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Promises of Love: A Contemporary Christian Romance

Page 14

by Juliette Duncan

  She pulled him closer. "It's okay, Peter. "We're all going to miss her. Grandma loved you so much, and she'd be proud that you got up here and told everyone how much she meant to you." Zoe turned her focus back to the congregation. "For those of us who are Christians, we can cling to God's promise of love and hope just like Grandma did. We can look forward to the day when Jesus will return and will take away all pain and suffering. But when we face challenges, just like we did with the bush fire, we need to cling to this hope just as Grandma did. This world can't promise joy and peace and happiness, but God promises these things to all who believe, both here and in heaven. Let's hold onto this hope, just as Esme, Grandma, did." She turned to look at the casket and pushed back her tears. "God bless you, Grandma. Go in peace."

  She led Peter back to their seats, and as she sat, Harrison took her hand and squeezed it.

  Turning her head, she smiled at him. Even though her heart was heavy, she had peace. Grandma's prayers had reached God's ears. Zoe believed her prayers for Harrison had too.

  Following the service and the actual burial in the cemetery beside the church, most of the mourners returned to the farm for a light lunch. Mum and Dad had been worried about buying enough food, but Zoe and Harrison had already agreed they'd cover the cost. Zoe had no idea where the money was going to come from to meet all the costs going forward, but she'd decided to trust God. She'd do what she could, and she'd still pursue the bank and the man who'd taken her parents' money, and she'd run some fundraisers, but God would have the final say. If her parents lost the farm, it wouldn't be the end of the world. He'd provide for them. She had no idea how, or what their life would look like, but they'd be okay.

  "Zoe, I need to tell you something." Harrison slipped his arm across her shoulder as she poured a cup of tea out of the church's large tea pot they'd borrowed for the occasion.

  She looked up, her eyebrows raised. "Now?"

  "Yes. It can't wait."

  She raised her brows further. "Okay." What was so urgent that he'd take her away from their guests?

  He led her around the side of the house and to the back of the shed, and turned her to face him. His eyes held a gentleness she'd only glimpsed occasionally, and as they connected with hers, she somehow knew he was going to tell her something important.

  "Zoe, when I was in the plane with Spencer yesterday, I gave my heart to the Lord."

  Zoe's eyes widened. Had she heard correctly? "How…" Her mind buzzed, trying to take it in.

  "If you shush, I'll tell you." His whole face lit up.

  "Okay." She tried to control herself. This was the best news she'd had, ever.

  "Can we sit somewhere?"

  "How about under that tree over there?" She pointed to a shady spot on the edge of the property.

  "Perfect." He placed his arm lightly across her shoulder as they strolled to the tree. "I didn't like him to start with, you probably know that already."

  Zoe nodded. That was an understatement.

  "Well, he told me he's planning on selling an apartment he has in Singapore and giving all the money to his parents so they can rebuild."

  Zoe's eyes widened further. "Really?"

  Harrison nodded. "He said not to say anything to them. He's just going to do it and send the money to them anonymously. But it made me think that he wasn't such a bad person after all, and so I asked him why he'd do that. Surely he'd want the money for himself, but he said, no, God had blessed him, and he wanted to help his parents. He didn't need the apartment. He's got staff accommodation out at the base, and he reckons he's got all he needs, and if ever he needed money to buy another place, God would provide. It blew my mind."

  Harrison looked at the ground, picking up a piece of dry grass and twiddling it between his fingers. "I always thought God wasn't relevant, He might be okay for the older generation because that's what they'd grown up with, but I'd never really seen someone like Spencer live out his faith in such a real way. I guess there's Ben and Tessa, but I just thought they were being strong in themselves. I didn't realise until now that their strength came from God. So, I asked him to tell me about his faith.

  "He said he didn't see the need for God for a long time, even though he'd always believed He existed. When he became a pilot, he began living the high life, partying, drinking, women, you know how it goes." He glanced up. "But gradually he realised it all meant nothing. His life was empty and had no meaning. So he stopped going to parties, and started reading his Bible. All the passages he'd read when he was younger started coming to life, and in a hotel room in New York he gave his life to the Lord. He promised God that he'd serve Him in whatever way He directed, and that's when he joined the Flying Doctor Service. He wanted to give, not take, just like Jesus did. He explained that Jesus had given His life so that all those who believe in Him can also live. He didn't have to, but he chose to, and that by doing so, we can now live with God's love in our lives, and it's His love we can show to others."

  Harrison lifted his head and met Zoe's gaze. "You probably know all of this, Zoe, but the way Spencer spoke, I knew he meant it. He wasn't putting it on, I just knew it was true. Something happened inside me up there in that plane, like blinders being removed from my eyes, and I started to cry."

  Zoe reached out and squeezed his hand, wiping tears from her own eyes. She'd been praying for this day, but now it was here, she could barely believe it had happened. To hear Harrison talking like this was just beyond her wildest dreams.

  "He asked me if I'd like to ask Jesus into my life, and I said yes. He led me in a prayer, and I asked Jesus to forgive my sins, and to be my Lord and Saviour." He smiled a smile that reached deep within Zoe, filling her with such joy she thought she would burst.

  "I'm so happy to hear that, Harrison." She returned his smile and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him, pulling him close. After a while, she lifted her head. "Why didn't you tell me when you came back?"

  Harrison brushed her face as he gazed into her eyes. "I'm not really sure. You were busy writing your speech, and I think I just needed some time to digest it all."

  She smiled at him again. "It doesn't matter. This is the best news you could have given me."

  He chuckled. "I thought it might be. I don't know why I was being so stubborn. Maybe I just didn't like being pushed."

  Zoe drew back. "I didn't push you."

  He lifted his hand and touched her cheek. "No, but I had you, your mum and my mum all praying for me, and probably my dad, so if that's not pressure, I don't know what is."

  Zoe laughed. "It must have been God's sense of humour putting you together with Spencer."

  "He's a cool dude. I can see why you fell for him, Zoe."

  "But not as cool as you, Harrison."

  He smiled at her. "Just as well." He angled his head as a cheeky grin grew on his face. "So does this mean we can set a date?"

  Zoe laughed. "You didn't do this just so I would, did you?"

  Pretend shock played on his face. "As if I'd do something like that!" His expression grew serious. "Absolutely not, Zoe. I meant what I prayed, I know God's living in me. I feel different." He paused, drawing a breath. "I've got a lot to learn, but I'm looking forward to experiencing it all with you." He took her hand, gently rubbing his thumb over her skin as his brown eyes looked deeply into hers. "Zoe, I love you with all my heart, and now I have God's love in my heart too, I can't think of anything I want to do more than share my life with you. I'd love to marry you right now, but if you need to wait until the end of the year, I'll wait as long as you need."

  "Oh Harrison, that's so sweet." She wiped her eyes and swallowed hard. Harrison's gentleness and willingness to delay their marriage softened Zoe's heart even further. "If I could make it sooner I would, but how about we make it out here, two weeks after I finish? As long as the bank hasn't taken the farm by then."

  Harrison chuckled. "Don't you worry about that, Zoe—they won't have."

  She drew her eyebrows together. "What do you kn
ow that I don't?"

  "Spencer was going to tell you… but I guess I can. He found that guy, and he reckons your parents will have a good case against him."

  "Really?" This was too much.

  Harrison nodded. "Yes, but that's not all. I was thinking I'll sell my apartment and buy a cheaper house, maybe near my parents, and I'll give the difference to your parents to help cover their mortgage."

  "Did Spencer put you up to that?"

  Harrison chuckled. "No, but he gave me the idea."

  "But you love your apartment."

  "But I love you and your parents more."

  Zoe's eyes welled with tears. "Harrison, that is so kind and generous."

  "Well, we can't take it with us, and you encouraged everyone to be more like your Grandma, so…" He drew a breath, but she didn't let him exhale. Closing the distance between them, she kissed him slowly as her heart overflowed with love for him.

  Leaving Mum, Dad and Peter two days later, Zoe promised them that she and Harrison would do everything they could to ensure the mortgage repayments on the farm were made until things improved. Harrison didn't want her parents to know about his decision to sell the apartment. "Let's just keep that between ourselves, Zoe", he'd said to her later on the day of Grandma's funeral. Zoe had been so touched by that act of humility. God had really changed Harrison's heart already and given him a more genuine care and concern for others. He'd even offered to take Peter for another drive in his car and had played chess with him until the wee hours of the morning.

  As she drove down the driveway behind Harrison's sports car, Zoe waved until Mum, Dad and Peter were out of sight. She'd been tempted to leave her car behind and drive with Harrison, but she'd need it once back in the city, and so they had to drive the whole way in separate cars.

  The next few months were going to be demanding. Apart from starting her Internship, Spencer had given them the details of the man who'd taken her parents' money. Harrison had offered to help her mount a legal case against the man on their behalf. One of his friends was a lawyer who specialized in cases like this, and Harrison was confident Brent would take it on. And of course, there was a wedding to plan!

  Driving through Bellhaven, Zoe sent up a prayer for all the local folk. They'd been through so much, and still there was no rain in sight. One of the verses in Grandma's box came to mind…"So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well".

  Yes, Lord, please help me to seek You first, and please help the folk out here not to worry. It must be so hard when they see their land burned and parched, and their cattle hungry and thin, but help them to trust that Your provision will be sufficient. Make them stronger because of the hardships they've endured, and provide rain for them in Your time, dear Lord. And bless Harrison. My heart's still overflowing with gratitude to You for touching his life and drawing him into Your Kingdom. Let him grow closer to You each day, and become the man of God You want him to be. Please help me to trust You, dear Lord, and not to rely on my own strength as I'm prone to do. You're my rock, my stronghold. You're my God and I praise You. May Your goodness and love follow me all the days of my life, just like it did Grandma. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Amen.

  Switching on the CD player, Zoe slipped in the new CD Spencer had given her just before she left—a Praise and Worship collaboration he said would uplift her on the long drive home. He also gave one to Harrison. She turned the volume up and listened to the songs, joining in as the words became familiar. Spencer was right—the whole CD was uplifting, and by the time she arrived home, her heart was fully open to God leading and guiding her in the months ahead.


  Later that year

  "Harrison, did you see the forecast?" Zoe leaned across and kissed Harrison on the cheek as she jumped into his new car. Well, not new, just new for him. After they returned from the farm, he not only sold his apartment, but he also sold his fancy convertible and bought a cheaper and more practical car and put the difference towards Zoe's parents' mortgage payments.

  "No, I didn't, but let me guess…it's going to rain?"

  Zoe chuckled. "Yes. How did you know?"

  "Because you've never been so excited about a weather forecast before."

  "Right." She clicked on her seatbelt and smiled at him. "But do you know where it's going to rain?"

  He lifted his finger to his mouth and raised his brow. "Bellhaven?"

  She chuckled as she nodded. "Yes!! At last! Rain's been forecast for the whole area. Praise God."

  "That's great… as long as it stops before the wedding."

  She laughed. "Oh well, I guess a bit of mud never hurt anyone."

  "Unless they're wearing a white wedding dress."

  She grimaced. "That's true. But anyway, it doesn't matter. It just means there might be grass instead of dirt."

  Harrison smiled at her. "Always look on the bright side, hey Zoe?"

  "Better than the opposite."

  "You're right, and there's nothing we can do about it now, anyway. All my family are getting ready to head out there. I hope Bellhaven's ready for them."

  Zoe laughed. "Everybody's looking forward to it. It's kind of like a celebration party now all the properties have been rebuilt and everything's almost back to normal after the fire."

  "A real country shin-dig! I'm looking forward to it."

  "And so am I, Harrison. One week to go…I can't wait!" She slipped her hand onto his leg and rested her head back against the car seat. "Do you mind if I catch a bit of sleep? Last night's shift was a killer."

  "Go ahead. I'll wake you when we get there."

  She smiled at him before lowering the back of her seat and closing her eyes.

  Harrison glanced at Zoe sleeping beside him as they headed out to the farm to prepare for their wedding, and let out a contented sigh. It had been such a long wait, and the year had been hard on her, but she'd done it. Zoe was now a fully qualified doctor, having completed all her rotations successfully, and now she had a month off for their wedding and honeymoon. It was hard to believe it was finally happening. He just hoped his sisters would arrive from England in time, not like last year when they almost didn't make it for Christmas because of a blizzard. A pity Angus and Alastair couldn't make it, but at least Chloe and Sophie would be there with Lara-Katie and Lachlan. And of course, Mum and Dad were coming out, as were Ben and Tessa, and Jayden and their new little baby girl, Naomi, and Tessa's parents, Telford and Eleanor. As well as half their church… He hoped Bellhaven was going to cope.

  In many ways it would have been easier to have had the wedding in the city, but Zoe had been adamant she wanted to get married on the farm, especially now her parents had been successful in getting most of their money back and the farm was safe, so everyone was making a weekend of it. To be honest, he really didn't care. He just wanted to marry her. God had blessed him so much by bringing her into his life, and now he couldn't imagine living without her.

  And this year they'd grown so much closer, even though Zoe was working long hours. They'd spent lots of quality time together, talking, reading, studying the Bible, praying, as well as snatching time for the occasional trip to the beach to unwind. It had been on one of those trips that Zoe had surprised him with the best birthday present he could have wished for…a swim with the dolphins at Sea World, something he'd wanted to do for a long time.

  Up ahead, clouds appeared and were darkening by the minute. Maybe Zoe had been right and it was going to rain. He shook his head. God really had a sense of humour. All year they'd been praying for rain, and it just had to come this week of all weeks. But the farmers needed it more than ever, so he wasn't going to complain. At least there wouldn't be another fire.

  Zoe stirred beside him and looked up with sleepy eyes. "Are w
e almost there?"

  "Two more hours. Do you want to stop?"

  "No, just keep driving." She turned over and went back to sleep.

  He placed his hand gently on her back as she slept. It would have been nice to talk with her, but just being with her was enough. He increased the volume on his iPhone and listened to Pastor Stanthorpe's latest sermon again.

  Two hours later he pulled into Bellrae's driveway. He rubbed her back. "Zoe, we're here. Wake up."

  Her eyes flickered then opened before she sat with a start. "It's raining!" She rubbed her eyes and peered outside. "Ha! Look at the puddles!"

  "I know. It's a deluge. We don't even have an umbrella in the car."

  "It doesn't matter. I'm happy to get wet."

  "Okay." His eyes met hers and his breath caught. She looked so beautiful with her hair all messed up, tumbling carelessly down her back and neck. He reached out and pulled her close, cupping his hands around her face, his eyes taking in not only her physical beauty, but the beauty of her inner being. "I love you, Zoe." He smiled at her before lowering his lips and kissing her gently.

  Hard knocking on the car window made him pull away. He glanced outside. Peter stood in the rain holding a large umbrella, a huge smile on his face. Harrison chuckled. This was the start. A week of activity lay ahead of them, but in one week, he and Zoe would be married. And that's all that mattered.

  The week passed not like they'd planned. For one, it rained. Not just normal rain, but heavy, torrential, flooding rain. In fact, there was talk of mass evacuations if it didn't let up. Zoe decided she'd take it all in her stride, but they started making contingency plans for the wedding in case it didn't ease.


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