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Infinity: Soulmates 2

Page 9

by Sienna Grant

  “Make that another please, love.” She puts another pint on the bar and I hand it to Ryan.

  “Cheers, mate!” Ryan says taking it from me and taking a swig. “So, who won?”

  “Who do you think?!” I smugly reply.

  “Right then get on the table.”

  I take a gulp of my beer and put it on the table next to me. “You’re on!”

  Picking up the cues I let Ryan rack the balls up and I break. Ryan is the only one who could give me a run for my money anyway.

  Chris and Todd are heckling from the table, cheering on Ryan telling him to whoop my arse and doing everything they can to put me off.

  “I’ve told the girls to meet us back here when they’re done but if I know Taylor it’ll be a while yet. If it doesn’t involve food shopping she could spend all day.” Smirking, Chris shakes his head but he loves that girl, he always has.

  I hope Darcy is feeling a little better from spending some time with the girls, it’s what she needs. I don’t like how she feels so guilty if she’s not at home, I know they’re her parents but seriously - the girl goes nowhere but work.

  Taking my mind off the game gives Ryan the advantage when I miss an easy shot. “Fuck! How did I miss that!”

  “You snooze, you lose. That’s all I’m saying!” Ryan tells me smugly as he goes around the table potting all his balls until he has the black ball left.

  “That’s what you get for daydreaming about Darcy.” Todd laughs at me. “It’s about time someone beat your cocky arse!”

  I pot the two of my balls left on the table which leaves us both on the black. I hit the white ball lightly so, it just touches the black and it’s harder for Ryan to make a shot.

  “Get out of that one then.” I tell him as he walks around the table and decides on his best angle. He positions his cue and hits the white but the black rolls towards the pocket, I will it into the pocket, but it stops just short of going in.

  “Noooo!” Ryan shouts as his hands go to the sides of his head. Laughing I show him my middle finger, I position my cue and name my pocket. Just a little tap of the white ball with the tip of my cue and - victory! The black ball rolls into the pocket slowly. I place the cue on the table.

  “YES! Hand the money over loser!” Ryan very sulkily hands a tenner over and slaps it into my palm. “Now don’t be a sore loser.” I tap his cheek lightly playing with him.

  I put the money in my pocket and take a seat on the stool to drink my beer. Todd goes to the bar to get the beers in as Ryan goes off to the toilet.

  I take my phone from my pocket and check for messages but nothing from Darcy. Todd comes back from the bar putting the tray of beers on the table. I take the top off my beer as Ryan sits back down in between Chris and Todd.

  “So, how does it feel knowing in a few months you’re gonna be a Dad, Ry?”

  “I’m shitting it mate. I ain’t got a clue what to do but as long as Ash and my baby is okay that’s all I’m really worried about.”

  “Whoever thought you’d be a Dad.” Shaking my head still finding it hard to believe. “You were like the biggest player out of us all.”

  “Not really I was just fooling myself and being a dickhead. I always wanted Ash but I never thought I deserved her. I was just a bastard.”

  “Do you see much of your parents now?”

  “Nope, I cut them off when I moved out. Ash came first, end of! Mum still rings every now and then when she’s not there but that’s it.” Ryan picks up his glass and takes a long drink of his beer.

  His parents were strict from what I can remember. They pushed him into doing everything, every after-school club for sports, he had targets to meet for his actual schoolwork, not by the school though, by his parents, he didn’t have a choice.

  I remember him coming to our house with Chris when he was around fifteen with a cut lip and a black eye. He told my parents he’d got into a fight with a bigger lad, Mum cleaned him up and tried to get him to tell her, but we knew his Dad had done it.

  He would never admit it with our Dad being a copper. I still don’t know the whole story; Chris does but they were inseparable at that age - still are. I never needed a best friend at school, I had my twin.

  “What’s up with you? That’s twice I’ve caught you lost in your own head! Is everything okay?” Todd asks nudging me.

  “Yeah, just thinking that’s all.”

  “What’s happened with Darcy, is she alright?” a concerned Todd asks.

  “Yeah she’s good!”

  “Ad man, this is me! I know how you think. I also heard you on the phone last night, I know something’s up.

  “Ahh, I just don’t know how to help her. All this business with her Dad is cutting her up inside. She doesn’t think about herself at all, then there’s the garage not doing well it’s just causing more stress.” I tell him agitated.

  “Why don’t you take her away or something just for a couple of nights, spoil her. If she needs a break that’s probably the way to go. Think about it, take her somewhere she can relax maybe the seaside or something.”

  Todd’s right, if I can persuade her to go that is…

  “Oi what are you two girls whispering about over there?”

  “Fuck you!” I say giving him the middle finger, joking around.

  “Who’s for another pint? I think it’s your turn, Ad,” Chris says pointing at me.

  “Fuck off, it’s about time you bought one. Get to the bar, tight-arse!” Chris heads towards the bar as I shake my head at my older brother trying to get another free pint.

  I turn back to Ryan, “So Ryan, boy or a girl?” I ask him with a smirk.

  “I’d love a boy but a girl will be loved just as much and she’ll be my little princess. God help the boys though, I’d kill the little fuckers if one hurt her.” Ryan says laughing.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to be a Dad at all but he or she will have a better life then I had.” Ryan stares at nothing reminiscing on his own life.

  “Course he/she will. Him or her will have you and Ash as parents, you’ll be the best.” I say, tapping his shoulder as I stand, “I gotta piss.


  “Taylor, are we done? I think my feet are gonna fall off.” whines Ash.

  “I’m knackered too.” I stand next to Ash, pouting. If we make a stand we can go home. “Seriously, I’m all shopped out!”

  “Come then you lightweights.” She sighs dramatically.

  “Um, hello. Lady with a baby,” shouts Ash.

  “Don’t be so dramatic.” Taylor tells Ash as we pile all our bags into the boot of the car. Ash makes a beeline for the back door and gets in. As I open the door at the front, I see her with her legs across the seat and her feet up. Laughing at her I get in and we make our way home.

  We reach The Lions Head, where the boys are. Parking up the car we head inside and see them sitting around a table, talking.

  “Look at you old women gossiping.” Taylor says as she sits on Chris’s lap. Adam gets up to greet me, “Hey babe,” he says smiling widely.


  “Here, sit down.” I take Adam’s seat next to Todd as Adam introduces me to Ryan. I watch as he pulls a chair over for Ash and she sits down.

  “Pleased to meet you, Darcy. How did you manage to tame him?”

  I smile wide, I’ve heard this off them all. “Good to meet you, Ryan.” Smiling, I shake his hand and Todd gets up to go to the bar.

  “What are you having, ladies?”

  I order a coke and Ash has a lemonade while Taylor shouts up for a bottle of Budweiser.

  We spend the next hour talking and laughing. It’s been such a good day today but I’m exhausted. When Adam asks if I’m ready for home though, I tell him yes, although I don’t think I’ll be going to my house as Adam’s had a drink.

  We say bye to Ash and Ryan. Then before Taylor and Chris leave I thank Taylor again and hug her to me. “I’ve had such a good day today, thank you so much Taylor.”

bsp; “Ahh, anytime and you’re welcome. We’ll have to do again though it was fun!”

  “Yeah okay, but next time can you give me more notice please.”

  “It was just what you needed. You’ve got my number - ring me if you need to talk, I’m always here.” I smile my thanks at Taylor, grab my bags and let them go, then Adam, Todd and I make our way to their house.

  When we reach Adam’s house there’s no-one home and he’d already told me his Dad was working, so we head upstairs to his room.

  He shuts the door behind me, grabs my hand and turns me to face him.

  “I’ve waited to get you on your own all day. How’re you feeling now?” he asks as he holds me in his arms.

  “I’m better. Taylor’s right, retail therapy really does work.” I smile at him as he stares into my eyes, my soul. I don’t know how I ever rejected him in the first place because I wouldn’t change this for the world right now.

  He rubs our noses together softly, before his lips touch mine tenderly. My lips part, our tongues entwine as his strokes mine, my palms rub up his chest towards his shoulders, his neck.

  My fingers go into his hair halfway up his scalp where I tug lightly. I've never wanted anyone the way I want Adam, and after what happened the last time I was in here like this, I can't wait!

  Adam sucks on my tongue and lip like I'm a food he wants to savour. Pulling away slightly his lips move across and make a trail to my neck instead.

  Gasping, “Adam, we need to stop.” I really don't want to but we must.

  “But I don't want to,” Adams deep, husky voice is going to break my resolve to be the more sensible one here. “Why don't you stay here tonight, with me?”

  “Do you think I should though? Especially with the way I left things with my parents.”

  Adam walks me to the bed, sits me down then places his hands on my shoulders, “Look I know you're upset about last night, but babe - you're allowed to have a life too. It's not fair that you have to live yours like this, walking around on eggshells… you're allowed to kick back too.”

  Sighing heavily, I rest my forehead on his tummy as his hand strokes down the length of my hair soothing me. The guilt I let slip away earlier has returned full force but why do I feel like this.

  “Adam, why do I feel so guilty?” I ask him quietly. Adam sits beside me and takes my hand in his, he pulls me too him with the other. I rest my head on his shoulder as the tears begin bubbling under the surface just waiting to break free.

  “You have way too much responsibility on your shoulders. They’ve let you take that responsibility and it’s not fair on you.”

  I don't want to cry and ruin the amazing day I've had. I take a deep, shuddering breath in and blow it out. Mind made up, I'm an adult, I’m allowed to have a life and I want to live it.

  “Darcy?” I look up at him with sad eyes. “I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. It wasn't my place to say it…” I place two fingers over his lips to shush him.

  “It's okay, you're right.” I smile to let him know everything is okay between us.

  Kissing my fingers, he moves them away from his lips.

  “I just want you to see that you're important too. I know your Dad’s unwell but with all this stress you've got building, it's eventually going to take its toll. I care for you too much to see that happen.”

  The pad of his thumb traces my lips,

  “Really. You care about me?”

  “Yes, really! Is that so hard to believe.”

  I bite into my lip, thinking about it, “Maybe…”

  Adams eyebrows raise as I answer, his lips connect with mine as he pushes me down to the bed, his chest pressing me into the mattress and his hands keeping my head in place as he devours me.



  Lying in bed with Darcy tucked into my side is where I want to be. I know we haven’t really known each other that long in reality but to me it’s been longer. All those one-night stands are a thing of the past now I have her.

  Taylor must have really worn her out shopping because she’s been laying like this for an hour now. Then again, she probably didn’t sleep very well last night after her argument with her Dad.

  I hate that she feels guilty for not being around more to help. She took over the business, for fucks sake, it kills me that she has such a big responsibility piled on her shoulders.

  I want nothing more than to be able turn her over, worship her body and make her believe just how much I care about her.

  I stroke her hair softly as she lies in the crook of my arm, I rest my cheek on her head and settle in and hold her, before long I can feel myself going to sleep with her.

  Rousing from my nap, my arm has pins and needles. I try to move it but remember Darcy is lying on it. I open my eyes and see her. I smile, she looks so peaceful right now.

  I gently slide my arm from under but without success because her eyes flicker open, slowly. Smiling at me, I kiss her forehead and tell her I’ll be right back.

  I head into the kitchen and grab us both a drink and see Todd on the phone in the living room. He doesn’t sound very happy either with whoever he’s talking to. I wait at the doorway until he’s finished, my brother has a lot of secrets lately and I hate it, we’ve never had secrets from each other.

  I hear him angrily reply ‘Fine’ and throw his phone to the other end of the couch.

  “Hey, is everything okay?

  Todd looks up from where he’s sitting with a surprised look on his face. “Yeah, I’m okay. How long have you been standing there?” he narrows his eyes as he asks.

  “Not long only a minute or so, but long enough to know that someone has upset you.”

  “Don’t worry it’s nothing, honestly.” He looks to floor to avoid eye contact.

  “Todd, don’t fuck me about, I know you’re upset. Why don’t you talk to me, like you used to?”

  Sighing heavily, he nods. “I’ve been seeing someone but I don’t think they like me as much I as like them and it’s a bit complicated.” I frown at him in confusion as he tries to tell me,

  “How is it complicated?”

  “Adam, do you really not know?” shaking my head, he continues, “It’s complicated because it’s not a woman…”

  I stay quiet for a few minutes and try to process what he’s telling me. “Not, a woman?”

  “No, not a woman.”

  “So, you’re gay?” I ask not so much confused but try and work it in my own head - I’ve seen him with girls.

  “I wouldn’t say necessarily gay either. I still find girls attractive too, I think I may be bi-sexual though.” He looks at his hands and fidgets.

  “Todd?” He looks up and I can see the vulnerability in his eyes. This is my brother, my twin, “why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I dunno, I guess I didn’t know how you’d feel about it.”

  “Are you ashamed?” Shaking his head to my question I go on, “So why did you feel that you couldn’t tell me then. I’m your brother. I could never think anything bad of you. I don’t care if you like men, women or if you’ve got a penchant for shagging animals.”

  He screws his nose up at me at the word animals. “You’re my brother and I love ya.”

  “Trust you to take that to another level!”

  I smirk as I shrug. “Who was on the phone?”

  “His name’s Chad, he wants me to come out of my big and comfortable closet so we can be a couple.”

  “Does he know you’re bi-sexual?”

  “Yeah, but he doesn’t mind really, well, he says it doesn’t. It was an issue at first but it hasn’t been spoken about since. I want to be a detective Ad. What about my job?”

  “Todd, listen to me. No one can discriminate against you nowadays and if they do I’ll kick their fucking arses! Do you get me?”

  “Yeah okay.” He smiles. “except it’s not that easy but thanks mate.”

  “I wish you’d told me earlier but I’ll always be here to support you,
okay?” I tell Todd and pull him in for a hug. “I have to go back upstairs to Darcy.”

  “Yeah okay. Well I’m off out in a bit to meet Chad, Mum and Dad are out for a while,” he says bouncing his eyebrows up and down. Shaking my head, I walk towards the stairs and take the first step up.

  “Adam?” I look at him from the stairs. “Thanks bro.” Smiling at him I nod my head and carry on upstairs to Darcy.

  When I enter the bedroom, Darcy is flicking through the channels on the telly. I put both drinks on the bedside table and re-take my spot next to her.

  Lying on my back I lift my arm and watch as she snuggles back into me happily. Running my fingers through her soft hair, she looks up at me.

  I trace the shape of her face with my finger, smoothing the pad of my index finger down her nose until it reaches her lips. Softly I pinch her chin between my thumb and finger and raise her face up a bit more until our lips touch.

  The kiss starts softly at first until tongues are tangling together as I move my body slightly to hover over her. My lips make a path to her neck, I kiss down to the juncture of her neck and shoulder as she shudders under my touch. I move the neck of her t-shirt across so I can kiss along a bit further, her breathing begins to change to a heavier tempo.

  “Adam, wait. What about Todd?” She asks breathing heavy.

  “He’s gone out.”

  She pulls her top up slightly so I take the invitation to raise it some more until it’s up over her breasts. Her very perfect breasts.

  “Take it off please?” She gasps.

  “Are you sure?”

  “More than sure.”

  I lift her top up and over her head as she flings it off her arm, Standing, I take off my t-shirt and my jeans and kneel on the bed, unbutton her shorts and slip them from under her as she raises her bum from the bed.

  I take a moment to admire her pale, beautiful body then lean down to kiss her from her lips and work my down her neck, her bra covered breasts, her stomach and lastly along the elastic of her knickers, as I slowly move them out of the way and slip them down her legs.


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