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Infinity: Soulmates 2

Page 11

by Sienna Grant

  Grabbing my phone and quickly answering Leah’s text, I position the phone and pose in the mirror and take a selfie. Pulling up messenger, I find Adam’s name and send it to him, let’s see if he likes that then.



  My messenger pings with a message, I look away from my screen for a second to see Darcy’s name. I open the message, curious. Fuck me! The last thing I expect to see is Darcy standing in black underwear. My eyes widen and my dick goes hard, instantly. picking up my phone I tap out a message.

  Me: Fuck me babe! The next time I see you, you better be wearing that so I can peel it from your sexy body xx

  She must have her phone in her hand waiting for my response because the bubbles appear as soon as my message is sent.

  Darcy: You like it then?

  Me: Like? No, I fucking love it! How am I supposed to concentrate on work with a rock on?

  Darcy: :-D :-D :-D :-D

  Me: Yeah you need laugh. That’s twice today now. Maybe you should come back around here and sort it out for me, what d’ya say.

  Darcy: Aww I’m sorry I can’t. I got work tomorrow. I need an early night :/

  Me: I’ll just sort it out myself, then shall I? LOL It’s ok that picture’s going in the wank bank, thanks x

  Smirking I press send. It goes off almost immediately after.

  Darcy: Have you really just said you’ve put my picture in the wank bank?

  Me: Yep

  Darcy: OMG!

  Me: I’m gonna have to build it up though now…

  Darcy: Do some work will ya! LOL: -*: -*

  Me: Ha-ha. Call you later beautiful. xxx

  I slip my phone back in my pocket smiling. My mind really wasn’t on work after that picture Darcy sent, so I log everything off and go downstairs. Mum and Dad are in the living room. Dad’s asleep with the footy on and Mum’s reading.

  Sitting by Mum I try to sneak a peek at what she’s reading, when I can’t see the title I ask, “What are you reading?”

  “Erotic romance!” she says raising her eyebrows.

  “Nice, my mother is reading about kinky sex. Do I need to tell Dad?”

  “Dad knows, now shut it. Cheeky sod.”

  “Oh yeah.” Cringing I look at Mum, “Ewww. I don’t think I can erase that image now.”

  Mom smiles wide as I cringe thinking they’re into kink. Shaking my head, I try to rid my brain of that image but it’s not working.

  I turn to watching the telly instead. I really don’t know what the big deal is with football, it’s one sport that doesn’t interest me whatsoever.

  “Was Darcy okay, this morning?”

  Oh fuck, trust Mum to notice, she doesn’t miss a trick this woman, it’s why we never got away with anything when we were kids.

  “Yeah… she was okay, that time of the month is on its way, you know when you women get possessed by the devil himself when we say something wrong.”

  Mums head turns quickly to face me, “What would you know? When was the last time you had a steady girlfriend?”

  “I didn’t need a steady girlfriend to know that... you are bad enough, that’s how I know. Every month when we were kids we used to hide if we’d pissed you off in case your eyes turn red and you sent us into the fiery pits of hell.”

  I laugh out loud but Mum doesn’t find it too amusing. She slaps me around the head though. “What was that for now?”

  “Because I’m your mother and I can!”

  “You’re so cruel to me!” I say as I pout.

  “So, are you getting on okay?”

  “Yes, mother! She’s just got a bit on her plate that’s all but I’m going to help her out.”

  “Aww you’re such a good boy. I love you,” she pulls me against her.

  Turning my nose up at her, I wonder what this is all about? “Why are you being nice to me? You were just smacking me. I’m going.”

  I stand up from the sofa. “DAD wake up! Mum’s being weird - she said she loves me. What the fuck is that all about?”

  I run from the room before I get another slap as she shouts ‘ADAM!’ I knew that would get a reaction. Mum doesn’t like swearing but if she’s angry she can swear like a sailor, so I just do it all the time.

  I grab some food from the kitchen and go back to my room to ring Darcy.

  I fling myself on the bed with my phone, pull up my contacts and touch call. I wait for her sweet, sounding voice to fill my ears.

  “Hey you.”

  “Hey, babe. What you up to?”

  “Not much, you? I’m going to bed in a bit, I’m knackered. I blame you of course.”

  “Oh, why’s it my fault?”

  “Because, I don’t need a reason - it just is.” She accuses as I smile wide at her sass.

  “What is it with you women? I just wanted to hear your voice that’s all, and was wondering when I’m going to get another fashion show?!”

  “You’re just a perv!” Darcy laughs. I’m inclined to agree though. We talk for a little longer until I hear her yawn and tell her I’ll call her tomorrow.

  After setting my alarm, I put my phone on the bedside table, flick the telly on for a bit and settle down in bed.

  I get up bright and early feeling refreshed, but also like there was something missing. One night with Darcy in my bed and I’m ruined.

  I’ve got a meeting first thing with my boss, I have some running about to do for work and then I’m off to see Darcy at work and surprise her.

  I run downstairs, my Mum - bless her, has made me a mug of tea and some toast.

  “Adam, you’re gonna have indigestion, slow down.”

  “I can’t, I’ve got a meeting.” I say with a mouthful of toast. Swigging down some tea, I grab my keys and I’m on my way towards the door. “Thanks for breakfast, Mum.”

  Opening the front door, I turn around and go back to the kitchen. I kiss Mum on the cheek then leave; shouting bye as I’m pulling the door shut behind me.

  * * * * * * * * *

  By the time I pull up at Ambrose mechanics it’s two thirty pm. I had to stop off at Taylor’s to pick up some flyers to put around the town for the garage to see if we can strike up more business.

  I make sure to thank her for the sexy underwear before I left though. I know how much this garage means to Darcy and she wants to keep it going for as long as she can.

  I head inside and see a couple of cars in here already, that’s without the flyers up so hopefully business is picking up slowly. I see the two mechanics, working on the cars inside so where is Darcy.

  I walk through the garage, say hi to the lads and carry onto the office. Looking through the window, I see her. Standing in front of the filing cabinet, hair up showing off her gorgeous pale neck.

  I quietly open the door and creep in, leaving it open behind me so she doesn’t hear. Tiptoeing towards her I wrap my arms around her waist, as she jumps in shock and shouts out.

  “For fucks sake Adam - you scared me, you dickhead.” She turns and slaps on the chest emphasising her frustration, not that I need to be shown. “My heart’s pounding. How did you get in here so quietly?”

  “I’m stealthy.”

  Smirking, she shakes her head at me as I kiss down her neck. “What do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” she groans.

  “I missed ya!” Kissing back up her neck until I reach her luscious lips, I kiss her.

  “I missed you, too.” The frown that’s creasing her forehead has now turned into a shy smile.

  “So, have you got that underwear on?”

  “At work? I don’t think so. Who’s going to see it here?”

  “Nobody! Only me!”

  “Exactly.” She grips my t-shirt in her fists and pulls me towards her and kisses me, reminding me that I’m the only one for her.


  I was losing the will to live with this filing before Adam came in, which of course was a nice surprise. I did miss him last night too - it took me ages to go to sleep. I miss
ed his warm body against mine and taking up all the bed.

  Once Adam has kissed the life back into me I sit down at the desk. Adam sits on the opposite side and puts at least a hundred leaflets - what looks like anyway, on the desk.

  “What are these?”

  “The flyers that Taylor promised you, she rang me to pick them up.” I leaf through them and take a good look, they’re amazing. Bright and colourful, big letters for the garage name - family owned, a basic price list… wow! I carry on looking through, I’m gobsmacked. I wasn’t expecting anything like this.

  “Oh my gosh Adam, these are sooo good! I’ll have to ring Taylor later and thank her.”

  “I’m going to take them in a sec and ask some businesses to put them in their windows, get the word out and about.” I look past Adam and out of the window of the office. “It seems busy today though?” Adam says distracting me from my thoughts.

  “So-so. Just a couple of MOT’s today. I got a service to do in a bit but two twenty-five pounds MOT’s aren’t going to keep us afloat.” My eyes find Adams again, “It’s getting harder and harder to keep it going Adam. How do I tell my Dad?”

  Standing from his chair he walks around the desk to me and swivels my chair around to him as he squats. “Look let’s get these flyers out - who knows it may help. I could ask Todd to come and have a look through the books, another pair of eyes may help.”

  “I can’t afford to pay him though, Ad.”

  He frowns at me as he answers, “Todd won’t want to be paid, he’ll want to help.” He says as he runs his hands up and down my thighs.

  “But you’ve all done so much already, I couldn’t possibly ask for anything else.”

  “Hush,” he shushes as he leans up and presses his lips to mine and kisses me before I can say anything else. “I’m going to put these out. I’ll be back - maybe even with a surprise for ya.”

  Smiling as he kisses me again, he leaves with the flyers. I turn back to the filing cabinets and sort the last few invoices that I’ve had piling up on my desk until my appointment gets here.

  My service arrives. It’s an older Volvo, fifteen-years-old to be precise. The owner is an older man, he knew my Dad when he kept the garage so I usually do him a deal.

  “Are you waiting for your car Mr Jones or are you coming back for it?”

  “I’ll wait, my angel, if that’s okay with you?”

  “Yeah of course, take a seat in the office and I’ll get you a cup of tea while you wait. Still white with two sugars?”

  “Yes darling. You’re such a credit to your father. How is the old bugger?”

  “Hmm,” I shake my head, “Not too good.”

  “Oh dear. Well, at least he’s got you.”

  “Yeah.” Dad enters my thoughts but before it can take over I shoot them down. “I’ll get you that tea.”

  I take Mr Jones his cuppa and set to work on his car.

  * * * * * * * *

  It takes around an hour and half to do a full service on his car, just as I’m wiping the oil from my hands - Adam walks back in carrying coffee. Ahh! if I didn’t love him before I do now.

  He puts the takeaway Costa cups on the floor, runs towards me and picks me up.

  “Phwoar, do you know how sexy you look with all that oil on your face.” To the side of us I hear Mr Jones clear his throat.

  “You’re weird!” I whisper loudly, “and I have a customer!” My eyes go wide with embarrassment…

  “Oh shit. Sorry, babe.”

  “Don’t mind me. I remember young love,” Mr Jones says with a wave of his hand. Adam winks at me as he turns back, picks up the coffees and follows us to the office.

  I give Mr Jones his invoice, take his payment and see him out. When I return to the office Adam is sitting in my chair with his foot resting on his knee, looking relaxed.

  I glance at the desk, I see that not only has he bought me coffee back, but a cookie too. They say it's the little things a person does for you that you should cherish. There's a lot of little things that makes Adam perfect for me.

  Yeah, I may keep him.



  A couple of weeks have passed since I put the flyers out for the garage and business still hasn’t really picked up yet, I know Darcy is worrying so I’ve had to persuade her to be more patient and know that things aren’t going to change overnight.

  Todd’s going over the books while he’s on a day off from work so we’ll see how those work out and go from there.

  On the positive side, things with us are going great. I never thought I’d be happy settled with one person but Darcy has changed my mind. Her Dad doesn’t seem as hostile towards me now either so maybe he’s starting to like me…

  We’re driving down the motorway on the M56 towards Llandudno. I’ve talked Darcy into having a break from everything - she needs it.

  We’re only having a night away we’ll be back tomorrow at some point... if I can convince her into staying longer in the day that is.

  She’s currently asleep with her head propped against the door, her RnB shit is still playing. I didn’t have the heart to turn it off. I let her sleep a little longer before I need to wake her.

  I’ve got us booked into a hotel for the night so I can spoil her.

  The Sat Nav tells me we’re about twenty minutes from our destination so I give her a nudge.

  “Darce, wake up.” I rub her leg gently. Nothing. “Darce, baby. Wake up we’re almost there.” She wakes slowly and turns her head to face me with a sleepy smile.

  “Hey baby, we’re only about twenty minutes away.”

  “Okay, I’m awake.” I smile at her, I know how long it takes her to wake up. She rubs her eyes as I concentrate on the road. When she’s properly awake and realises her music is still playing, Darcy turns it up and starts singing ‘Hello’ along with Adele.

  “Do you have to listen to this depressing shit.”

  “This is not depressing - it’s good!”

  I turn my head slightly to eye her, “Really? Okay. I admit some of her songs are alright...I guess, but this is fucking depressing, Darce.”

  “Well, I like it!” Playfully poking her tongue out at me.

  Shaking my head, I realise I’m not going to win this argument so I shut up and drive. I suffer the next four minutes of hell while I try to block out the song but with Darcy singing loudly down my ear - that’s not happening.

  When the songs finished I breathe out a sigh of relief though. “Thank the lord for that!”

  Darcy pokes her tongue out at me then turns to look out of the window. We’re that close now we can see the sea in the distance.

  “I haven’t been to the beach for years.”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Yeah, I think we stopped going when I was about sixteen. You know when that time comes and you’re too old to go on holiday with your parents, it wasn’t cool anymore,” she laughs.

  “Mum and Dad went away but I stayed at home, studying, working.” She looks pensive as she remembers back, “by the time Leah and I saved up enough money for a holiday - Dad had had his accident and couldn’t work, which then meant I’d taken over the running of the garage and all my money I’d saved went into the house to help my parents out.”

  I place my hand on her leg as a show of support. “It’s been like it ever since but I have no savings now, of course.” I look at the Sat Nav and it tells me we’re five minutes so I concentrate on getting us to the hotel.

  Darcy looks back out the window. “Wow, look at that beach.”

  We’re driving along the beachfront towards the Premier Inn we’re staying in, it’s only five minutes from the town. Pulling onto the car park, I find a space nearer to the door to put the car into.

  We decided to bring Darcy’s car as it’s more economical on fuel and we could park it easier. I get out the car and get the bags from the boot. Darcy stretches as she steps from the car and stands next to me. I kiss the side of her head as we make our way i
nside to check in.

  I open the door with the key card and let Darcy in before me. I watch as she throws herself on the double bed and lies starfish across it. I drop the bags at the side of the bed and crawl on top of her.

  “Hmm, no disturbances,” I lift my arm to look at watch, it’s only eleven am. “you’re mine for at least twenty-four hours.” I kiss her sweet tasting lips. She kisses me back until she’s pushing me off. “What are you doing?” I whine.

  “Let’s go out and get something to eat. It’s a lovely day and it’d be a shame to waste it stuck in here,” I frown playfully.

  “I don’t see this as a waste. Does that feel like a waste to you?” I place her hand on my crotch.

  “No. Not at all,” she giggles. She pulls away her hand. “But look at all that sun and you know what the British weather is like. It could be raining in an hour.”

  I raise up onto my knees, grab her hand again and place it back on my dick. “That won’t take an hour, baby.”

  “ADAM! Come on stop being a perv. Let’s go out, pleeeasse?”

  I pull her up to sit as I stand then pull her up to stand with me. I kiss her lips hard and let her go. She digs into her bag, pulls out a vest top and changes into it. Five minutes later, we’re out of the door.


  I take off my flip flops and hold them in my hand as we slowly stroll along the beach. Adam’s arm is around my shoulders as mine hangs around his back, I tuck my hand into the pocket of his shorts as we walk.

  My Dad used to love the seaside. He always said he’d love to live by the sea when he retired... but of course he didn’t get there, now I’m not sure he ever will. We’re lucky if he goes into the garden.


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