposite. Eva loved to wear the latest styles, which meant a lot of shopping, and she went to the gym religiously. Every weekend was filled with social events, and everyone seemed drawn to her. Megan, on the other hand, initially came across as a mess. She didn’t seem to care a whit about her appearance and she was almost painfully reserved. Yet Cane had been attracted to her from the beginning, and as he had gotten to know her, he realized she had other priorities than how she looked—like her sister and her job. And he found that refreshing.

  Deep down, Cane wondered if he was subconsciously using Megan to get over his broken heart. He wouldn’t do that, would he? He had to admit, he didn’t like being alone. Whenever things hadn’t worked out with women in the past, he’d been fast to
jump back into the dating pool—his current year-long single streak was a big exception. And rebound relationships never ended well for him.

  As he lay back on his cot, he had plenty of questions on his mind and very few answers. He knew two things for sure. One, he liked the way Megan fit into his arms. And two, he needed to sleep and clear his head.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Got one!” Grace’s arm flashed out of the water, something splashing wildly in her grip.

  “You . . . what?” Megan stared at her in shock. Her friend said she was trained in survival skills with her Army background. Megan hadn’t realized that meant Grace had the ability to catch fish with her bare hands.

  “I think it’s a little upset.” Grace held the fish over her head. “It’s a crappie.”

  “It’s a decent sized fish. Can you do it again?”

  Grace smiled. “Take this one off my hands and watch me.”

  Megan blinked at the fish Grace held out in front of her. She wasn’t opposed to slimy things, but a live fish? It might go a bit beyond her skill set.

  “Here, I got it.” Carson appeared at her side. “Ladies shouldn’t have to do this kind of job.” He winked at Megan as he took the fish from Grace. “I’ll clean it in the woods and you can help at the fire.”

  Megan frowned at Grace, who was waist deep in the water, concentrating. “I clean. You cook.” Grace grunted. “Me man. You woman.” Grace raised her hands by her side and became still. Her eyes swiveled and her hands moved lightning fast through the water. “Ha!” She held up another slippery fish.

  Megan glanced over her shoulder. Carson was long gone. Who would take this one? She took a few steps off the beach into the water.

  “Why didn’t you tell us you could do this two days ago?” she asked as her stomach turned over. She was desperately hungry, but she wasn’t sure she’d be able to eat a fish after staring it in the eye.

  Grace slapped the fish into her hands. “I didn’t want to come on too strong. You saw what happened to Lucy.”

  Megan nodded. “That’s why I haven’t jumped out of that big tree and caught a bird for us to eat.”


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