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KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal

Page 16


  The following day, Scott and Tom returned to the scene. There was no trace of the abandoned car, or his phone. Scott easily located the area where he left it, but everyone agreed it was most likely stolen. He was now on his third car and supplied with yet another cell phone. The continuing troubles in Baghdad were getting worse. Recent reports stated that violence in the city was the worst in over five years.

  It was October, only six weeks to go on his contract and Scott would be going home for good. Of late, Britney was working hard and wasn’t giving him too much trouble, although she was still biding her time for just the right moment. She knew time was running out and was determined that she was going to try at least once more. Scott was under a lot of pressure to keep her safe. He was still concerned that people were watching them and that they were being followed from time-to-time and targeted. He found himself double and triple-checking everything, as well as second-guessing himself when it came to making decisions. This was unlike Scott.

  Late Tuesday evening, after having finished another hotel perimeter check, he sat down on the couch next to Britney.

  “Do yer fancy going away fer another weekend? I know I could do with a break afore we finish up the last few weeks.”

  “Maybe. Would you like to join me? We could go to Dubai or anywhere else in the region you’d like to go,” she replied, not missing a chance to try again.

  “Nae. I really need tae go haem tae Katie fer a while, tae recharge and be fresh fer the final stretch.”

  “It’s too far to go for just a weekend, Scott. You were exhausted when you came back before. If you want a real, true break, and some relaxation, let me take you to a nice resort for a few days. I would like to say thank you for keeping me safe.”

  “Nae, thanks. I just need tae get away and tae see Katie.”

  “I wasn’t planning on going away again, but if you come with me, I will.”

  “It’s okay. Dinnae worry aboot it. It was just an idea.” Scott said, as he retreated to his room. He didn’t want to get into an argument or worse, agree to go somewhere with her. He would talk to Tom tomorrow and see if it was possible to get away for a few days.

  The following day, Scott spoke with Tom. He explained that Britney didn’t have plans for a break and he needed to get away for a while. Tom understood the pressures of the job. He offered to personally look after Britney for a few days if Scott wanted to go. Scott called Katie right away. They both were excited and looked forward to him coming home. On the other hand, Britney didn’t take the news well, at all.

  “What do you mean, Tom is going to stay with me?” she said when he told her later that night that he was heading home and gave her the rest of the details.

  “Aye. Tom will come here and stay with yer. Nae anything will be different fer yer. Yer will be just as safe as yer are now. Nae anything different at all.”

  “It will be different. I can’t believe this. I don’t like him! Scott, you are the one who makes me feel safe,” she protested.

  “Yer will be fine with Tom. He’s the boss. He knows this place better than anyone.”

  “I don’t like it,” she continued, to complain.

  “What’s the problem?”

  “He’s not you! I just won’t be comfortable with him.”

  “Sorry, but yer going tae have tae deal with it. I need a break tae make sure I’m fully focused tae finish up the last few weeks. Yer have tae understand, it’s in yer best interest fer me tae be fresh and rested. I need a break!”

  “I do understand that you need to get away. I just think there is a better way. You know what I think. So, when are you leaving?”

  “Next Thursday,” he stated, very matter-of-factly.

  “Okay,” she said, as she stormed to her room.

  She did think about taking her own trip after she failed to persuade Scott to change his mind. But, she eventually decided to stay. Thursday evening came and Tom arrived at the hotel. Scott thanked him and left for his long weekend break. This time he drove himself to the airport due to the increasing shortage of security guards.

  Friday evening, Scott stepped off the plane in Columbus. He looked forward to the feel of Katie nestled in his arms. It had been too long. His heart jumped and he smiled when he saw her. He opened his arms wide to hug her.

  “Hey, gorgeous! I missed yer.”

  “Hi babe, I missed you, too,” she replied. It had been nearly two months since their trip to Scotland and his romantic proposal.

  “I just really needed tae hold yer fer a while,” he said, with a tired, weak smile. He continued, “With all that is going on back in Iraq reet now, it feels guid tae get away. It has become very stressful keeping ahead of things. I am physically and mentally exhausted. Some guid sleep and holding yer is all I need tae keep me sharp, tae fulfill the rest of my contract. Then, I will be haem with yer and the girls.” Scott said, as they made their way through the airport.

  “You look so tired and I can tell you need rest. Scott, we don’t need to do anything, all weekend. You know, some of the things you’ve told me have really freaked me out. I will be so glad when it’s over. Promise, you’re never doing anything like this again.”

  “Aye. I know. I’m finished with this kind of life. I dinnae want tae do it anymore. I just want peace and quiet from now on.”

  “That suits me fine,” she said smiling.

  Later that night, they just relaxed at her house. She hadn’t planned anything! He was so quiet and tired. For the first time, Katie noticed he actually looked physically drained and stressed. He appeared to have lost a lot of weight and he just didn’t look his normal self. She was worried about him, but knew there was nothing she could do to stop him from going back. He was stubborn and wouldn’t quit anything. He would not be back again until he completed his contract. They sat on the couch watching TV, arms wrapped around each other, just enjoying being quiet together. She asked him about the recent troubles in Baghdad.

  “Is there anything you want to talk about? I know you told me you were involved in a gunfight and had hit a couple of them. Scott, you were shot at! I know that can’t be easy.”

  “Aye. It’s nae easy, but I dinnae have any choice,” he said quietly.

  “I know, babe. Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Nae. I’m fine. I just need tae be quiet and tae be away from there fer a while. I need tae be able tae sleep withoot worrying aboot something blowing up or someone coming after us. I cannae ever remember feeling this tired.”

  “You just take it easy this weekend. We don’t have to do anything! Just rest and get as much sleep as you can.”

  “Aye. That sounds guid. I dinnae think I could do much this weekend. I’m just glad I’m here with yer and need tae get some guid rest.”

  “Where else would you be? Oh, let me guess. Britney asked you to go away with her again, didn’t she?”

  “Aye. She did, but she knows by now I would nae go anywhere with her.”

  “She just doesn’t give up! I know you don’t believe me, Scott, but I know she has a thing for you.”

  “Aye. I know. I believe yer.”

  “You do? What happened that changed your mind?”

  “Just some of the things she said recently. It’s nae big deal. I made sure she knew I was nae interested.”

  “So, what happened?”

  “Nae anything, babe. It’s fine. Can we just leave it? I’m really tired.”

  “Okay, sorry. Just get some rest and you can tell me about it tomorrow.”

  Within minutes, he was fast asleep on the couch. It wasn’t even 10:00 p.m., but he was completely out. She grabbed a blanket and lay down on the couch with him pulling the blanket over the both of them. She wasn’t tired, so she continued to watch TV for a while until she fell asleep.

  Scott woke up Saturday morning to the smell and sound of sizzling bacon. He was a little dazed and confused as to why he was waking up on the couch, but he’d slept for over ten hours! He rubbed his eyes and realiz
ed he’d fallen asleep while watching TV. He got up and walked towards the sound of bacon as it crackled in the pan.

  “Morning baby,” he said. He grabbed Katie from behind as she stood in front of the stove, kissing her on the cheek.”

  “Good morning. You slept well,” she replied.

  “I did. I actually feel pretty guid. That’s the first time fer a while I’ve slept that long and been relaxed when I woke up.”

  “That’s good. I could tell you needed it.”

  “Aye. I did. Did yer go tae sleep upstairs?”

  “No. I slept with you on the couch. I was right next to you all night. I only woke up about half an hour ago and thought I’d make you a real breakfast.”

  “Awww, yer guid tae me, and breakfast smells great.”

  “Sit down and relax. It will be ready soon.”

  Soon Scott was enjoying the first homemade breakfast he’d had in a long time. While they ate, they talked about what to do later in the day. Scott wasn’t feeling up to doing too much. This weekend was really all about him getting his batteries recharged and spending some time with Katie. Without being able to make any kind of decision as to what to do, they decided to play it by ear. Later, after they cleaned the kitchen up and then showered, they collected the girls from their grandparent’s and took them to the local mall. They looked around the shops for a while then decided they would go to the theater and see a movie, followed by, dinner out. They went to the girls’ favorite restaurant, which they all enjoyed. Scott was getting tired, so they went back home and watched DVD’s. Each of the girls picked out a movie and they all settled down together on the couch. This suited Scott just fine; he was too tired to do much and was happy the evening involved not doing much. Later after the girls went to bed, Katie looked seductively at Scott and sat down next to him.

  “So, you’ve managed to stay awake longer than you did last night. How are you feeling?”

  “Aye. I guess I have. I suppose I did pass oot a wee bit early last night. I’m nae feeling too bad, babe.”

  “I think we should make sure we go upstairs tonight, before… you fall asleep! I’ve got a few ideas to wear you out and help you sleep better.”

  “I like the sound of that,” he said, smirking.

  “Good! Come on, let’s go upstairs.”

  They climbed the stairs and entered her bedroom. Scott was exhausted, but he wanted to hold her close and be intimate with her so bad. Even as tired as he was, he thought that soon, he would be falling asleep with her every night. With this picture in his head, he smiled. He was lost in thought, when Katie pushed his tired body down on to the bed. He snapped back from his daydreams and smiled even more.

  “Just relax. Tonight is all about you. You don’t have to do anything. I’m going to do all the work.”

  “If yer insist,” he said, with a cheeky grin.

  She climbed on top of him and started to undress him. Anytime he tried to help, she smacked his hand and reminded him she wasn’t going to let him do a thing. She would do it all. It didn’t take her long to get him completely naked. She sat astride him, still fully clothed, then started to remove her clothes, slowly and seductively, teasing him as she exposed a little of herself at a time. It was driving him wild! Soon, every article of her clothing was tossed haphazardly to the floor and they were engaged in a passionate kiss. She positioned herself so that he would be able to slip easily inside of her. He didn’t waste any time doing just that. She slowly lowered herself to draw him deeper within her and rested her hands on his chest. He reached up and sensually caressed her breasts. Scott smiled as he sat up slightly to and nibble and lick her nipples. He moved his hands to the lower part of her back, gripping her tightly. She was on top and in control, but he could still thrust further inside her. She arched her back and looked deep into his eyes.

  “I love you, Scott Maclaren.”

  “I love yer too. Yer so sexy.”

  “Are you getting close, baby?”

  “Och aye. This feels so guid. I hate tae say it, but it will nae be long.”

  “Do it Scott, mmm…give it to me.”

  Her words and voice turned him on tremendously, especially when she talked like this while looking deeply into his eyes. He normally liked to wait, but he knew she was determined that it was his night. She continued grinding her hips and touching his chest and nipples. She kissed him and talked sexy and seductively until his body shook in ecstasy. She lay down on top of him and kissed him passionately, their bodies still locked together.

  “Was that good?”

  “Aye, it always is baby. Yer know that.”

  “I wish you didn’t have to leave tomorrow.”

  “Me either, but this is the last time I will need tae go. In a month I’ll be haem fer guid, buy the haem yer always wanted and we can have a real celebration.”

  “I know. I’m trying not to think about it. I get too excited.”

  “I really am done with this kind of life. I guess I wanted tae prove tae myself I could still do it after my military career was cut short. I know now, I dinnae want tae do it anymore,” he said, yawning and struggling to keep his eyes open.

  “It doesn’t matter if you want to or not. I wouldn’t let you do anything like this ever again. You’re a family man now. We need you. And I can see you’re about to fall asleep.”

  “I’m fine,” he said, yawning again.

  She laughed.

  “You’re not fine. You are sleepy and going to be asleep inside five minutes.”

  “Aye. Maybe, sorry.”

  “Just sleep, Scott. I’m glad you can get some rest.”

  “Thanks, I love yer.”

  “I love you more. Goodnight,” she said, as she snuggled up next to him.

  Early, Sunday morning, Scott played video games with the girls while Katie made breakfast. They all enjoyed hanging out and their laughter filled the room. Later in the day, they dropped the girls off at Katie’s parents’ house, so she could drive Scott to Columbus. It was time for the dreaded airport goodbye, but they both knew this would be the last time. Somehow, it didn’t seem quite as bad. More than halfway to the airport, Katie received a call that seemed to upset her. She remained quiet after the call and didn’t say anything about it to Scott. She parked the car in the lot and they quickly and quietly made their way to the departure area. They were late getting to the airport due to traffic and would have little time to say goodbye, properly.

  Scott noticed Katie was still visibly upset from her conversation and was getting concerned about her lack of saying anything. This was not like her. If something bothered her, she spoke her mind.

  “So, what was the call that upset yer so much?”

  “Oh, it was nothing. It was just a friend.”

  “It could nae have been nae anything if it upset yer, but if yer dinnae want tae talk aboot it then it’s fine.”

  “It’s frustrating. I have a couple of friends, who just don’t seem to happy for me.”

  “Why would they nae want yer tae be happy?”

  “I don’t know. They think you should never have gone and left me on my own. They think you should be helping me out more. They just don’t understand.”

  “Nice friends. Some people just cannae mind their own business.”

  “Yes, unfortunately, I like to keep some things private. So they jump to the wrong conclusions and it bothers me sometimes.”

  “Dinnae worry aboot it baby. Like I said, some people just have nae anything better tae do than tae stick their nose into other people’s business.”

  Scott was angry, but he didn’t blame her for not wanting to share every detail about their private life. It was wrong that people were telling her that he should be doing more for her, when they didn’t know a damn thing! It was not as if he was away on vacation, he thought. He hugged and held Katie as they counted down the minutes until he had to leave.

  “So, are you going to tell me how you realized Britney had a crush on you?” she questioned.<
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  “After yer mentioned it tae me, I was more aware and started looking for signs. Some of the things she said made me realize yer were reet.”

  “What did she say?” she said, sounding annoyed.

  “Just that she liked me. She asked me tae have a glass of wine with her.”

  “That bitch. I knew it.”

  “It’s fine Katie. Calm doon. I handled it. It was nae big deal.”

  “No! I won’t calm down! You’re going back to a hotel suite with her and she wants you. I don’t trust her!”

  “It does nae matter whether yer trust her. All that matters, is that yer trust me.”

  “I do, but I hate that bitch! I knew it all along and you didn’t believe me!”

  “Katie, it’s fine. Yer have nae anything tae worry aboot. From the moment I met yer, all I ever wanted was tae be with yer. She’s nae that bad.”

  “Don’t you dare stick up for her! What she’s done is wrong! She knows you’re engaged and she tells you she likes you. You did tell her you were engaged, right?”

  “Of course, I did. That was the first thing I said tae her when I got back after we were in Scotland.”

  “And what did she say?”

  “She said congratulations.”

  “Yeah, as if she really meant that, but you fell for it. Soon after that, she’s asking you to have a drink with her in your hotel suite!”

  “Katie, yer taking this all wrong. Nae anything happened. It does nae matter. I am with yer! Don’t spoil our last few minutes together.”

  “No, it’s wrong. She’s a bitch and she deserves to be slapped.”

  “I have tae leave in a minute. Do yer want tae keep acting like this, or do yer want tae hug me and say guid bye.”

  Scott was annoyed and getting a little angry. He was tired and not happy about what she told him about her friends. Plus, she was now being irrational and unreasonable.

  “Acting like this?” Katie replied angrily, and continued, “How do you think I will act when some little slut tells my man that she likes him?”

  “Katie, I have tae go. Can I have a hug?”

  They hugged, but she acted cold towards him. She knew it wasn’t his fault, but it made her angry. The call from her friend upset her! His leaving was never fun. All-in-all, she was having a bad day. They parted without the normal loving emotion. As she walked back to her car, she regretted everything and vowed to make things right when she spoke to him.


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