The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1) Page 8

by Richardson, James

  "Well you just going to lay there all night," John said exiting the bathroom in nothing but a towel. "Or are you up for round two," he said with a devilish smile.

  "Down boy this ride is best taken in small doses," Catherine said running her hand along his bare chest as she passed. Catherine stood in the steam filled shower willing her body to cool, yet it still yearned for his touch. "This is maddening," she said to the water as it ran down her body.

  Captain Dollson stood on the cold wind sweep streets of Chicago. Looking up at the office tower on 56th street, artificial lights hummed in their low voltage slumber as few worked overtime. Pulling his coat tightly around him Dollson wondered why he was there, and how he got himself into this mess. Walking through the glass doors, his loafers echoed off the black and white tile floor. Walking passed the empty reception desk he knew the way. Pressing the down button for the elevator, staring at his reflection in the bronze colored door. Looking ten years older scowling at himself for believing such lies. His hands clenched and unclenched as the elevator music blared overhead. Watching as the floor numbers flew passed, tapping his foot as in his impatience. As the doors rolled open a blast of cold air stole his breath.

  "It's warmer outside then this god forsaken place," Dollson growled pushing up his collar. Strolling through the forest of desk pulling on the light fixture on the wall listening to the gears coming to life. As the door cracked open the incense laced air billowed out around him. Blazer's crackled in the corners casting the room in a menacing red orange glow. Dollson eyed the four that sat around the table. As he moved to his seat Dollson glanced at the pentagram that was carved into the table's surface. A small steel bowl sat in the center of the table, cones of incense smoked cleansing them as they entered.

  "Hello Steven," Annabeth said as he sat down. Her sandy blonde hair was a mix of silver Dollson could never tell was it from the sun or her age. With all the plastic surgery she had he couldn't tell if she was twenty five or forty five. Her tan rain coat draped across the back of her chair. Her black open toe high heel shoe kicked wildly in the air as she checked the condition of her nails.

  "Annabeth," Steven nodded to her. He never really liked her but they were in this together. If he had his way his .45 would be in her mouth in a heart beat.

  "Your late," Jason said from the left arm of the star. His pretty boy looks were the only thing that had propelled him to his position at his law firm. His freshly black suit still held the hints of the dry cleaners on it. Steven knew why he was here and cared less for the man then he did Annabeth.

  "Be silent Jason," Elizabeth hissed as her raven hair spilled across her face. "I have no earthly idea why you are even here," her cold hazel eyes boring into the man. "It was us that preformed the ceremony, where were you I ask you," she said rising from her seat. Leaning over the table pointing her finger at his chest. Steven's eyes ran down her backside, savoring her round ass, her shapely hips, her muscular legs. "I'll tell you where, at home to squeamish to do the deal."

  "Enough Liz he'll have to pay his due in due time," Mark said unfolding his hands. His cold dead black eyes chilled Steven to the bone. In all his years on the force he had never met a man like him. His hair black as night Steven guessed it matched his black heart. When he first met Mark three years ago as a beat cop interrupting one of Mark's ritual's. It was then Steven sold his soul since then he had been Mark's second, and knew every dirty secret on the four of them. Steven had no fear of the other three not turning on him. Mark on the other hand Steven knew he would throw him to the dogs once he became useless. "How's the investigation going are the police any wiser to who the culprit is," Mark said with a wicked smile.

  "The man we had in custody lawyered up and the D.A. are dropping the charge's against him," Steven said leaning on his elbows. "Mark what do you know about this John Adams character?"

  "Someone not to be fooled with," the she demon said walking out of the shadows.

  "Garzela what are you doing here," Annabeth said narrowing her eyes at the demon. "You can't walk in here without being summoned!"

  "Be silent meat bag, or I'll have you for breakfast instead!" Garzela said her eyes glowing red hot. Annabeth sank down into her chair as sweat begun to bead along her brow. Walking over to Jason, draping her arm along his shoulder, nibbling along his neck. "Kiss me," she whispered into his ear. They could see the fear in his eyes as his head turned fighting against her spell. As their lips touched her fingers forever locking them together. As silvery light poured out of his mouth Garzela drank it down like it was fine wine. "Ah the tasted of a tainted soul is so refreshing in the morning," her fingers running down Jason's gray pale cheek. "Now you will continue on with the second part of the plan," her eyes flashing over towards Steven. "You shall leave John Adams alone he is far to important to my master's plan's. It would not do well if he was in one of your jails."

  "Garzela what is your master planning. If we agree to continue he must honor the second part of our bargain," Mark said leaning forward.

  "He has to do no such thing," the blazers roared billowing up to the ceiling. "We could easily get some farm boy to finish our plans," Garzela said walking around the table. "But your demand's are petty to what we have in store," she said her hand trailing through Elizabeth's hair. "How is that man of yours surely your ready to upgrade to a better model," Garzela said with a twist of her hand John's image appeared before her.

  "He's not my type," Elizabeth said her eyes lingering on the image longer then she thought. "Now, now wait until you meet the man in person," Garzela said patting her shoulder. "He runs an occult store I want you to worm your way into his circle of friends. Be warned he is not someone to be taken lightly. So he most not know that you are working for me. You know the price of failure," she said pointing to Jason's cold dead body. "I want to know his every move he makes, so we can prepare for the grand finale."

  "But mistress what about Bob I'm bound to him," Elizabeth groaned. Garzela closed her eyes the room grew deathly silent as the seconds passed.

  "Not any more we have ended his contract with us, there is a bigger fish out there we mean to catch." Elizabeth knew not what to do for years she has been trying to rid herself of that man. None of the sacrifices she had made ever broke the contract that bound her to him. Now she was free only to attached herself to another man. "May I speak freely mistress," Elizabeth asked looking over at the demon.

  "Leave us," Garzela said to the other three. She did like the woman it was the only reason she hadn't burnt her to ash yet. "What is it," she said leaning against the table.

  "Why is this man so important," Elizabeth asked resting her hands in her lap.

  "He's important to the upcoming war," Garzela said crossing her arms.

  "May I see the image again," her eyes trailing down John's translucent form. "What is he like?"

  "Delicious, power, and hard," Garzela purred her finger's running along her lips. "There's a woman with him see if you can force her out if not you know what to do," she laughed wickedly. "Now fetch the other's," she said walking over to Mark's seat. Wiggling her ass into the leather cushion, sighing as her body grew accustom to the warm leather.

  As Mark entered he eyed the demon that sat in his chair. He knew it was folly to speak out so he held his tongue. Pushing Jason's body out of the chair. What the we demon had planned he could not say, nor was he foolish enough to interfere with her. However he was not about to walk blindly into this. Mark would find out who this man is and why he is so important.

  "What no respect for the dead," Garzela giggled.

  "He was a weak fool that aided us until he was no longer useful," Mark said leaning forward. "Now what must we do to fulfill the rest of our deal."

  "You and her," Garzela said pointing at Annabeth. "Will go down to Boston and preform the second phase of our plan. Then you will travel to the tip of Florida. Then you will travel to California down in Los Angeles," a wicked grin spread across her lips. "Then you will head to Port
land and once you have completed all that, we will finally be ready for the last phase. Where we will meet in Lebenon, Kansas." Mark eyed Elizabeth wondering what part she would play in all of this. "Make sure that you capture the very last breath of their souls," Garzela said with a wave of her hand three empty vial's appeared on the table. "Now I know they raided the warehouse where my beloved pet was stored. You were very foolish to allow them to do so, you will no longer have our protection," she said her eyes glowing red as she looked upon the four of them. "If it wasn't for John all our work would have been wasted." "What about how that thing all most killed me," Steven huffed. Steven's chair toppled backwards as he dangled in the air. Steven gasped for air as he frantically tried to loosen her grip. "Foolish meat suit does it look like I care about the death's of your kind. I have more important matter's to attend to then your screw ups," Garzela said tossing Steven aside.

  "I only meant if it wasn't for that beast of yours we wouldn't be in this mess," Steven said rubbing his throat.

  "Be silent before I remove thy tongue," Garzela growled her gaze boring into him.

  "Garzela forget about him, let us get back to the matter at hand," Mark said rising from his seat. Glancing to Steven with a look telling the man to remain silent if he valued his life. Returning to his seat as the she demon fingers trailed along the table as she walked over to him. Those cold dead eyes never leaving his form.

  "You know I've always liked you," Garzela said her voice was sweet, her breath hot in his ear. Her hands running down his chest, Mark eyed her wearyingly as her hands cupped his manhood. "But don't ever think you have any power to command me," her grip was like a vise around his manhood. Mark bit into his lower lip to keep himself from screaming in pain. "That's better don't you think," Garzela whispered into his ear. Slipping her hand into his pants stroking his rod. "Now I can give you he greatest of pleasure's, or the most horrific pain you can imagine," she said tugging on his ear. "Do as I command and all your dreams shall come true. Fail me the death of Jason will be nothing compared to what awaits you!"

  "I hear and obey mistress," Mark said through clenched teeth.

  "Good now that I know you will filful your end of our bargain. We can formalize our deal," Garzela said wicked glee shimmered in her eyes. Snapping the button on Mark's pants thoughts of her true lord and master filled her with wild desire. "I shall enjoy each and everyone of you," she smirked as her gown fell to the floor.

  Mark and Steven sat around the table their faces ashen. Cold sweat beaded down their brows as they listened to the moans of Elizabeth and Annabeth. Mark fumed in rage as his hands clentched tightly around the armrest of his chair. He felt humiliated having to preform in front of the old man, and not able to witnesse theirs. Steven fidgeted nervously in his chair as he checked his wounds along his arms.

  "Steven what did you find out about this John Adam's," Mark asked glancing towards the door. "Nothing but false documents, whatever he is they were good enough to fool the FBI. I had to preform some high level spell's just to find out they were fake. Who made them or why I don't know, however it is obvious we aren't dealing with an ordinary witch here," Steven said as their moans grew higher. "If I were him and this talented, I would have placed tracking spell's on anything that had my name on it."

  "So he may only think you were checking his background when you held him," Mark mumbled. "Good then he does not know of us yet. While we are gone find anything you can on this man. Hopefully we will then have something on our demon friend. However do not draw suspicion any more then you have to. It is still to early in the game for us to be found out."

  "I have forgotten how human women love to scream," Garzela said walking out of the room naked. Her hips swaying seductively as she approached Mark. Sliding into Mark's lap her hips grinding into his loins. Her legs darting through the armrest, kissing along his neck while her hand sought to reignite his fires. "What's this, not in the mood to play," she teased pressing her breast into him. "Ah I see you wanted to watch is that it," giggling in his ear. "Silly boy my true form is not for men to see openly," her tongue running down his neck to the dried blood that marred his pale skin. "If you wish to see it that badly then become my pet, and you'll have power beyond anything you know now."

  "No I know what happened to your last playmates," Mark said inwardly wincing at the pain in his right shoulder.

  "Oh they failed me but you won't will you," Garzela said her hips moving faster igniting the ashes of his waning erection.

  "In all these year's have I ever failed you," Mark grunted as her velvet soft lips brushed along his head.

  "No you have not," Garzela said plunging down onto his rod. Slicing open her skin along her breast, Mark licked his lips as the black icor pooled on the surface. Mark had dreamt of this day for so long, when his body would be infused with demon blood. "Drink my sweet pet," she giggled as her folds tightened around his member. Pushing the pleasure of the flesh from his mind. His mouth capturing the wound drawing in that burning blood into his body. Grabbing tufts of his hair holding him against her, as her blood began to burn through his vein's. Her hips quickened as Mark drew more of her into his body. Tilting her head back her laughter chilled the very room. "Good boy," Garzela said stroking his hair as he leaned back in his chair in exhaustion. Elizabeth and Annabeth stumbled out of the room their hair eschewed. Their legs weak unable to support themselves as they slid down the wall. "I expect you to follow your orders," she said lifting herself off of Mark. "Fail me and not even death shall keep you from my wrath," Garzela said disappearing in a puff of smoke.

  Chapter Five

  Catherine sat at her desk her gaze distant unable to let go of the pain of her fallen partner. Though they had just returned from Michigan her mind seemed to be stuck on John. Her body flushed with heat remembering his touch on her skin. They were out of leads the driver that had washed ashore in upper Michigan. Held no clues as to who they were dealing with, his body only showed a single knife wound to his heart. At least to her it looked like some one was trying to throw her of track.

  "Catherine," Dollson said clearing his throat. Snapping out of her day dream Catherine quickly straightened out her blouse.

  "Sorry Captain," Catherine said placing her hands behind her back.

  "Its ok Detective I know what Maricus meant to you," Dollson said placing a hand on her shoulder. "I know this is bad timing however the top brass wants this case closed as quickly as possible. They don't want the public finding out there's a deranged killer out there. So I'm assigning Nicky Marsh here as your partner."

  "But Captain!"

  "No but's Catherine its out of my hands," Dollson said raising his hands in surrender. Catherine looked pass Dollson to the woman a few feet behind him. Her raven hair glistened in the light, her sharp jaw line made her envious. Her black pin strip pants sat snug against her well defined legs. The fact she was a good foot taller then she was rightly pissed her off. Everything about the woman made Catherine feel like second hand goods.

  "You must be Catherine Halford I look forward to working with you," Nicky said detaching herself from the group of men spellbound by her looks.

  "Me to," Catherine said halfheartedly shaking her hand.

  "Well I'll leave the two of you to get acquainted," Dollson said returning to his office.

  "Listen I know you just lost your partner, I don't want you to think I'm here to take his spot. So once this case is over I'll put in my transfer papers if this doesn't work out," Nicky said her hazel eyes held wonderment. "So I hear we have a sick bastard on our hands. The captain has brought me up to speed on the case, do we have any new leads to go on."

  "Well we may have one avenue to go down, however I haven't to get the captain's permission yet," Catherine said leaning back in her chair her pen tapping her chin.

  "Then should we not see where this leads us regardless if the captain likes it or not," Nicky said sitting on the edge of her desk.

  "I don't think he would mind us showing
up at his door," Catherine said with a smirk. Catherine looked out the frost covered car window, at the two inches of newly fallen snow that lined John's lawn. It's only been a few hours since their return yet she found herself apprehensive to see him so soon. With Nicky in the same room she couldn't do the things her mind urged her to do.

  "So what is this place," Nicky asked looking over at her.

  "This is John Adams home and store. I must warn you not to get spooked by anything you see in there," Catherine said killing the engine. Walking into the store her heart sank not seeing John behind the counter. Susan sat behind the counter with one of the many books John had given her laid open before her. Her hand frantically writing down notes as her eyes scanned the pages for useful information. Glancing up at the sound of the door chime setting down her pen Susan stood ready to help them in any way.

  "Welcome to Rare occult books and artifacts I'm Susan how can I help you," Susan said with pride.

  "Hello Susan is John awake," Catherine said smiling at her.

  "I can't say Ms. Halford he's been in his room since the two of you returned this morning," Susan said her fingers drumming on the counter. "Do you want me to go check and see."

  "No that's ok I know where it is," Catherine said with a sly smile. "Mind waiting here," she said looking over at Nicky.

  "Not at all," Nicky said eyeing the odd assortment of nick-nacks on the counter. Tapping the glass case as Catherine steeped through the curtain. Nicky's head shot back as a skull turned to look at her. "So how long have you been working here."

  "Just started," Susan said not lookin up from her book.

  "And your ok with all of this," Nicky said arching her arm.

  "This is nothing new to me," Susan said scribbling down more notes on hex pixies. As Nicky was about to tap on the glass wall of the aquarium, Susan hand shot out taking hold of her arm. "Please don't do that I just cleaned it and I really don't want to do it again."


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