KILTED DESIRE - Sands of Betrayal
Page 20
“Hello,” she said, excitedly.
“Hey baby, how are yer?”
“Oh, my god, Scott!!! I can’t believe I’m talking to you,” she said, bursting into tears.
“Dinnae cry, baby.”
“How are you feeling?” Katie asked, as she wiped away her tears and tried to compose herself.
“I’m a wee bit tired and in pain, but I think I’m okay.”
“I can’t believe this. I thought I’d lost you.”
“Nae, yer will never lose me.”
“I was so scared! I can never go through this again. When you’re well enough to come home, I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”
“The doctor said I could come haem tomorrow.”
“No, he didn’t babe. I think you’re getting confused.”
“Aye, he did. He told me earlier,” Scott said, convinced he was telling the truth.
“Okay. I’ll talk to him later, but I think you’ll be there for a while yet. It’s okay, don’t worry about it.”
“Actually, maybe he dinnae say that. I’m nae sure reet now. My head seems very cloudy at the moment.”
“Don’t worry, Scott. That’s perfectly normal. You’ve had a bad head injury and you’ve been in a coma for weeks. You’re going to be little confused and things are going to seem cloudy for a while.”
“Aye, I suppose so. I have a really bad headache.”
“I’m sure you do. Why don’t you ask the doctor to give you some pain medication? He’s really nice. He’s been talking to me since you were brought in.”
“Aye, okay.”
“Do you remember anything about what happened yet?”
“Nae really. I remember being in the car and a flash of light, but reet now that’s all.”
“Do you remember that you were at the airport?”
“You’d just gotten back to Baghdad after coming home to see me. Do you remember that?”
“I think I remember coming tae see yer. But I dinnae remember anything aboot the journey back and I definitely dinnae remember anything aboot being at the airport.”
“Just try and be patient and don’t worry about it. The rest of your memory will come back. Do you remember us getting engaged?”
“Aye, I do.”
“Where did we get engaged?”
“By the side of Loch Ness.”
“That’s great, Scott! Do you remember what we did when you last came home?”
“I dinnae think we did much. I just remember watching movies.”
“That’s right. You’re doing great.”
“Aye, my head’s hurting. I want tae sleep.”
“Okay, baby, that’s fine. Close your eyes and get some rest. I’m so glad I got to talk to you.”
“I’ll talk tae yer later.”
“I love you! Glad you’re getting better. I can’t wait for you to come home, I miss you so much.”
“Love yer, too. Bye.”
“Bye, Scott.”
Katie was delighted at how their talk went. She was concerned that he hadn’t remembered things about them. His memory seemed pretty good, apart from the build-up to his attack, which the doctor said was normal.
She dialed the doctor’s number to tell him about their conversation. She was so excited to tell him how well she believed Scott’s memory was.
“Dr. Hamilton, it’s Katie.”
“Hi Katie. How did it go?”
“It was great! I couldn’t believe I was talking to him again. He did complain of a headache, and said his head was cloudy, but he seemed to remember things about us. He said you’d told him he could go home tomorrow, so that concerned me a little. He seemed to get a little upset when I said I thought he was getting confused, but overall I think it went very well.”
“No, I didn’t tell him he could go home tomorrow,” he said, and laughed a little.
“Yes, I know he was getting confused.”
“He may have dreamed it, or maybe just thought about it and convinced himself it happened. It is nothing to worry about. It is very normal for this kind of injury.”
“Okay, he told me he was tired and needed to sleep. Can you get him something for the headache?”
“Yes, I’ll go check on him now and if he’s still awake, I’ll get him something for the pain. If he is not awake now, I’ll make sure he gets some when he wakes up.”
“Thanks, Dr. Hamilton, and thank you for all you’ve done for him. Please tell him he can call me anytime he wants.”
“You’re welcome, Katie, and I’ll tell him that. Make sure you keep me updated on how you think he’s sounding any time you speak to him.”
“I will and thank you again. Goodbye.”
“Take care, Katie.”
Katie was so happy! She didn’t waste any time before she called her parent’s and the girls to let them know she spoke with Scott! They were thrilled at the news. She tried to keep the full extent of Scott’s injuries from the girls. They were aware he had been injured and was in the hospital. She was grateful she could tell them that she spoke with Scott and he was getting better. After she got off the phone with her parents and the girls, she called Tom and told him the good news. She even asked to speak to Britney and passed on the exciting news to her.
If everything had originally gone as he planned, Scott would have been home by now. It was the middle of November and the holidays were just around the corner. She doubted he would make it home for the holidays now, but all that really mattered to Katie was that he was alive, getting better every day and would eventually be back home.
Chapter 20
Over the next few weeks, Scott slowly improved and started to get his strength back. All his casts were now removed. While some injuries took more time, most of his deep cuts and burns had already healed. He was up and out of bed, putting weight onto his broken leg. He desperately tried to build up its’ strength so he could travel the long journey home. The swelling in his brain subsided and his head felt much clearer, but he occasionally still suffered from bad headaches.
When Scott’s condition stabilized, Tom arranged for him to be transferred to a private clinic in Kuwait, so a CAT scan could be done. Only after having the scan would they would be able to give him the all clear before he headed back home.
Britney and Tom visited almost every day to say hello and check on Scott’s progress. Britney said goodbye, just before Thanksgiving, when she happily returned home to California. She had completed her assignment in Baghdad and earned the promotion she was promised.
Now that Scott had regained some of his strength, he and Katie talked every day. His memory was fine, apart from what happened just prior to the explosion. Scott was concerned about having no memory of the airport, the trip back to Baghdad and the immediate lead-up to the car bomb attack. Dr. Hamilton reassured him that it was perfectly normal.
It was the middle of December and Scott anxiously awaited word that he could be transferred to the hospital in Kuwait. He was feeling good and just wanted to get the CAT scan over with so he could go home and back to his life. He wanted to be home in time for Christmas. He did not have to wait long. Later that day, Tom entered his room and told him it was all arranged. He would fly out the next day. Dr. Hamilton did all the final check-ups he needed to get Scott released and onward to Kuwait. Scott was excited, but he knew he may have to spend a couple of days in the other hospital. He had also thought a lot about his return flight home. He would need time to rest in between his longer flights back to the U.S. He smiled. He was headed out of here, on his way home to Katie. He had waited long enough, he needed to call and tell her the fantastic news.
“Hey baby, how are yer?”
“I’m good, Scott. How are you today?”
“Very guid! I start my journey haem tomorrow.”
The screams coming from the other end of the phone caused Scott to stop speaking for a few seconds.
“Steady on, yer giving me a headache,” he continue
d, laughing.
“I’m sorry! I’m just so excited to see you.”
“It’s okay, I’m just teasing yer. I have tae go tae Kuwait first tae get a CAT scan done and if I get the all-clear, then I can arrange tae fly back.”
“That’s great news. What did Dr. Hamilton say? Does he think there will be any problems?”
“Nae, I dinnae think so and I feel guid, too. I dinnae feel like there’s anything wrong. My head does nae feel cloudy like it did a few weeks ago.”
“But you’re still getting headaches, right?”
“Aye. I get some. They do get pretty bad sometimes, but the doctor said it was normal tae get headaches fer a while after getting a bang on the head like the one I got. So it’s nae necessarily a problem.”
“I’m just so excited. I can’t stop smiling.”
“That’s guid. I like it when yer smile.”
“Is someone taking you to the airport tomorrow? You’re not going to go on your own are you?”
“Dinnae worry, baby. Tom is coming tae pick me up and he said he’ll stay with me until my flight leaves. He arranged fer someone from the company tae pick me up from the airport in Kuwait City and drive me tae the hospital.”
“That’s good. I don’t want you on your own.”
“I’m nae a baby. I can look after myself yer know.” He laughed at how she was treating him.
“I know you’re not a baby. I just want you to be safe and whether you like it or not, you suffered a terrible injury and you’re still recovering and weak.”
“I’m fine.”
“When you get the all-clear from the hospital in Kuwait, then I’ll believe you’re fine.”
“I feel guid, Katie. So, yer dinnae need tae worry.”
“No, actually, when you are released from the hospital in Kuwait and I have you back home with me, then I will believe you’re fine.”
“Yer make me laugh. I’ll be back with yer again, soon.”
“I know. It’s great.”
“How are we going tae celebrate?”
“However you like. What would you like to do?”
“Yer know what I’d like tae do.”
“Oh Scott, you are definitely feeling better! I don’t think you’re going to be disappointed.”
“I cannae wait tae get yer in my arms.”
“Me, either.”
“Well, I have tae go and try tae sleep. It seems that I have a big day tomorrow. I’ll call yer when I can.”
“Okay Scott, goodnight. Love you.”
“Love yer more.”
“Yup, he’s definitely better,” she said, quietly to herself.
The next day, Tom picked up Scott from the hospital. Scott said goodbye and thanked Dr. Hamilton for everything he had done for him. As he walked out the front doors, it was the first time he’d been outside for quite a while! The sun was shining so brightly, he had to cover his eyes. During the trip through the depressed streets of Baghdad, Scott was happier than he’d been in a long time because, that he was seeing this city, in person, for the last time! He still had no memory of what happened the last time he was at the airport, so he didn’t feel apprehensive or nervous at all. At least, no more so than any other flight he made in his time there. He was just happy to be on his way home and elated about his upcoming reunion with Katie. In just a short time, he and Tom arrived at the airport and his flight was ready to be boarded.
“It was a pleasure to have worked with you, Scott.”
“Aye, yer too, Tom. Thank yer, fer everything yer did when I got hurt.”
“No problem. I always look after my men, especially the ones who become my friends. I’m sorry to see you go, Scott.”
“It was a real honor tae have met yer. I did like working with yer Tom, but I’m nae sorry tae be going haem.”
“I know. I saw pictures of Katie when you were in the hospital. I don’t blame you for wanting to get back home to her. You’ve talked a lot about her and I know how much she means to you.”
“Aye, she’s very special. I need tae be with her.”
“If you ever change your mind or need to work again, I’d be honored to have you as part of my team.”
“I appreciate that Tom, but I really dinnae think that will ever happen. I’m pretty sure my time doing this kind of work is over.”
“I understand, but you never know.”
“Aye. That’s reet, yer never know what’s going tae happen.”
“Goodbye, Scott. All the best to you and your new family.”
“Thanks Tom, guid luck with everything.”
Scott jumped on the short flight to Kuwait. He was met by the PCPS representative Tom had arranged, who drove him to the hospital. He checked in and was taken to his room. He was then subjected to a battery of tests before he was allowed to rest. This modern facility was a world apart from what he recently experienced in Baghdad. But it did not really matter to him; he did not plan on staying long. His CAT scan was scheduled for the next morning. He called Katie to let her know he arrived safely and that the time was set for his scan.
The following day, the CAT scan was done and Scott waited patiently in his room for the results. After what seemed like forever, the doctor informed him that everything appeared to be fine. There was still some minor swelling of his brain, but nothing the doctor was concerned about. He did recommend that Scott have a follow-up scan in another six weeks. Scott was excited and arranged his homebound flights. He also called Tom to let him know that everything was okay and he would be headed home tomorrow. Then he called Katie.
“Guess who’s coming haem tae see yer.”
“Everything was okay then?” she replied.
“Aye, the results came back fine. The doctor did say there was some swelling on my brain, but he dinnae think it would be a problem.”
“So, what else did he say?”
“That I should have another CAT scan in six weeks or so just tae be sure, but there is nae problem with me flying haem. I do have tae be careful aboot nae having any more bangs on the head and I have tae get a lot of rest.”
“That’s great! Don’t worry about getting rest or having any more bangs on the head. You’re not doing anything when you get back. When are you coming?”
“I leave first thing in the morning. Tom arranged fer me tae be picked up from here and taken tae the airport, so dinnae worry, I’m still nae going tae be alone.”
“That’s good and are you going to stay a night in London to break the long flights up a little?”
“Aye, I thought that was a guid idea. I did get tired on the flight doon from Baghdad tae here and it was only just over an hoor.”
“So you arrive here on the twentieth?”
“Aye, I get into Columbus at aboot 6:00 p.m. I’ll send yer the flight details if yer feel like coming tae collect me.”
“Oh, you know I’ll be there.”
“I thought yer might say that.”
“Of course, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t wait to see you.”
“I cannae wait tae see yer too, baby. I guess I should get some rest for my big day of travel tomorrow.”
“Okay babe, get some rest, I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Love yer baby, I will see yer soon.”
“I can’t wait! I love you too, bye.”
Katie couldn’t stop smiling. The day she looked forward to for so long was finally the “day after tomorrow!” She was overwhelmed with tears of joy. He was out of Iraq and on his way home. He was safe, finally! She wasted no time in calling her parent’s and telling them the good news. The girls were delighted that Scott was on his way home.
The next morning, Scott began his journey home. The long flight from Kuwait to London took a lot out of him. By the time he arrived in England, he was very tired. He was glad he arranged to stay a night in an airport hotel before he continued home. Scott had never been a person who would admit to weakness of any kind, but he knew he wouldn’t have been
able to have ventured further. He checked into the hotel, planned to go get some food along with Christmas presents for Katie and the girls. But that never happened! As soon as he got in his hotel room and laid down on the bed, he fell deeply asleep and did not wake up until early the next morning. He knew he needed the sleep. He slept for nearly twelve hours and awoke very refreshed.
He ate a hearty breakfast at his hotel, which really hit the spot, after all the hospital food he had eaten. Feeling satisfied and full, he called a taxi and headed for the airport. As he walked to his gate, he briefly looked in a few stores before boarding his flight.
Soon he watched London fade behind and knew he was truly on his way home! Not long after they took off, and even with twelve hours of sleep, it did not take long before Scott was nodding off again. He changed planes in New York, and the flight to Columbus was on time. He was quickly back in the air and happy how few people were on board. While stretching across the empty row of seats, gazing out the small window at the clouds below, he thought about everything that happened over the last seven months. As he got closer to seeing Katie, the more excited he became. This was the shortest flight he had to make, but it seemed to take longer than any of the others. Eventually, after what seemed like a lifetime, the plane touched down in Ohio. He was finally home! He was going to be back with the girl of his dreams and they would spend the rest of their lives together. They would buy her dream home and get married. Life was good, he thought, as he stepped off the plane.
Chapter 21
It was not just Katie who anxiously waited for Scott as he made his way through the airport. The girls were there and excited, too. As he walked toward them, Katie and the girls ran into his open arms. All three hugged him at the same time! It was a very emotional reunion. Katie cried while the girls continued to hug him. Every one of them had a smile on their face at his being home.
“Dinnae cry, baby! I’m haem safely, just as I promised yer.”
“I know, Scott. I just can’t believe it! I thought I’d lost you. I really did.”